October bumpkins 2019

Had my anatomy scan today and the tech wasn't really allowed to say much, but I asked if everything was good and she said yes, so I assume everything is as it should be. I also confirmed that the gender is still a girl so now I can feel even more confident in shopping.

I had to register at the hospital I'm planning to give birth at in person. I hadn't been in the hospital before and it's recently had an expansion and an all new maternity ward. I'm super happy to have chosen it, as I was shocked at how well laid out the department was and all the staff were super friendly and knew my midwife well. Time is going so fast, I can't believe everyone is getting past that 20 week mark already. I still remember when this group was new and everyone was excited about getting their first scans. Seems like yesterday.

Congrats sweety I'm glad ure scan went well and she is still a girl. How exciting
Hi ladies.
So I'm in hospital. Yesterday my pee was burning so bad and as the day went on I was in so much pain and having alot of Braxton hicks contractions that felt a little uncomfortable. I also had back ache so I went to A@E.
I have been admitted and been in all night. My blood pressure was high last night and my pee sample came back with all sorts wrong.
They gave me some paracetamol for the pain. I put up with it for so long but it got to the point where I was struggling to walk.

They have also started me on antibiotics. And this morning the pain is so much better and it's not burning now when I pee.
They think it's a very had UTI or kidney infection.
My blood pressure is now back down to normol so that's a relief. They have listened to babies HB a few times and said it's very strong.

Baby had been quite the past couple of days but last night he decided its party time and was giving me the strongest kicks yet. I've never felt so relieved. I've had lots of blood taken and I'm just waiting for the doctors to come around.

Did have my high risk ob/gyn appointment today but I've been admitted in the same hospital so not sure if that appointment will be re arranged.

Just so glad I'm not in all that pain now because it was awful.

Ive also started getting SPD and pelvic gurdle pain but that was to be expected as I had it with my other 2.
Will know more when I see the doctors.
Baby was so active last night and been feeling him kicking all morning as well. Didnt sleep well last night. Must of peed about a thousand times. I never want to be in that pain again.
Have changed my ticker because they are going by my 13 week scan measurements and not the gender scan so it puts me 3 days behind but I'm not to bothered because I'll be having him early pluss my due date can change again because I'll be having regular growth scans from 26 weeks.
So I apologise If my ticker changes again. I'm just gonna go with what the hospital say and there sticking to due date being 14th October for now
I will be having him in September just hoping he dont decide to come b4 then. Wud love to him to come on my nannas birthday on 11th September. I'll be 35+2 so there's a high possibility. Really dont want him coming b4 35 weeks. Wud love to get to 36 but we shall see. [-o<
@Suggerhoney I'm sorry you are in hospital but glad you are feeling better already! I had a bad UTI at the beginning of this pregnancy and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, I'm usually pretty good with pain but I was a mess!!
Congrats on your scan @Teanna, get buying all those girlie outfits and things!
@PrettyInInk42 glad your scan went well! Have you been told the baby may be a boy, or do you have a gut feeling?
I was 100% sure this time round that we were having a boy, from pretty much the moment we knew we were pregnant!
@brittany12 please do keep posting! I am incredibly nosy and always want to read more about everyone's life haha!
We dont have the space for a nursery so this one is going to bunk with us for a few months, then move in with one of the other kids, and I'm gutted there will be no decorating done for him. Olive sounds really calming and relaxing, and definitely unisex!
oh, and well done on getting names nailed down. We have a list that we kind of like, but nothing is jumping out right now!x
@Suggerhoney I'm sorry you are in hospital but glad you are feeling better already! I had a bad UTI at the beginning of this pregnancy and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, I'm usually pretty good with pain but I was a mess!!
Congrats on your scan @Teanna, get buying all those girlie outfits and things!
@PrettyInInk42 glad your scan went well! Have you been told the baby may be a boy, or do you have a gut feeling?
I was 100% sure this time round that we were having a boy, from pretty much the moment we knew we were pregnant!
@brittany12 please do keep posting! I am incredibly nosy and always want to read more about everyone's life haha!
We dont have the space for a nursery so this one is going to bunk with us for a few months, then move in with one of the other kids, and I'm gutted there will be no decorating done for him. Olive sounds really calming and relaxing, and definitely unisex!
oh, and well done on getting names nailed down. We have a list that we kind of like, but nothing is jumping out right now!x

Thank you sweety. Oh my goodness yes I wudnt wish the pain on anyone either. I'm still walking around like I've lost my horse (LOL) but the pain has eased so much. It was unbearable I thought it was going to make me go into labour because I kept getting tightnigns. But it's all settled now and little man is moving around in there.

