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October bumpkins 2019

Sorry I haven’t been very active on here. I honestly just haven’t had much to say, plus my house has been having a lot of work done (great timing lol) so I’ve been super busy! Nearly finished though so I can’t wait to get into full on nesting mode!

Last night I went to the hospital because I felt off... exhausted, emotional, sicky (I wrote a post on third tri) and basically everything come back pretty much ok. Some things slightly raised but no cause for concern. Thank god.

I had a nap with my son today to catch up on some sleep as the doctor did say it seems I have worn myself to the ground... which I guess could definitely be the problem. I woke up feeling pretty good, but for the past hour I’ve been having some pretty bad back pain and now I’m exhausted, and just feel off again! Don’t feel like eating or nothing :(

Also, replying about the hormones. 100%. I am so emotional at the moment, starting to get very anxious about the whole thing if I’m honest. The birth, the baby, the change. I know il be ok, and I can’t wait to meet my baby... but it’s still scary to me. X

Not long now girls! Hope everyone is doing ok. Xx
Friends of ours just had their baby a couple days ago - seeing the newborn pictures are giving me baby fever lol. I said to DH I’m glad we’re already pregnant or I would be broody right now haha

Does anyone else feel like they’re going to be shocked when a baby actually comes out?? With my first I was so excited and was totally paying attention to the pregnancy all day every day. Now there are entire days I won’t even think about being pregnant - it’s so weird. I feel like when I actually give birth I’ll be like ah! There was a baby in there! :haha:
This has definitely been my easiest pregnancy and there was days early on I wouldn’t even realize I was pregnant, but since feeling baby move and stuff I’ve been really trying to savor and enjoy every last minute. Trying not to focus on the pains or bad moments because this is it. Last time. Once this baby is born that chapter of my life will be closed. I want this ending to be so cherished that I don’t have those “wish I would have enjoyed it more” feelings.

I love feeling this baby move and I’m so happy to have an active last baby lol. I’m glad I haven’t been so miserable so that I’ve enjoyed it. I’ve been very fortunate and while I honestly feel like I will fully be happy and content and done I think part of us women always miss the movements! It’s one thing nobody else can experience, it’s a special bond you have with your baby that nobody else gets! So I’ll be happy to never have to get this large again, but not rushing the last 8 weeks!
Just venting so please ignore lol..

But my god I'm going to snap if my hubby doesn't start realising that there is so much still left to do before baby comes in 6-7 weeks.. I know that seems like loads of time but not when he works all week I'm at home with two dds that are off school and constantly want my attention so I don't get a min.. on top of me having to do my blood sugar check up to 7 times a day ontop of my insulin at breakfast and at night..

I have cleared out the baby's room all by myself inbetween me been admitted in and out of hospital for doing too much work..

When I explain my frustration he just says there is loads of time to do that.. I'll do it next weekend and then he goes and books a running race so he is gone for most of the day ](*,)

I'm so sick of been the only one realising that this baby is coming soon.. or I could be taken in any time if my bloods go nuts or baby is getting too big then what?? Have paint fumes while a new born is in the house????

Any one else partner just not getting that the nesting period is real and they are just assholes =D>

I keep asking for him to get into the attic and check what we have so I know what I have to get.. I can't get up as it's not floor so I have to balance on the beams but at this rate I might aswell just do it myself

I'm so frustrated I keep crying then hubby actually has the balls to say to me you need to slow down your nearly 8 months pregnant.. no shit Sherlock I have been asking for help for weeks now

Sorry rant over
Hi ladies.

Not feeling so depressed now. I think I had a bipoler depressive episode. Maybe triggered by the hormones. Anyway they come on suddenly and can last a few hours days weeks or even months but thankfully mine only lasted 3 days.

However I'm now supper supper anxious and so scared about the birth even more so than b4.

