October bumpkins 2019

Congrats to all the new babies! I love seeing the pictures <3

I was so hoping Serena would want to come today (my mom's b-day) but doubtful lol. 38weeks 2 days today and no signs of labor. My daughter I went into labor at 39w5d born at 39w6d, first sign of labor horrible pains that came every five minutes lol. Son water broke at 38w 6d and just made it to 39w when he was born.

As of right now I have a cold, it sucks. Have had it since Saturday. I do have mild period like cramping on and off more so at night. And that's it. I'm guessing I got at least another week to go.

As of my last apt last thursday I was 2cm and about 50% effaced. I get checked out again on Thursday.
Aw Sugger sorry that must be stressful for you! Does he seem to be able to hear? Like does he startle at loud noises or get woken up by sounds? It’s good they’re monitoring it but hopefully it will end up being nothing xx

Sorry you’re sick butterfly. Hopefully it clears up before baby comes!

The midwives here visit the house in the last 2 weeks which I think is really weird haha. With DS1 they only did home visits after baby was born. Anyhow she talked a lot about the procedure for a C-section and to be honest it kind of freaked me out. I just try and remember that one day of discomfort (mainly I hate IV’s and I have a lot of anxiety around surgery etc!) is better than tearing again and having long term problems. And then of course there’s a recovery period. Anyways - I wish I was more ignorant of the whole thing because I know how difficult the tear recovery was so I keep waffling between hoping I go into labour early to avoid the section, and praying baby stays in so I don’t go through another tear. It’s so distracting it’s hard to imagine there’s also a baby that will be here after it’s all over.

Sorry just complaining! Nerves are really starting to get to me
Congrats to all the new babies! I love seeing the pictures <3

I was so hoping Serena would want to come today (my mom's b-day) but doubtful lol. 38weeks 2 days today and no signs of labor. My daughter I went into labor at 39w5d born at 39w6d, first sign of labor horrible pains that came every five minutes lol. Son water broke at 38w 6d and just made it to 39w when he was born.

As of right now I have a cold, it sucks. Have had it since Saturday. I do have mild period like cramping on and off more so at night. And that's it. I'm guessing I got at least another week to go.

As of my last apt last thursday I was 2cm and about 50% effaced. I get checked out again on Thursday.

Hopfully not much longer hon. Sounds like u have ure easily naturally so I dought ure make ure due date. I went 14 days over due with my second and oh my goodness it was not fun at all. I think them last few weeks are just the hardest.
Cant believe all our babies will be here soon it's so exciting. Make the most of ure sleep now hon while u can. That's the one thing I wish I did toward the end I shud of just chilled out more and relaxed. Dont get much time for that now lol.

Aw Sugger sorry that must be stressful for you! Does he seem to be able to hear? Like does he startle at loud noises or get woken up by sounds? It’s good they’re monitoring it but hopefully it will end up being nothing xx

Sorry you’re sick butterfly. Hopefully it clears up before baby comes!

The midwives here visit the house in the last 2 weeks which I think is really weird haha. With DS1 they only did home visits after baby was born. Anyhow she talked a lot about the procedure for a C-section and to be honest it kind of freaked me out. I just try and remember that one day of discomfort (mainly I hate IV’s and I have a lot of anxiety around surgery etc!) is better than tearing again and having long term problems. And then of course there’s a recovery period. Anyways - I wish I was more ignorant of the whole thing because I know how difficult the tear recovery was so I keep waffling between hoping I go into labour early to avoid the section, and praying baby stays in so I don’t go through another tear. It’s so distracting it’s hard to imagine there’s also a baby that will be here after it’s all over.

