October bumpkins 2019

Omg omg omg.
Can u see this
I'm 9 or 10dpo and it showed strait away.
I've done a Frer this afternoon and I wud call it a BFN but there was a v v v v faint pink line.
My pee was very diluted when I did that tests so I'm keeping the other one to do tommorow morning.
I have zero symptoms so I dont think I am but temp had a dip at 7dpo and the shot up and has remained high. I wud only be about 3 weeks pregnant so it's still so early.
I guess I will have to just wait untill tommorow and re test. So nervous
BFN today hon on the same test and Frer.
nant. Cycle day 24 and started spotting pink this morning which has now turned red so definitely out.
Gonna be using OPKs from cycle day 7. Hope I get a obvious peak this time.
How are all you ladies.
The coronavirus is so scary
This pandemic is so scary, especially with the RSV drama earlier this month. I've been going crazy stuck at home, it's just Jocelynn and me here so I haven't spoken to an adult besides the grocery store cashier in over 3 weeks now. Every time I go out it feels like I'm in the middle of an apocalypse movie.
Hi hon
Were on lockdown here to and I'm not aloud to leave the house for the next 3 months due to being classed as highly vulnerable because I'm I'm imunseppressed.
Cabin fever has definitely kicked in.
Stay safe my sweet. Its horrible not being able to go out. I just cant believe this is all happening.
We were going to ttc but were putting it on hold because if the virus.
Hi ladies how are we all.
I'm on cycle day 13 today and yesterday and today I've had a definite positive OPK.
Dont think I ovulated at all last cycle.

How are we all doing? Tommy is just over 6 months old now and he brings me so much joy. His hair is just starting to grow back. Hes always laughing and smiling.
I've tried him on baby rice and he wasnt a fan.
How are we all coping with lockdown?
It's bad here now we had over 550 deaths in 24 hours yesterday. I dread to think what it will be today.
I had a text abs letter saying I have to stay in my house for 12 weeks because I'm classed we highly vulnerable.

Had a heart attack last week when Tommy and my DD had coughs and a fever but thankfully they are ok now so think it was just a cold.
Anyway stay safe ladies.
Miss you all
Hi ladies how are we all.
I'm on cycle day 13 today and yesterday and today I've had a definite positive OPK.
Dont think I ovulated at all last cycle.
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How are we all doing? Tommy is just over 6 months old now and he brings me so much joy. His hair is just starting to grow back. Hes always laughing and smiling.
I've tried him on baby rice and he wasnt a fan.
How are we all coping with lockdown?
It's bad here now we had over 550 deaths in 24 hours yesterday. I dread to think what it will be today.
I had a text abs letter saying I have to stay in my house for 12 weeks because I'm classed we highly vulnerable.

Had a heart attack last week when Tommy and my DD had coughs and a fever but thankfully they are ok now so think it was just a cold.
Anyway stay safe ladies.
Miss you all

Sugger, that is looking mighty ripe.:D *just a silly thought, as dye stealing, bold and positive as that opk is I wonder if its two eggs?:D\\:D/
I'm cycle day 16 and I've been cramping since cd 14 opk was positive cd15, I really want to start trying since Im not getting any younger, but its a pandemic :sad2:.

Im glad your family is ok now after that scare. I would probably lose it! Konnor and I have been locked up in the house for 4weeks now, my husband 3weeks after his workplace allowed them to work from home.

Everyone stay safe and stay home. Our grocery is getting low and I don't know how food is going to magically appear in my pantry and fridge- haha since I don't want my husband nor self to go out. :help:Please take care of yourself & family Ladies.
Hi everyone, hope you’re all staying safe!

A little update from us, Emmett is almost 100% on formula now :( I don’t know what happened he just started boycotting breastfeeding. It lasted a solid month of screaming at the boob when I finally gave up. It was making me miserable and he was literally bending over backwards to avoid latching. He was having 10-15 minute full on screaming sessions every time I tried to nurse him. Give him a bottle and he latched like he was starving. Anyways I’m upset it’s over so soon this time as I lasted 9 full months with Elias before he did the same thing.