Had growth scan today and baby is already 4lb 2 oz:shock:

I also saw my high risk pregnancy consultant and because my bile acid levels have dropped back down has said I wont be induced at 37 weeks now but more like 38 weeks.
No date yet still so really disappointed about that and really upsett I'm being pushed to go an extra week when I was originally told by the same doctor It wudnt be any later than 37 weeks due to it putting to much presure on my body and transplant scar.

So now I've been told it's a big baby and I'm being pushed to go even further and I'm so upset because surely a big baby and being pushed to go even further will put so much presure on my body and scar.

My hips are agony and I just cant bare the thought of going another 8 weeks in this pain.
Pluss having to give birth to a big baby vaginally. I'm shitting it!!!!
had a phone call from the hospital, to say my consultant appoitment on thursday is 10, not 10.50 like the letter said, and also im booked in for a growth scan at 8.15 that morning, its a good job they rang me otherwise i would have missed both appoitments! x
Hi ladies.

Not feeling so depressed now. I think I had a bipoler depressive episode. Maybe triggered by the hormones. Anyway they come on suddenly and can last a few hours days weeks or even months but thankfully mine only lasted 3 days.

However I'm now supper supper anxious and so scared about the birth even more so than b4.

Had growth scan today and baby is already 4lb 2 oz:shock:

I also saw my high risk pregnancy consultant and because my bile acid levels have dropped back down has said I wont be induced at 37 weeks now but more like 38 weeks.
No date yet still so really disappointed about that and really upsett I'm being pushed to go an extra week when I was originally told by the same doctor It wudnt be any later than 37 weeks due to it putting to much presure on my body and transplant scar.

So now I've been told it's a big baby and I'm being pushed to go even further and I'm so upset because surely a big baby and being pushed to go even further will put so much presure on my body and scar.

My hips are agony and I just cant bare the thought of going another 8 weeks in this pain.
Pluss having to give birth to a big baby vaginally. I'm shitting it!!!!

Wow @Suggerhoney that is a big baby isn't it? My baby was only 2lbs 14oz at 29 weeks. did they say anything to you about the size of the baby?

Are you going to get another scan?

My hormones are all over the place this week.. litterally everything and anything is setting me off :cry:

How do you feel being left till 38 weeks?
had a phone call from the hospital, to say my consultant appoitment on thursday is 10, not 10.50 like the letter said, and also im booked in for a growth scan at 8.15 that morning, its a good job they rang me otherwise i would have missed both appoitments! x

Best of luck with your appointment x
Just venting so please ignore lol..

But my god I'm going to snap if my hubby doesn't start realising that there is so much still left to do before baby comes in 6-7 weeks.. I know that seems like loads of time but not when he works all week I'm at home with two dds that are off school and constantly want my attention so I don't get a min.. on top of me having to do my blood sugar check up to 7 times a day ontop of my insulin at breakfast and at night..

I have cleared out the baby's room all by myself inbetween me been admitted in and out of hospital for doing too much work..

When I explain my frustration he just says there is loads of time to do that.. I'll do it next weekend and then he goes and books a running race so he is gone for most of the day ](*,)

I'm so sick of been the only one realising that this baby is coming soon.. or I could be taken in any time if my bloods go nuts or baby is getting too big then what?? Have paint fumes while a new born is in the house????

Any one else partner just not getting that the nesting period is real and they are just assholes =D>

I keep asking for him to get into the attic and check what we have so I know what I have to get.. I can't get up as it's not floor so I have to balance on the beams but at this rate I might aswell just do it myself

I'm so frustrated I keep crying then hubby actually has the balls to say to me you need to slow down your nearly 8 months pregnant.. no shit Sherlock I have been asking for help for weeks now

Sorry rant over

This is my husband all over. I'm like we need fo get this and that and i need to buy stuff for my hospital bag and he just says theres still loads of time.

