October bumpkins 2019

Wow so good to see all the babies :D

My AF came yesterday and I m so sad.. was so good to be period free for a year lol..

Rio has almost dropped his night feeds.. crazy.. but he feeds like a trooper on the day and I give him a dreamfeed at 10 before I hit the sack so mostly he sleeps till 5.30.. thank heavens..

We go for our 10week jabs on Thursday and also do the weight check but I reckon he is 12lbs+

He loves swing and rocker but most his baby carrier.. instantly sleeps in it when I carry him around.. 3 months in 12days.. how time flies..

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Hi everyone

Loving all the updates and gorgeous baby photos.
Happy Belated birthday @brittany12

So I'm now 40:-( not feeling to good about it tbh and been really low and just not really my usual self.

Tommy has dropped down the 25th percentile. He will be 13 weeks old on Monday and weighs 12lbs 9oz. The health visitor is a little concerned but she said he will prob just be a small baby. He feeds every 3 hours during the day and hes still on 5oz but only drinks about 4oz. Hes dropped his late night feed and middle of the night feed. So he has a bottle around 7pm and then goes to sleep around 10pm and wakes around 6:30am.
He is smiling and cooing and he has stared laughing and it's so cute.
He is in 0-3 months clothing.

Bit worried that hes not really gaining much weight but the health visitor did say they will keep an eye on it but its prob just because he is going to be small.
I just hope theres nothing wrong.

We still haven't finished our xmas shopping it's been crazy.
Aw Sugger, sorry you’re feeling down! And sorry Tommy is down a bit in weight - hopefully he bulks up soon!

Emmett has started sleeping really well - we can usually get him down around 8:30, he wakes around 5am for a quick feed and then goes back down until around 9:30ish. My dad lives in the Cayman Islands and for our 5 year anniversary this year he’s flying all of us down for a visit (well, kids are free still since they’re both under 2 :haha:) but we are so looking forward to it!

Some pictures, loving the way my son is taking a shine to Emmett!

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All these baby pictures gives me baby fever all over again :lol:!! Theyre all growing so beautifully<3<3.

When I last took Konnor in earlier this month he was weighing in at 10lbs 6oz.
We had to move on over to 0-3months just last week. NB are offically a bit too tight.
He's really cooing and smiling since yesterday and I am one proud Mama.

Happy Belated Birthday to you Sugger, its alright to feel some type of way. I've completely stopped counting my number after 25. When people ask me how old I am I literally take out the calculator and do 2019-1983=:lol:. Its really is "just" a number. Live life and enjoy it enjoy your family. Don't be, too sad.

Happy Holiday to each and everyone of you. May the last few days of December filled your homes and heart with all the warmth you're ever need. Happy New Years, too, if we should not check in until the new year.
All these baby pictures gives me baby fever all over again :lol:!! Theyre all growing so beautifully<3<3.

When I last took Konnor in earlier this month he was weighing in at 10lbs 6oz.
We had to move on over to 0-3months just last week. NB are offically a bit too tight.
He's really cooing and smiling since yesterday and I am one proud Mama.

Happy Belated Birthday to you Sugger, its alright to feel some type of way. I've completely stopped counting my number after 25. When people ask me how old I am I literally take out the calculator and do 2019-1983=:lol:. Its really is "just" a number. Live life and enjoy it enjoy your family. Don't be, too sad.

Happy Holiday to each and everyone of you. May the last few days of December filled your homes and heart with all the warmth you're ever need. Happy New Years, too, if we should not check in until the new year.

Awwww thank you hon that's so nice.

Merry Christmas everyone hope ure all having a lovely time
Hope everyone had a brilliant Christmas/holidays..

I'm loving hubby being off get some lie ons lol..

Cillian is great.. he was 3 months on the 23rd.. it's crazy how quick it's going..
I was told by my PHN I have to start using the 23rd as calculating months instead of each week on a monday :-k

Cillian is great he is a monster.. filling out 3-6 months clothes already although his arms seem to be too short for the 3-6 months his legs are starting to fill them..

He has an appointment on the 9th of jan so I'm looking forward to seeing how much he weighs he is defo more than 14lbs.. hes only taken 4-5oz every 4-5 hours so not sure how he is gaining so much weight.. he is very active nearly rolling on his side.. hates tummy time so need to work on that. Babbles away all day when he is awake and his smile could light up any room..he seems to be teething abit but not fully yet.. he has been sleeping through the night a couple of weeks now last bottle around half 10 and then wakes half 6-7 for his next bottle..

