October bumpkins 2019

Epidural for me was heaven! I had great doctors do it so didn’t feel a thing. Nothing worse than the same initial sting as a blood draw. Honestly the IV hurt 100 times more.

The epidural allowed me to still feel contractions but it was only really the pressure not the pain of it. I could move my legs a little but they were just very heavy. It took no time once the epidural was removed for me to be able to stand on my own. I had no issues and was so grateful for it as my labors were long and the epidural allowed me to get some rest.

Of course it can slow down labor so wait as long as possible. I waited until 6 cm this last time. I plan to do my best to wait until then again this time.

Everyone has their own opinions though!
Hi lovely ladies

Thank you all so much for your replies and ure own experience on ure own growth scans being way out.

My midwife rang me and like a complete idiod I ended up crying my eyes out and telling her the whole story about the growth scan and having to now go to 38 weeks and how scared I am about having a big baby.

She has told me basically what all you guys have told me that growth scans are not at all accurate and can be 1 or even 2lb out either way.
She also said shes had so many ladies who have been told there having small babies and end up having large babies and c
Vice versa. Ladies being told there having very large babies that go on to have tiny babies.
She told me that scans are only accurate with measurements in the thread first and early second trimester and in the 3rd trimester it's just a guess and it's never accurate. She is coming over to see me on Thursday just so I have someone to chat to which I thought was lovely.
She basically said there is no possibil way of knowing a babies weight until they are born.
So I guess I've just got to wait and see and hope and pray he wont be the size of a elephant lol.

One of my feet and ancles have swollen today it just came on suddenly.
This happened with DD around this stage and was one of my very first symptoms of pre eclampsia so I'm going to keep an eye on it.

I have a very busy week ahead with lots of hospital appointments. I have to go and see my liver doctors at the hospital in birmingham on monday and I really really cant be arsed with it because it's a 2 hour car journey but I know I have to go to it.

Feels like baby is trying to engage was getting so much presure very low down yesterday and it felt like he was putting full force on my bladder was very uncomfortable.
Dont think he had engaged yet tho because I haven't had that horrible sharp groan pain u sometimes get when they engage but I've felt it threatening eeeeek.
Also had some of my mukas plug come away today but was only a small amount.
It was a pale yellow and supper supper thick.
No blood in it tho so no need for panic yet lol.
With my first DD the epidural was wonderful but with my others the epidural only worked for a little bit then wore off then I wud feel everythin . Also had one where it only worked on one side so cud still feel all the pain on the other side.

I'm definitely going for a epidural this time but will stress that I want them to keep it topped up so it does not run out.
Just hope they listen.
I filled out my birth plan and I had it checked at " I'm considering having an epidural or pain med, but will decide for sure when I am in labor."

Nothing against the drug, I say if it can help me, help me, please. My younger sister had all 3 of hers without pain meds. My pain tolerance is really "zero." I've been telling myself that I can do it and that after the pain is my baby. Never been through it, so I hope I am as strong as I think I am. I've been reading alot about labor and delivery and I think I've found some peace in it that everyone who goes through this process goes through all of it. Its the circle of life. UGH!!! My nerves has calm down a lot, but who knows. I hope I'm still as cherry as I am now when the day comes. I told my husband to not let me take anything until I pass 5 or 6cm, but I want to be able to get up and pace or rock in a rocking chair if I want to. I bought one of those laboring ball, hopefully I can use it. I don't want to be hook on all sorts of iv and not be able to do anything.