I'm in the same boat as you and dont have a nursery to decorate as little dude will be in with us for a year or so. Wud love to be able to decorate a nursery but never mind.
brittany - I feel the same about not posting cuz things are going so well and there's not much for me to have to buy or prep right now. This group also moves a little fast for me, but it seems to have slowed a bit since my last post so I've had time to catch up while on break at work. I guess just post when you can. Maybe pics of stuff for the nursery some of the cute outfits you kept from your previous LOs.

doddy - I did a SneakPeek blood test at 11 weeks and it came back "boy". There's always room for error and I think SO and were both hoping for a girl, but I'm like 90% at peace with another boy right now. I just want it confirmed either way so I can either go shopping or sort through Alex's old clothes and SO and I can start discussing names.

Sugger - Oh, man. That sounds so painful. Glad you're feeling better now though. FX your LO stays put til at least 35 weeks.

AFM, not too much to report. Still feeling movements, which is always nice. Still just looking fat instead of pg. And I went to a baby shower alone with Alex on Sunday and he decided to throw up all his breakfast and milk on the way there. Such a mess. Thankfully I had lots of wipes and 2 changes of clothes for him. I had to completely strip and wash the carseat when we got home. It's never been so clean though. There's a little something for you first time moms to look forward to. lol
Hey ladies..

I'll have a read through all the posts tonight hope everyone is well..

Afm I have been missing in action for awhile I received some good news so I can update everyone now.. sorry long post

First ..Thanks @Suggerhoney for checking in on me this morning xxx

I think I mentioned I failed my fasting bloods test for diabetes.. I had a repeat done 2 weeks after it.. I never received a call to say I failed the second test so I assumed I passed.. went to spice girls concert and enjoyed myself... but a couple of days later I received a call to say I had in fact failed the second blood test and they needed me to come in and be admitted so I could start insulin...

I at first thought they got my charts mixed up with someone as my results where still only pre diabetes so to me insulin was a drastic action to take...

I went into hospital to met with the diabetic team last wed and got a briefing on how insulin works... so scary!!!! They also discussed about baby may needing icu and when to start the steroids for its lungs.. freaked me out big time.. I think cause you just don't know what and when something could go wrong...

I protested staying in over night the wed night as I am my daughter's career and my hubby was away with work and I would be back in nthe Friday with my scan so I agreed to be admitted that night as my hubby would be there to look after dd1.

On the Thursday I done some research and found that insulin was in fact a drastic measure to take with my results which where only slightly over the pre warning number... so I queried it with the midwife (so rude to me on the phone) and said i wasnt happy going on insulin without speaking to the doc first as to why they where putting me on it so soon with no other alternatives..

Scan on the Friday went well.. baby was very stubborn so was there for ages... no side profile pics as baby had both arms up like a boxer defending itself so no face pic which i was kinda sad.. baby had legs crossed and tucked in so no way of me finding out even if I wanted too..

They checked if baby was measuring everything normally espically with the diabetes and baby was spot on with my dates.. it is 14oz so nearly 1lb which I find crazy lol.. but in their eyes nothing wrong or worrying going on...

So after my scan I had to go down to meet the diabetic team to duscuss why I was being put on insulin... turns out they thought I had already been on a strict diet and had been using a glucometor... I told them I hadn't been doing any of the above so they agreed to let me try the diet and glucometor over the bank holiday weekend (it was in Ireland) to get my diet in check and the numbers down... and I did woohoo :dance:

So I have been been discharged from the insulin team and am solely managing it with diet... so happy I stuck to my guns and questioned it.. I'm not due back for bloods till the 27th of June so i can go on my holidays next Friday and relax and enjoy myself xx
Hey ladies..

I'll have a read through all the posts tonight hope everyone is well..

Afm I have been missing in action for awhile I received some good news so I can update everyone now.. sorry long post

First ..Thanks @Suggerhoney for checking in on me this morning xxx

I think I mentioned I failed my fasting bloods test for diabetes.. I had a repeat done 2 weeks after it.. I never received a call to say I failed the second test so I assumed I passed.. went to spice girls concert and enjoyed myself... but a couple of days later I received a call to say I had in fact failed the second blood test and they needed me to come in and be admitted so I could start insulin...

I at first thought they got my charts mixed up with someone as my results where still only pre diabetes so to me insulin was a drastic action to take...

I went into hospital to met with the diabetic team last wed and got a briefing on how insulin works... so scary!!!! They also discussed about baby may needing icu and when to start the steroids for its lungs.. freaked me out big time.. I think cause you just don't know what and when something could go wrong...

I protested staying in over night the wed night as I am my daughter's career and my hubby was away with work and I would be back in nthe Friday with my scan so I agreed to be admitted that night as my hubby would be there to look after dd1.

On the Thursday I done some research and found that insulin was in fact a drastic measure to take with my results which where only slightly over the pre warning number... so I queried it with the midwife (so rude to me on the phone) and said i wasnt happy going on insulin without speaking to the doc first as to why they where putting me on it so soon with no other alternatives..

