October bumpkins 2019

I keep checking in but yes things are much quieter now! Yes hopefully more babies have come now :)

AFM I’m feeling really good after the section, I wasn’t sure what to expect recovery wise but it’s only been just over a week and I feel pretty much back to normal - which is AMAZING after DS1’s recovery. I’m just so happy, I almost cried in Bath and Body Works the other day because I was 6 days pp and walking around the mall with my mom and my kids - I couldn’t do that at 8 weeks pp with my son. It’s been such a healing experience for me.

Emmett is a great baby too. Elias had colic and screamed 95% of the time - Emmett just sleeps and eats! He rarely cries, he’s just a super content little guy.

Hope everyone else is doing ok. Hugs to those who have said their LO’s may have colic, that was so hard for us to go through.
Things are good with me, still patiently waiting, it's 2 days to my due date and told I'll be induced either Halloween or Nov 1 if she hasn't come yet. I've had cramping but every time I think it's starting it goes away. I'm still only 2cm dilated as of Monday which was the same as last week.
My little guy is a bit colicy and it's no fun. He dont cry and cry like dd1 did but he squeals during feeds and cries out like hes in pain.
We are using dentinox and that's helping with bringing his wind up easier.

Tommy was super chilled for the first 2 weeks. Then the colic started. It normoly kicks in around 2 to 3 weeks I really hope u skip it this time.
It's not fun esp at night when he takes ages to bring his wind up and just squeals and screams. I think he only has it mild tho because with mu DD she wud cry really loud all the time that was so hard.

Hopfully it all starts shook hon.
Is there anyone else left still waiting?
My first baby had colic, it was awful. He would scream and scream. As soon as we could use gripe water we did and it was amazing for us! Although he then did develop eczema and then had constant bad belly and turns out he had w cows milk protein allergy. So I’m guessing it was all linked.

Miles is showing some similar signs, maybe not as bad. Or maybe it’s the start but I changed his bottles to the colic tommee tippee ones and although they leak a little, they are amazing (I think) I’m hoping it’s not a fluke lol! X
Also, random question... but I didn’t bf with my first and I’m not bf again... I don’t remember this happening last time but I have weird tingly nipples, it happens every now and then. I’ve been wearing a well supportive bra and I’m not having much milk come onto my breast pads so I was assuming my milk was going away. Is this tingly weird feeling my milk going away? My boobs have deflated also... x
My first baby had colic, it was awful. He would scream and scream. As soon as we could use gripe water we did and it was amazing for us! Although he then did develop eczema and then had constant bad belly and turns out he had w cows milk protein allergy. So I’m guessing it was all linked.

Miles is showing some similar signs, maybe not as bad. Or maybe it’s the start but I changed his bottles to the colic tommee tippee ones and although they leak a little, they are amazing (I think) I’m hoping it’s not a fluke lol! X

That's the bottles we use as well. I also have some Mam ones but not them yet.
got maze weighed today shes 8ib 13! shes put on just over 2ib since birth, she was 6ib 11 at birth x

That's great hon she is gaining so well. Tommy was last weighed 2 weeks ago and he was 8lbs dead on then so I think he is around 9lbs now. Hes still in new born.
I tried him in 0-3 but its huge lol so I've put all that stuff away for now until he can fit in it.
He is wearing Asda first size now and it's a bit big. But I'm sure he will fill it soon.
Time is flying.
The past week or so has been quite hard. Tommy isnt settling to sleep until about 2am every morning thanks to the reflux and colic but we have a doctors appointment next week for our 6 week check so I'm going to see what the dr says.

I'm not gonna lie I am looking forward to when he starts sleeping through and having a proper routine. I just feel like such a slob at the moment.
Sorry for the colicky babies! Sutton has some gas pains and will sometimes skip a day of pooping which is different from my other kids (the poop part) but it’s actually quite common for breastfed babies because there not much they need to digest with breast milk. But he typically gets the gas out the. He’s fine. I’ve used gripe water with my other 2 and it was great and I’ve used it twice for Sutton . Only when he seems really bad.

I do miss the kicks and the cute second tri belly but not the aches and pains and unable to love or hold my other kids and the huge belly lol. I also am not a fan of the post partum flap that I have and the extra weight my body clinges to while breastfeeding! Whoever said you lose the weight so fast while breastfeeding is totally crazy! 3rd baby and every time my body holds on to 10-15 pounds until I’m done breastfeeding. So it’s a little bit of a bummer looking in the mirror but it’s totally worth it!

so I’m going to ask.. anyone had sex yet? I definitely have not and plan to wait the recommended 6 weeks per my dr orders, but like 2 weeks after my 6 week appointment my dh is getting snipped and then they recommend no sex for like a week or two after that! Lol maybe we’ll just wait til Christmas and I can make it one of his gifts haha! Poor guy.. it’s been a couple months now because it was too uncomfortable at the end and then I’m also still bleeding and waiting the 6 weeks then he is getting his procedure done! I mean lol what’s another 2 weeks after that!!! :haha: it’s really not funny!

anyways good luck to the few ladies still pregnant!
Sugger - yes my DS1 had colic from the moment he was born until 11 weeks. Ugh it was so awful, felt like I completely missed out on the newborn stage. Emmett has gas pains but so far it’s nothing like Elias was. Hoping we pass the 2 week mark with no change - won’t feel ‘safe’ until at least 4 weeks!