But then after today and being told shud be induced between 37 and 38 weeks and I turned around to hubby and said oh I'm not bothering getting the stuff for hospital bag yet and I'm not packing it yet what's the point when I cud have another 8 more weeks to go' my husband who for the last 2 months has been dragging his heels and so laid back said "but anything can happen between now and then and u mite have him earlier" ha can y believe it. MEN](*,)
Wow @Suggerhoney that is a big baby isn't it? My baby was only 2lbs 14oz at 29 weeks. did they say anything to you about the size of the baby?

Are you going to get another scan?

My hormones are all over the place this week.. litterally everything and anything is setting me off :cry:

How do you feel being left till 38 weeks?

My consultant didnt seem at all concerned about the babies weight she just shrugged it off and said he is growing well but hes not so huge she is concerned.

My next growth scan is in 4 weeks at 34+2.
I'm not happy about being pushed to 38 weeks tbh hon because she definitely said at my last appointment at 26 weeks that she did not want me going past 37 weeks because of the presure it will put on my body because of the liver transplant.

So since then I've been counting down the weeks and been so excited because it's almost september but if I'm pushed to 38 weeks that's the very last day of September so cud be a October baby now. And I dont like the idea of my body being pushed that far.

I've been completely denied a c section so the thought of having a very big baby vaginally is terrifying. Esp as I'm very short and very petite with very narrow hips.

I have asked around about these growth scans and been told they can be way out by a few lbs are are not accurate at all.
I really dont think I'm carrying a 4lb baby all ready my bump isn't that big is it? Pluss I still squish it so there seems to be alot of water.

I developed the pre eclampsia at 32 weeks with DD and my bile acid levels shot up at 35 weeks. Not that I'm wishing that on myself to have him earlier. But anything can happen.

Some womon have told me they were told they were going to have small average babies (from growth scans) but ended up having huge babies and others said they were told there babies were big and were measuring ahead again on growth scans but ended up having small babies.

I've googled it to and it did say u cant rely on growth scans as they can be out by a few pounds.
I hope I'm one of those statistics and this baby is smaller then the scan is predicting other wise I'm looking at another 9lb baby. I really can not do that again.
I had to hold the tears back at the hospital. That's how sacred I am.

My husband is like dont worry but its not him that has to get something huge out of a tiny hole.
Urghh its 2:30am I cant sleep. Been googling like crazy. I know I know naughty me.
But I cant stop worrying about this stupid scan measurement.
My pelvis is in so much pain and I feel sick and have stupid acid reflux.
And all these thoughts going round and round in my head.
I'm so (excuse my French) pissed I'm being pushed to go to full term now. I know 38 weeks is better than 40 weeks but with baby this big I'm absolutely terrified and my anxiety is so bad right now.

I can not go another 8 more weeks in all this pain its horrible and I'm absolutely dreading the birth it's going to be excruciatingly painful.

So scared of him getting stuck or me getting 3rd or 4th degree tears.
Let alone the fear of hemorrhaging again.

I dont want to complain I know I'm very lucky to be pregnant but I'm really really scared :sad1:
Urghh its 2:30am I cant sleep. Been googling like crazy. I know I know naughty me.
But I cant stop worrying about this stupid scan measurement.
My pelvis is in so much pain and I feel sick and have stupid acid reflux.
And all these thoughts going round and round in my head.
I'm so (excuse my French) pissed I'm being pushed to go to full term now. I know 38 weeks is better than 40 weeks but with baby this big I'm absolutely terrified and my anxiety is so bad right now.

I can not go another 8 more weeks in all this pain its horrible and I'm absolutely dreading the birth it's going to be excruciatingly painful.

So scared of him getting stuck or me getting 3rd or 4th degree tears.
Let alone the fear of hemorrhaging again.

I dont want to complain I know I'm very lucky to be pregnant but I'm really really scared :sad1:

If doc isnt concerned about size espically with what you have been through then I'm sure his weight is fine.

I also agree that sizes can be way off.. I was told dd1 will be at least 8 or 9 lb she was born 6lb 8 oz...

