~~++October Bumpkins 2012++~~

As if I haven't had enough crap to deal with, my nan went and broke her hip today so is in hospital waiting for an op in the morning! Someone somewhere is testing our family!!!
Sorry to hear about your Nan, Flutterfly! I hope she is ok and makes a full recovery!
Hope everything goes well with your nan Flutterfly! FX'd for your fam.

Subaru Outbacks are great cars Madilyn! I had one briefly. :thumbup:
Hope your Nan's op went well Flutterly x

Sorry I've been awol, not been feeling great, had my iron count done yesterday, hoping it comes back as low as iron tablets would be a nice simple way of making me feel better! Then to top it off my lower back/hip is killing me today, so much so that DH had to come home from work at lunchtime as I just couldn't cope lifting my son any more :( Really hope I've just pulled a muscle or something rather than PGP.

How is everyone else?
I just drove all the way to the hospital and they wouldn't let me see her :( I phoned and asked that if she was still in recovery would I be able to see her and they said yes. I got there and they said no :( she's had to have a blood transfusion which is why she's still in recovery but we don't know anything else :( my hormones made me cry!!!
Of course you cried, totally understandable. She's in the best place x
Great news!

Fifi, I have what feels like a pinched a nerve in the rear of my hip. Twinges if I bend or move oddly. Is that similar? I'm wondering if it's to do with hip expansion.
This is constant. Made worse by lifting DS, lying down, sitting for any length of time, walking. Got a GP appt this afternoon to get some PKs so I can at least get some sleep. Sneaking suspicion it's PGP. Hoping not though as it came on so suddenly. Might try finding a chiropractor, I've heard good things about success of it on PGP.
Aw Flutterly sorry to hear about your nan but glad to hear her op went well!

I've been getting a sharp pain in my right buttock kind of. It literally feels like someone has kicked my leg out from under me and the pain shoots up my back. Doesn't seem to happen consistently really so not sure what could be causing it!

We've found a new house so we'll be moving in the next few weeks! So glad that we'll get to move before I'm too far along!
Dizzy- your so lucky, we are still on the hunt for one we love as its going to be our home for minimum the next 10 years so we don't want to settle.
Flutterly- glad she pulled through a surgery well, shes a fighter!
Fifi- I have had a problem with my left hip for years. They feel I had a touch of hip displasiathst was missed when I was young, and it runs in our family. My last pregnancy I got a lot of hip/leg pain while in the last two trimesters, then during my labor it was the only spot the epidural refused to work on. It killed! This pregnancy is no diff for me, IRS started hurting and it wakes me at night whenever I lay on my left side (of course best way to sleep for baby). No one did anything last time, I assume I'm gonna have to live with it :(
Dizzy- your so lucky, we are still on the hunt for one we love as its going to be our home for minimum the next 10 years so we don't want to settle.

Yeah I know we've been searching for something in budget and this new one ticks all the boxes, walking distance to playschool, primary and secondary schools we want to use eventually, my parents house is around the corner, bus stop across the road and walking distance to town and multiple parks. House is in budget and nice and clean and has been redecorated the past few weeks and it's in a really settled quiet area.
Fingers crossed we can stay there til we can afford to buy which realistically could be 5-10 years.
I hear ya, buying takes a lot of prep. We did it early on with a fixer upper instead of renting. We just couldn't watch that money just go down the toilet every month when we worked so hard to earn it. So we got a down payment and got approved and finally found an acceptable workable house. It's the one we've just sold and we are moving in a couple of months, just don't know where yet. It feels like there isn't enough to choose from right now, and I'm getting really discouraged
Fingers crossed the perfect house comes up for you guys soon hun :)
Hello Ladies, i havent written in here in months, i saw that they put whether its a boy or girl by your due date, im due oct 23 im already there but we just found out we are having a baby boy :)
Hey All!

Back after no internet for 8 days. Gosh feels good to be able to surf again. Had a rough few days with Lucy getting conjunctivitis and has also been exposed to Slapped Cheek Syndrome which my child minder's daughter has got. No rash on Lucy yet but she's had a really high temp for a couple of days. Lots of calpol and sleep and cuddles. Seems a bit better today. Had to have blood tests as Slapped Cheek can be harmful to unborn one, although lower risk after 20 weeks and in all likelihood I've already had it. Doctor didn't seem overly concerned anyway, think it's just a precaution.

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