Oooh fingers crossed because I really dont want to wait to 40 weeks or even longer haha!Omg I’m due the day before you and I was up last night feeling soooooo sick! Luckily I managed to keep it down but it was for a good 2/3 hours of me sat up in bed ready to run to the bathroom!! I wonder if our bodies are preparing... as with my son I remember waking during the nights and feeling sick x
Oh my word Brittany that’s crazy hahahaaa
I’m also super bad for starting a million projects but we are just winding them all down now. We painted our kitchen cabinets in February, I hated it!! But they needed a ton of work. We messed them up so now they need to be replaced anyways
Still have to go to IKEA to get a few things - we’re converting an IKEA crib to a side sleeper because I never could find one online. I saw a tutorial on how to do it and it’ll save some money having it two in one!
I’m really trying to soak up these last few weeks of one on one time with my son. Part of me feels guilty he won’t be the only baby anymore, he’s still so young to have to share me. But I try and remember that having him and his brother will be a good thing in the long run.
Just an update b4 I read the rest of the thread that I've missed.
I went to my appointment on sunday just for a bloodtest and to be monitored. And while on the monitor I stared contracting.
Was totally different from the last time was alot more painful and the contractions were long and getting more and more regular and strong.
Anyway I wasnt aloud to go home and was admitted in to a labour and delivery suite where the contractions got more closer together more longer and more stronger.
I wish I had taken a photo of the monitor but o was in that much pain that I didnt use my phone once.
The contractions on the monitor were alot different from last Time as well.
Some of them went up as high as they can go and then went along a bit then came back down again.
The doctor was like I'm pretty sure u are going into preterm labour.
They used a speculum to take a swab but they didnt do that test this time he said there was no point because I'm 36 weeks. Was also offered steroid shots for babies lungs but the doctor said from his point view they wudnt be very beneficial for baby now because I'm 36 weeks so we both came to the decision not to have them.
Anyway after 8 hours of painful strong contractions everything fizzled out again.
U just dont know how much of a failure I feel right now. Its like my body wont work properly.
Even the midwife was shocked and was so sure we wud of had our baby yesterday. I'm so disappointed.
The backache and the contractions were very very painful. My eyes were watering.
They only used a speculum to take a swab and said my cervix is slightly open but they didnt check properly like they normoly do.
Soooo I'm now back at home AGAIN and everything has calmed down.
My induction has now been brought forward to this sunday the 22nd September.
I have to phone delivery at 8:30am
I'll be 36+6.
Right now time to read the thread.
I was just coming back today from dropping my son at school.. just half a km walk but boy I couldn't walk.. I feel u.. this lightning crotch or whatever it is.. is painful..Does anyone else feel like they’ve been punched in the vagina LOL?
I’m going to sit down like I’ve already had the baby!! X
Oh you poor thing!! You have really been through it, but I am SOOO glad they have bought your induction forward! Xx
Omg lightning crotch is horribl . I get it so bad and it feels like ure being stabbed in the vagina and cervix it really makes u stop in ure tracks. I've been having it since about 28 weeks but now it's so painful. Feels like ure bladder is going to fall out as well.I
I was just coming back today from dropping my son at school.. just half a km walk but boy I couldn't walk.. I feel u.. this lightning crotch or whatever it is.. is painful..
@Suggerhoney 5days to go.. u r doing great![]()
I can't tell either. This week I think I may be having braxton hicks but it could also be baby moving as she's definitely running out of room. I haven't felt anything painful yet besides back pain when sitting at my desk for too long. Starting to think I should think about working from home.Oh I'm so excited to see baby pictures! My sickness went away for a day or so and I felt far better then today I'm straight back to vomiting. Oh and lightning crotch is awful!! I agree with all you ladies! I still am not sure whether I'm getting braxton hicks or not if I'm being honest as being a FTM I've nothing to compare it to! My stomach just constantly feels hard.