I see everyone got their growth scan this week I'm so excited for all of you. Now Im wondering if I'm going get one or do we not practice this in California. I thought I'd be seeing my O.B more, but my next appointment isn't until 5th of Sept. So we will see at that appointment if I get any knowledge of how big my baby is.
I'm going to try to not get an epidural, mostly because I've heard it slows down labor and depending on how much you get it can make it difficult to feel when to push which I think makes it more likely you could tear. But I'm sure a lot of that depends on the size of the baby and luck anyway. I also want to try to do it without just because I like mental challenges and physical challenges. I'm a mountain and rock climber and for some reason enjoy pushing my limits and I want to see if it will be labor that kicks my butt. Though if I need to get induced I'm getting an epidural for sure and I'm not going to feel to bad about opting for an epi if I actually need it.
So I went to meet my OB/gyn today and she had my scan reports.. so baby is actually weighing 3lb 4 oz, which is good as per her. It sits on 21st percentile for our demography and it's just that my body makes smaller babies (DS ws 6lbs at 38.5 weeks, absolutely healthy). All Doppler, amniotic fluid etc was normal and she told me go fr nex scan in 3 weeks (instead of 2 as radiologist told). No point in taking stress and wait anxiously every 2 weeks as per her.

I have been feeling better and just got to know my DH is planning surprise baby shower with my besties for 1st sep, so yay :) :)

Doc is confident that we will make it past 38 weeks, so fingers crossed.. hope God is kind with all of us..
So I went to meet my OB/gyn today and she had my scan reports.. so baby is actually weighing 3lb 4 oz, which is good as per her. It sits on 21st percentile for our demography and it's just that my body makes smaller babies (DS ws 6lbs at 38.5 weeks, absolutely healthy). All Doppler, amniotic fluid etc was normal and she told me go fr nex scan in 3 weeks (instead of 2 as radiologist told). No point in taking stress and wait anxiously every 2 weeks as per her.

I have been feeling better and just got to know my DH is planning surprise baby shower with my besties for 1st sep, so yay :) :)

Doc is confident that we will make it past 38 weeks, so fingers crossed.. hope God is kind with all of us..

That's about normol hon at ure stage but please remember those scans are not accurate at all. Dont stress yourself out hon.
My hubby thinks this baby will be 6 to 7lb when born I wud be happy with that. But I'm gonna guess 8 and a half lb depending on how far I go. I hoping they dont push me past 38 weeks.
I normoly grow 7 and a half lb babies at full term (40weeks) my son was only 9lb because he was 2 weeks past his due date and my daughter was only 5lb because she was just over 4 weeks early.
So maybe hubby is right and this baby will be around 7lb esp as I'm not going to 40 weeks. (Hopfully).
I really dont feel like I'm having a big baby. I really think that scan is wrong just like my midwife said. [-o<[-o<
Not feeling myself today I feel so so tired but we are going for a family meal tonight so cant rest.
I just feel totally drained. Like someone has removed the batteries.
It's really windy here today and so many signs of autumn on it's way.
All our babies will be here soon I cant wait.
Ladies hope everyone is well..

32 weeks today.. baby is lazy all day and up all night.. hoping it's not the pattern of when it's born lol

This day last year I found out I had a missed miscarraige :sadangel:

Feeling down today but I have decided to take some time to myself today might go shopping and buy this baby something from its guardian angel x
Ah two cousins close in age will be great :kiss:

I would love a cuddle off a newborn my dd2 (who is 4) is the youngest of both sides of the family so haven't been around a newborn in so long.. weird as it sounds lol but you can't beat the newborn smell lol

Sorry about the car it's always something when you are nearly due.. but good to get it sorted before baby comes
I'm so excited for them to grow up together!
Aw shorty that’s a nice idea. Sorry this is a hard day for you, big hugs xx

Afm 30 weeks today and it’s like all the discomfort has hit at once lol. Hopefully it’s just an off day but my belly has been feeling extra tight and big. Baby must be going through a growth spurt. It doesn’t help that my son constantly wants to be picked up lately :wacko:
Ladies hope everyone is well..

