October bumpkins 2019

Hi ladies hope ure all ok
@Sander how are you doing?

All my symptoms disappeared at 6dpo.
My temp did spike tho and yesterday it was up but today its dropped alot.
I'm 8DPO and I did a test with FMU was completely BFN.
I'm not gonna lie I'm really sad. I was so excited when I had those symptoms and now I just feel deflated.

I'm definitely out I just know it. My boobs wud definitely be sore by now if I was pregnant and they dont hurt at all.
No more cramps or backache just nothing.

I'm really worried my age is effecting it.
I know it's only been 3 months since I stopped the pill but I just feel like time is running out and I'm getting anxious.
Wish I cud be more postive but i just feel low.
I wanna be pregnant again so much and I'm so scared its just not going to happen.

Sorry for being such a debbie downer.
Hubby as always is as cool as a cucumber he really believes it will happen and so does my nanna' I really wish I felt as postive as they do.

I’m doing good, thanks Sugger. Just trucking along. I feel like time is going by really slowly. Probably because we never leave, lol.

I’m sorry you’re feeling out. If it makes you feel better, I was 100% convinced I wasn’t pregnant with my first. We tried for almost 6 months and I felt pregnant every single time except for the time I actually was. Had no symptoms, no sore boobs, nothing. Fast forward to now and I haven’t had any early signs with any of the babies. You’re not out until the witch shows :)
I’m doing good, thanks Sugger. Just trucking along. I feel like time is going by really slowly. Probably because we never leave, lol.

I’m sorry you’re feeling out. If it makes you feel better, I was 100% convinced I wasn’t pregnant with my first. We tried for almost 6 months and I felt pregnant every single time except for the time I actually was. Had no symptoms, no sore boobs, nothing. Fast forward to now and I haven’t had any early signs with any of the babies. You’re not out until the witch shows :)

Thanks hon.
I always get sore boobs about a week b4 AF when pregnant.
My sore left boob came back at 8dpo and my temp took a huge drop that same day then shot back up yesterday at 9dpo. Now 10dpo and still have the sore boob on the left but right one is starting to feel slightly tender to but not as bad as the left.
But tests BFN gutted.
I'm using the same ones as u the easy@home ones and all BFN.
I did use a clear blue early detection yesterday as well and that was stark white negative.
Feel so deflated.
Last cycle was a 28 day cycle and I started AF at 16dpo so I'm still really hoping its way to early.
But i had my BFP with Tommy at 10dpo so feeling out again.

I never get sore boobs b4 my period tho unless I'm pregnant so I don't know why they are hurting.
I had some mild sharp cramps in my right overy area on the evening of the day I got the temp dip at 8dpo.
I hate the 2ww so much.
My hubbies birthday is on Wednesday and I really wanted to surprise him with a BFP.
I will do another test later this evening because with Tommy my FMU was always rubbish. Really hope I get a BFP[-o<
Going by ovulation I'd be 3+3 weeks today and going by AF 3 weeks so is that to early?

When did u get a line on the easy@home tests hon? I'm wondering if I shud re test later today. Maybe this evening because with Tommy my FMU was rubbish. Its just the thought of another BFN.
I swear by 10DPO most women get a postive. I do have some Frer but I refuse to use them untill I see a definite line on the easy@home cheapies. I just dont want to waste the Frers there so expensive.

Is this one definitely ure last hon or do u think ure have another one.
Did u have any symptoms with the boys. U mite be having girl this time. Will u be finding out?
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Any other ladies ttc again in here?
Going by ovulation I'd be 3+3 weeks today and going by AF 3 weeks so is that to early?

When did u get a line on the easy@home tests hon? I'm wondering if I shud re test later today. Maybe this evening because with Tommy my FMU was rubbish. Its just the thought of another BFN.
I swear by 10DPO most women get a postive. I do have some Frer but I refuse to use them untill I see a definite line on the easy@home cheapies. I just dont want to waste the Frers there so expensive.

Is this one definitely ure last hon or do u think ure have another one.
Did u have any symptoms with the boys. U mite be having girl this time. Will u be finding out?

I’ve used the easy@home with all the kids and so far my first squinters have gone like this:
DS1: 10dpo
DS2: 12dpo
Baby3: 7dpo

My evening urine is always better. Also I technically saw something at 6dpo with this baby but didn’t see a more definite line until 8dpo. Definitely the earliest of the bunch.