Scan on the Friday went well.. baby was very stubborn so was there for ages... no side profile pics as baby had both arms up like a boxer defending itself so no face pic which i was kinda sad.. baby had legs crossed and tucked in so no way of me finding out even if I wanted too..

They checked if baby was measuring everything normally espically with the diabetes and baby was spot on with my dates.. it is 14oz so nearly 1lb which I find crazy lol.. but in their eyes nothing wrong or worrying going on...

So after my scan I had to go down to meet the diabetic team to duscuss why I was being put on insulin... turns out they thought I had already been on a strict diet and had been using a glucometor... I told them I hadn't been doing any of the above so they agreed to let me try the diet and glucometor over the bank holiday weekend (it was in Ireland) to get my diet in check and the numbers down... and I did woohoo :dance:

So I have been been discharged from the insulin team and am solely managing it with diet... so happy I stuck to my guns and questioned it.. I'm not due back for bloods till the 27th of June so i can go on my holidays next Friday and relax and enjoy myself xx

Oh sweety I'm so happy you did the research and had it all checked out so u cud ask them about it. Thank heavens for that u must of been going out of ure mind u poor thing no wonder u needed time out.
So happy ure managing it ure own way and not having to go on insulin.

Haha my baby was being stubborn as well I didn't get any pics because there just wants any good ones but I will hopfully get some on Tuesday. I think he has moved position now because I'm feeling kicks above my belly button. So hopfully he will behave on Tuesday and we can have a good look at his heart and get some pics. Hope it dont move back to that same awkward position again little monkey Haha
Hi ladies I'm home now yay.
Feeling alot better.
So they said it's a really nasty UTI and they have given me some antibiotics and painkillers.
I still went and see my high risk pregnancy consultant, I looked like a rite idiot sat there with my pyjamas and rabbit slippers on and IV in my arm, got some funny looks but my high risk consultant was like oh my goodness what have you been up to? I told her I was setting a new fashion trend hahaha. Oh I had them really sexy stocking things on as well that they make u wear to stop blood clots, Mmmmmm I was such a sight for sore eyes hahahaha.:jo:
Anyway I've had my bile acid levels done today because there was no results other than my liver function and iron levels coming up on her screen.
She has given me iron pills because I'm really anemic so that wud explain the bad headaches and tiredness.
She asked about the itching which I said has gotten alot better since being on Urco.
I have a growth scan at 26+1 on 9th July and after that I will see the high risk pregnancy consultant again. I've also got 2 liver doctor appointments coming up on Monday and again when I'm 24 weeks and a scan on Tuesday to check his heart and get some pics so lots and lots of appointments.
She didnt say anything about when I will be induced but I guess it's a bit early to be talking about that. She may say more at the next appointment.
At the moment it looks like I'm gonna be having him naturally but I will enquire about a c section when I'm further along and see what she says. Just felt it was a bit to early yet so didnt say anything.
Baby has been active all night and all day. Had some big kicks today and one was above the belly button so that surprised me. Seems like the little monkey has found his strength. Think hes been having a party in there.:bunny::wine:

Still dont feel ready to buy him stuff yet but will when I get to 25 or 26 weeks but will see how I feel when I get to that stage. May hold off until I'm 28 weeks but will just go with how I'm feeling at the time.

Not had much sleep and of ALL the places they cud of put me they put me on a ward in the early pregnancy unit as no beds in pregnancy ward.
But I felt so bad walking around with a bump while there are womon in there waiting for scans to see if they are misscarying.
Felt so bad for them.:sad1:
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Here's the update from me, I ended up not saying anything to my doctor. I just couldn't I feel crazy enough as it is and just couldn't. However, with having a super bad cold and my kids parties the past weekend/week I haven't had much time to think on it. I have the big scan on Friday at 8AM. I am sure there is just one baby in there, has to be just one. On the doppler I can still find two different heartbeats. One down low at around 150-155 bpm and one up high at about 160-165 bpm. I also can easily find the placenta as well which is about 3 inches above my belly button. I feel movement all over from down low to up high but I'm sure if there where hints of twins my doctor would have said something by now. Just sucks that here normally you don't get a scan until 20 weeks here, but due to my history I get one at 7 weeks, but was actually 6 weeks this time. Ugh. Anyway we'll know soon enough and I can stop having my crazy moments X'D

Anyway how is everyone doing?
Sorry for the double posts, just finally got on to back read some X'D