32 weeks today.. baby is lazy all day and up all night.. hoping it's not the pattern of when it's born lol

This day last year I found out I had a missed miscarraige :sadangel:

Feeling down today but I have decided to take some time to myself today might go shopping and buy this baby something from its guardian angel x

Awww shorty bless you heart. Its bound to be a very hard day. Just know we are all here for you sweety.
Misscariges are so hard and although it does get easier over time u will never ever forget that precious little angel.
Sending you massive warm snuggly hugs
Aw shorty that’s a nice idea. Sorry this is a hard day for you, big hugs xx

Afm 30 weeks today and it’s like all the discomfort has hit at once lol. Hopefully it’s just an off day but my belly has been feeling extra tight and big. Baby must be going through a growth spurt. It doesn’t help that my son constantly wants to be picked up lately :wacko:

I'm 31 weeks tommorow hon and my pelvis is killing me. Think baby maybe on a nerve but been like this for a week or so now and tried different positions to see if he will move off the nerve but nope.
I think its severe SPD as well as sciatica. Sometimes it spasms abs i cant put my foot to the floor because it's so painful.
Been told to use crutches but they just irritate me and are just plain awkward lol. Pluss I feel like a rite Wally on them I mean its not like I have a broken a leg I'm just pregnant lol.

Also my stupid foot keeps threatening to cramp all the time and u hate it when it does cramp because its excruciating. So I'm constantly in a panic about it cramping haha.
Went out for the meal last night and it was a very nice evening. Saw the cutest baby boy there he was only 3 days old and was almost 8lbs and he looked sooooooo tiny.
My nanna had a hold but I didnt. I wanted to but didnt want to ask haha. His name was Ellis and he really made me melt.
I'm feeling supper dupper broody now.
Spent yesterday making a few things for the baby and the hospital! I can share here but since we’re not announcing names to our friends and family until baby is born I can’t post my cute photo! Lol

If a girl I have a cute onesie outfit and matching hat! It’s white and light pink. Color may look off because it’s on the green changing pad! She also has the white swaddle blanket with a peachy orange color flower and the hat is white and the stripes and initials are that same peachy orange color!

If a boy, he has the green hat lol.. i have a matching green swaddle for him to go with the hat, but not here yet! I will also have some onesies for him to but haven’t gotten all of that together just yet.

Still need to get both genders a going home outfit! We don’t do any extravagant outfits just something comfy for them but still cute.

Also considering a second diaper bag to have for this baby. DS is only 18 months and will still be in diapers and such for a while longer. Obviously won’t be with us when I go into hospital and also if he is with DH or someone while new baby is with me or whatever we’ll need separate bags. They’re not expensive for the ones I get (book bag kind) but I do also have a really good coach name brand one I got with DD 4 years ago! Still in excellent shape it’s just a shoulder strap one so not as convenient as a book bag one. I’ll talk with DH a little more and see what he thinks.. it’s about $25 for the bag so like I said not a large expense.

Also ordered the second car seat base for this baby’s seat with a 20% off code!! And my registry coupon codes are available to use. Need to sit down and go through what I need and make a couple large purchases with the coupons.

Literally getting all the last minute things together! 8 weeks left, but I think more around 6-7 weeks!

The hat photo won’t upload it and it’s already cropped as much as possible!

A876CF39-2EB9-4ADD-A1D7-E658E48291EB.jpeg 333C3010-282D-4125-BE9A-D6D8143CCED8.jpeg
Spent yesterday making a few things for the baby and the hospital! I can share here but since we’re not announcing names to our friends and family until baby is born I can’t post my cute photo! Lol

If a girl I have a cute onesie outfit and matching hat! It’s white and light pink. Color may look off because it’s on the green changing pad! She also has the white swaddle blanket with a peachy orange color flower and the hat is white and the stripes and initials are that same peachy orange color!

If a boy, he has the green hat lol.. i have a matching green swaddle for him to go with the hat, but not here yet! I will also have some onesies for him to but haven’t gotten all of that together just yet.

Still need to get both genders a going home outfit! We don’t do any extravagant outfits just something comfy for them but still cute.

Also considering a second diaper bag to have for this baby. DS is only 18 months and will still be in diapers and such for a while longer. Obviously won’t be with us when I go into hospital and also if he is with DH or someone while new baby is with me or whatever we’ll need separate bags. They’re not expensive for the ones I get (book bag kind) but I do also have a really good coach name brand one I got with DD 4 years ago! Still in excellent shape it’s just a shoulder strap one so not as convenient as a book bag one. I’ll talk with DH a little more and see what he thinks.. it’s about $25 for the bag so like I said not a large expense.

