October bumpkins 2019

lol I just call it as I see it. I had a bad hemorrhage with our first daughter (over 2 liters of blood loss). And my doctor is pretty sure I have PTSD from it, which thankfully really only flares up when I'm pregnant but gets worse the longer the pregnancy goes. Last week was horrible. And then with our son, I got an infection while in labor and he had to go to NICU and that was a horrible experience there. They are amazing nurses for babies who need it, but not so good with full term babies that didn't need help (they where giving him 3-4 oz of milk right away and he kept puking it up and they didn't understand why).
And yesterday at my apt I was just freaking out and it was bad. Such high anxiety yesterday but I have never felt more in control with a labor which was so different.
Sorry to hear you had hemorrhaged again but glad to hear it wasn't as bad.

Its horrible when u have had such a horrible experience b4. Pregnancy is such a anxious and worrying time anyway then u have the added fear of the birth because of what happened b4.
I'm so so happy it went so well for you hon and baby is now here.

I lost over 2 leters with DD and about 1 leter this time. I only ended up having to have 1 leter blood transfusion after the surgery where as b4 I needed so much more.
The surgery bit was quite scary this time tho because they didnt put me to sleep like they did last time. They kept me awake but used a spinal to numb me from the waist down. Felt quite unwell when they was doing the surgery. I cudnt feel anything but I felt really sick and cudnt breath properly and I felt unwell after for a few days but then I was fine.

Felt great as soon as I had the transfusion lol.
But the whole labour and birth part was just so good and yes painful but we had quite a good laugh with it this time.

How are you feeling now?
Wanted to check in on the ladies still waiting on their babies. How are you guys doing?

Yes ladies who are still waiting how are you all doing? There will be more birth announcements soon and I cant wait.
Good luck ladies I'm thinking of you
I'm holding up pretty good, made it to the gym yesterday at 39 weeks. I also was losing bits of my mucus plug all day yesterday but still no contractions. I have a midwife appointment Monday and an ultrasound booked for Wednesday and I'll be surprised if anything happens before that. I'm still kinda hoping for a Halloween baby even though that would make me 6 days overdue.
Elsie Lambert born 9.01pm on 19th October via C section after a lengthy 24 hour labour.

Went into spontaneous labour but was unable to progress past 7cm despite hormone drip, pethidine and epidural. Turns out she was a chunky monkey weighing in at 10lb 2oz and I just couldn't get her into my pelvis!

I'll let her off though as she's so cute!

Elsie Lambert born 9.01pm on 19th October via C section after a lengthy 24 hour labour.

Went into spontaneous labour but was unable to progress past 7cm despite hormone drip, pethidine and epidural. Turns out she was a chunky monkey weighing in at 10lb 2oz and I just couldn't get her into my pelvis!

I'll let her off though as she's so cute!

View attachment 1070944
Aw congrats!! She's adorable
Elsie Lambert born 9.01pm on 19th October via C section after a lengthy 24 hour labour.

Went into spontaneous labour but was unable to progress past 7cm despite hormone drip, pethidine and epidural. Turns out she was a chunky monkey weighing in at 10lb 2oz and I just couldn't get her into my pelvis!

I'll let her off though as she's so cute!

View attachment 1070944

Congratulations!! Wow over 10 pounds good for you! Hope you have a quick recovery xx
Elsie Lambert born 9.01pm on 19th October via C section after a lengthy 24 hour labour.

Went into spontaneous labour but was unable to progress past 7cm despite hormone drip, pethidine and epidural. Turns out she was a chunky monkey weighing in at 10lb 2oz and I just couldn't get her into my pelvis!

I'll let her off though as she's so cute!

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Wow over 10lbs hon u shud be really proud of urself. Well done momma.
Congratulations she is beautiful. Wishing you a speedy recovery sweety xx
I'm holding up pretty good, made it to the gym yesterday at 39 weeks. I also was losing bits of my mucus plug all day yesterday but still no contractions. I have a midwife appointment Monday and an ultrasound booked for Wednesday and I'll be surprised if anything happens before that. I'm still kinda hoping for a Halloween baby even though that would make me 6 days overdue.

U never know hon labour can just start out of the blue. Hopfully things happen soon.
How many ladies are left now?
Just had to share this. This is what my nanna brought Tommy when he was born and it makes me laugh. Hes just had a bath so his hair is all fluffy hahaha.

