Sorry hon.
Not really in a good place.
Was having alot of symptoms
Heightened sence of smell at the same time as being congested.
Neasea that only eating wud make it go
Sore tender right breast on the top
Dizzy spells.
Temp above 37c
I was getting so excited but ive woken up today and my temp has plummeted and all symptoms have vanished.
Been crying all morning.
Have no idea what DPO i am.
It can be as much as 11dpo or as less as 9dpo.
Took a cheapie test with FMU and got very faint shadows on both but I never trust shadows.
I didnt start temping untill cd6 so FF still hasnt confirmed O. But if i put a random temp in on cd5 it gives me cross hairs on CD8. Way to early.
Femometer is saying i O on CD13 but I had my positive OPKs on cd8 and cd9 and my last lot of ewcm on cd10 so day 13 makes no sence at all.
I guess its onto month 5 of trying.
If im still not pregnant then I will prob stop trying and start again in January.
Its really taking its toll now and emotionally I'm not coping.
I was so excited because of all the symptoms and now i feel heartbroken.
I can't keep going through this month after month its just so hard.
I was watching a TV show called 90 day fiance and they went to a fertility specialist in Africa and she said when a womon reaches 40 fertility declines by 95%.
I don't stand a chance do i