I'm doing good.. got abit overwhelmed on the build up to christmas but it was worth it.. only think I'm worried about is.. does anyone else have aniexty when someone else is holding the baby as in aunts/uncles cousins.. I get real panicky when I dont have him even with my husband some times :shrug: it's not that I want him in my arms all the time but I need to have him near me at all times.. am I crazy? Not sure if I should mention it to the PHN

Any who I promise I will update the front page today.. I have a pen and paper and I'm going to read every comment hopefully I wont miss anyone but just let me know if I do xx

Here is some pics of Cillian over the xmas



He’s so adorable Shorty!!

Ive also switched Emmett to 3-6 month clothes which is crazy (!!) since he’s only just 2.5 months. But this size fits him better and I can’t keep cramming him into the 0-3 stuff :( He’s been sleeping 6+ hours at a time each night which is awesome. He’s also super smiley and also hates tummy time lol.

Honestly if all my babies were like him I’d have a million!

(although let’s be real, sometimes I want to pull my hair out with these kids haha :haha:
Hi ladies I hope u all had a wonderful Christmas.

@Shorty88 I also felt a little overwhelmed on the run up to xmas this year. I'm kind of glad it's over in a way lol. The past 2 or so weeks have felt like a month it's been crazy Haha.

Tommy is still in 0-3 but I have got him a few
3-6 but its seems so long in the legs and arms still. He is on the 25th percentile now for his weight which there a little worried about but he just isnt a very hungry baby. Hes on 4 to 5oz every 3 hours and has been going through the night for a few weeks now.
He has his last bottle at 10pm then goes through until about 6:30am' sometimes 7am.
I think he still has a little colic and reflux but its definitely alot better than it was.

I'm still taking the mini pill but I'm having 2 periods a month. I'm currently on my 2nd period of the month and have been bleeding for 9 days which is annoying.

If it carries on I may stop taking it a little earlier than first planned.
I'm definitely not ready for another baby just yet tho so I may just keep taking it and then stop taking it in about a year from now and then start trying early spring 2021 and just see what happens I guess.

Anyway ladies that's me caught up and a quick update.

Wishing you all a wonderful new year and a very joyful and blessed 2020. I hope we can still keep this thread going so we can all stay in touch.

God bless you all sending lots or love and hugs. I got a bit tiddly (drunk) on christmas day so I'm not drinking tonight. Were just having a quite night in and watching the TV.
Any of you been watching Eastenders it's been so good.

Have a fab night ladies and give all those gorgeous babies a big hug from me.
Hi girls, sorry I have been completely MIA, life with 4 kids is definitely busy, and there are not enough hours in the day!

Linc has had a difficult start to life. He was admitted back to hospital as he was still jaundiced at 2 weeks and hadn't got back to his birth weight (was -9.5% at that point).

He was borderline on his bilirubin tests so they thought he was just a slow grower with breastfeeding jaundice, and sent him home with formula for top ups 8 times a day as well as breastfeeding.

By 5 weeks he still hadn't hit his birth weight, and the jaundice that had disappeared, had started to come back.

His blood was tested again and his bilirubin was high, and a scan showed his gallbladder wasnt filling up with bile, so the bile was backing up in his liver and causing the jaundice, and also wasnt getting through to his bowels to digest his milk properly, so he was essentially starving, no matter how much he drank.

He was admitted to Birmingham Children's hospital because they have a specialist liver unit and we stayed there for 10 days while they tried to work out what was wrong with him (we still don't know!). They managed to get some bile flow through by putting him on some medication and he's now on a high calorie formula, which doesn't need so much bile in order to be digested, and has extra calories added with a powder mixed in.
He's still a little dot, but is now slowly gaining weight, and has just hit 9lbs at 11 weeks, and still in his newborn clothes!

We're still waiting on genetic and other test results back. Surgery, medication for life, and potentially a liver transplant later on are all still on the table, and it is a really scary time.

But...when he is not being prodded and poked and stuck with needles, he is a lovely little man, full of smiles and cuddles.

Here he is!x
Hi girls, sorry I have been completely MIA, life with 4 kids is definitely busy, and there are not enough hours in the day!

Linc has had a difficult start to life. He was admitted back to hospital as he was still jaundiced at 2 weeks and hadn't got back to his birth weight (was -9.5% at that point).

He was borderline on his bilirubin tests so they thought he was just a slow grower with breastfeeding jaundice, and sent him home with formula for top ups 8 times a day as well as breastfeeding.

