October bumpkins 2019

Hi ladies

So I had to be monitored yesterday because of the swelling and the not feeling well.
My blood pressure and urine were normol but my iron levels have plummeted and my bile acid levels are on the rise. They have gone from a 14 to a 17. I'm back in tommorow to have my bile acid levels and iron levels checked again and be monitored.

Had my fundal height (height of uterus measured) and I'm measuring a week and a half behind so im only measuring 30 weeks and im 31+3 so I really do think that the growth scan was not accurate.

I also saw a birth matters midwife and we have put a birth plan in place. Induction will be around 37 weeks but not any later than 38.
I'm also having a epidural administered as early as possible and they are going to keep the epidural topped up this time so that if I do bleed out again and my placenta has to be manually removed I will not feel the terrible pain that I did last time.

Not been feeling to well today. Lips are blue and been feeling very tired and light headed and also been feeling sick. Will bring this all up to them tommorow when I go into be monitored. Just hope they dont admit me in.
Also was told u can get pre eclampsia symptoms b4 it shows in ure pee and blood presure so I'm being vigilant.
Babies heart had a dip yesterday while I was on the monitor so I was kept on the monitor for alot longer. Luckily it only happened once so the dr was happy for me to go home and come back to be monitored again tommorow.

Pelvis has been very painful for a few weeks now so I'm not able to do much which is driving me crazy. I'm still not using the crutches I just find them awkward and they hurt ure hands.
5 and half to 6 and half weeks left for me now and I'm finding it's going very slow at the moment but I think when the kids go back to school on 4th September then the time will go faster.
Hope it dont drag. Going to pack my hospital bag when I'm 34 weeks. Brought a lovely nappy changing bag of facebook. It was only £10 and it's like a rucksack and quite big. I'm going to pack most of the babies stuff in there for hospital.

@brittany12 lovely bump hon u look tiny. For some reason I now have a feeling ure having a girl. And I dont know why but I just do. What about you?

I cant wait for you and @Shorty88 to have ure babies so we can all finally know if it's a pink or blue one. So exciting
Hi ladies

So I had to be monitored yesterday because of the swelling and the not feeling well.
My blood pressure and urine were normol but my iron levels have plummeted and my bile acid levels are on the rise. They have gone from a 14 to a 17. I'm back in tommorow to have my bile acid levels and iron levels checked again and be monitored.

Had my fundal height (height of uterus measured) and I'm measuring a week and a half behind so im only measuring 30 weeks and im 31+3 so I really do think that the growth scan was not accurate.

I also saw a birth matters midwife and we have put a birth plan in place. Induction will be around 37 weeks but not any later than 38.
I'm also having a epidural administered as early as possible and they are going to keep the epidural topped up this time so that if I do bleed out again and my placenta has to be manually removed I will not feel the terrible pain that I did last time.

Not been feeling to well today. Lips are blue and been feeling very tired and light headed and also been feeling sick. Will bring this all up to them tommorow when I go into be monitored. Just hope they dont admit me in.
Also was told u can get pre eclampsia symptoms b4 it shows in ure pee and blood presure so I'm being vigilant.
Babies heart had a dip yesterday while I was on the monitor so I was kept on the monitor for alot longer. Luckily it only happened once so the dr was happy for me to go home and come back to be monitored again tommorow.

Pelvis has been very painful for a few weeks now so I'm not able to do much which is driving me crazy. I'm still not using the crutches I just find them awkward and they hurt ure hands.
5 and half to 6 and half weeks left for me now and I'm finding it's going very slow at the moment but I think when the kids go back to school on 4th September then the time will go faster.
Hope it dont drag. Going to pack my hospital bag when I'm 34 weeks. Brought a lovely nappy changing bag of facebook. It was only £10 and it's like a rucksack and quite big. I'm going to pack most of the babies stuff in there for hospital.

@brittany12 lovely bump hon u look tiny. For some reason I now have a feeling ure having a girl. And I dont know why but I just do. What about you?

I cant wait for you and @Shorty88 to have ure babies so we can all finally know if it's a pink or blue one. So exciting
Wow what an eventful day! I had one like that with my dd but thankfully wasn’t bad and everything turned out ok and I was sent him! Hoping to avoid all the craziness this time and just have an easy going rest of pregnancy, labor and delivery! I’m being monitored weekly now to hopefully make sure that happens!

My belly is measuring right on at 33 weeks which is crazy because my belly usually always measures a week or two ahead so I’m wondering if this baby may be smaller than my other 2? I’m having another scan at 35/36 weeks so I’ll be able to compare more the . That’s when my other two were checked for weight. It was off about 6 ounces with both my kids based on where they were at birth vs the growth scan. The scan said they were bigger than they were!

As far as gender I’m really not sure... I’m going to say boy but no clue!

