October bumpkins 2019

Awwww @Shorty88 he is so cute and it's amazing he is doing so much.
Tommy will also be 11 months old on 23rd August i can't believe he is almost 1 its gone so fast.
He is still doing army man but can also crawel properly, he's just got to grips with that this past week or so. He has no teeth at all yet but i think some are close.
He says a few words. He waves and he claps.
He makes me melt.

Thank you for ure good wishes.
Im 3dpo well 4dpo now as its gone midnight.
I ovulated on cycle day 13 so im hoping if we have caught again that this one is extra sticky and healthy.

If it turns out this is not my month then we are putting ttc on hold untill around December/January time.
Or maybe Feb. Will just see how I feel at the time.

Good to see u back here hon.
Good to see you back @Shorty88

Keeping everything crossed for you this cycle @Suggerhoney

Ds3 is 11 months 1/9 and I start my new job then, I am so nervous!!!

Hes crawling, climbing everything, cruising the settee and will use his walker to walk the living room as well. Still only has 2 teeth but the others are close.
Hes still a rubbish sleeper but all of children have being so I'm used to it, he doesnt really feed off me much now, though hes worked out how to pull my tops down :haha:

I hope everyone is keeping well and safe, I cant believe our babies will be turning 1 soon x
Good to see you back @Shorty88

Keeping everything crossed for you this cycle @Suggerhoney

Ds3 is 11 months 1/9 and I start my new job then, I am so nervous!!!

Hes crawling, climbing everything, cruising the settee and will use his walker to walk the living room as well. Still only has 2 teeth but the others are close.
Hes still a rubbish sleeper but all of children have being so I'm used to it, he doesnt really feed off me much now, though hes worked out how to pull my tops down :haha:

I hope everyone is keeping well and safe, I cant believe our babies will be turning 1 soon x

Thanks hon. 8dpo today and temp went dropped. Really thought i was out but alot of ladies think its a implantation dip. I hope they are right.
Been having a few symptoms so hopfully this will finally be month.
Have tested 7dpo and today 8dpo but BFN but I know its still early.

Symptoms so far
2dpo to 4dpo
Mild cramps
Lower back ache
Niggles in overies

Dizzy spell
Vivid dreams
Lots of wind (lol)
Itchy nipples and tender right nipple.
Temps have been very high the past few days but plumeted today.
8dpo (today)
Poking pains in overies all night and today.
Slight sore right nipples
Neasea in morning but mild.
Tiredness and no energy.
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12dpo and BFN in so sad:( I really feel its never going to happen for us:cry:
Sorry Sugger :( Hopefully your blood tests give you some answers - at least maybe they’ll take you more seriously if you have a progesterone problem :hugs:
@playgirl666 I know I've already said it on Facebook but congratulations again.

Thanks hon. Well im not sure if I will get any help if it is progesterone.
I was told by a lady on here who also had 3 back to back losses, and it was to do with progesterone but the doctors wudnt perscribe her nothing for it.
Apparently here in the UK they don't like prescribing it so im feeling anxious.

I've brought this worry up over in the August testing thread and was told not to listen to that lady that they absolutely will perscribe progesterone or even clomid here in the UK.
Another lady also told me its ok to carry on trying next cycle even with the bloodtests but im gonna double check with the nurse when I have the first blooddraw.
If she says we can then im gonna give it another go.
I was gonna stop trying from now on but it makes me feel to sad.
If im still not pregnant by the end of
September then I will put TTC on hold and give my body a rest in October and November and prob start trying again in December.

Im very anxous about these tests tho and what the results may reveal.
I just hope its nothing that's gonna prevent me from ever having a healthy pregnancy again.

My nanna is still convinced i will be having another baby next year. She's always been a bit physic so I hope she is right.