We are on lockdown here in Ontario, just today they started giving out fines if you leave the house for anything other than the store -_- We are going stir crazy but are trying to make some use of the backyard.

DH wants to wait to TTC again, I want to NTNP because it will be our last and I don’t want to start from square one again in a couple years. For now we aren’t using protection so we’ll see.

Anyways. Emmett loves food, he gets mad and cries if he doesn’t get to eat what we’re eating haha. He’s more fearful than Elias was, he gets scared in new situations (bath, outside etc). But he eventually comes around.

Here’s a couple pictures, hope everyone is doing good!

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Hey ladies!
Sorry I’ve been so MIA! It’s been crazy and this virus is so crazy and sad. We’ve been home for 3 weeks now but our state has not done a mandatory lock down. We’re one of the few states that hasn’t and it’s crazy because we have a port and several cruise ships let off here without much checking the passengers!

anyway, a little update on Sutton! He’s so sweet and cute and perfect! He is still breastfeeding like a champ, eating some of what we eat, loves juice, wants for be doing everything g the big kids do and wants to be on the move. When you lay him on the floor he rolls over the floor and tries to scoot! He tried to sit up but isn’t quite there yet! He has the biggest smile ever and blue eyes! Our other 2 have brown! I am still so shocked we had a third baby but oh man I am so glad God gave us him because I cannot imagine life without him and I’d be so incomplete!

I can’t remember if I updated that DH had a vasectomy or not but he did back at the end of November so we should technically be in the clear by now and I just had my first af 2 weeks ago since having Sutton. It’s crazy to think ttc or having babies is over for me :( it makes me sad sometimes. I’m so blessed with my 3 healthy beautiful babies and I am going to be grateful for that.

I am going to try to keep up here better and cheer you ladies on that are having more babies! Good luck to you and stay safe and healthy!!
Here’s some Sutton pictures:)

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Sugger, that is looking mighty ripe.:D *just a silly thought, as dye stealing, bold and positive as that opk is I wonder if its two eggs?:D\\:D/
I'm cycle day 16 and I've been cramping since cd 14 opk was positive cd15, I really want to start trying since Im not getting any younger, but its a pandemic :sad2:.

Im glad your family is ok now after that scare. I would probably lose it! Konnor and I have been locked up in the house for 4weeks now, my husband 3weeks after his workplace allowed them to work from home.

Everyone stay safe and stay home. Our grocery is getting low and I don't know how food is going to magically appear in my pantry and fridge- haha since I don't want my husband nor self to go out. :help:Please take care of yourself & family Ladies.

I'm feeling ya hon. I wud just try now if I cud but its just not good timing right now with this evil virus.
It has certainly put alot of things into perspective. Its such scary and uncertain times right now. The queen did a speech the other day and it got me so emotional.
I still cant believe its actually happening. It's like it just seems so not real. Like something out of a movie.
My heart is breaking for all the poor families that have lost loved ones.

Hi everyone, hope you’re all staying safe!

A little update from us, Emmett is almost 100% on formula now :( I don’t know what happened he just started boycotting breastfeeding. It lasted a solid month of screaming at the boob when I finally gave up. It was making me miserable and he was literally bending over backwards to avoid latching. He was having 10-15 minute full on screaming sessions every time I tried to nurse him. Give him a bottle and he latched like he was starving. Anyways I’m upset it’s over so soon this time as I lasted 9 full months with Elias before he did the same thing.

We are on lockdown here in Ontario, just today they started giving out fines if you leave the house for anything other than the store -_- We are going stir crazy but are trying to make some use of the backyard.

DH wants to wait to TTC again, I want to NTNP because it will be our last and I don’t want to start from square one again in a couple years. For now we aren’t using protection so we’ll see.

Anyways. Emmett loves food, he gets mad and cries if he doesn’t get to eat what we’re eating haha. He’s more fearful than Elias was, he gets scared in new situations (bath, outside etc). But he eventually comes around.

