Hey ladies..
I'll have a read through all the posts tonight hope everyone is well..
Afm I have been missing in action for awhile I received some good news so I can update everyone now.. sorry long post
First ..Thanks
@Suggerhoney for checking in on me this morning xxx
I think I mentioned I failed my fasting bloods test for diabetes.. I had a repeat done 2 weeks after it.. I never received a call to say I failed the second test so I assumed I passed.. went to spice girls concert and enjoyed myself... but a couple of days later I received a call to say I had in fact failed the second blood test and they needed me to come in and be admitted so I could start insulin...
I at first thought they got my charts mixed up with someone as my results where still only pre diabetes so to me insulin was a drastic action to take...
I went into hospital to met with the diabetic team last wed and got a briefing on how insulin works... so scary!!!! They also discussed about baby may needing icu and when to start the steroids for its lungs.. freaked me out big time.. I think cause you just don't know what and when something could go wrong...
I protested staying in over night the wed night as I am my daughter's career and my hubby was away with work and I would be back in nthe Friday with my scan so I agreed to be admitted that night as my hubby would be there to look after dd1.
On the Thursday I done some research and found that insulin was in fact a drastic measure to take with my results which where only slightly over the pre warning number... so I queried it with the midwife (so rude to me on the phone) and said i wasnt happy going on insulin without speaking to the doc first as to why they where putting me on it so soon with no other alternatives..
Scan on the Friday went well.. baby was very stubborn so was there for ages... no side profile pics as baby had both arms up like a boxer defending itself so no face pic which i was kinda sad.. baby had legs crossed and tucked in so no way of me finding out even if I wanted too..
They checked if baby was measuring everything normally espically with the diabetes and baby was spot on with my dates.. it is 14oz so nearly 1lb which I find crazy lol.. but in their eyes nothing wrong or worrying going on...
So after my scan I had to go down to meet the diabetic team to duscuss why I was being put on insulin... turns out they thought I had already been on a strict diet and had been using a glucometor... I told them I hadn't been doing any of the above so they agreed to let me try the diet and glucometor over the bank holiday weekend (it was in Ireland) to get my diet in check and the numbers down... and I did woohoo
So I have been been discharged from the insulin team and am solely managing it with diet... so happy I stuck to my guns and questioned it.. I'm not due back for bloods till the 27th of June so i can go on my holidays next Friday and relax and enjoy myself xx