By 5 weeks he still hadn't hit his birth weight, and the jaundice that had disappeared, had started to come back.

His blood was tested again and his bilirubin was high, and a scan showed his gallbladder wasnt filling up with bile, so the bile was backing up in his liver and causing the jaundice, and also wasnt getting through to his bowels to digest his milk properly, so he was essentially starving, no matter how much he drank.

He was admitted to Birmingham Children's hospital because they have a specialist liver unit and we stayed there for 10 days while they tried to work out what was wrong with him (we still don't know!). They managed to get some bile flow through by putting him on some medication and he's now on a high calorie formula, which doesn't need so much bile in order to be digested, and has extra calories added with a powder mixed in.
He's still a little dot, but is now slowly gaining weight, and has just hit 9lbs at 11 weeks, and still in his newborn clothes!

We're still waiting on genetic and other test results back. Surgery, medication for life, and potentially a liver transplant later on are all still on the table, and it is a really scary time.

But...when he is not being prodded and poked and stuck with needles, he is a lovely little man, full of smiles and cuddles.

Here he is!x
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Oh hon bless him. How scary.
I had my liver transplant done at the queen Elizabeth hospital in Birmingham and there amazing there and I've heard the children's hospital there is amazing to so ure little boy will be in safe hands.
I pray that things sort themselves ans he wont need a transplant.
Gosh I hadn't realised u were going through all this.
I'm so glad he is now l gaining weight and pray he keeps gaining from now on.
What a little trooper.
Hi girls, sorry I have been completely MIA, life with 4 kids is definitely busy, and there are not enough hours in the day!

Linc has had a difficult start to life. He was admitted back to hospital as he was still jaundiced at 2 weeks and hadn't got back to his birth weight (was -9.5% at that point).

He was borderline on his bilirubin tests so they thought he was just a slow grower with breastfeeding jaundice, and sent him home with formula for top ups 8 times a day as well as breastfeeding.

By 5 weeks he still hadn't hit his birth weight, and the jaundice that had disappeared, had started to come back.

His blood was tested again and his bilirubin was high, and a scan showed his gallbladder wasnt filling up with bile, so the bile was backing up in his liver and causing the jaundice, and also wasnt getting through to his bowels to digest his milk properly, so he was essentially starving, no matter how much he drank.

He was admitted to Birmingham Children's hospital because they have a specialist liver unit and we stayed there for 10 days while they tried to work out what was wrong with him (we still don't know!). They managed to get some bile flow through by putting him on some medication and he's now on a high calorie formula, which doesn't need so much bile in order to be digested, and has extra calories added with a powder mixed in.
He's still a little dot, but is now slowly gaining weight, and has just hit 9lbs at 11 weeks, and still in his newborn clothes!

We're still waiting on genetic and other test results back. Surgery, medication for life, and potentially a liver transplant later on are all still on the table, and it is a really scary time.

But...when he is not being prodded and poked and stuck with needles, he is a lovely little man, full of smiles and cuddles.

Here he is!x
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Keep growing and thrive little one you are so precious.Sending Mama and baby my love and HUGS.
I just wanted to share:

So right before New Years My little family and I went on a little trip 2 hours south of where we reside. Leaving home I felt pulling and tugging on my right side didnt think nothing of it. That night I started spotting so I was pretty bum to start our mini getaway with AF. (* Since my 6weeks postpartum check up I've been having AF 5-6 days, it would go away for 5-6 days and come back 5-6 days.*) So immediately I checked my period app and sure enough it was right on time for that 5-6 days bleed. You know I was irritated :x. I put on a pad and we settle in for the night as we got there late. I woke up for my baby's morning feed and I noticed I had nothing more than old blood (brownish pink) spotting. Im ocd when it comes personal hygiene so I ripped off that pad and put on a new one. By the end of the day it was nothing more than old blood stains. The next morning it was gone so it got me thinking, " don't tell me Im pregnant, this seems alot like how it began."

If any of you remember I was bleeding that brownish pink blood for a few weeks with Konnor in the beginning when we were around the 6-7weeks era.

I brushed it off we did our stay there came home after the new years. So I went through my old stash and found a Walmart .88cent test from Konnor's testing days. I took it and set a timer as I was pretty nervous. Timer went off and I came back to the test at 3mins it was like a shadow no color so I walked away. I want to say maybe 10mins later I went to wash my baby's bottle I was curious so I picked it up to look at it again sure enough there was a faint line there this time it had color in . LET ME TELL YOU, labor contractions was clear as day in my mind. haha
me: "O MY GOODNESS!! say what?? Thats not a line is it?
me to myself: " YES IT IS, GIRL!"