Here’s a couple pictures, hope everyone is doing good!

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He is adorable hon. Awwww I'm sorry to hear about the breastfeeding but you have done ure best hon. You have given him the bestest start to life so give yourself a huge pat on the back hon.
Hey ladies!
Sorry I’ve been so MIA! It’s been crazy and this virus is so crazy and sad. We’ve been home for 3 weeks now but our state has not done a mandatory lock down. We’re one of the few states that hasn’t and it’s crazy because we have a port and several cruise ships let off here without much checking the passengers!

anyway, a little update on Sutton! He’s so sweet and cute and perfect! He is still breastfeeding like a champ, eating some of what we eat, loves juice, wants for be doing everything g the big kids do and wants to be on the move. When you lay him on the floor he rolls over the floor and tries to scoot! He tried to sit up but isn’t quite there yet! He has the biggest smile ever and blue eyes! Our other 2 have brown! I am still so shocked we had a third baby but oh man I am so glad God gave us him because I cannot imagine life without him and I’d be so incomplete!

I can’t remember if I updated that DH had a vasectomy or not but he did back at the end of November so we should technically be in the clear by now and I just had my first af 2 weeks ago since having Sutton. It’s crazy to think ttc or having babies is over for me :( it makes me sad sometimes. I’m so blessed with my 3 healthy beautiful babies and I am going to be grateful for that.

I am going to try to keep up here better and cheer you ladies on that are having more babies! Good luck to you and stay safe and healthy!!
Here’s some Sutton pictures:)

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Awwwww he is so cute hon.
It's so good to see all u ladies on here.

I'm doing ok. I've had a bit of a cough and now I have a sore throat but it's not to bad.
I'm 5dpo and my right boob is sore. I have no idea why. We did DTD around ovulation but he withdrew and I dont think anything escaped.
I dont get sore boobs unless I'm pregnant or ovulating. Never them b4 a period.
They kinda feel bruised and been having shooting pains. Only the right one tho. The left one seems fine.
I think it's highly unlikely that I'm pregnant but if the booby pain continues or If I get anymore symptoms I do a test.

Funny thing is. If I was pregnant id be due on Christmas day. Hahahahaha.
A Christmas baby! I’m a December baby so in a way I am like nope never hah! But there’s also something about the thought of a snuggly newborn at Christmas!

I’m not sure if y’all remember me mentioning that we tried for nearly 3 years before we got pregnant with our first so I’m an ex-ltttc-er and now that my hubby got snipped there’s 2 things I’m always tjinking of:
1) I can’t believe I won’t have any more babies. Like it’s done. And I think it’s more emotional because it’s like one of those you can’t have it so you want it more things. Not that I do want more babies because not going to lie three is a lot to handle some times.
2) last month was my first period since having him and this is my second one coming and I can still pin point all the things from ttc. The ovary pains, cm, everything. It just feels like a waste now. Like all the months I wonder if that was a good egg, a strong egg, the egg that would be our baby and now it’s just like wasted. Lol I feel so silly but.. idk it’s just the things I think about late at night during this quarantine haha!
A Christmas baby! I’m a December baby so in a way I am like nope never hah! But there’s also something about the thought of a snuggly newborn at Christmas!

I’m not sure if y’all remember me mentioning that we tried for nearly 3 years before we got pregnant with our first so I’m an ex-ltttc-er and now that my hubby got snipped there’s 2 things I’m always tjinking of:
1) I can’t believe I won’t have any more babies. Like it’s done. And I think it’s more emotional because it’s like one of those you can’t have it so you want it more things. Not that I do want more babies because not going to lie three is a lot to handle some times.
2) last month was my first period since having him and this is my second one coming and I can still pin point all the things from ttc. The ovary pains, cm, everything. It just feels like a waste now. Like all the months I wonder if that was a good egg, a strong egg, the egg that would be our baby and now it’s just like wasted. Lol I feel so silly but.. idk it’s just the things I think about late at night during this quarantine haha!

