October bumpkins 2019

I have breakthrough bleeding but I think its because of the pill.
I started what I thought was my second period of the month. Well I started spotting a few days ago on cycle day 10. I also had sore boobs and broke out on my chin. I'm now on cycle day 13 and what I thought was my second period starting has now stopped. It was light pink spotting and yesterday was light brown and today nothing. Sore boobs gone now to. I'm wondering if I ovulated? I know ure not supposed to on the mini pill but 13 out of 100 womon a year get pregnant on the mini pill a year.
Its just weird because I never get sore boobs unless I'm O or I'm pregnant.
Sugger I’m sure you can have another baby if that’s what you would like!

Has anyone else had weird breakthrough bleeding? I actually was worried it was IB last month but my tests were negative so it must have been hormonal. I’ve had it about 3 times now - not a period but bleeding nonetheless. Anyhow. DH says he wants to wait 2 years before another baby, but he’s still ok with DTD unprotected so I don’t think he cares that much. Plus I’m not really wanting to wait as a third would be our last and I’m desperate to leave the baby stage. I know they’re lovely and cuddly but I like my kids so much more once they’re past 1 :haha: DH lets me make these decisions since it’s me carrying the baby etc. Elias was 8 months when I got pregnant with Emmett so hopefully we still have a few solid months before it’s a concern.

We are thinking of moving the boys into the same room soon (we only have a 2 bedroom place). I wanted to do it tonight but Elias hadnt even eaten dinner by the time Emmett was ready for bed. Tomorrow will probably be their first night. Wish us luck lol

Thank you hon. Yes I definitely want another one I'm supper broody and I cant wait to be pregnant again. Wudnt it be funny If we were all in the same due date group again hahaha. I'm hoping be in the Nov/ Dec 2021 due date group or Jan/Feb2022 group. I'll be 42 then so cud be a possibility. Depends how long it takes to concieve and if it's a sticky or not.
Hopfully it wont take to long and it will be a very healthy pregnancy.
I do worry about having another chemical or Misscarige' there so heart wrenching:(
Hi everyone,

I'm still lurking from time to time. This time last year I was 5 weeks pregnant and time dragged on but now so much has changed and I want time to slow down now. I have a lot to read through but for now I'll just post an update. Jocelynn's going to be 4 months next week and at her 3 month appointment was 12lbs 9oz and 23.5 inches long and seems to be putting on a steady 2 lbs per month. She just did her follow up ultrasound to check on the strange kidneys growth and I haven't gotten the results back yet but not concerned at all. The amount of diapers I go through is enough to tell me her kidneys work just fine. She's really trying to master rolling over now but hasn't quite got it yet and can sit pretty well supported. We will probably start purees in another couple weeks. I've gone back to work already which was hard but she's got a great daycare with one on one care and I'm checking in via webcam constantly.

I'm starting to miss being pregnant and I know I'm definitely going to want another baby but trying not to get baby fever until she's in kindergarten, so probably late 2023 if things are going well then unless something happens sooner. I don't think I could handle a toddler and a newborn at the same time though and huge respect to anyone who manages that. Just got my af back last month and I'm happy it looks like childbirth has fixed my horrible cramps for now anyway. Here's an updated pic of my girlie. 86757830_10213291290951425_241863528426766336_o.jpg
Beautiful babies!

Has anyone done sleep training yet? We did with Emmett last week and he sleeps 7-7 now in a shared room with his big brother. Best thing ever :haha:
No sleep training here. Baby Michael rules the roost in our home. Majority of the night he sleeps in his bassinet but some nights when he's had a particularly fussy day (like today) he will sleep on me. And I'm just find with it. He's already a little over 4 months old, is almsot 27 inches tall (97th percentile) and nearly 15 pounds. I've decided to quit my job and find something new part time at the end of April. Just 8 more weeks and I'll be able to stay home with him majority of the time. He has my whole heart. I love him so much. I knew being a mother was going to be rewardin and that I would love my baby but I had no idea it would feel like this.
Baby boy turned 5 months old yesterday.. he is 26.5 inches tall and weighs 15.5 pounds.. we have come a long way from him being born below the growth curves and looking forward to starting solids from next week.. I join back work in first week of May so got couple of months to go and then my parents (bless them) take over.