Sorry just complaining! Nerves are really starting to get to me

Oh yes hon it's a worry. My kids are older so it's not very noisy in my house so I've not notice him startle to any noise as of yet.
He did in the hospital. When other babies started crying that woke him up so I'm hoping his hearing is ok and it's just congestion.
His next test is on Thursday at the hospital.
I just hope and pray he hasnt got any form of hearing loss. :sad1:
Ooooow hon that cud be a sign labour is going to start real soon. I did have diareah real bad at 36 weeks but it didnt mean anything. But ure alot further so I'm pretty convinced ure body is telling you something. Alot of womon say they had flu like symptoms just b4 labour started.
Good luck hon I hope things start happening real soon[-o&lt;

This is fantastic news hon I'm praying the levels remain the Same and you get the labour and birth u have planned. [-o&lt;

Awwww hon he is absolutely adorable. Congratulations <3

Hon she is lovely. So cute. Tommy was 2 weeks old yesterday. <3

Tommy had his second ear screening test again and failed both ears so now being referred to ENT for more tests.
They said it is very common for babies to fail and is normoly down to the mukas from birth but I'm worried ladies.
I just hope and pray he passes the next test they do.
Anyone had this happen and it all turn out to be ok?
good luck, i am taking maze on friday for her 2nd test as she also failed her 1st one x
I'm 38 weeks today and have a midwife appointment on Thursday. Really flued up at the moment so could do with that clearing up before I go into labour as I'm struggling to breathe haha. Trying to rest but not getting much sleep due to baby being extremely active during the night. Had pains every 6-7mins for 3 hours the night before last but nothing came of it. She's so low that even walking my daughter to school up the road hurts my public bone and makes me need to pee. Still anxious about the birth but I'm ready for her to be here now!
Tommy has his second test on thursday. I just hope he dont have hearing loss and it is just to do with mukas.
Sorry I’ve been missing lately!

congratulations to the new babies and good luck to those coming soon!

we’re trying to get used to life with three and my random emotional breakdowns over who knows what! I’ll be glad when my body regulates itself again! Ugh and the headache suck from hormones being out of whack too. Not to mention my body is still sore mainly hips, pelvic and uterus. This is by far my hardest recovery and I think it’s because I’m older, this was my 3rd and I have 2 small kids already! He’s worth every bit of it though!

here he is! Already a week old :( time goes so fast!

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So had a midwife appointment today at 39+5 which should have been at 40 and because it was earlier than full term they wouldn't do a sweep or even examine me ](*,)so ive been referred for an induction around 41+3 with a sweep on tuesday if I choose the midwife led unit. If I want just the normal hospital maternity I have to wait on them ringing me. In two minds what to do as I want a water birth which is in every room at the midwife led unit and only in 2 rooms at the hospital. Helpppp.

The midwife led unit hasnt got a nicu which I hopefully won't need but they also don't offer epidurals (I don't want one but I'd be scared of wanting one on the day) and you would need to be transferred to another hospital if requiring an emergency c section which is 5 mins away by ambulance but that scares me. The rooms are amazing at the midwife led unit with tvs, nicer beds, partners can stay until your discharged on their own beds in your rooms with no particular visiting times for visitors. They have actual cribs for baby and it just generally seems so much more relaxing. Then like I mentioned the birthing pools. It's a hard decision.
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Ah Jessie that sucks they wouldn’t give you a sweep. Hopefully you go on your own soon! I’m sure you’ll go before 41+3.

Sounds like a tough decision! I’ve heard a lot of great things about birthing pools, and it’s nice your partner will have a bed of his own - who knows why hospitals can’t do that. To ease your mind about emergency sections (and someone can correct me if I’m wrong) but generally if you have a healthy pregnancy, there are usually signs things are starting to go wrong before it’s classified as an actual emergency, so they should be able to transfer you with lots of time if they needed to. But it’s not likely you will even need it!

However I understand the comfort of being in a hospital just in case. I didn’t have a home birth with my first for exactly that reason.

Go with your gut! Either way I’m sure you’ll have an awesome delivery.
Sorry I’ve been missing lately!

congratulations to the new babies and good luck to those coming soon!

we’re trying to get used to life with three and my random emotional breakdowns over who knows what! I’ll be glad when my body regulates itself again! Ugh and the headache suck from hormones being out of whack too. Not to mention my body is still sore mainly hips, pelvic and uterus. This is by far my hardest recovery and I think it’s because I’m older, this was my 3rd and I have 2 small kids already! He’s worth every bit of it though!

here he is! Already a week old :( time goes so fast!