Everything for me today looked good. Belly measured right on, BP was good, urine was good, weight was 3 pounds less!!! Yay! I’m on a baby aspirin daily to hopefully make sure BP stays down. I’ll see him again next week for another appointment like today and the. The following week well do the ultrasound and then hopefully things will still be looking perfect. If so, the week after that is cervix checks at 37 weeks! Eekkk! So crazy!
Wow @Suggerhoney sounds like an eventful day.

I'm glad they are putting a birth plan in place but I think you will go yourself by 37 weeks.

The last couple of days i have been feeling "off" lips feel swollen actually my whole face does and im suffering with head aches more I never normally do.. might go to the chemist and get blood pressure checked. Bloods are getting harder to control which I have been told can happen. I'm in the hospital on Tuesday so I'm not leaving without a date for section been booked..

Babys room is fully painted woohoo.. stickers arrived today.. went with dumbo and it has dream big little one.. lampshade arrived just waiting for the curtains and room is done..

Hubby is taking down the cot this weekend just to make sure we dont need anything for it.. I set up the cradle that will be beside our bed for the first couple of months and I got so excited that we are getting so close to the end.

@Suggerhoney I think we got the same changing bag is it this one?
I love this one it charges your phone as well


As much as I'm loving having my dds at home.. I cannot wait for them to go back to school on the 29th of August... 3 whole hours to myself ( as youngest is still only preschool) .. bliss
Had my midwife appointment today and she's not happy that the hospital were going to leave me 4 weeks until my next growth scan considering the drop in weight/lack of growth. Also she measured my tummy and it plotted even lower than the scan, plotted below the 10th centile so she's booked me in for another scan in 2 weeks instead. I know they aren't always accurate as they told me my last daughter was going to be on the 10th centile but she was born and plotted below the 1st which is severe IUGR and she acted like a premie with feeding and had ectopic heart beat etc so I feel better to be monitored more closely as the fact that the weight is now tapering off may indicate placenta problems again. She's also still breech and midwife said her bum feels engaged and she's extended breech so the most difficult to flip so she thinks ill end up c section anyway x
Had my midwife appointment today and she's not happy that the hospital were going to leave me 4 weeks until my next growth scan considering the drop in weight/lack of growth. Also she measured my tummy and it plotted even lower than the scan, plotted below the 10th centile so she's booked me in for another scan in 2 weeks instead. I know they aren't always accurate as they told me my last daughter was going to be on the 10th centile but she was born and plotted below the 1st which is severe IUGR and she acted like a premie with feeding and had ectopic heart beat etc so I feel better to be monitored more closely as the fact that the weight is now tapering off may indicate placenta problems again. She's also still breech and midwife said her bum feels engaged and she's extended breech so the most difficult to flip so she thinks ill end up c section anyway x

I'm glad your doc is pushing for a scan to be done earlier. Any chance your hospital will bring it forward again? Especially with baby still being breech?
So much happening for all of us!! Means only 1 thing. Time is here (almost)

I m feeling just so tired and sweating most days.. and the headaches.. they refuse to go until I eat something..they r the worst when I m in front of computer. Doc says my vision is poorer due to pregnancy but it should be ok after having baby, so let's see..
Maternity leave just got finalized. Working till 36 weeks and then work from home fr 2 weeks.. off from 38 week onwards. Hope baby decides to stay in till then :P

Just waiting for time to go by quickly..

32 week bump update. Fundal height measuring ok. BP check tmrw..

I'm glad your doc is pushing for a scan to be done earlier. Any chance your hospital will bring it forward again? Especially with baby still being breech?

Yes they have now booked my scans for 32 and 34 weeks then depending on the growth and baby's position, they said I will probably have another at 36 weeks where they will decide on how I will deliver my baby girl. Getting close now!
Yes they have now booked my scans for 32 and 34 weeks then depending on the growth and baby's position, they said I will probably have another at 36 weeks where they will decide on how I will deliver my baby girl. Getting close now!

That is good to hear Jess. With my DS, I had scans every 2 weeks for the same reason as his Growth also dropped below 10 percentile. Even though it was Stressful but yes continuous monitoring is the best way forward.
I am also getting scans done Now at 34 wk and 36 wk to monitor growth and amniotic fluid levels. Good luck :)
Can I ask you ladies with growth scans why you get them? I’ve never been given growth scans with either baby but it seems like they’re relatively common. Is it because of GD and/or other conditions that they’re prescribed?

AFM not much is new. Baby is doing those painful rolling movements where it feels like an alien is going to bust out of my stomach :haha: My bump was so sore and painful for a few days but it’s gone away now so I think it was a growth spurt. Is that true that your vision worsens during pregnancy? I’ve felt like my long distance eyesight has been on its way for a while now, but lately it’s been so bad I’m actually getting concerned - I’m only in my mid-20s so it would be nice not to go totally blind yet haha
Wow what an eventful day! I had one like that with my dd but thankfully wasn’t bad and everything turned out ok and I was sent him! Hoping to avoid all the craziness this time and just have an easy going rest of pregnancy, labor and delivery! I’m being monitored weekly now to hopefully make sure that happens!

