~~++October Bumpkins 2012++~~

Thanks everyone - he's still with us but mostly sleeping now!!

I am having an OMG moment as I wake up and am 30 weeks pregnant!!! 30?????? How???? That's major!!!
Only 10 weeks (or maybe less!) to go!! Just wait til it's your LO's 1st Birthday!!! Can't believe this time last year I had a teeny newborn (ok not that teeny at 8lb 9oz) and now I have a whirlwind monster who causes chaos throughout the house :lol:
Saw the consultant this afternoon and he's cool with putting me back on midwife led care and referring me to the birthing unit :happydance: Dictated the letter while I was there :D YAY!!!
Flutterly - :hugs: to you and family.

I had midwife today. She said she felt as if Alexandre 3/5 engaged at 28 weeks.

Can this happen and does mean he come earlier? I feel he more down as feel pressure in pelvic area all day.

x Francisca x
Sorry to hear about you dad, that must be so hard. Sadly I lost of of my best friends in the Tornado crash that occurred n Scotland 2weeks ago. It's devastating.

So I'm not quite there yet bu I have joined the 3rd tri board. I visited m friends new born yesterday and it's really scared me. His little head was so floppy and he cried on me and only me. Just hoping my girly loves me.

Had my 4d scan last sat, I'll try to upload some pics, she already looks like OH when he was a baby! Scary!

Wow, Flutterly 30 is the real deal now! I cannot wait to get there, I always think after 30 weeks the baby is as good as baked. Fifi, make the most of 1, my little newborn will be 9 in October!!!! :shock:

maidelyn congrats on being able to move into the midwife care, so much more relaxing.

FranciscaM I think 3/5 engaged is a good thing, it can take weeks for the head to be fully engaged, I think my other three were head down from about 20 weeks and I remember at least on being 3/5 early on but I didn't go into labour until 39-40 weeks with any of them.

glitterfly :hugs:
Glitterfly, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend :( hugs to you xx

I know, 30 weeks hey?! I feel it though, he was head down at appointment last week but she said not engaged! Gawd knows what it feels like when he is engaged cos it's bloody uncomfortable now!!

This heat is something else - I am sooooo hot :(
It scares me to think this heat will just get worst as August and September hit. Almost can go and enjoy the outdoors much anymore. When I was a kid summers were like 26 degrees c and breezy and gorgeous. You could spend all day out. Now in the mid 40's you can hardly breathe after 10 minutes.
Oh that's poo! We only have it for like a week here and then it's gone. Could not put up with this all the time! I got home from the hospital earlier to do some work and off came the dress and bra and on went the pj shorts and vest top!!!
Haha, me too. At home it's yoga pants or shorts and tanks, ponytail. No one to impress :) plus I deserve to be comfortable, I'm pregnant damn it!
Maidelyn that's fab news :happydance:
Francisca I'm not sure if it means anything in particular regards labour but hope it's not too uncomfortable!
Glitterfly sorry to hear about your friend :hugs:
I get these little moments of panic too that my baby won't like me but then I have to tell myself every baby loves its mam :)

I'm with you guys on the comfy clothes!! Either yoga pants or pjs for me when I'm home :haha:

I've not been sleeping well at all the last few nights and I feel like it's really takenit outta me. Felt dizzy and lightheaded today after doing the food shop so had to come home and go to bed for a bit. Feel a wee bit better now but still not 100% :(
Hello ladies!

Really sorry to hear about your friend Glitterfly.

Flutterly - hope you get lots more good days with your Dad, despite them being exhausting :)

So Third Tri has arrived and all of a sudden my body knows it! Have felt a real shift in the last couple of days and suddenly can't sleep/bend down/climb stairs without a real effort. Getting scared as I've just been breezing along until now and I've suddenly got flashbacks of how uncomfortable it gets towards the end. Hope I don't go to 42 weeks again.
42 weeks sounds aweful! For me from 37-38 I was friggin huge and done. Just get this over with already. I made it to 40+1. Hubby and I went walking everywhere, non stop for my due date and the day following. I was angry and determined. I gave up at 3 pm and we went home, totally defeated. I was putting in laundry after that bent to pick up a dropped sock and low and behold my water broke. Definately think the walking helped it along.
I had another ultrasound today because I have hypothyroidism and they wanted to make sure baby was still developing normally. My thyroid levels have been great all through and my dose has not had to be changed. She is growing nicely and is now 2 lbs. and 12 oz! Since all is well, this was my last ultrasound. Bitter sweet.

Here is her 4D pic though. She looks like her Daddy! :)


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Glitterfly - Sorry to hear about your friend. :hugs:

Leikela - Great pic of LO!!! So amazing to see what they look like that far along!

I feel like the third tri has caught up to me already. Less than a week in, but I definitely feel like moving is getting harder and going up and down stairs has me panting pretty good.

I can't tell if my little girl has moved head down yet or not. My kicks are mostly in the middle of my stomach, so I'm hoping that means she's where she should be now. I had a version with my son since he refused to turn and would like to avoid that again if I could.
maidelyn - yay for midwife led care!!!
Francisca- this LO is head down already, didn't check how engaged though. DS was head down and engaged for ages but still didn't go into labour til I was induced at 42 weeks!
Glitterfly I am so sorry for your loss x
Cheshire - I'm sure it seems like no time at all since your wee guy was a newborn!
Flutterly and Hopeful - come to Scotland, we get excited when it's sunny as it happens so rarely!!! I bought DS waterproof trousers yesterday :lol:
dizzydoll - I'm with you on the no sleeping, it sucks! Watch the dizziness, it could be your iron levels. Do you have a m/w appt soon?
Lady-K - I can sympathise, was induced at 42wks with DS, this baby seems even bigger eek! I tried everything to get DS out, walking for miles, curry, pineapple, sex, nothing worked!!
Leikela - good job on your thyroid levels, and cute pic!
Annabelle - a version does not sound like fun, fingers crossed for a head down baby for you this time :)

AFM I feel rubbish. Iron levels are fine now so I think it's just the lack of sleep and running around after DS! DH had been on holiday all week so we've been out and about most days which has taken its toll. Off swimming with DS tomorrow, if you hear reports on the news of a beached whale in Scotland, don't worry it's just me in my swimming costume!!! :lol:
Oh Fifi, your such the joker, beached whale huh?
I know how you feel though. I'm starting to hit that point too, just feeling huge and a run down by my son.
Our day has not turned out as thought!

We meant to be looking round new flat (we move on 15 next month) so we could measure rooms and plan know where things are to go. I only managed to last hour, as I was so tired and uncomfortable! So as I rested in nursery as getting kicked, husband went round taking measurements.

And we decide that nursery is to be light blue walls with cloud effects. So we go shopping for paint next week and get things started.

I now home resting and husband gone back to flat to measure again. He meant to be on night shift again tonight, but he now staying at home to watch Olympic open ceremony with me and our bouncing boy!
My dad passed away peacefully at about 5.30 this morning :( he had deteriorated rapidly over the last couple of days so we knew it was coming but I'm absolutely devastated :(
I am so sorry Flutterly. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family x

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