LNXWO - not sure! My nipples actually get tingly when I haven’t fed baby for a while, but then I leak a lot right after haha. I didn’t notice a change when my milk stopped with DS1. Hopefully it’s going though, I’m sure it’s not fun to deal with leaky boobs when you aren’t breastfeeding!

Brittany - no sex for us yet. It’s early days still, and I’m nervous because of the section! We’ll probably wait the 6 weeks as well.

Personally I don’t miss being pregnant, although I try and enjoy it while I am. The midwife said today we wouldn’t have to have a large gap if we wanted a 3rd baby, as long as I wanted another ELCS. If we had a third it would be our last, and I’ll probably be sad if/when that happens as it’ll close a chapter for us. Bittersweet for sure!
anyone else miss being pregnant :( hubby has agreed to a 5th but not for a few more years yet x

I had such a difficult pregnancy aftr 30weeks.. I don't even miss it. Had this been my first, I would have never even tried for second.

DH and I don't want more than 2kids. In our society, norm is 1-2 kids only so we wre done now :)
Rio turned one month yesterday. How time flies..

Initial few weeks were terrible. He developed severe constipation due to formula. After lot of back and forth and trial and error, we r finally kind of ok on comfort formula and a bit of lactulose once a day. That gets us one good dirty nappy a day.

He is otherwise a very gassy baby and tends to get colicky but honestly, it's not bad. My DS1 was such a chilled out baby with no poop or gas issues that we r finding it difficult to adjust here, even though he is only a lil bit colicky. Hopefully it only gets better from here.

No sex yet even though my bleeding has stopped. I honestly didn't even think of it given I feel so exhausted with 2kids. We have our 9th weddings anniversary coming up in Nov and we r planning a nice lil trip to a resort, so probably will get things rolling :)

Oh and we had our 1 month check yesterday. Birth weight was 5lb 14oz and yesterday was 7lb15oz so growing well.

If only he pooped like my DS1 :P
The kids are all
anyone else miss being pregnant :( hubby has agreed to a 5th but not for a few more years yet x

Yes me hon. Last week I was really missing it and really missing having a bump and getting bump envy when seeing other women pregnant which I feel really stupid about considering my baby is only coming up to 5 weeks.

I really do miss it. I know it's a stressful time but I love having a bump and feeling baby move and all the excitement of finding out gender etc.

I wud really love another baby but being almost 40 now I'm not sure if it will be possible.
We are waiting until Tommy is around 18 months and then we will ttc again but I will be 41 and hubby will be 46 so I'm not sure if it will happen. I hate getting older and knowing that my chances of having any more children are slim. I'm so blessed with the children I already have but I really do hope and pray that we can have just one more.
We have done the deed a few times. I was worried at first but it was ok I think i was more worried about falling pregnant again so soon. We are using the pull out method and condoms but DH hates condoms so I may have to go on the mini pill if I'm aloud it.
I want to make sure it wont effect our chances when we ttc first tho.
I definitely do not want to fall pregnant b4 Tommy is 18 months. I really want to hold out until he is 18 months because then there be just over 2 yrs between which is a great age gap.
I wud love to leave it about a 3 year gap but wont be able to because of my age. So we do have to start ttc sooner rather than later.

I'll be 41 when we start trying I did think that was kind of old but then along comes Sue Radcliffe (britains supper mum) naturally pregnant with baby 22 (yes 22) LOL and she is 44 and will be 45 when she gives birth.

Depending on how long it takes us to conceive (that's if we do conceive) I will be 42 when baby is born.

Is that to old? Somebody said on facebook that womon shouldn't have babies in therr 40s because it's not fair on the child. That really really upsett me.

I think as long as u can give ure child a loving home and they are well cared for then age shouldn't even matter.
We have done the deed a few times. I was worried at first but it was ok I think i was more worried about falling pregnant again so soon. We are using the pull out method and condoms but DH hates condoms so I may have to go on the mini pill if I'm aloud it.
I want to make sure it wont effect our chances when we ttc first tho.
I definitely do not want to fall pregnant b4 Tommy is 18 months. I really want to hold out until he is 18 months because then there be just over 2 yrs between which is a great age gap.
I wud love to leave it about a 3 year gap but wont be able to because of my age. So we do have to start ttc sooner rather than later.