My belly is measuring right on at 33 weeks which is crazy because my belly usually always measures a week or two ahead so I’m wondering if this baby may be smaller than my other 2? I’m having another scan at 35/36 weeks so I’ll be able to compare more the . That’s when my other two were checked for weight. It was off about 6 ounces with both my kids based on where they were at birth vs the growth scan. The scan said they were bigger than they were!

As far as gender I’m really not sure... I’m going to say boy but no clue!

Everything for me today looked good. Belly measured right on, BP was good, urine was good, weight was 3 pounds less!!! Yay! I’m on a baby aspirin daily to hopefully make sure BP stays down. I’ll see him again next week for another appointment like today and the. The following week well do the ultrasound and then hopefully things will still be looking perfect. If so, the week after that is cervix checks at 37 weeks! Eekkk! So crazy!

In my personal experience hon the fundal height was alot more accurate so u may be having a slightly smaller baby this time.
I have been told that fundal height isn't always accurate either but in my experience they are more accurate than the growth scans.

Wow @Suggerhoney sounds like an eventful day.

I'm glad they are putting a birth plan in place but I think you will go yourself by 37 weeks.

The last couple of days i have been feeling "off" lips feel swollen actually my whole face does and im suffering with head aches more I never normally do.. might go to the chemist and get blood pressure checked. Bloods are getting harder to control which I have been told can happen. I'm in the hospital on Tuesday so I'm not leaving without a date for section been booked..

Babys room is fully painted woohoo.. stickers arrived today.. went with dumbo and it has dream big little one.. lampshade arrived just waiting for the curtains and room is done..

Hubby is taking down the cot this weekend just to make sure we dont need anything for it.. I set up the cradle that will be beside our bed for the first couple of months and I got so excited that we are getting so close to the end.

@Suggerhoney I think we got the same changing bag is it this one?
I love this one it charges your phone as well

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As much as I'm loving having my dds at home.. I cannot wait for them to go back to school on the 29th of August... 3 whole hours to myself ( as youngest is still only preschool) .. bliss

Oh gosh hon I really hope u get ure date to. Its just nice to know isnt it so u can prepare. I expect u will get ure date very soon. I'm hoping to get mine at my 34+2 appointment.

Had my midwife appointment today and she's not happy that the hospital were going to leave me 4 weeks until my next growth scan considering the drop in weight/lack of growth. Also she measured my tummy and it plotted even lower than the scan, plotted below the 10th centile so she's booked me in for another scan in 2 weeks instead. I know they aren't always accurate as they told me my last daughter was going to be on the 10th centile but she was born and plotted below the 1st which is severe IUGR and she acted like a premie with feeding and had ectopic heart beat etc so I feel better to be monitored more closely as the fact that the weight is now tapering off may indicate placenta problems again. She's also still breech and midwife said her bum feels engaged and she's extended breech so the most difficult to flip so she thinks ill end up c section anyway x

I'm so glad they are scanning u more regular hon. I wudnt be happy being left that long either esp if it cud be placenta related which I'm hoping and praying it is not.
U poor thing it must be so worrying. Praying u can go to full term and she isnt as small as they are thinking. Praying she has a huge growth spurt.
I hate the worry about the placenta. I worry about mine coming away in small pieces again like it did last time. But I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
Ure be ok hon keep that chin up

So much happening for all of us!! Means only 1 thing. Time is here (almost)

I m feeling just so tired and sweating most days.. and the headaches.. they refuse to go until I eat something..they r the worst when I m in front of computer. Doc says my vision is poorer due to pregnancy but it should be ok after having baby, so let's see..
Maternity leave just got finalized. Working till 36 weeks and then work from home fr 2 weeks.. off from 38 week onwards. Hope baby decides to stay in till then :p

Just waiting for time to go by quickly..

32 week bump update. Fundal height measuring ok. BP check tmrw..

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Looking fab hon.

Went in hospital again today to be monitored again and had a few contractions on the moniter Haha. The midwife was like did u feel that one and I was like yep.
Nothing consistent tho so they wasnt concerned.
Babies head is very very low down but not engaged but I cant believe how low he is. It totally explains all that presure on my bladder haha.
He also has his back against my back so that wud explain all the back ache. So gonna have to get on the birthing ball and lean over it to get him to turn toward the front because i really don't want a back to back labour.

I had my bile acid levels done again and I normoly wudnt need them doing again for another 2 weeks but because they are rising they want me back again next friday to be re tested and monitored again.