Also ordered the second car seat base for this baby’s seat with a 20% off code!! And my registry coupon codes are available to use. Need to sit down and go through what I need and make a couple large purchases with the coupons.

Literally getting all the last minute things together! 8 weeks left, but I think more around 6-7 weeks!

The hat photo won’t upload it and it’s already cropped as much as possible!

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Super cute clothes - you made those that’s amazing! Tinley is super cute for a girl - can’t remember what your boy name was?

I also am not sure about a 2nd diaper bag I actually meant to ask the group. DS will be 16 months when baby is born - I thought about another bag because different sized diapers etc - also the one we have is full with his stuff already, let alone add a bunch of newborn things!! But I feel like I’m not going to want to carry around 2 giant diaper bags. Is there like a big one out there with compartments? Mine just looks like a big-ish purse
Super cute clothes - you made those that’s amazing! Tinley is super cute for a girl - can’t remember what your boy name was?

I also am not sure about a 2nd diaper bag I actually meant to ask the group. DS will be 16 months when baby is born - I thought about another bag because different sized diapers etc - also the one we have is full with his stuff already, let alone add a bunch of newborn things!! But I feel like I’m not going to want to carry around 2 giant diaper bags. Is there like a big one out there with compartments? Mine just looks like a big-ish purse

Boy name is Sutton!

My coach diaper bag is like a huge purse but it actually has two large sides and the middle is a zipper compartment and then there’s pockets all around and on the outside. It’s very nice just hard to carry vs a book bag
Lovely outfits Brit..
I m soooo into Nesting mode..
My husband has to control me since I m going crazy shopping!!

We hve a crib, stroller, carseat etc (saved from DS) but clothes!! OMG..they are so cute... Lol..

Had a mini scare too today. Went to work as usual and during the day just thought of getting my BP checkd by the office nurse.. it was 170/110 :O

The nurse freaked out, checked again and same. She insisted that she will send me asap to hospital. I literally had to fight her that my DH will take me to my OB/gyn. It was crazy.. We went to our doc and on 2 different machines by 2 different ppl, BP was 120-25/80. Pheww..

Really relieved and will complain in office tmrw about the faulty equipment/nurse..

39 days to 37 weeks :)
Hi ladies I'm 31 weeks yay.
I did a collage of my bump progression.
Dont think there is much difference between 28 weeks and 31 weeks but alot of people have said my bump has dropped. I was feeling alot if presure and discomfort down there a few days ago. :-k20190812_151715.jpg
Spent yesterday making a few things for the baby and the hospital! I can share here but since we’re not announcing names to our friends and family until baby is born I can’t post my cute photo! Lol

If a girl I have a cute onesie outfit and matching hat! It’s white and light pink. Color may look off because it’s on the green changing pad! She also has the white swaddle blanket with a peachy orange color flower and the hat is white and the stripes and initials are that same peachy orange color!

If a boy, he has the green hat lol.. i have a matching green swaddle for him to go with the hat, but not here yet! I will also have some onesies for him to but haven’t gotten all of that together just yet.

Still need to get both genders a going home outfit! We don’t do any extravagant outfits just something comfy for them but still cute.

Also considering a second diaper bag to have for this baby. DS is only 18 months and will still be in diapers and such for a while longer. Obviously won’t be with us when I go into hospital and also if he is with DH or someone while new baby is with me or whatever we’ll need separate bags. They’re not expensive for the ones I get (book bag kind) but I do also have a really good coach name brand one I got with DD 4 years ago! Still in excellent shape it’s just a shoulder strap one so not as convenient as a book bag one. I’ll talk with DH a little more and see what he thinks.. it’s about $25 for the bag so like I said not a large expense.

Also ordered the second car seat base for this baby’s seat with a 20% off code!! And my registry coupon codes are available to use. Need to sit down and go through what I need and make a couple large purchases with the coupons.

Literally getting all the last minute things together! 8 weeks left, but I think more around 6-7 weeks!

The hat photo won’t upload it and it’s already cropped as much as possible!

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Awwww these are amazing hon. ❤

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