October bumpkins 2019

Af showed up today.. and honestly I was a little bit more disappointed than I thought I would be.. I think I have forgotten how hard pregnancy was on me lol.. I just miss POAS lol and my bump..

Hope everyone is keeping well x

I'm sorry about the negative test *hugs* &
We absolutely forgot about being pregnant, haha, for the ones that are POAS, haha.

Thanks ladies.
AF showed today. I feel relieved but sad at the same time.
I went back and checked my test with the line on. And the line is still there so this was definitely a chemical.
All my symptoms went away 2 days ago and my temp took a huge nose dive today I new I was going to start bleeding.

Still not sure if we shud try again or not. I'm just so scared this will happen again.
Its horrible getting a positive and then it just getting fainter and fainter instead of darker.
The last few days have been tough but now I'm bleeing I do feel slightly better but anxious about trying.
It's so horrible being back to square 1 again.

I'm trying to see the positives out of this.
Like it's best this has happened now then getting further down the line and then it happening. So I have to be grateful for that.
Hopfully we will fall again asap and hopefully next time it will stick and we will have our rainbow.
I cant bring my self to throw the test away
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Still has the line there. I didnt keep other tests i did after this one because they were so faint u cudnt even see the line in a picture.

Oh well I've accepted what has happened now at least I know I can still get pregnant. Just hoping next time is a sticky and is healthy. [-o<

Are you going to try hon. We mite end up pregnant together and Feb is a great month to have a baby ;)

Hopfully June will bring me and all the other ladies ttc our blazing :bfp:
And sticky rainbow babies [-o<
FX and back at ya:dust:
I'm so sorry @Suggerhoney :hugs:

Nice to see you @Shorty88

Good luck @WishMeABaby
Thank you<3
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Thanks hon.

I think the CP has totally messed with my cycle.
I started doing OPKs on CD 7 and I got 2 blazing positives.
My temp has shot up today and I'm only on CD9.
I'm so worried I've ovulated supper early because according to good old dr Google, ovulation b4 day 10 is not good.
App the egg hasnt had enough time to mature and ure most likely not going to be able to conceive and if u do it will likely end in a chemical pregnancy.

I feel like I'm already out again.
Just hoping that it was just a random surge and that I will get another surge in a few days and another temp rise. But not feeling hopful at all. :hissy::cry:
Hello ladies how are we all doing and how are all the babies getting on?

Tommy is so funny now he has such a character and makes me laugh.
I think he will be crawling soon. At the moment he just rolls to where he wants to go lol.
Hes into everything and loves grabbing my phone and head phones.

Sorry about all my negative ness ladies I was just so bummed about the chemical and that' pregnancy this time is taking longer.

Weirdly I'm hoping im not pregnant this cycle because it's been really messed up from the chemical.

I'm alardy 10dpo and only on day 18 of my cycle. A few ladies said they ovulated very early after a chemical to.
Hopfully next cycle will be back to normol.
I'm a bit anxious about doing ovulation tests next cycle incase I ovulate to early again but hopfully they will all be negative until day 11 at the earliest.
Hoping to get a BFP the end of June but if not then it will be onto July.
I'm trying to stay positive and keeping telling myself it will happen.

Anyway just thought I'd check in on u all and see how u all are.
Hi Sugger :)

We are doing good, Emmett started crawling a few weeks ago and I swear if he had enough balance he would prefer to go straight to walking haha. He’s a good baby, he’s very calm and go with the flow. He’s also on a good schedule so I feel like I can handle both of the kids haha.

My older son turned 2 today which is so crazy!
Hi Sugger :)

We are doing good, Emmett started crawling a few weeks ago and I swear if he had enough balance he would prefer to go straight to walking haha. He’s a good baby, he’s very calm and go with the flow. He’s also on a good schedule so I feel like I can handle both of the kids haha.

My older son turned 2 today which is so crazy!

Hi hon
Awwww amazing. I rekon in the next few weeks Tommy will be off. He loves standing and bas strong legs but he cant stand on his own just yet.

Happy belated to ure son. Its gonna be crazy running around after 3 under 5s hon ure be a supper mum lol.

I can not believe how fast ure pregnancy is going its flying. Hope ure feeling ok?

I'm on CD20 now and 12DPO I took a pregnancy test (easy@home) at 9dpo 10dpo and today at 12dpo all negative.
I'm due AF this Friday making this cycle very short at just 22 days.
My cycles are normoly 26 to 28 days.