Bit sad today because I found out that my high risk pregnancy consultant has retired so when I have my 34+2 appointment i will have a different high risk pregnancy consultant. Hope who ever it is is nice.
Also have a growth scan that same day. No doubt baby will prob be weighing 6lbs by then or something silly like that hahaha. But I'm not gonna take it to serious this time.

My iron levels are real low so I have to up my iron meds and if they dont work then I guess i will have to have another iron infusion.

My kids dont go back till September 4th. As much as I love them I'm really finding it so hard and I really feel like I have no patience with them. It makes me feel so guilty.
Can I ask you ladies with growth scans why you get them? I’ve never been given growth scans with either baby but it seems like they’re relatively common. Is it because of GD and/or other conditions that they’re prescribed?

AFM not much is new. Baby is doing those painful rolling movements where it feels like an alien is going to bust out of my stomach :haha: My bump was so sore and painful for a few days but it’s gone away now so I think it was a growth spurt. Is that true that your vision worsens during pregnancy? I’ve felt like my long distance eyesight has been on its way for a while now, but lately it’s been so bad I’m actually getting concerned - I’m only in my mid-20s so it would be nice not to go totally blind yet haha

I have them because I'm a high risk pregnancy patent hon. And also with having ICP u have to have them to make sure baby is growing ok
@Shorty88 sorry hon I forget to answer ure question about the bag. Wait I'll take a lick and add it. Think there the Same or very very similar.
Can I ask you ladies with growth scans why you get them? I’ve never been given growth scans with either baby but it seems like they’re relatively common. Is it because of GD and/or other conditions that they’re prescribed?

AFM not much is new. Baby is doing those painful rolling movements where it feels like an alien is going to bust out of my stomach :haha: My bump was so sore and painful for a few days but it’s gone away now so I think it was a growth spurt. Is that true that your vision worsens during pregnancy? I’ve felt like my long distance eyesight has been on its way for a while now, but lately it’s been so bad I’m actually getting concerned - I’m only in my mid-20s so it would be nice not to go totally blind yet haha

Im having growth scans this time because I had placenta problems in my first pregnancy which led to baby being severely growth restricted. If this baby follows the same then they will need to deliver me earlier as she will thrive more outside of my body x
Can I ask you ladies with growth scans why you get them? I’ve never been given growth scans with either baby but it seems like they’re relatively common. Is it because of GD and/or other conditions that they’re prescribed?

AFM not much is new. Baby is doing those painful rolling movements where it feels like an alien is going to bust out of my stomach :haha: My bump was so sore and painful for a few days but it’s gone away now so I think it was a growth spurt. Is that true that your vision worsens during pregnancy? I’ve felt like my long distance eyesight has been on its way for a while now, but lately it’s been so bad I’m actually getting concerned - I’m only in my mid-20s so it would be nice not to go totally blind yet haha

My doctor does typically at least one for me because my belly usually always measures about 2 weeks larger than what I am and he wants to be sure baby isn't huge. My 2 babies measured just fine and came out 6.13 pounds, with my belly measuring much larger. This time belly is spot on (which is now opposite) so were just watching baby's "weight". It's really all just a guessing game to be honest and I go with it just to see baby on ultrasound
Sorry to hear about those having a few worries and hope everything is fine!

Everything is good with me atm however I've been sick again a few times on and off. I don't think my sickness will ever completely go away but it's usually when I don't eat regularly enough so probably my own fault haha! The one thing stressing me a little is that I think my girl is still breach but I've been told not to worry just yet as she has time to turn still! Fingers crossed! I really don't want to have to get a section!
Sorry to hear about those having a few worries and hope everything is fine!

Everything is good with me atm however I've been sick again a few times on and off. I don't think my sickness will ever completely go away but it's usually when I don't eat regularly enough so probably my own fault haha! The one thing stressing me a little is that I think my girl is still breach but I've been told not to worry just yet as she has time to turn still! Fingers crossed! I really don't want to have to get a section!
My little girl is still breech too. Has been throughout! Going to be getting on all fours to try avoid a section hahaha x
Omg @brittany12 what gorgeous scan pics.. baby looks so chubby :cloud9:
Thank you! I know it’s funny how they look so chubby but can come out not!
My DD didn’t look chubby at all and had a pretty chubby face well cheeks. Ds looked really chubby and was super skinny! It’ll be interesting to see this little one!
Anyone else still not have names picked :shrug:

Me and hubby cannot agree on a boys name at all.. the names he likes I don't and vice versa..

Really frustrating me.. I think cause my gut is telling me I'm having a lil girl and I had her name picked before we got pregnant that I dont need to worry about it. But if it is a boy it will be baby boy for the first couple of days if we dont come up with anything lol..

33 weeks today woohoo..

Babymoon on sat just me and the hubby one last overnight by ourselves I cannot wait and hubby booked me in for a full maternity massage cannot wait.. I'll be asleep in my dinner lol x

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