Wow ladies so much to catch up on.
Brittney I'm so sorry to hear about ure drs some that's heartbreaking and every parents worse nightmare. My thoughts are with him and his family
Playgirl I'm so sorry about ure dog hon.
Sending hugs
No I haven't had ans dont think I will be having steroid shots because by 37 weeks babies lungs are mature so theres no need.
I'm home now ladies and I have my induction date. It's on Tuesday 24th September. I'll be 37+1 weeks. That's of coarse if he dont come all in his own b4 then. Still getting a ton of signs and feels like labour is about to start at any moment or my waters are going to break.
But I think its probably just all the presure.
I'm on vitamin K tablets now. I'm back up the hospital today to be monitored and have my bile acid and liver and kidney function done.
My right kidney is swollen but they said it can be normol at this stage and I have to have a scan 6 weeks after having baby to see if the swelling has gone down.
Baby is on the 90th percentile according to scans so pretty big. But not huge. I'm expecting a good 8 to 9lb baby even at 37 weeks but we shall see because those growth scans have got it wrong for me twice b4 but quite alot so I don't really trust them.
I'm seeing the anethatist today as well.
I am 35+4 weeks and I had my DD at 35+4 so I'm so happy I've got this far and can keep him cooking a bit longer so he can be as healthy as possible.
Having lots of cm and still more plug coming away but only a tiny bit not the huge thing that came away almost 2 weeks ago and I've not had any more blood either.
I've been bouncing on my ball. I dont know why but when I'm in pain it seems to help alot haha.
Had a lovely bubble bath yesterday and it was pure bliss. Going out tommorow night for a curry at a indian restaurant.
So that will be nice.
Dont think I have any more growth scans now unless they decide to do one between now and the 24th. I see the high risk pregnancy consultant on Wednesday so may suggest doing one.
I have not been checked for dilation. I've only had a speculum so they cud take a swab and was told cervix is soft but closed. Baby is still not engaged. He keeps engaging and then coming back up again. I had this with my DS as well and its painful and u get so much lightning crotch or as I like to call it stabby vag hahahaha
Its horrible.
I'm being induced in the delivery suite because I'm to high risk to be done on the normol ward. I have to phone the delivery suite at 8:30am on the 24th just hope and pray if I do get that day that i can go in that day.
Its never a sure thing because it depends if they have space. But been told i will be more priority because of all my medical history.