I just hate this part so much. The part where ure out and u have to wait for AF.
Im due Friday or Saturday.
Wud love to still be in with a chance this cycle but all the pregnancy symptoms I had vanished at 11dpo.
I just hope im not having a 4th chemical pregnancy:-(

Thanks hon. I feel so heartbroken I've been crying for 2 days solid. We went to tecos yesterday and I cried in there over seeing a pregnant lady.
I cry when I see BFPs becuase I want it so bad. But it is what it is.
I just thought I wud of been pregnant by now.
It breaks my heart
Looking at my chart i think my progesterone is probably ok. My temp is still high.
I know it will plumet on the day of AF tho. It always does but I think that's the norm.
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Congrats on baby 5!

sorry sugger! Hope things work out for you! Your chart looks great though in all honesty.. keep in mind most healthy couples take up to a year to get pregnant! I know that seems like forever but you just have to stay positive!

As for me.. I’m in denial that my baby will soon be 1!! I can’t believe it at all! It makes me so sad the chapter of my like of having and infant is over. I wish at times we would have had 1 more and not done the vasectomy yet, but we did and there’s times where 3 is more than enough. I’m grateful for my 3 healthy babies and my DH doesn’t want more... but I know if I did and he didn’t have the vasectomy he would be fine with another... it would just be tough for him to ever have all the kids if we had 4 because his truck wouldn’t be able to carry them all.. anyway it’s me just rambling because I have baby fever lol!

hope everyone is doing well!
Congrats playgirl! You are going to be super busy!! :)

Sorry Sugger, I hope your blood tests give you some answers and you can still TTC in the meantime.

Brittany I know what you mean! We’re still a few months from meeting #3 and I’m already working out if we could go for a fourth :rofl: I’d like to give it one more shot to see if we can’t get a girl out of DH, but we’ll see how it goes with this baby.

Emmett started walking today (!!!) I was shocked. Elias didn’t start until he was 11.5 months, Emmett is just over 10 months. I guess he learned by watching his big brother, lol. Some things are trickier when they can walk, but honestly I preferred it when Elias learned, and I’m hoping the boys can play together more evenly matched now that they’re both on 2 feet :)
Hi everyone!

Congrats playgirl! :)

Aww girls I know I cannot believe how fast this year has gone!! They are all growing up far too fast!

Suggar, I really hope you are ok xx

I never updated our group, as I was in a very confused phase at the time. But after deciding to keep the baby, we unfortunately lost the baby a few days later. I’ve been dealing with some guilt as I kept thinking maybe if I had never considered ending the pregnancy at the start it wouldn’t of happened. It was my karma.

Here’s a picture from yesterday of me and Miles. I haven’t put one on here since he was basically a newborn.
And I find it’s hard to take a picture of him still nowadays so this is as good as it gets haha. X
I’m sorry for your loss LNXWO :( Planned or not, I’m sure it was very hard to lose your LO after much deliberation. Don’t blame yourself :hugs:

Miles is adorable!
I'm so sorry @LNWXO :hugs:
Gorgeous photo of you both x

Congratulations @playgirl666 I cant wait to start ttc next year

Lovely to hear off you @brittany12 it's scary to think our babies will be turning 1 so soon

How exciting @Sander I dont think ds3 is to far off now, more confidence is needed I think. Your pregnancy seems to be flying by.

I hope you are ok @Suggerhoney ttc is hard at the best of times :hugs:
Congrats on baby 5!

sorry sugger! Hope things work out for you! Your chart looks great though in all honesty.. keep in mind most healthy couples take up to a year to get pregnant! I know that seems like forever but you just have to stay positive!

As for me.. I’m in denial that my baby will soon be 1!! I can’t believe it at all! It makes me so sad the chapter of my like of having and infant is over. I wish at times we would have had 1 more and not done the vasectomy yet, but we did and there’s times where 3 is more than enough. I’m grateful for my 3 healthy babies and my DH doesn’t want more... but I know if I did and he didn’t have the vasectomy he would be fine with another... it would just be tough for him to ever have all the kids if we had 4 because his truck wouldn’t be able to carry them all.. anyway it’s me just rambling because I have baby fever lol!

hope everyone is doing well!

So good to hear from you hon and thank u for ure kind words.
Hopfully I will get pregnant with my rainbow soon, I dont mind if it takes another few months just as long as it happens.
I think we're going to try again in September if the nurse says we can. I cant see it causing any problems because all the bloods do is check hormones b4 ovulation and then the second lot of bloods check hormones after O so I cant see us trying making a difference with that but I will clear it with the nurse first.