This whole cycle has gone very very slow because I new I was out from very early on.
Feeling anxious about ovulating again to early next cycle but I'm hoping everything will be back to normol and I will ovulate at my normol time of day 12 to 14.
I think I'm gonna be on edge untill I get to at least day 10 of my cycle without a postive OPK. I just want it to hold off untill day 11 at the ealiest.

Wud be awesome to get a BFP at the end of this month. I wud be due around 10th march and wud have the baby at the end of feb so I'd still make it into ure jan/feb due date group hon.

Just hope I dont ovulate to early again. [-o&lt;

Praying for a supper sticky healthy rainbow beanie[-o&lt;[-o&lt;

Is there any other ladies in here ttc to?
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Aw thank you it’s hard for me to believe he’s 2 already.

I know lol I’m gonna need a wine delivery once this baby comes :rofl:

The pregnancy is going ok, I have a SCH so I had spotting and then yesterday I had a big bleed which was scary. It’s cleared up now - I’m hoping I passed the whole clot so that I’ll stop spotting altogether. I have another scan on Friday to check in and see how everything is going, but I can hear baby on the Doppler so I’m thinking/hoping the SCH is gone now.

Hoping June is your month Sugger, I’ve been following along to see how you’ve been doing
Aw thank you it’s hard for me to believe he’s 2 already.

I know lol I’m gonna need a wine delivery once this baby comes :rofl:

The pregnancy is going ok, I have a SCH so I had spotting and then yesterday I had a big bleed which was scary. It’s cleared up now - I’m hoping I passed the whole clot so that I’ll stop spotting altogether. I have another scan on Friday to check in and see how everything is going, but I can hear baby on the Doppler so I’m thinking/hoping the SCH is gone now.

Hoping June is your month Sugger, I’ve been following along to see how you’ve been doing
Oh gosh hon that must of been terrifying. There’s a few ladies that have them and I think they go away on there own in the end. Seeing blood in pregnancy is the worst it’s so scary. Thanks hon that’s so nice. I really want to get a BFP this month since the
Chemical I’ve been more determined than ever, I do worry about having another loss but hopefully if I do get pregnant it will be a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.
I think I’ll give it one more cycle after my next cycle and if I’m still not pregnant by the end of July I think I’m gonna put the breaks on this whole TTC thing and hold off untill Jan and then start trying again then.
AF showed ladies urghhh getting so fed up with this.
I only had a 23 day cycle so very short . Hoping this cycle is back to my norm 26 to 28 days. I guess at least my body has had a month to recover from the chemical. Just hope it's all back to normol now. Dreading ovulating to early again:-(

How is everyone doing?
AF showed ladies urghhh getting so fed up with this.
I only had a 23 day cycle so very short . Hoping this cycle is back to my norm 26 to 28 days. I guess at least my body has had a month to recover from the chemical. Just hope it's all back to normol now. Dreading ovulating to early again:-(

How is everyone doing?

Sorry af showed :( I’ve heard from so many people that a chemical can mess with your cycle, so even though you’re worried try not to think about it until you know once you’ve ovulated this month - then you won’t have to guess whether it’s a one off or not :hugs:

We are doing good, got out and enjoyed the sunshine today! The boys really enjoyed it, they’ve been feeling so cooped up even though we play in the backyard pretty much every day. Elias especially gets excited when we go somewhere new, and Emmett loves stroller rides. He gets so chilled out he almost always falls asleep in there :haha:

I love this picture, just wish Elias would cooperate for the camera haha. He’s always trying to wriggle away and escape :headspin:

Sorry af showed :( I’ve heard from so many people that a chemical can mess with your cycle, so even though you’re worried try not to think about it until you know once you’ve ovulated this month - then you won’t have to guess whether it’s a one off or not :hugs:

We are doing good, got out and enjoyed the sunshine today! The boys really enjoyed it, they’ve been feeling so cooped up even though we play in the backyard pretty much every day. Elias especially gets excited when we go somewhere new, and Emmett loves stroller rides. He gets so chilled out he almost always falls asleep in there :haha:

I love this picture, just wish Elias would cooperate for the camera haha. He’s always trying to wriggle away and escape :headspin:

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Thanks hon. I've put up a few posts asking other ladies who have had chemicals if they ovulated to early but not much came back.
I know I have to be positive but it's so hard.
I'll be ok as long as I dont ovulate b4 day 11.

I am worried it's down to my age. Reading about pre menopause and how cycles get shorter and ovulation gets earlier has freaked me out.
But like u said chemicals can mess with ure hormones.
Most womon I spoke to said they ovulated later after there chemicals.

It was the knowing I was out from very early on in my last cycle. I didnt even get to have the tww because i new i was out as soon as I got that positive OPK on day 7.
And that totally sucked.

