Uhm you make beautiful babies lol gorgeous kiddos!!
All these baby pictures gives me baby fever all over again!! Theyre all growing so beautifully
When I last took Konnor in earlier this month he was weighing in at 10lbs 6oz.
We had to move on over to 0-3months just last week. NB are offically a bit too tight.
He's really cooing and smiling since yesterday and I am one proud Mama.
Happy Belated Birthday to you Sugger, its alright to feel some type of way. I've completely stopped counting my number after 25. When people ask me how old I am I literally take out the calculator and do 2019-1983=. Its really is "just" a number. Live life and enjoy it enjoy your family. Don't be, too sad.
Happy Holiday to each and everyone of you. May the last few days of December filled your homes and heart with all the warmth you're ever need. Happy New Years, too, if we should not check in until the new year.
Thank you!!Uhm you make beautiful babies lol gorgeous kiddos!!
Oh hon bless him. How scary.Hi girls, sorry I have been completely MIA, life with 4 kids is definitely busy, and there are not enough hours in the day!
Linc has had a difficult start to life. He was admitted back to hospital as he was still jaundiced at 2 weeks and hadn't got back to his birth weight (was -9.5% at that point).
He was borderline on his bilirubin tests so they thought he was just a slow grower with breastfeeding jaundice, and sent him home with formula for top ups 8 times a day as well as breastfeeding.
By 5 weeks he still hadn't hit his birth weight, and the jaundice that had disappeared, had started to come back.
His blood was tested again and his bilirubin was high, and a scan showed his gallbladder wasnt filling up with bile, so the bile was backing up in his liver and causing the jaundice, and also wasnt getting through to his bowels to digest his milk properly, so he was essentially starving, no matter how much he drank.
He was admitted to Birmingham Children's hospital because they have a specialist liver unit and we stayed there for 10 days while they tried to work out what was wrong with him (we still don't know!). They managed to get some bile flow through by putting him on some medication and he's now on a high calorie formula, which doesn't need so much bile in order to be digested, and has extra calories added with a powder mixed in.
He's still a little dot, but is now slowly gaining weight, and has just hit 9lbs at 11 weeks, and still in his newborn clothes!
We're still waiting on genetic and other test results back. Surgery, medication for life, and potentially a liver transplant later on are all still on the table, and it is a really scary time.
But...when he is not being prodded and poked and stuck with needles, he is a lovely little man, full of smiles and cuddles.
Here he is!x
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Hi girls, sorry I have been completely MIA, life with 4 kids is definitely busy, and there are not enough hours in the day!
Linc has had a difficult start to life. He was admitted back to hospital as he was still jaundiced at 2 weeks and hadn't got back to his birth weight (was -9.5% at that point).
He was borderline on his bilirubin tests so they thought he was just a slow grower with breastfeeding jaundice, and sent him home with formula for top ups 8 times a day as well as breastfeeding.
By 5 weeks he still hadn't hit his birth weight, and the jaundice that had disappeared, had started to come back.
His blood was tested again and his bilirubin was high, and a scan showed his gallbladder wasnt filling up with bile, so the bile was backing up in his liver and causing the jaundice, and also wasnt getting through to his bowels to digest his milk properly, so he was essentially starving, no matter how much he drank.
He was admitted to Birmingham Children's hospital because they have a specialist liver unit and we stayed there for 10 days while they tried to work out what was wrong with him (we still don't know!). They managed to get some bile flow through by putting him on some medication and he's now on a high calorie formula, which doesn't need so much bile in order to be digested, and has extra calories added with a powder mixed in.
He's still a little dot, but is now slowly gaining weight, and has just hit 9lbs at 11 weeks, and still in his newborn clothes!
We're still waiting on genetic and other test results back. Surgery, medication for life, and potentially a liver transplant later on are all still on the table, and it is a really scary time.
But...when he is not being prodded and poked and stuck with needles, he is a lovely little man, full of smiles and cuddles.
Here he is!x
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Hope everyone had a brilliant Christmas/holidays..
I'm loving hubby being off get some lie ons lol..
Cillian is great.. he was 3 months on the 23rd.. it's crazy how quick it's going..
I was told by my PHN I have to start using the 23rd as calculating months instead of each week on a monday
Cillian is great he is a monster.. filling out 3-6 months clothes already although his arms seem to be too short for the 3-6 months his legs are starting to fill them..
He has an appointment on the 9th of jan so I'm looking forward to seeing how much he weighs he is defo more than 14lbs.. hes only taken 4-5oz every 4-5 hours so not sure how he is gaining so much weight.. he is very active nearly rolling on his side.. hates tummy time so need to work on that. Babbles away all day when he is awake and his smile could light up any room..he seems to be teething abit but not fully yet.. he has been sleeping through the night a couple of weeks now last bottle around half 10 and then wakes half 6-7 for his next bottle..
I'm doing good.. got abit overwhelmed on the build up to christmas but it was worth it.. only think I'm worried about is.. does anyone else have aniexty when someone else is holding the baby as in aunts/uncles cousins.. I get real panicky when I dont have him even with my husband some timesit's not that I want him in my arms all the time but I need to have him near me at all times.. am I crazy? Not sure if I should mention it to the PHN
Any who I promise I will update the front page today.. I have a pen and paper and I'm going to read every comment hopefully I wont miss anyone but just let me know if I do xx
Here is some pics of Cillian over the xmas
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So sorry doddy what an emotional time for you!! Have you heard back from the genetic testing yet?
Aw man wish that would have been crazyyou should test again just to see!
I also have taken a couple of tests just to be safe but no babies for us! I’m hoping to have a good year with Emmett before getting pregnant again. But we’ll see haha.
Glad everyone’s babies are doing good
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