How’s it going Jessie, doddy and Nolimit?
Who’s left other than those ladies? So unusual in a group to have so many of the babies born already, we’re only just halfway through the month!
Sorry Sugger, I know how you feel. I am RH- but won’t take Rhogam for personal reasons, so they test my babies for their blood type, and as soon as I get a positive baby I have a chance of being sensitized to their blood, making it risky to have more babies. DH and I always said if I were to be sensitized, we’d get him a vasectomy and stop having kids. We found out today Emmett is A+ even though my older son is A-. So I have to be tested in a few weeks to see if I was sensitized or not. If I was, we won’t be having more babies. It’s bittersweet for me as I love the kids I have, but I would be a bit sad to say goodbye to this time of my life. And the chance at a daughter! But I’m so thankful for my boys
We are home! We were discharged just 24 hours after the section, I stayed 3 full days with my tear. This has been an incredibly healing birth for me, I can’t believe how smoothly it’s all gone. Very happy to be home and feeling good!