Aw I completely understand what you're saying. Its ok to feel the way you do its normal. After all that you've been through for your first so it is bittersweet. *hugs*

About all the ttc pains, GIRL I KNOW, RIGHT? lol

We do want to try again, but this virus is so scary. So with that, we are leaving it to faith. If we should be bless in this time we are more than grateful.
A Christmas baby! I’m a December baby so in a way I am like nope never hah! But there’s also something about the thought of a snuggly newborn at Christmas!

I’m not sure if y’all remember me mentioning that we tried for nearly 3 years before we got pregnant with our first so I’m an ex-ltttc-er and now that my hubby got snipped there’s 2 things I’m always tjinking of:
1) I can’t believe I won’t have any more babies. Like it’s done. And I think it’s more emotional because it’s like one of those you can’t have it so you want it more things. Not that I do want more babies because not going to lie three is a lot to handle some times.
2) last month was my first period since having him and this is my second one coming and I can still pin point all the things from ttc. The ovary pains, cm, everything. It just feels like a waste now. Like all the months I wonder if that was a good egg, a strong egg, the egg that would be our baby and now it’s just like wasted. Lol I feel so silly but.. idk it’s just the things I think about late at night during this quarantine haha!

Oh hon its totally understandable to feel that way. I think alot of womon feel that way and it's a process but apparently it gets easie . It dont help at the moment with being on lockdown I have more time to think.
I'm a December baby to yay. The 17th.

Aw I completely understand what you're saying. Its ok to feel the way you do its normal. After all that you've been through for your first so it is bittersweet. *hugs*

About all the ttc pains, GIRL I KNOW, RIGHT? lol

We do want to try again, but this virus is so scary. So with that, we are leaving it to faith. If we should be bless in this time we are more than grateful.

I think that's were going to do now hon. Were just gonna go ahead and leave it to faith . If it happens then I know it's because it was Gods timing.
I dont think I can hold out untill next year. I'm to scared I'll to be old then.

Now I know I'm ovulating and everything it just makes me excited to ttc.

I'm on cycle day 27 today and I'm 13dpo I tested this morning BFN.
My heart sank but obviously it's not meant to be just yet.
My boobs stopped hurting at 9dpo which has never happened b4 so I kind of new just by that that I was not pregnant.
Oh hon its totally understandable to feel that way. I think alot of womon feel that way and it's a process but apparently it gets easie . It dont help at the moment with being on lockdown I have more time to think.
I'm a December baby to yay. The 17th.

I think that's were going to do now hon. Were just gonna go ahead and leave it to faith . If it happens then I know it's because it was Gods timing.
I dont think I can hold out untill next year. I'm to scared I'll to be old then.

Now I know I'm ovulating and everything it just makes me excited to ttc.

I'm on cycle day 27 today and I'm 13dpo I tested this morning BFN.
My heart sank but obviously it's not meant to be just yet.
My boobs stopped hurting at 9dpo which has never happened b4 so I kind of new just by that that I was not pregnant.

Yes, its all in his timing. I feel the same way about waiting, Im not getting any younger so I might as well let it happen when it happens.

*hugs* sorry about the bfn, it'll happen I just know it. I wish you plenty of baby dust and for me, too.
Yay for next month:lol:
Yes, its all in his timing. I feel the same way about waiting, Im not getting any younger so I might as well let it happen when it happens.

*hugs* sorry about the bfn, it'll happen I just know it. I wish you plenty of baby dust and for me, too.
Yay for next month:lol:
Thank you hon and right back at ya. Be so nice being all pregnant together again.
I'm 16dpo now and I'm on cycle day 29 and I've been wake all night with lower backache and terrible cramps. Just had a pee and when I wiped there was clear CM with red blood in so I think AF is here.
I don’t think my af is regulated yet since I’m still breastfeeding. I’m technically supposed to start today or tomorrow but pretty sure I only just ovulated finally. I think my body kept trying but never did. with my other 2 I had a regular af back by 3 months even though I was exclusively breastfeeding. Totally not complaining though! So ok with not having af! She’s not missed!

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