Rio is a total mumma's boy (just like his elder brother) and sometimes it gets lil crazy but won't trade this for anything in the world.. the day is full of smiles and laughs.. he is yet to master rolling from back to tummy but halfway there and doing fine on sitting with support..

No sleep training but he sleeps pretty fine.. last bottle at 9.30 and next at 6..

Great to see all of u doing well n some planning for next.. we r done with our family and happy with 2 boys :)

Awwww how lovely to come on here and see all these updates
Thank you for all sharing all these adorable pics of ure babies. They are all so adorable and I can not believe a year ago they were just tiny little blobs on a screen.

No sleep training yet but Tommy is so good his last bottle is at 9:30pm and he sleeps through untill around 6 7ish. Unless he isnt well then he may wake a few times but generally goes back off.
He is full of a cold and cough at the moment and I feel so sorry for him. I just wish I cud take it away from him. He is a mummies boy hahaha. Our eldest son was always more for his dad but our DD is a mummies girl and Tommy is definitely a mummies boy. I love it Haha.

So I've now stopped birth control completely. I'm just so fed up of having constant periods and not knowing where I am in my cycle that both me and my husband decided now is the time to stop.
We are going to use the pull out method. And I know its not the most reliable but if a whoops happened then I wud just see it as a blessing.
I've ordered a bunch of OPKs of Amazon that come with some HPT as well so if I ever suspect I may be pregnant the tests are there. I think they will arrive tommorow or friday and I'm going to strat testing right away.
I've ordered 70 so lots to keep me going.
I've also downloaded 2 apps Clue and Flow to help track everything as well as the OPKs.
We are still not trying but were not completely preventing either. Hopfully I will get my BFP next year but if it happens sooner it's fine with me.

Hope ure all well. Hope we can keep this thread going for as long as posible. I do miss u ladies alot.
Beautiful babies!

Has anyone done sleep training yet? We did with Emmett last week and he sleeps 7-7 now in a shared room with his big brother. Best thing ever :haha:
No official sleep training, but started only taking 1 or 2 ounces during her night feed so I stopped trying to feed her and she slept 7-7 for a while. Now fighting the 4 month sleep regression and she's been sick so I'm back to waking up every 2-3 hours, actually went to the ER Sunday night because she suddenly spiked a high fever but turns out it's just a viral infection we have to ride out. Poor baby.
No official sleep training, but started only taking 1 or 2 ounces during her night feed so I stopped trying to feed her and she slept 7-7 for a while. Now fighting the 4 month sleep regression and she's been sick so I'm back to waking up every 2-3 hours, actually went to the ER Sunday night because she suddenly spiked a high fever but turns out it's just a viral infection we have to ride out. Poor baby.

Awwwww bless her I hope she gets well soon. Tommy is also not well hes full of a bad cold virus and cough. Just wish I cud take it away from him.
Aw so nice to hear about everyone’s babies. We co-slept with Elias for 8 full months until we sleep trained. But he would take a boob and go to sleep! Emmett needed constant rocking and was waking every 45 minutes or so through the night. He wouldn’t settle even for a boob - only rocking. I was becoming a monster mom lol. Anyways he seems to be a lot happier now that he’s sleeping better too - proof that every baby is so different since my other son wasn’t like that!

Now I put him to bed and miss him when he’s sleeping, lol. I feel like I’ve really bonded with Emmett the last month or so. With both boys it didn’t happen until we passed the newborn stage. I dunno if any of you followed the Bingham family on Instagram but they lost their little boy last week to cancer - he was 15 months old. So I think I’m also holding the kids a little tighter because of that xx

Pic of my babies, I love them so much it hurts!!