I'll be 41 when we start trying I did think that was kind of old but then along comes Sue Radcliffe (britains supper mum) naturally pregnant with baby 22 (yes 22) LOL and she is 44 and will be 45 when she gives birth.

Depending on how long it takes us to conceive (that's if we do conceive) I will be 42 when baby is born.

Is that to old? Somebody said on facebook that womon shouldn't have babies in therr 40s because it's not fair on the child. That really really upsett me.

I think as long as u can give ure child a loving home and they are well cared for then age shouldn't even matter.

I know a few people who have had children into their 40s and they’re great parents! If you want more kids and there’s no medical reason not to then of course you can :) I don’t know if I would do it just because I’m already worn out from having 2 and I’m in my 20s, I can’t imagine having the energy to keep up with babies in my 40s haha. But you already have little ones so you’re well prepared!
I know a few people who have had children into their 40s and they’re great parents! If you want more kids and there’s no medical reason not to then of course you can :) I don’t know if I would do it just because I’m already worn out from having 2 and I’m in my 20s, I can’t imagine having the energy to keep up with babies in my 40s haha. But you already have little ones so you’re well prepared!

I feel I have more patience now than I did in my 20s. Its weird lol.
Do I miss being pregnant? Honestly, I do, I really really do. I miss feeling my baby move and hiccup, but I LOVE having him in my arms.

Have we done the deed? We have no time for that at all. lol We haven't flirted or looked at each other sexually after having Konnor. If Im not tending to my baby Im pumping. If Im not feeding him Im changing dirty diapers. If Im not drinking water Im eating really fast. I find my husband most of the time napping and sleeping through my baby's cries. Sometimes, my dagger eyes would like send a throw pillow his way at a really fast pace and hopefully it lands right in his face especially if he's snoring. I mean he does help. but I feel like its 25% if even that while im doing the rest. thats my vent for the day. lol

My baby's measurements on October 22nd were
6lbs10oz from 5lbs 10oz
20inches from 18 1/2inches

happy growing to all our babies and sending strength to all who hasn't given birth.
So sorry ladies I’ve been missing. Had lots going on. So first congrats lady!! And I ended up very similar to you.

Long story short, little miss Ariya Jane was born on Tuesday 22nd October at 3.38am weighing 7lbs 7. She arrived during emergency csection which is why I’ve not been on. I had the most traumatising labour after being unable to progress past 4cm in 40 hours of labour. Baby’s head was coming out back to back and rather than being tucked in to allow her soft part of her head through first, her hard forehead was coming angled first. I was so upset during my labour as midwives told me time and time again she was in the perfect position for birth and I knew otherwise. I was transferred to the hospital via emergency ambulance after 23 hours labouring in the midwife led unit. I spent 17 hours labouring at the hospital where I stayed at 4cm for 12 hours before baby got in distress and they told me I had no choice but to go into theatre.

Anyway I’m recovering well I’m just heartbroken because I really wanted things to go smoothly and I just feel so let down by the midwives who failed to pick up on baby’s unnatural position. But here’s pictures of my lovely little girl who changed my life forever.

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Hi everyone!

Congratulations to everyone who has had their babas! They are all so so cute❤️

While I’m having a soak in the bath I thought I’d update with some pics and type up a post about the birth.

So I had a sweep on Thursday the 10th while I was at the day unit for reduced movements, was 3cm. After that I had contractions but they just weren’t getting painful enough.... went up to hosp at 11pm and they checked me and I was still 3cm and was sent home. After that contractions came and went, again either not consistent enough or weren’t progressing. They then stopped completely on the Friday evening and I thought well maybe it’s a blessing, and that I should get an early night! (Thank god I did) I woke on Saturday after a fab sleep and I carried on with my morning, and at about 10am I started contracting again, although by 11am they had gotten worse. I called the birthing centre who asked about movements, when I realised I hadn’t felt him. So was sent to delivery to be monitored before given the go ahead for the birthing centre. Although baby’s heart rate wasn’t accelerating during my contractions so we decided it was best not to go to the birthing centre (where they don’t monitor baby other than with a Doppler) 12pm and I am checked and I am 6cm. I then get moved to the room I’m going to deliver in, offered gas and air... just held on to it more than anything lol! And then after a while the midwife suggested to break my waters to speed things a long as baby’s heart rate was going down slightly. As soon as she broke my waters, I had the urge to push, and 10 minutes later at 2.30pm he was here❤️ He had the cord round his neck twice and once around his whole body!!
Here he is... my little 9lb chunk! :)
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