I really think you should write all your concerns down and next app express them. Your mental health is just as important as any other part of your body. You never know you might go yourself at 36_37 weeks. I say they just said 38 weeks as if everything is going smooth till then but as you said your liver might not allow you go that far.

I really think you should put your foot down and demand they don't let your body carry him that far. It's your body and your baby and your mental health is just as important as anything else xx
@Suggerhoney i pray that u gt the birth you want.. had i been in your place, i would have taken my docs to court for denying me a csec.. lets hope it works out best for you..

have my growth scan on Friday (31 weeks) and so not looking forward to it.. i know i can only hope for baby to be growing well but deep down i know that is not going to be case and we will struggle with IUGR/low birth weight with this one too.. all the indicators have been same as last pregnancy.. how much ever we have tried to manage it better.. just hoping it is tad better than last time...
Have they given reasons why they said no to c-section @Suggerhoney , I was under the impression that you can have a elective c-section under the nice guidelines? It might be worth looking into it before your next consultant appointment.

Growth scans are notoriously known for being off, I've had them with all of my children and only 1 was pretty accurate and that was with ds2 whose growth had pretty much stopped, My others have being off by a couple of pounds.
got my blood results it says Acute kidney injury warning stage, so god knows what that means x
got my blood results it says Acute kidney injury warning stage, so god knows what that means x

are you in the docs or did you receive a letter or phone call?

Strange they wouldn't explain further
My consultant didnt seem at all concerned about the babies weight she just shrugged it off and said he is growing well but hes not so huge she is concerned.

My next growth scan is in 4 weeks at 34+2.
I'm not happy about being pushed to 38 weeks tbh hon because she definitely said at my last appointment at 26 weeks that she did not want me going past 37 weeks because of the presure it will put on my body because of the liver transplant.

So since then I've been counting down the weeks and been so excited because it's almost september but if I'm pushed to 38 weeks that's the very last day of September so cud be a October baby now. And I dont like the idea of my body being pushed that far.

I've been completely denied a c section so the thought of having a very big baby vaginally is terrifying. Esp as I'm very short and very petite with very narrow hips.

I have asked around about these growth scans and been told they can be way out by a few lbs are are not accurate at all.
I really dont think I'm carrying a 4lb baby all ready my bump isn't that big is it? Pluss I still squish it so there seems to be alot of water.

I developed the pre eclampsia at 32 weeks with DD and my bile acid levels shot up at 35 weeks. Not that I'm wishing that on myself to have him earlier. But anything can happen.

Some womon have told me they were told they were going to have small average babies (from growth scans) but ended up having huge babies and others said they were told there babies were big and were measuring ahead again on growth scans but ended up having small babies.

I've googled it to and it did say u cant rely on growth scans as they can be out by a few pounds.
I hope I'm one of those statistics and this baby is smaller then the scan is predicting other wise I'm looking at another 9lb baby. I really can not do that again.
I had to hold the tears back at the hospital. That's how sacred I am.

My husband is like dont worry but its not him that has to get something huge out of a tiny hole.
In relation to this my sister had her little girl on Saturday at 39+5. Baby weighed 6 and a half lbs just and was told the monday that her baby was weighing 7 lbs 10 so growth scans are wild lol. I had a growth scan at 29+5 and baby was estimated at 3lbs.
Hey ladies. Sorry I've been quiet. Nothing really going on with me. 30+5. Had a growth scan last week and baby is estimated just under 3lbs so pretty average weight. I'm sooo fed up of being pregnant now. My sister had her little baby on saturday, it was a little girl (no name yet) and shes only 6 and a half lbs so she's tiny. I met her yesterday as she's in hospital still with jaundice but getting out later today. It's made me even more excited to meet my little girl.

On unrelated news my cars in for a service today and its costing me 150 pounds as my brake pads need replaced. The joys of cars haha!

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