Good for you @brittany12 I said once I get home from my holidays at the end of June I'll get stuck in the nursery ita currently the whole house walk in wardrobe so it should be fun trying to sort everything out  ](*,)](/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/eusa_wall.gif)
That is exactly how my nursery looked. We've gutted the room now which we basically used as storage and now just to get a few little repairs done before we paint and get stuck into building the furniture!Good for you @brittany12 I said once I get home from my holidays at the end of June I'll get stuck in the nursery ita currently the whole house walk in wardrobe so it should be fun trying to sort everything out![]()
thank you for this. I am going through waves of being positive and not so positive at the moment.Hi hon.. just want to say my son was pretty much the same.. femur off the charts, AC behind.. only BPD & HC age appropriate..
He came out fine, just small at 6lbs.
He thrived better outside of course and is an amazing toddler today so pls try to be positive :*
So I went for my 20 week scan and they tried to scan me for over an hour but baby was too curled up (also flipped back to breech - was head down at 16 weeks) so they weren't able to check the heart, spine, cord insertion, face and lips or confirm if she's a girl or not. They had me drinking fizzy pop, walked round, did lunges and squats, empty my bladder twice, they tilted the bed right back and got me to roll side to side. Nothing. So now got to wait until I'm 23 weeks and travel to a hospital further away as that's the only appointment they had. Was hoping to feel reassured but I'm definitely not after today.
Ignore the stupid face I'm such a moron lol