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October bumpkins 2019

I am hoping your numbers stabilize again. Really hoping you can get to 35 weeks. Hang in there <3 And thank you for sharing your info too about my fears/anxiety. I'm sorry you aren't able to get a c-section, but praying all will go well for you. I know talking doesn't seem like it'll help but it does. It's like, for me, if you open up to someone on it you no longer are trying to shoulder it all alone. That's how I felt. My husband is going to try to start getting me to talk once a week about how I'm feeling mentally, which it's gotten better, and I don't feel alone in it, but I still worry.
I also am praying none of us have a bad hemorrhage either. I don't wish that on anyone. The minor one I had with my son wasn't a big deal, but the big one ugh.
Glad the pains eased off. I had a bit more braxton hicks last night but when I went and relaxed it helped, but they where getting a bit worrisome. I hope the tablets help you control the diabetes and that you're getting a lot of close watch to make sure baby girl doesn't get too big.

I have my doctor's apt tomorrow typical 28 week check up. Hard to believe after this one I'll be going in every two weeks already. I feel third tri tends to fly by as I measure my waiting game by my apts. Can't believe just a few short months now our babies will be here. For me Aug will probably fly by. Celebrating our daughter's b-day this weekend, can't believe she's 6! And then focused on getting the kids ready for school which starts here Sept 3rd I think it was (whatever the first tuesday is in Sept). Our son will be going into 4k which is his first year of school (half days).
Sept will probably fly by too for me as it'll be odd that I'm home alone half the day by myself! It'll be an odd feeling for a bit.
46 more days left till I'm 37 weeks.. omg.. that is going to fly in.. hoping c section will be closer to 38 weeks so i can cook the baba abit longer.. but I will accept whenever the doc says the baby needs to come out..

Hope everyone is well x
50 days to 37 weeks and baby!
(Hopefully he will stay in till 37 weeks)
Feeling those jabs & kicks so strongly. Even my DS loves to feel them. Kind of worried about the growth scan on 9th but DS keeps us super occupied.

Work is crappy. One junior colleague is really getting on my nerves now. Why can't PPL b just efficient and not blame others :|

30 weeks tmrw and here is the bump shot.

I agree hon it's so good to talk to others. If u keep things bottled up it just makes things so much worse. So glad were all here for each other<3

Sorry u had to go hospital. So glad everything settled. I've been getting bad Braxton hicks contractions that feel so much like the real thing' sometimes it totally freaks me out. Keep telling him he must stay put until mid September at the very least. It is such a worry.

Looking good hon.

I've been awake since 2:30am and cant sleep. Cant stop peeing and getting braxton hicks contractions. Not regular tho. But uncomfortable. I've peed about 5 times tonight.
Think i may of over done things yesterday doing the housework. I did keep taking breaks tho but my lower back and pelvis is really sore.

Hate getting all these Braxton hicks contractions. Esp now there getting painful. It's so scary. Just hope it's nothing trying to start.
I'm either 30 weeks tommorow or monday. All my scans since 16 weeks he has measured 3 days ahead so that makes me 30 weeks tommorow.
Guess it dont matter because I'm having him early anyway. But kind of wish they wud just change my due date because if I am more and I do go to 37 weeks just that extra 3 days cud be so dangerous.

Brought some body suits and onesies so he has a few now. Still got alot of things to get but we are getting there slowly.
Pram is still in the box not really sure when to get it out and set it up.
I'm not bothering writing a birth plan because I'm being induced and no dought the birth plan will go out the window so dont see the point.

Was told I shud get my hospital bag ready but feels to early yet' and have to buy the stuff I need to go in to it.
Prob do it around 34 weeks.

Weather has cooled here now so alot more bearable.
Hopfully will get a date for induction when I see my high risk pregnancy consultant on Tuesday.

Cant believe we are now in august and my baby will be here next month.
Just hope everything goes well[-o&lt;
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Talk about braxton hicks contraction, at first I didn't know what they were because this is my first. Anyhow, now that I know what they are they've been taking my breath away and I get them so much through out the day it makes me nervous. Some are a bit uncomfortable, but all of them when they start they really take my breath away where I have to stop what I'm doing and find myself breathing through it. My sister has also mentioned that I should probably pack my bags early as I keep having contractions.

I hope everyone is doing good and no more scary doctors visits until all of our babies are ready to come out healthy. Just a few more months ladies!!! \\:D/
Talk about braxton hicks contraction, at first I didn't know what they were because this is my first. Anyhow, now that I know what they are they've been taking my breath away and I get them so much through out the day it makes me nervous. Some are a bit uncomfortable, but all of them when they start they really take my breath away where I have to stop what I'm doing and find myself breathing through it. My sister has also mentioned that I should probably pack my bags early as I keep having contractions.

I hope everyone is doing good and no more scary doctors visits until all of our babies are ready to come out healthy. Just a few more months ladies!!! \\:D/

There so scary. I did have regular ones at 29 weeks with my first baby. They were every 10 mins then 5 mins apart and I was taken into hospital where of coarse the just fizzled out. Was told they were Braxton hicks contractions.
I then didnt go into proper labour until 39'+4.
So try not to worry to much hon.
The ones I get now are painful but they never get regular.
Still scary tho
I'm glad everyone seems to be doing well. I've been quiet on here since not much is going on. Though I did my GTT this morning and got my rhogam shot since I'm O neg. I actually really liked the drink, I may like sugar too much haha and luckily no call so I think I'm in the clear for gestational diabetes.

