October bumpkins 2019

Wow eveyone of you have some kind of info on your baby, I have none on mines. the last 3 visits has been, " you've gained too much weight," (but i'd only went up a a pound or so nothing over 2.) Listens to baby's heart beat " he's doing beautiful, see you next time, bye." Like literally!! I think this next appointment on the 19th theyre going to check to make sure the baby is head down and do a "group b strep" test?

Sander, when I did the hospital tour, they showed us a room with a tub, but its not to give birth in its only for you use while in labor. If you're close to pushing you have to come out and push on the bed. So I was like, forget it. I've always been interested in water birth i'd like to try it one day.

Sugger, I hope your bile acid levels steady down so you and your baby can relax until your scheduled date.

ATM, I'm finally done with shopping and I believe I have everything my baby needs for now. His crib came in today with his mattress. I am completely moved out from his room. It was our office along with my makeup room because it was the smaller room from the other 2 guest room and it was the next room to ours. I don't know where to put all his diapers we got from the shower. Some are already in the bins and then the rest is literally up against one of the wall in the room in plain sight.

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You have enough nappies/diapers to do us all by the looks of things haha! Lucky!
Oh girls can't believe some baby's will be born soon! I'm kind of scared because I keep having insane pains and last night I had (sorry TMI) severe sickness and diarrhoea. I was up so many times in the night with both. I'm not sure if I've got a bug or it's a sign of early labour clear out but I hope she's not trying to come just yet as we have still a few things to do before october!

Omg I’m due the day before you and I was up last night feeling soooooo sick! Luckily I managed to keep it down but it was for a good 2/3 hours of me sat up in bed ready to run to the bathroom!! I wonder if our bodies are preparing... as with my son I remember waking during the nights and feeling sick x
Ladies pls tell me about the kind of movements u r feeling. I m sitting at OB and will ask her but still looking for real life answers.
Oh girls can't believe some baby's will be born soon! I'm kind of scared because I keep having insane pains and last night I had (sorry TMI) severe sickness and diarrhoea. I was up so many times in the night with both. I'm not sure if I've got a bug or it's a sign of early labour clear out but I hope she's not trying to come just yet as we have still a few things to do before october!

Keep and eye on contractions! Drink a lot of water and try to stay laying down. Being sick like that can irritate the uterus and make you contract
Ladies pls tell me about the kind of movements u r feeling. I m sitting at OB and will ask her but still looking for real life answers.
I have a super super active baby. The movements have “slowed” at times of the day but when baby is awake then baby is awake if that makes sense! I get a lot more stretching and such than flips and everything and tons of hiccups
Omg I’m due the day before you and I was up last night feeling soooooo sick! Luckily I managed to keep it down but it was for a good 2/3 hours of me sat up in bed ready to run to the bathroom!! I wonder if our bodies are preparing... as with my son I remember waking during the nights and feeling sick x

Please don't tell me this as I've also been getting sickness, it's pretty much all day! And usually a sign of labour for me, given everything that's gone on with me lately, the last thing I want is extra preterm labour signs, I have enough going on with the cramps and the regular contractions that eventually die off, the pressure and the lower back ache, I don't need that too lol!

32 weeks today so I've managed to last a week and a half since being in hospital and baby has stayed put, hes still trying to come, but he hasn't and that's the main thing! Still hoping hes an November baby as planned though but with all of this going on, I'd put money on him coming early naturally, if I'm wrong I'm wrong and happy days but if not, hes certainly going to be an October baby, which also isn't that bad either :rofl: x
Ladies pls tell me about the kind of movements u r feeling. I m sitting at OB and will ask her but still looking for real life answers.

I'm only 32 weeks, but hes run out of room due to my small torso and hes engaged now, the movements I get and more stretching, pushing, poking rather than actually kicks, he does like to stick a foot or two out and my stomach rises! He also likes to swipe his feet or hands over my stomach I cant tell what part of him I usually feel, but its definitely no more kicking, just pushing and stretching
Ladies pls tell me about the kind of movements u r feeling. I m sitting at OB and will ask her but still looking for real life answers.

Sorry hun! Definitely very active when awake, which involves lots of swipes and rolls and sometimes my stomach literally sticks out... not sure if it’s an elbow, hand or foot but it’s one of them!
Hope everything is ok? X
Please don't tell me this as I've also been getting sickness, it's pretty much all day! And usually a sign of labour for me, given everything that's gone on with me lately, the last thing I want is extra preterm labour signs, I have enough going on with the cramps and the regular contractions that eventually die off, the pressure and the lower back ache, I don't need that too lol!