Suggerhoney: No idea on DH side (shouldn't matter anyway), as for my side, my dad's side has a history, but again shouldn't matter, gene is only passed from mother's side. My mom's side apparently there is and it skips every other generation? But I personally dug more into it and I don't believe so. My grandpa (mom's dad) has a history of twins, but my grandma doesn't. I can go as far back as great grandma to me and nobody had twins. So if I would it'd be identical more than likely.
I'm a very logic person and logically I can debunk twins all day long, it makes the most sense. However, my gut and mind wont give it a rest and it's stupid to me because again logically doesn't make sense. Best explanation I have is that while I never feared for twins before, I am this time because this pregnancy is such a HUGE shocker. It wasn't planned and I'm a huge planner. It was completely out of my control and that's something I have struggled with this go around. However, I feel better now that we're 20 weeks along and am coming around. It still feels weird to be honest but I'm in a much better place than I was in the beginning.
What's further stupid, is my mind swears my doctor thinks there may be two, but doesn't want to worry me (he knows how much of a control freak I am) and the first meeting this pregnancy I flat out said thank god it's only one I can't handle twins, I refuse twins. Reason I think this all is I am measuring a little ahead at this point (from last check up 1.5 weeks ago), just how I feel he may be hinting at things. I dunno hard to explain, he and I have a great history/relationship, but I can't help but to pick up on these vibes. Again I feel crazy and logically none of this makes sense.
@butterflywolf I would ask at your next appointment why you are getting different heart rates in different places.. if it is not twins I'm sure there is am answer for it..

As for movements I feel more moments up above my belly button and some down so low in my pelvic baby is head down so I'm guessing it is just moving all around but when I said it to the midwife she said I couldn't feel it so high as my uterus isn't up that high.. I have video evidence of the baby kicking that high but she just said it must have been something else... like what I don't know unless I have a monster inside me the baby kicked up that high
Seems like I've got lots to catch up on! I really don't get on here alot at the moment, I'm off for a read x
Just got caught up on all the posts. Seems like everyone's been having a busy week.

@Shorty88 I'm glad you finally got good news and stood up for yourself.

@Suggerhoney yikes, that sounds like a rough couple days. bladder infections are the worst. I'm glad you got it under control now.

@butterflywolf I've been paranoid about twins too as they do run in my family and I've consistently measured 3 weeks ahead. At 18 weeks my uterus was above my belly button already though it was ruled out at my 12 week ultrasound and baby is measuring normally. I had no surprises at my 16 week and 19 week scans either luckily as I can't imagine having twins while being a single mom. If you haven't had another scan since 6/7 weeks then there could always still be a chance. The two heart beats are curious though it could easily be the same one or some sort of echo. Though measuring big isn't necessarily a sure sign of twins.
Finally caught up with everyone. Im glad everyone is doing good and all is well now. I haven't been posting much, but I read everything. I finally had my 20 week scan today even though I am 21wks now. My child's scan went great!! He is really a "HE" weighing in at 14oz almost a pound, the technician said he is very portioned I think that means good, he's also measuring 2 days behind, but she said all is well. She laughed it off and said lets just say his due date is around the 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th and 17th, its one of those days or early or late whenever he's ready." At the time of scan he was laying across my belly head in my right pelvic and butt to my left. Awe Ladies, Im so inlove!!!<3<3<3

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brittany - I feel the same about not posting cuz things are going so well and there's not much for me to have to buy or prep right now. This group also moves a little fast for me, but it seems to have slowed a bit since my last post so I've had time to catch up while on break at work. I guess just post when you can. Maybe pics of stuff for the nursery some of the cute outfits you kept from your previous LOs.

doddy - I did a SneakPeek blood test at 11 weeks and it came back "boy". There's always room for error and I think SO and were both hoping for a girl, but I'm like 90% at peace with another boy right now. I just want it confirmed either way so I can either go shopping or sort through Alex's old clothes and SO and I can start discussing names.

Sugger - Oh, man. That sounds so painful. Glad you're feeling better now though. FX your LO stays put til at least 35 weeks.

AFM, not too much to report. Still feeling movements, which is always nice. Still just looking fat instead of pg. And I went to a baby shower alone with Alex on Sunday and he decided to throw up all his breakfast and milk on the way there. Such a mess. Thankfully I had lots of wipes and 2 changes of clothes for him. I had to completely strip and wash the carseat when we got home. It's never been so clean though. There's a little something for you first time moms to look forward to. lol

Car throw up is the worst especially when it’s milk!! I’ve literally had to buy a whole new car seat one time while I was out because it was so bad! Ugh! Feel for ya!
My placenta is anterior so I'm hoping it is just that but I'm 20w 1d and I've still not felt baby move yet.. Is this normal as I'm starting to worry? Got my anatomy scan on Monday. X
My placenta is anterior so I'm hoping it is just that but I'm 20w 1d and I've still not felt baby move yet.. Is this normal as I'm starting to worry? Got my anatomy scan on Monday. X
I've heard with an anterior placenta it could take up to 24/25 weeks to really feel movement, especially if it's your first pregnancy.

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