(* For the last ten years that we were trying never did I ever get a 2nd line in all the test I took except for the ovulation test. I was a nervous wreck!*)

Shaking I managed to call my sister and facetime her. I showed her the test and asked if she can see the line, she said she can.
"Wait is this old or is this new?" - sissy
"It's NEW, sis, IT NEW:brat:" - me

Of course I told her it was a test I had checked on after 10mins so we were both like, ok ok ok, lets not over think it lets wait for a new test.
Later on that day I went to walmart and picked up a few (5) of the .88cents test and a box of each of First Response and Clear Blue.

So I first check with another .88cent test. this time I watched it and within 5mins I had a BFP with it, my heart was beating so fast I did the math really fast in my head and I realized my Konnor would only be 11months!! I whipped out the first response later on that same night so I can tell my husband, but dipped it and it was BPN.:-k

The next morning FR was BFN, too so I took out another .88cent and this time it was BFN as well. I believe Im not I havent checked since and I havent had those 5-6days bleeds everysince so :shrug:. YES, that was a trip.. lol
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Hope everyone had a brilliant Christmas/holidays..

I'm loving hubby being off get some lie ons lol..

Cillian is great.. he was 3 months on the 23rd.. it's crazy how quick it's going..
I was told by my PHN I have to start using the 23rd as calculating months instead of each week on a monday :-k

Cillian is great he is a monster.. filling out 3-6 months clothes already although his arms seem to be too short for the 3-6 months his legs are starting to fill them..

He has an appointment on the 9th of jan so I'm looking forward to seeing how much he weighs he is defo more than 14lbs.. hes only taken 4-5oz every 4-5 hours so not sure how he is gaining so much weight.. he is very active nearly rolling on his side.. hates tummy time so need to work on that. Babbles away all day when he is awake and his smile could light up any room..he seems to be teething abit but not fully yet.. he has been sleeping through the night a couple of weeks now last bottle around half 10 and then wakes half 6-7 for his next bottle..

I'm doing good.. got abit overwhelmed on the build up to christmas but it was worth it.. only think I'm worried about is.. does anyone else have aniexty when someone else is holding the baby as in aunts/uncles cousins.. I get real panicky when I dont have him even with my husband some times :shrug: it's not that I want him in my arms all the time but I need to have him near me at all times.. am I crazy? Not sure if I should mention it to the PHN

Any who I promise I will update the front page today.. I have a pen and paper and I'm going to read every comment hopefully I wont miss anyone but just let me know if I do xx

Here is some pics of Cillian over the xmas

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They are growing extremely fast I agree. Konnor is getting ready to go into 3-6months his 3months are snug atm. When I last took him in a few weeks ago, he had caught the flu he was weighing in at 11lbs and 3oz, but this is after he was feeling better already. He did lose his appetite and wasn't nursing as much because he was so stuffed up nasally. He now back to his normal self and sleeping alot so i figure he's about to hit another growth spur.
I do have separation anxiety even if he is 2 steps away from me. Im guilty of that feeling too when he's with the husband. Its like I trust them, but not really. haha you're not alone.

I can't believe it sometimes.
He was so small just a few months ago
the last one of him sleeping is at this very moment with "separation anxiety" he is in my lap while i'm on here.

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So sorry doddy what an emotional time for you!! Have you heard back from the genetic testing yet?

Aw man wish that would have been crazy :haha: you should test again just to see!

I also have taken a couple of tests just to be safe but no babies for us! I’m hoping to have a good year with Emmett before getting pregnant again. But we’ll see haha.

Glad everyone’s babies are doing good :)

So sorry doddy what an emotional time for you!! Have you heard back from the genetic testing yet?

Aw man wish that would have been crazy :haha: you should test again just to see!

I also have taken a couple of tests just to be safe but no babies for us! I’m hoping to have a good year with Emmett before getting pregnant again. But we’ll see haha.

Glad everyone’s babies are doing good :)

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I've been meaning to, its just using the bathroom now and days arent the same anymore. Unless its on my mind and I prep it then yes, I'll remember to do it. If it isn't on my mind Im rushing through my toilet business like i have an important meeting with my boss (my baby.)


I think its because... I mean we are not trying, but we arent trying to prevent it either so Im like Yay!! if we are and :-( if we're not. I'll wait to see if I get any other symptom beside my intuition :lol:.

OMG - can we talk about hair loss? Im losing so much hair I'm scare:shock:
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