Hes not pooped for all day today or yesterday not sure if that's normol or not. He has been a bit restless so wondering if he is constipated?
Last time he went was on Wednesday and he went alot and it was normol wasnt hard at all.

Cant believe he will be 4 weeks tommorow the time is just flying by. Last time he was weighed he was 8lbs so I'm guessing hes around 9lbs now. We have our 6 week appointment with the doctor in November. Still not sure what to do regarding contraception?

I think the mini pill may be the best option because it only has the one hormone which I'm aloud and it's something I can just stop when the time comes to ttc again and I wont need no medical professional to remove anything.

I had the implant b4 but do not want that again.
Had a right nightmare getting it removed to ttc Tommy. Took 3 months of waiting to see a specialist to get it removed because it was put in to deep.

Was thinking of the coil but again that has to be done and removed by a medical professional. So decided against that.
Hopfully I will be aloud the mini pill. At least with that I can just stop taking it for a few months b4 we try for our last baby.
Elsie Lambert born 9.01pm on 19th October via C section after a lengthy 24 hour labour.

Went into spontaneous labour but was unable to progress past 7cm despite hormone drip, pethidine and epidural. Turns out she was a chunky monkey weighing in at 10lb 2oz and I just couldn't get her into my pelvis!

I'll let her off though as she's so cute!

View attachment 1070944
Too precious, congrats Hun. Who can be mad at that cuteness?
Just had to share this. This is what my nanna brought Tommy when he was born and it makes me laugh. Hes just had a bath so his hair is all fluffy hahaha.
View attachment 1070966

Hes not pooped for all day today or yesterday not sure if that's normol or not. He has been a bit restless so wondering if he is constipated?
Last time he went was on Wednesday and he went alot and it was normol wasnt hard at all.

Cant believe he will be 4 weeks tommorow the time is just flying by. Last time he was weighed he was 8lbs so I'm guessing hes around 9lbs now. We have our 6 week appointment with the doctor in November. Still not sure what to do regarding contraception?

I think the mini pill may be the best option because it only has the one hormone which I'm aloud and it's something I can just stop when the time comes to ttc again and I wont need no medical professional to remove anything.

I had the implant b4 but do not want that again.
Had a right nightmare getting it removed to ttc Tommy. Took 3 months of waiting to see a specialist to get it removed because it was put in to deep.

Was thinking of the coil but again that has to be done and removed by a medical professional. So decided against that.
Hopfully I will be aloud the mini pill. At least with that I can just stop taking it for a few months b4 we try for our last baby.
Tommy is adorable!!<3
It was hard enough for me to conceive Konnor, so if anything I would only do pill if I must. Which I don't think I'll need any as Im nursing, pumping and I was diagnosis with pcos early on.
I also don't like the method of having something put inside of you and having someone going back in to remove it, its just too much for me.
Just had to share this. This is what my nanna brought Tommy when he was born and it makes me laugh. Hes just had a bath so his hair is all fluffy hahaha.
View attachment 1070966

Hes not pooped for all day today or yesterday not sure if that's normol or not. He has been a bit restless so wondering if he is constipated?
Last time he went was on Wednesday and he went alot and it was normol wasnt hard at all.

Cant believe he will be 4 weeks tommorow the time is just flying by. Last time he was weighed he was 8lbs so I'm guessing hes around 9lbs now. We have our 6 week appointment with the doctor in November. Still not sure what to do regarding contraception?

I think the mini pill may be the best option because it only has the one hormone which I'm aloud and it's something I can just stop when the time comes to ttc again and I wont need no medical professional to remove anything.

I had the implant b4 but do not want that again.
Had a right nightmare getting it removed to ttc Tommy. Took 3 months of waiting to see a specialist to get it removed because it was put in to deep.

Was thinking of the coil but again that has to be done and removed by a medical professional. So decided against that.
Hopfully I will be aloud the mini pill. At least with that I can just stop taking it for a few months b4 we try for our last baby.

DH and I always found condoms to work for us. I know they’re not as effective as other methods, but we always knew we wanted kids so it wasn’t like an accident was a huge deal. We didn’t use anything between Elias and Emmett. Breastfeeding kept us safe until my period came back, but then we got pregnant the next month sooooo haha. When we’re done DH will get snipped, otherwise it’ll probably just be condoms again.