32 weeks today so I've managed to last a week and a half since being in hospital and baby has stayed put, hes still trying to come, but he hasn't and that's the main thing! Still hoping hes an November baby as planned though but with all of this going on, I'd put money on him coming early naturally, if I'm wrong I'm wrong and happy days but if not, hes certainly going to be an October baby, which also isn't that bad either :rofl: x

Oh god have you really? I would most definitely keep a close eye then! When’s your next midwife app? I’m also getting cramps and back ache. I’m sure it’s my body slowly preparing for labour... it’s exactly what happened with my son maybe 2/3 weeks before I actually went into labour. X
Oh god have you really? I would most definitely keep a close eye then! When’s your next midwife app? I’m also getting cramps and back ache. I’m sure it’s my body slowly preparing for labour... it’s exactly what happened with my son maybe 2/3 weeks before I actually went into labour. X

I've definitely had a run of it lately! I saw my midwife last Monday, theres basically nothing more that can be done for me if he comes he comes I've had everything going to make it better if he does end up being premature they won't try and stop labour again either, she just said to keep an eye, and any slight change get back to hospital asap! So I'm basically keeping my legs crossed for now :rofl: x
Ok that's good to hear and exactly what I feel @LNWXO @HLx @brittany12
When he is active, he is crazy active and we'll I was just wondering abt getting more wriggling and squirms than the kicks..
Doc said the same that he is running out of room and that's a good thing. Phew.. I can see my stomach changing shape when he is moving..
With my son I had an anterior placenta, so all this is very new to me lol.

Thanks girls :)
You have enough nappies/diapers to do us all by the looks of things haha! Lucky!
LOL, I secretly told myself, if no one buys anything from my registry please, just buy me diapers/nappies. I am great-full our family and friends gave us everything.

Talk about being sick. Like a week ago I couldn't go at all I was telling my O.B I wasn't able to go and then all of the sudden this week i've been going like 3-4 times a day. I was having minor contractions every 8mins about 1min and 20secs long for 3hours last night, but its wasn't just dying pain so I figured it was just painful braxton hicks contractions.

Demotivated, Brittany12 described everything I feel with my baby. if he's not up he's not up, but when he's up you know he's up. He's making mountains and waves lol
So I feel like week 36 has been the longest week everrrrrr! I also feel like week 37 is going to be the same as my in laws are out of town on vacation so the pressure to not have a baby this week is on because they would be the ones keeping our kids! I’ll be 38 weeks when they get back and have no clue if my doctor will still be out or not which is ok if so because he should definitely take all the time off he needs to grieve the loss of his son, but just makes me a little nervous to start over with a doctor I haven’t seen or knows my history so I’m not sure if he will want to induce me at 39 weeks or let me go farther to 40 or what is going to go down for the rest of this pregnancy.

I feel so guilty for being sooooo bored because it’s like we’ll lady you have two kids do something with them, spend all the time giving them attention and stuff but I physically just can’t do much, it’s hot as heck outside and we have these godawful lovebugs that sworm you if you walk out the door and my patience is gone so I tend to lose my cool with my poor kiddos! I just want to have this baby so I can be a nice mommy again! So I can hold all my babies again and get on the floor and all the things, but at the same time I know how much of a thief time is and how fast things go once baby is here so lord have mercy I can’t get myself in check!

Also, everything for baby is ready, washed, put away, bags are all packed, car seat installed, like there’s nothing left I can do there either! I’m already half way done Christmas shopping, caught completely up with work. Literally sitting on my phone 24/7 twiddling my thumbs!

Someone tell me I’m not alone or give me ideas on what to do!? I wish I could take a vacation lol!
So I feel like week 36 has been the longest week everrrrrr! I also feel like week 37 is going to be the same as my in laws are out of town on vacation so the pressure to not have a baby this week is on because they would be the ones keeping our kids! I’ll be 38 weeks when they get back and have no clue if my doctor will still be out or not which is ok if so because he should definitely take all the time off he needs to grieve the loss of his son, but just makes me a little nervous to start over with a doctor I haven’t seen or knows my history so I’m not sure if he will want to induce me at 39 weeks or let me go farther to 40 or what is going to go down for the rest of this pregnancy.

I feel so guilty for being sooooo bored because it’s like we’ll lady you have two kids do something with them, spend all the time giving them attention and stuff but I physically just can’t do much, it’s hot as heck outside and we have these godawful lovebugs that sworm you if you walk out the door and my patience is gone so I tend to lose my cool with my poor kiddos! I just want to have this baby so I can be a nice mommy again! So I can hold all my babies again and get on the floor and all the things, but at the same time I know how much of a thief time is and how fast things go once baby is here so lord have mercy I can’t get myself in check!