Yes this is our last baby. I don’t want to do it again haha. Also all 3 of the kids will be 2.5yrs and younger, so it’s gonna be a little crazy for a while :haha:

I had symptoms with both boys, this time I’ve noticed some nausea but overall I don’t expect to get major symptoms until closer to 7 weeks.

You should post your tests on the pregnancy test page - even if they’re negative I’m sure we’d all like to line spot with you :p
Hello ladies :hi:

It's been a long time, I do apologise I am friends with some on insta so have been keeping in contact with them but havent been on here in awhile, i was diagnosed with PND and I struggle to keep in contact with anyone :sad1: I have loads to catch up on.

How is everyone? Crazy time we are living in isnt it? Ireland has been in lockdown since end of March but will be easing out of it next week, missing my family loads

Cillian is 7 months old now like where has the time gone :shrug:

He is a pudding, no teeth as of yet but he is suffering bad with teething, he is nearly crawling, he is moving backwards at the min but nearly getting the hang of moving forward, loves rolling everywhere and nearly can sit up from lieing down.

Hope everyone babys are keeping well?

Congrats @Sander so exciting.

I got my tubes done after my last c section but I swear I am having loads of pregnancy symptoms I am struggling with heart burn exactly like I would in pregnancy my boobs have sharp pains I'm about 7dpo but there is no way I can be? I know the tubal ligation is pretty definite of no more pregnancies but there has been comments about people still getting pregnant after getting one done :dohh:

I'm sure it's all in my head and I wont be testing till af is late

Here is Cillian 20200510_131108.jpg
I’ve used the easy@home with all the kids and so far my first squinters have gone like this:
DS1: 10dpo
DS2: 12dpo
Baby3: 7dpo

My evening urine is always better. Also I technically saw something at 6dpo with this baby but didn’t see a more definite line until 8dpo. Definitely the earliest of the bunch.

Yes this is our last baby. I don’t want to do it again haha. Also all 3 of the kids will be 2.5yrs and younger, so it’s gonna be a little crazy for a while :haha:

I had symptoms with both boys, this time I’ve noticed some nausea but overall I don’t expect to get major symptoms until closer to 7 weeks.

You should post your tests on the pregnancy test page - even if they’re negative I’m sure we’d all like to line spot with you :p

Hay hon

So 11dpo easy at home had the typical shadows on but woke up feeling sick.
Did a Frer and got the faintest of lines that came up within 2 mins.
I'm so scared tho I'm thinking this may be a chemical my other chemicals were just like this. Felt sick and got faint lines.

I'm sure at 11dpo if all was well it wud be darker. I had a blazing postive at 11dpo with tommy.

I want this to stick so bad but I'm not feeling hopful at all.
I can't even call it a BFP but the line is pink.
Urghhh I hate this,
Hello ladies :hi:

It's been a long time, I do apologise I am friends with some on insta so have been keeping in contact with them but havent been on here in awhile, i was diagnosed with PND and I struggle to keep in contact with anyone :sad1: I have loads to catch up on.

How is everyone? Crazy time we are living in isnt it? Ireland has been in lockdown since end of March but will be easing out of it next week, missing my family loads

Cillian is 7 months old now like where has the time gone :shrug:

He is a pudding, no teeth as of yet but he is suffering bad with teething, he is nearly crawling, he is moving backwards at the min but nearly getting the hang of moving forward, loves rolling everywhere and nearly can sit up from lieing down.

Hope everyone babys are keeping well?

Congrats @Sander so exciting.

I got my tubes done after my last c section but I swear I am having loads of pregnancy symptoms I am struggling with heart burn exactly like I would in pregnancy my boobs have sharp pains I'm about 7dpo but there is no way I can be? I know the tubal ligation is pretty definite of no more pregnancies but there has been comments about people still getting pregnant after getting one done :dohh:

I'm sure it's all in my head and I wont be testing till af is late

Here is Cillian View attachment 1081685

Hi sweet
It is crazy times for sure. Feels like we been in lockdown for ages. It's been about 8 weeks now I think. Crazy.

Aww little man is so cute hon

One of my friends had her tubes tied and she got pregnant. Dont want to scare you lol.
Sadly she miscarried but it proves it does happen.

I've been having symptoms for a few days and woke up today feeling so neausaus.
Got the faintest line ever on first response but I'm terrified it's another chemical. I'm 11dpo.