I know what u mean hon. Tommy will be 1 on sep 23rd I cant believe our babies are all soon turning 1. It all feels like just last week we first started posting our BFPS in the group. Now there a whole new October thread who will soon be having there babies. It really does go by so fast.

Congrats playgirl! You are going to be super busy!! :)

Sorry Sugger, I hope your blood tests give you some answers and you can still TTC in the meantime.

Brittany I know what you mean! We’re still a few months from meeting #3 and I’m already working out if we could go for a fourth :rofl: I’d like to give it one more shot to see if we can’t get a girl out of DH, but we’ll see how it goes with this baby.

Emmett started walking today (!!!) I was shocked. Elias didn’t start until he was 11.5 months, Emmett is just over 10 months. I guess he learned by watching his big brother, lol. Some things are trickier when they can walk, but honestly I preferred it when Elias learned, and I’m hoping the boys can play together more evenly matched now that they’re both on 2 feet :)

Thanks hon. My temp plumeted today but still not due AF for 2 to 3 days. I guess I just have to wait now for it to start.
I think we will try again in September. Im sure it shud be OK and shudnt interfere with the bloodtests.
Maybe if I get pregnant they will see what the progesterone levels are in pregnancy and no more why I have had back to back losses.
If September is not our month either then I will give my body a little rest for 2 cycles and go back to trying around December time.
I always find Sep Oct and Nov go by so fast with Xmas and all the other things so I dont mind taking a break during that time.
December will be good to start again because I will be so busy I won't be to focused on ttc if u know what I mean.
Providing there's nothing preventing me having another baby i will keep trying i will not give up.

Hi everyone!

Congrats playgirl! :)

Aww girls I know I cannot believe how fast this year has gone!! They are all growing up far too fast!

Suggar, I really hope you are ok xx

I never updated our group, as I was in a very confused phase at the time. But after deciding to keep the baby, we unfortunately lost the baby a few days later. I’ve been dealing with some guilt as I kept thinking maybe if I had never considered ending the pregnancy at the start it wouldn’t of happened. It was my karma.

Here’s a picture from yesterday of me and Miles. I haven’t put one on here since he was basically a newborn.
And I find it’s hard to take a picture of him still nowadays so this is as good as it gets haha. X
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Im am so very sorry for ure loss
Please dont blame ure self and think this is karma. Its not.
Im a Christian and God really wudnt do that.
So what u freaked because the pregnancy wasn't planned. Its a natural response.
At the end of the day u changed, u cudnt go through with it so please dont blame yourself.
Sadly Misscariges are just v v v common.
I hate them so much they are horrible.
I've had 6 possibly 7 in total with 3 or 4 of them being this year alone.
And I know how heartbreaking it is. But its nothing to do with anything we have done.

I lost my first baby at almost 11 weeks and I blamed myself so much.
I actually made myself ill.
But ive learnt over the years that it wudnt of been down to anything I wud of done.
Its just sadly so common esp in the first trimester.
Sending u the biggest hugs right now.
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Congrats on the new pregnancy @playgirl666. I'm getting baby fever again too but won't be trying for another couple years. Jocelynn is almost walking now too and turns 10 months old tomorrow. I can't believe it's almost been a year since we were all patiently waiting for our babies.
Hi ladies

I had my first blood panal done today and will need the next done 7 days days b4 AF.
These are bloods for recurring Misscariges so hopefully I can get to the bottom of why it keeps happening.

I was hoping we cud give it one last try this cycle.
I asked the nurse hoping she wud say it wss OK but she said no.
She said its fine to try next cycle but not this cycle while I'm having the bloods done.

So that's me done now.
We will not be trying untill December or January.

I just wanted to jump on and wish u all the best with ure pregnancies etc.
And anyone in here TTC I wish u all the very best.

Not sure if I will be on here much tbh im finding it all really difficult.
I was so hoping I was going to be a few months pregnant by now but obviously its not meant to be.

I really hope I have better luck when we start trying again in December.
In a weird way I do feel a bit better that there will be a 2 year age gap between Tommy and future baby.
2 under 2 wud be crazy hard work.

My nanna is still convinced I will have another baby next year.
Hope I will be sharing my BFP with u all in the very near future.

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