I'm not sure if I will carry on ttc if I ovulate to early again because it's just never going to happen.
I think thats what is getting me is knowing that a to short follicular phase and early ovulation means I wont be able to get pregnant and if I do it will just end in Misscarige.

I keep telling myself it was just the chemical but how can I be sure?

I love that photo of you and ure babies hon so cute.
Hi everyone how are we all doing.
Tommy is so close to crawling now. Hes started doing army man across the floor it's so funny. He gets on his knees and elbows and rocks.
I think he will be off soon. Watch out lol. I can not believe he is 9 months old like wow.

I got my very strong peak OPK on CD13.
Had positives all day but the last one I did was in the evening and It was darker. Which I didnt think was possible.
Its almost 1am so I'm now on CD14. Will test again later today to see if the lines are going lighter.
Had so much egg white stuff this cycle compared to my last 3 cycles.
I'm really hoping that's a good sign. Even with the chemical pregnancy there wasnt much egg white cm at all.
Really hope this is our month.

How is everyone else getting on and all the babies.
We've figured it out that if we fall pregnant this cycle there will be 18 months between tommy and that baby which is perfect.
Praying this will be it and we get a supper healthy sticky beanie.
Looking forward to actually start using my pregnancy test stash lol.
Seriously ladies its embarrassing I cud open a small shop hahahahaha.

Anyway hope you all good.

So happy this cycle is back to normol. Let's hope it ends with a BFP[-o&lt;
Yes can’t believe how big the babies are getting!

We are doing good, same old same old haha.

I’m glad your cycle went back to normal Sugger, sounds like you have a good chance at a bfp this cycle!
Yes can’t believe how big the babies are getting!

We are doing good, same old same old haha.

I’m glad your cycle went back to normal Sugger, sounds like you have a good chance at a bfp this cycle!

Hi hon
Yeah I think I O yesterday on CD 14. So I'm 1dpo now.
The ovulation pain was awfull this cycle soni hope that means a good juicy eggo was released.
I really hope this is our month.
So scared about having another chemical or a later loss.
We've been trying for 3 months now I know that's not long really but it feels like forever.
How are you doing? Ure almost in 2nd tri wow.
Thats amazing hon.
Our first took 6 months active trying to conceive - it felt like a LIFETIME. I really feel for those ladies who try for years, TTC is not for the faint of heart. I hope this is your month too :hugs:

I am doing good :) I know it’s gone by so quickly. Each pregnancy races by faster than the last haha. Finally feeling a bit better so that’s been nice, trying to enjoy the backyard with my boys while we have the nice hot weather. It’s been hard being stuck at home all the time but it’s pretty much what we were doing before having 2 little ones!
Our first took 6 months active trying to conceive - it felt like a LIFETIME. I really feel for those ladies who try for years, TTC is not for the faint of heart. I hope this is your month too :hugs:

I am doing good :) I know it’s gone by so quickly. Each pregnancy races by faster than the last haha. Finally feeling a bit better so that’s been nice, trying to enjoy the backyard with my boys while we have the nice hot weather. It’s been hard being stuck at home all the time but it’s pretty much what we were doing before having 2 little ones!

Yeah I know I feel so bad for them womon its horrible and so unfair.

I think I'm 2dpo but already feeling out. Dont know why.

It's going to be blazing hot here this week. We dont air con in our houses in england so it's real hard when it's really hot. All we have is fans and they dont do much.
It gets so humid here. It's kinda that sticky sweaty horrible heat.
We have a lazy spar so I will go in that but wont use the bubbles just incase I am pregnant.

I'm very bloated but its prob my IBS. I've been tho it's a bit weird.
Back feels a little achey but not to bad.

Ovulation pain was real bad this cycle so I really hope that it means something good.

Ahhh this 2ww is gonna drag.
Have so many pregnancy tests its embarrassing lol.
Thanks ladies.
I'm 8DPO now and have no symptoms at all.i think I will be out again:-(

I'm feeling very low today and getting fed up with ttc.
It's been 5 cycles now of charting and OPKs and it's just getting to that point where I'm thinking its never going to happen.

I know it's still early but I'm almost certain I had sore boobs by now with both Tommy and our DD and they do not hurt at all.
I havent even felt a twinge:-(

AF is due on Saturday
Ok so after complaining of no symptoms.
I started having a very few very mild like twinges in my right overy area.
Then I started getting it in my left overy area but more intence.
Felt like a very sharp stitch kind of pain. Its kept coming and going.
Its gone off now but every now and again its does it again.


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