Period is due on Thursday or friday so hoping its faint because it's still so early. But faint tests like this always end bad for me:-(

Hoping they darken over the next few days.
Cant believe our little men will be 8 months on 23rd may:shock:

Tommy rolls alot and he tries to move on his belly. He hasnt mastered getting up on his hands and knees yet but I'm sure in no time he will be off. And into everything lol.
Hay hon

So 11dpo easy at home had the typical shadows on but woke up feeling sick.
Did a Frer and got the faintest of lines that came up within 2 mins.
I'm so scared tho I'm thinking this may be a chemical my other chemicals were just like this. Felt sick and got faint lines.

I'm sure at 11dpo if all was well it wud be darker. I had a blazing postive at 11dpo with tommy.

I want this to stick so bad but I'm not feeling hopful at all.
I can't even call it a BFP but the line is pink.
Urghhh I hate this,
View attachment 1081689

Defo see a faint line
Sadly no progression and test today was much fainter. Almost a BFN.
100% it's a chemical have been so upsett all day and crying.
Hubby is being so unsympathetic.
I feel like I dont want to try anymore.
This is my 3rd chemical so I just new with the test being so faint yesterday that it wasnt going to end well.
Oh well it is what it is I gueee it just wasnt meant to be.
Just hope AF hurries and gets here so I can get this cycle over with. Fed up with having pregnancy symptoms when it's not viable. Good luck to any of you waiting to test I really hope u get the results u want, and I'm really happy for you Sander and excited for you.
I'm so sorry i won't be joining u in the jan group.
It wud of been so lovely :sad1:
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Sadly no progression and test today was much fainter. Almost a BFN.
100% it's a chemical have been so upsett all day and crying.
Hubby is being so unsympathetic.
I feel like I dont want to try anymore.
This is my 3rd chemical so I just new with the test being so faint yesterday that it wasnt going to end well.
Oh well it is what it is I gueee it just wasnt meant to be.
Just hope AF hurries and gets here so I can get this cycle over with. Fed up with having pregnancy symptoms when it's not viable. Good luck to any of you waiting to test I really hope u get the results u want, and I'm really happy for you Sander and excited for you.
I'm so sorry i won't be joining u in the jan group.
It wud of been so lovely :sad1:

I’m sorry Sugger :( Hopefully it will happen for you next cycle :hugs:
Hello ladies :hi:

It's been a long time, I do apologise I am friends with some on insta so have been keeping in contact with them but havent been on here in awhile, i was diagnosed with PND and I struggle to keep in contact with anyone :sad1: I have loads to catch up on.

How is everyone? Crazy time we are living in isnt it? Ireland has been in lockdown since end of March but will be easing out of it next week, missing my family loads

Cillian is 7 months old now like where has the time gone :shrug:

He is a pudding, no teeth as of yet but he is suffering bad with teething, he is nearly crawling, he is moving backwards at the min but nearly getting the hang of moving forward, loves rolling everywhere and nearly can sit up from lieing down.

Hope everyone babys are keeping well?

Congrats @Sander so exciting.

I got my tubes done after my last c section but I swear I am having loads of pregnancy symptoms I am struggling with heart burn exactly like I would in pregnancy my boobs have sharp pains I'm about 7dpo but there is no way I can be? I know the tubal ligation is pretty definite of no more pregnancies but there has been comments about people still getting pregnant after getting one done :dohh:

I'm sure it's all in my head and I wont be testing till af is late

Here is Cillian View attachment 1081685

Yes!! I say the same thing, where did the time go? 7months already these little humans :D. Cillian is way cute love his mona lisa smile and his eyes are gorgeous.

Konnor is sitting, rolling, and army crawling. I cant seem to get him on his knees, but he is walking miles in his walker haha:laugh2:. His two bottom teeth broke through so he's blowing spits everywhere and on me. I am so proud of him he is my true love<3.

We finally got him weighted and measure by his pediatrician office and he is 27inches long and weighted 15lbs. When they said 15lbs I said, " Really? only 15? He feels different in arms haha."