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He is absolutely gorgeous hon congratulations again.
I've been getting alot of headaches as well and they suck.
So had a midwife appointment today at 39+5 which should have been at 40 and because it was earlier than full term they wouldn't do a sweep or even examine me ](*,)so ive been referred for an induction around 41+3 with a sweep on tuesday if I choose the midwife led unit. If I want just the normal hospital maternity I have to wait on them ringing me. In two minds what to do as I want a water birth which is in every room at the midwife led unit and only in 2 rooms at the hospital. Helpppp.

The midwife led unit hasnt got a nicu which I hopefully won't need but they also don't offer epidurals (I don't want one but I'd be scared of wanting one on the day) and you would need to be transferred to another hospital if requiring an emergency c section which is 5 mins away by ambulance but that scares me. The rooms are amazing at the midwife led unit with tvs, nicer beds, partners can stay until your discharged on their own beds in your rooms with no particular visiting times for visitors. They have actual cribs for baby and it just generally seems so much more relaxing. Then like I mentioned the birthing pools. It's a hard decision.

The midwife unit sounds so nice and it's great they have a bed for partners. I wish the hospital did that my hubby had to sit in a chair that didnt even recline so he was do tired by the end of it all.
Cant believe they wudnt give u a sweep that sucks. Hopefully u will have baby b4 41 weeks:shock:
Hi girls!

So today is officially my due date. I had already had my son by now on his due date so I am in new territory lol.
I have been having period pains on and off but that’s about it. Is there much in that? Last time I woke up and my waters went and I immediately had strong contractions. Anyone else have labour start with period pains? Please say yes lol x
Just had my midwife appointment and she measured the fundal height and said its plotting as static growth so she's booked me in for another growth scan tomorrow at 4pm and if the scan shows the same then they will book me in for induction eek! But I feel like I have period pains and backache so not sure if it's the start of anything or if it's from all this coughing. Time will tell. I'll keep you updated x
Hi girls!

So today is officially my due date. I had already had my son by now on his due date so I am in new territory lol.
I have been having period pains on and off but that’s about it. Is there much in that? Last time I woke up and my waters went and I immediately had strong contractions. Anyone else have labour start with period pains? Please say yes lol x
I'm the exact same as you with the pains on and off! I'm due tomorrow and doubt she will come on time. Keep feeling like a stretching feeling down there though so I'm praying I've dilated even a few cms!
The midwife unit sounds so nice and it's great they have a bed for partners. I wish the hospital did that my hubby had to sit in a chair that didnt even recline so he was do tired by the end of it all.
Cant believe they wudnt give u a sweep that sucks. Hopefully u will have baby b4 41 weeks:shock:
I'm leaning towards the midwife led unit now! I'll make my mind up last minute probably haha!
Ah Jessie that sucks they wouldn’t give you a sweep. Hopefully you go on your own soon! I’m sure you’ll go before 41+3.

Sounds like a tough decision! I’ve heard a lot of great things about birthing pools, and it’s nice your partner will have a bed of his own - who knows why hospitals can’t do that. To ease your mind about emergency sections (and someone can correct me if I’m wrong) but generally if you have a healthy pregnancy, there are usually signs things are starting to go wrong before it’s classified as an actual emergency, so they should be able to transfer you with lots of time if they needed to. But it’s not likely you will even need it!

However I understand the comfort of being in a hospital just in case. I didn’t have a home birth with my first for exactly that reason.

Go with your gut! Either way I’m sure you’ll have an awesome delivery.
Thank you for the reassurance! Xx
So ladies I got my official induction date and it's not until the 24th :-( I'll be 41+6. I'll have a few sweeps between either tuesday (midwife led unit) or Thursday (hospital) and my induction date so fingers crossed I don't have to wait for the induction as that feels like FOREVER away! Thinking the midwife led unit will be far better for me, though no matter what I can change my mind on the day!
Hi girls!

So today is officially my due date. I had already had my son by now on his due date so I am in new territory lol.
I have been having period pains on and off but that’s about it. Is there much in that? Last time I woke up and my waters went and I immediately had strong contractions. Anyone else have labour start with period pains? Please say yes lol x

When I had the gel put in to soften my cervix last time I had awful period pains that turned into contractions, so I figured that’s what it feels like when your cervix is in the early stages of dilating. Sounds promising!

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