Also, everything for baby is ready, washed, put away, bags are all packed, car seat installed, like there’s nothing left I can do there either! I’m already half way done Christmas shopping, caught completely up with work. Literally sitting on my phone 24/7 twiddling my thumbs!

Someone tell me I’m not alone or give me ideas on what to do!? I wish I could take a vacation lol!

You sound exactly like me right now! And I have much longer to go than you do lol! I've already finished work, my bags are packed, everything is ready, I feel absolutely terrible on the kids as all I want to do is take them out and about, I can't do that I can hardly socialise with anyone right now without sounding like an utter moan!!! I've already started my xmas shopping lists, the other day.... I even gave my tumble dryer a 'service' from home and cleaned it inside and out all out of boredom, I miss working I'm not going to lie, these days I'm just spending moping around in my pjs :rofl:
I saw this on Instagram the other day and i thought I’d share it with you all! It’s so true x
You sound exactly like me right now! And I have much longer to go than you do lol! I've already finished work, my bags are packed, everything is ready, I feel absolutely terrible on the kids as all I want to do is take them out and about, I can't do that I can hardly socialise with anyone right now without sounding like an utter moan!!! I've already started my xmas shopping lists, the other day.... I even gave my tumble dryer a 'service' from home and cleaned it inside and out all out of boredom, I miss working I'm not going to lie, these days I'm just spending moping around in my pjs :rofl:

Literally me haha. I literally walk around cleaning my house with my blinds shut in my underwear with my big belly hanging out haha! I have been feeling bad on my son, not doing as much as I want to do with him before baby arrives... so we went to peppa pig world yesterday! I do not advise anyone to do that at 36 weeks pregnant. What the hell was I thinking haha! X
Hi ladies

It's been such a strange day today. After months and months of tiredness and then 2 solid weeks of extreme exhaustion' I woke up today full of the Joy's of spring. Tons of energy' hardly no aches and pains and frantically wanting to have a good sort out and organise.
I've even set up babies moses basket and put his blankets in and his teddy bear and added some extra bits to my hospital bag. I've also put all my maternity notes in a bag so it's all ready to grab in a hurry.
Today has been so good and my SPD has essed off.
I've had diarhea tonight and a
I also have a huggggge increase in CM.

Babies movements have definitely changed. Hes been a little quiter today but he is still moving and has stuck his little foot and knee out a few times. U can actually see it sticking out. I find he dont really kick now like earlier on. It's more elbows and knees and feet and stretching.

Been having a few contractions tonight but they have settled down a bit now so will prob just fizzle out like they always do.

Hope ure all having a great weekend ladies. <3
Been a busy weekend. We finally sorted out and made space for baby's cot in our room and setup everything else in the room he will share with DS few months down the line..

Was skeptical, but bought some depends for me .. last pregnancy, I really struggled with pads and post partum bleeding and then someone mentioned depends on this forum. Life changing decision!

Donti know if I'll have the next weekend to myself or not, given I have another scan on Thursday to check for Doppler and fluid .. let's hope all turns out for the best..
Hey ladies,

Hope everyone is well.. getting so close to October now :dance:

Monday week will be my section :cloud9: i cannot wait to find out what im having..

Morning sickness is creeping back in and loads of BM sorry TMI :shy:
Feel like im back in first tri...

Have been getting some pretty strong braxton hicks thought it might have been the start of something but their is no rythem or pattern to it.

Bags are packed just waiting on babys head rest for car seat (should be back in stock this week) and im good to go..

Me and hubby both had dreams i had this baby on a sunday so it will be fun to see if its today or when im in the hospital next week.

My hands and ankles or lack of ankle are so swollen.. getting loads of pins and needles im my hands and feet.. blood pressure has been fine and nothing in my urine so just a heavily pregnancy symptom

Cant wait to start seeing all the babys pics coming in x
Hey ladies,

Hope everyone is well.. getting so close to October now :dance:

Monday week will be my section :cloud9: i cannot wait to find out what im having..

Morning sickness is creeping back in and loads of BM sorry TMI :shy:
Feel like im back in first tri...

Have been getting some pretty strong braxton hicks thought it might have been the start of something but their is no rythem or pattern to it.

Bags are packed just waiting on babys head rest for car seat (should be back in stock this week) and im good to go..

Me and hubby both had dreams i had this baby on a sunday so it will be fun to see if its today or when im in the hospital next week.

My hands and ankles or lack of ankle are so swollen.. getting loads of pins and needles im my hands and feet.. blood pressure has been fine and nothing in my urine so just a heavily pregnancy symptom

Cant wait to start seeing all the babys pics coming in x
Rooting for you guys, so excited!!

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