Sadly no progression and test today was much fainter. Almost a BFN.
100% it's a chemical have been so upsett all day and crying.
Hubby is being so unsympathetic.
I feel like I dont want to try anymore.
This is my 3rd chemical so I just new with the test being so faint yesterday that it wasnt going to end well.
Oh well it is what it is I gueee it just wasnt meant to be.
Just hope AF hurries and gets here so I can get this cycle over with. Fed up with having pregnancy symptoms when it's not viable. Good luck to any of you waiting to test I really hope u get the results u want, and I'm really happy for you Sander and excited for you.
I'm so sorry i won't be joining u in the jan group.
It wud of been so lovely :sad1:
Aw Sugger, My heart was beating so fast out of excitement for you with your prior post to this one. Im sorry, Hun, nothing we say can filled the hole in your heart atm, but know that we are here for you and rooting you on with whatever decision you choose to follow. Don't give up if you truly want it. Its ok to feel angry, sad, defeated, and so on, but I know you're a strong Woman and you will overcome this little bumb in the road. Just look at your Tommy, another him or her will be on its way soon. Don't give up. :hug:.
My cycle is all over the place atm the moment I believe because Im breastfeeding. some months is 28 days some 32, but last month i had a blazing opk positive on cd 14 or was 15 i dont remember felt everything and I was cramping alot through out this cycle, but my cycle ended up being 39day. Currently I am on cd 15, on Cd 11 around 11pm at night I was feeling all these ovualtion pains tugging and pulling so I decided to do a opk which I usually dont start testing until cd 13. Opk for cd11 @11pm was negative. The next morning cd12 I had an amost postivie like it was a shade away from control line. cd13 it went back to negative.... and its been that way since. cd 15 and its still negative. I dont know......:shrug: I'll give it til Konnor turns 1, if nothing happens by then I'll contact Drs. :shy:

in the meantime, Happiest Late Mother's Day to you ladies.
Af showed up today.. and honestly I was a little bit more disappointed than I thought I would be.. I think I have forgotten how hard pregnancy was on me lol.. I just miss POAS lol and my bump..

Hope everyone is keeping well x
Thanks ladies.
AF showed today. I feel relieved but sad at the same time.
I went back and checked my test with the line on. And the line is still there so this was definitely a chemical.
All my symptoms went away 2 days ago and my temp took a huge nose dive today I new I was going to start bleeding.

Still not sure if we shud try again or not. I'm just so scared this will happen again.
Its horrible getting a positive and then it just getting fainter and fainter instead of darker.
The last few days have been tough but now I'm bleeing I do feel slightly better but anxious about trying.
It's so horrible being back to square 1 again.

I'm trying to see the positives out of this.
Like it's best this has happened now then getting further down the line and then it happening. So I have to be grateful for that.
Hopfully we will fall again asap and hopefully next time it will stick and we will have our rainbow.
I cant bring my self to throw the test away
Still has the line there. I didnt keep other tests i did after this one because they were so faint u cudnt even see the line in a picture.

Oh well I've accepted what has happened now at least I know I can still get pregnant. Just hoping next time is a sticky and is healthy. [-o&lt;

Are you going to try hon. We mite end up pregnant together and Feb is a great month to have a baby ;)
Sorry Sugger, that’s soooooo disappointing :( I really hope June is your month.

Sorry about af Shorty, it’s amazing how quickly we forget what pregnancy is like isn’t it :haha:
Thank you hon
I'm devastated but its best now than get further down the line then it happen.
Its just crappy being back at square one again.

I'm on cycle day 4 now (its passed midnight) and it's been awful. Very heavy loads of clots and the cramps have been terrible.

Was ready to throw the towel in on the whole ttc thing but now I'm thinking more strait we have decided to keep trying.
I've ordered some ,one step, pregnancy tests. I had these with Tommy so I'm hoping there going to bring me some luck.
Tommy is almost 8 months old now it's crazy how fast it's gone.

I cant believe ure already over 6weeks pregnant hon thats flown by.
Wish time wud fly by my end, it feels like forever away untill I ovulate and then the dreaded 2ww again.
I'm hoping we will fall again this cycle, I'd be due in February. I was in the February due date group with both my son and daughter it's a nice time to have a baby.
I'm only willing to give it another 2 maybe 3 cycles and if I'm not pregnant by then we will be putting in on hold and we will try again in the new year.
I just cant put myself through this month after month after month it's so hard.
I cant even rely on symptoms anymore because I had lots of symptoms and it didnt stick, my cycles are between 26 and 28 days so I'll prob lay off testing for as long as I can.
I just hope I don't have anymore losses it's so upsetting.
I can never relax in pregnancy anyway after losing my first baby at almost 11 weeks. I saw that baby on a scan at 6 weeks and all was well with a good heartbeat and then going on to lose it that tore me to pieces,
So I have to be thankful that this pregnancy ended as early as it did. But it does still hurt.

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