Aw so nice to hear about everyone’s babies. We co-slept with Elias for 8 full months until we sleep trained. But he would take a boob and go to sleep! Emmett needed constant rocking and was waking every 45 minutes or so through the night. He wouldn’t settle even for a boob - only rocking. I was becoming a monster mom lol. Anyways he seems to be a lot happier now that he’s sleeping better too - proof that every baby is so different since my other son wasn’t like that!

Now I put him to bed and miss him when he’s sleeping, lol. I feel like I’ve really bonded with Emmett the last month or so. With both boys it didn’t happen until we passed the newborn stage. I dunno if any of you followed the Bingham family on Instagram but they lost their little boy last week to cancer - he was 15 months old. So I think I’m also holding the kids a little tighter because of that xx

Pic of my babies, I love them so much it hurts!!

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That's a beautiful photo hon.
Hay ladies.
So I'm on cycle day 10 and got what I think is a positive OPK today.
I've re tested tonight and line is getting lighter again.
Heres this mornings and tonight's
20200307_070239.jpg 20200307_205905.jpg

Gonna test tommorow and the next few days just incase.

Hope ure all ok
Are you trying now Sugger?

Not trying but not really preventing hon. We have been using the pull out method but on cycle day 8 we did it without pulling out and then I O yesterday cycle day 10 eeeeek
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Had a temp rise today so definitely think I O yesterday going by the O test and temp rise
Eekk @Suggerhoney good luck!! We have started opks this month being as though af arrived far earlier then previous times when breastfeeding, I'm just seeing when ov is for the next couple of cycles then will try properly, though we are not preventing, we just tend to always have ds3 in bed with us as he likes to co sleep!

Hope everyone is ok?

Bar not liking his own bed ds3 is my most chilled out happy baby, hes rolling back to front and front to back, near enough crawling backwards and not far off sitting unaided. Has tried some porridge and some fruit, but will kick off with weaning in the next week or 2 xx
Eekk @Suggerhoney good luck!! We have started opks this month being as though af arrived far earlier then previous times when breastfeeding, I'm just seeing when ov is for the next couple of cycles then will try properly, though we are not preventing, we just tend to always have ds3 in bed with us as he likes to co sleep!

Hope everyone is ok?

Bar not liking his own bed ds3 is my most chilled out happy baby, hes rolling back to front and front to back, near enough crawling backwards and not far off sitting unaided. Has tried some porridge and some fruit, but will kick off with weaning in the next week or 2 xx

That's awesome hon so excited for you.
I'm getting worried now that I didnt O at all.
And now supper paranoid that I wont be able to O anymore because of my age.

My OPK never got as dark as the other line. It was so close but not quite matching. I had a temp rise the next day and was sure I O but my temps have now dropped.
Also comparing my postive O test I had with Tommy to the one I had on Saturday.
So the pink ine is with Tommy and the Green was Saturdays.
I think The pink one looks more positive than the green.
I've been testing every day since and there completely negative.
I just want to know if the green one was a postive or not.:-(

Not ready to be pregnant again just yet but I wanna be O so I know we have a good chance.

I had bad neuasa today that came out of nowhere.
Just dont get why my temp has dropped

Well turns out that ER visit a couple weeks ago was the beginning of a bit of a nightmare. A few days after the fever incident she started wheezing and needed to go back the the ER and was admitted for 5 days with RSV. That was scary but she's doing much better now and we've only just now got back on a regular routine. It's been a bit crazy start to March as I was living in the hospital and moved to a new condo while everything was happening.
Well turns out that ER visit a couple weeks ago was the beginning of a bit of a nightmare. A few days after the fever incident she started wheezing and needed to go back the the ER and was admitted for 5 days with RSV. That was scary but she's doing much better now and we've only just now got back on a regular routine. It's been a bit crazy start to March as I was living in the hospital and moved to a new condo while everything was happening.

Oh gosh hon thats scary I hope she is ok now. Bless her.
So its cycle day 17 and 7dpo and my temp has had a huge drop. Have no idea why.
Maybe AF is going to show early but I have no symptoms.

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