Also I can’t remember if you’re breastfeeding? I think you mentioned you’re formula feeding right? I’d give it another day or two before being worried. He‘ll probably have a giant poop soon :haha:
Tommy is adorable!!<3
It was hard enough for me to conceive Konnor, so if anything I would only do pill if I must. Which I don't think I'll need any as Im nursing, pumping and I was diagnosis with pcos early on.
I also don't like the method of having something put inside of you and having someone going back in to remove it, its just too much for me.

That's the only thing that worries me is if the mini pill will effect my fertility because we are going to TTC for the last time in 2021 so I dont want anything that's going to effect our chances especially with me being over 40 by that time.
I will speak to my doctor about it and see what he suggests. If need be it may have to just be condoms but my husband hates them:-(
DH and I always found condoms to work for us. I know they’re not as effective as other methods, but we always knew we wanted kids so it wasn’t like an accident was a huge deal. We didn’t use anything between Elias and Emmett. Breastfeeding kept us safe until my period came back, but then we got pregnant the next month sooooo haha. When we’re done DH will get snipped, otherwise it’ll probably just be condoms again.

Also I can’t remember if you’re breastfeeding? I think you mentioned you’re formula feeding right? I’d give it another day or two before being worried. He‘ll probably have a giant poop soon :haha:

I'm happy to use condoms hon at least that way ure not putting any hormones into ure body but sadly husband hates condoms.
I will see what the doctor says about the mini pill. I just dont want anything that's going to effect our chances when it comes to ttc esp with me being over 40 when that time comes around.
I'm not sure if the mini pill does effect fatality but I will talk to the doctor.
If not then it will just have to be the pull out method and condoms hahaha sorry TMI lol

Yes I'm bottle feeding hon but we have poop hahaha. He ended up going in the end and it was still soft so not constipated. Think he has colic so we are using Dentinox.
Sutton will be 3 weeks tomorrow and I’m so confused on how we’re already 3 weeks old! I just hate how fast time goes!

my dh is getting snipped next month but we’ll use condoms for the first year most likely. I’ve never been on birth control always condoms or pull out. We also always said we’d never be upset if there was an “opps” and birth controls freak me out! I’m not against it just not for me.

I also was so thrilled for the most amazing last pregnancy/labor/birth! I’m so glad I got the perfect ending to help with ending this chapter of our lives. It’s very bittersweet but I don’t think my body could handle another as recovery has been the longest out of the three and I believe my hips will be permanently out of whack! Lol!

good luck everyone still waiting! You’re almost there!

Sutton will be 3 weeks tomorrow and I’m so confused on how we’re already 3 weeks old! I just hate how fast time goes!

my dh is getting snipped next month but we’ll use condoms for the first year most likely. I’ve never been on birth control always condoms or pull out. We also always said we’d never be upset if there was an “opps” and birth controls freak me out! I’m not against it just not for me.

I also was so thrilled for the most amazing last pregnancy/labor/birth! I’m so glad I got the perfect ending to help with ending this chapter of our lives. It’s very bittersweet but I don’t think my body could handle another as recovery has been the longest out of the three and I believe my hips will be permanently out of whack! Lol!

good luck everyone still waiting! You’re almost there!

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I know what u mean hon. I'm not keen going on any birth control tbh. I'd rather stick to pull out and condoms. I did end up getting pregnant with DD using the pull out but if did take 16 months.
I spoke to DH about condoms and he seemed ok with it and if a whoops was to happen we wudnt be fussed.
I will talk to my dr about the mini pill. I've been on the standard pill b4 but never the mini so I'm not that clued up on it and I just dont anything that's going to jeopardise our chances.

Tell me about it hon it's going so fast. It's like we need a pause button.
Sutton is adorable hon. I'm sorry recovery has been so long. My hip pain went away the last 2 weeks of my pregnancy which was very odd. I'm not sure why because with the other 2 my hips and pelvis were more painful toward the end.
The only thing I've been having since giving birth is bad headaches and constipation. I was getting night sweats but that has settled now.
Still getting the odd foot cramp but not as bad as when I was pregnant.
The kidney infection has been a bitch but it's getting better.
Still trying to establish a routine but I dont think they really get a proper routine until the newborn phase is over. So I'm just sitting here with my greasy hair and my PJs.
I feel like a slob lol

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