The rhogam shot was interesting, had to go to L&D at the hospital and get it done and saw woman coming in about to have their babies. It got me excited for what's to come in October. No one really told me the shot went in the behind, but the blood test for the glucose was worse overall. 28 weeks today, can't believe how fast the summer is going by.
Gah, I wrote a huge, long post and it all disappeared!
I haven't got the patience to do it again so here's the condensed version ha!
First growth scan was last week, sitting at the 20th percentile on my chart, so small but not a cause for concern at this point. His legs are now showing as under the 3rd percentile, still growing but slower than the curve. Next scan is 32 weeks at the end of August and will discuss options depending on those results. doppler was 'satisfactory' as well.

Fingers crossed this next few weeks will be the calm before the storm for all of us - last couple of weeks before we all go crazy over symptom spotting for signs of labour!
Hi ladies.
How are we all.
I've been a bit emotional lately. Like crying over silly things. The heat is really really getting to me I just feel hot all the time.
Also tiredness is back and sleeping at night is so hard now with a big baby bump.

Still getting the SPD as well as sciatica urghhh.
My bile acid levels have gone down again so that's good but they want to test me every weeks to keep an eye on it incase it jumps back up again. Also having baby monitored once a week now.

Still hoping to get my induction date on Tuesday.

30 weeks tommorow yay. Not long to go now.
Looking forward to my scan on tuesday to see baby again and how much he has grown.

Gonna start buying bits for my hospital bag in the next few weeks and prob start packing it around 34 weeks.

Contractions have settled right down now and only getting about 5 Braxton hicks a day and there just uncomfortable and not painful.

Noticed the return of the neuasa and mood swings the past day or 2.
These next few weeks cant come soon enough. Just cant wait to be holding my little man in my arms. I have 7 weeks max to go. But had a dream last night that my high risk pregnancy consultant booked me in for 36 weeks to be induced. So if on tuesday if she does do that I'm gonna be freaked Haha.

Loving the 4d and 3d scans. I wud love one but hubby wont let me and we cant afford it. He also said theres no point because I'm having growth scans. But I wud love to see exactly what baby looks like.
Oh well only a few more weeks and I will know.
Just hope and pray he wont have to stay in special care baby unit for to long and he is healthy [-o&lt;
i got my letter for my 1st consultant appoitment gotta go on thursday, im praying i will get offered growth scans x
31 weeks tomorrow and I’m just shocked!

At 31weeks with DD I was put out of work, pain and swelling were getting bad and we were getting all the things like pack and play, swing, car seat, diaper bag ready over the next couple of weeks! Induced at 39!

31 weeks with DS it was Thanksgiving time so wasn’t doing much other than getting ready for that and Christmas and spending time with family! So the weeks flew by before he came!

Now I’m here one more time, scheduled maternity photos this week and start my weekly visits with my doctor to keep an eye on swelling and blood pressure! Still working but cutting back the amount of days I go into the office and working more from home instead! DD starts gymnastics at the end of this month as well as her pre K classes first of September and then this baby will be here!

I want to spend as much time with DD before she does start her school because after this month I’ll never have her home with me all of the time again besides summer break from school. It makes me so sad to think about!

Also, want to spend as much time with DS before he is no longer the “baby” anymore and strongly feel like he won’t be the only boy anymore either! He’s such a mommy’s boy and he’s still so young that he doesn’t have a clue what’s about to happen! My DD was a little older when we had him so she knew but he’s clueless and his little world is going to be turned upside down!

Ah.. just being so emotional over here! Haha!
Speaking of emotional, I’ve cried about six different times today :shock: Has anyone seen that movie Life As We Know It? It came out like 10 years ago and I saw it then, but it came on Netflix recently and I cried - it’s a comedy :dohh:

Anyways, 29 weeks today. Feeling good. Haven’t heard back about any appointment from the OB, making me a bit nervous. My next midwife appointment isn’t until the 14th.

We had a realtor come look at the house we bought in January, we’d done a bunch of work on it but were shocked to hear what he thought it was worth. We took a look at a bigger house farther out of town - it’s a real fixer upper but it’s giant compared to our place. We’re just in a 2 bedroom now. Anyhow, if we decide to put an offer in we would have to sell our house within a week which is kind of insane. Who knows what will happen, I’m not crazy about the idea of moving right before the baby comes.
31 week bump pic


Rainbow baby

Braxton hicks defo uped this week nothing major.

Pram is out of the attic just wanted to clean it both my dds are so excited. I have mentioned before my eldest has autism so I want her to understand about the baby coming to the house. I'll be ordering the last stuff for baby's room.

Baby is being so lazy only active at night :dohh: hoping it's not the way it will be when it comes out lol x

6-7 weeks to go :happydance:
Britney and Sander
Really thought I was going nuts with these emotions so its good to know I'm not alone. It's just getting out of control. I feel so hormonal its unreal.

Love it hon u look lush. Love the rainbow as well.

Here's my 30 weeks bump. Feel huge
Growth scan tommorow then high risk consultant after. Really hope I get a date for induction.
20190805_171156.jpg 20190805_172246.jpg 20190805_171931.jpg
Looks like a big shiny bald headed man hahahaha:rofl:
Sugger you have such a nice bump!! I have stretch marks allllllll over. They go from my pubic bone up way past my belly button. It’s so awful
Been so crampy this afternoon and going to the bathroom so there’s nothing left so it’s got me a little worried but I’m pretty confident it’s just upset belly. If I were further along I’d be wondering if it was signs of labor!

Also freaking out because I’m wondering if baby is breach or head down! Never had a worry for any kid until here recently and not sure why! I know it’s still early so doesn’t matter cause baby can still move wherever but it’s just been on my mind a lot lately

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