Congrats on baby 5!
sorry sugger! Hope things work out for you! Your chart looks great though in all honesty.. keep in mind most healthy couples take up to a year to get pregnant! I know that seems like forever but you just have to stay positive!
As for me.. I’m in denial that my baby will soon be 1!! I can’t believe it at all! It makes me so sad the chapter of my like of having and infant is over. I wish at times we would have had 1 more and not done the vasectomy yet, but we did and there’s times where 3 is more than enough. I’m grateful for my 3 healthy babies and my DH doesn’t want more... but I know if I did and he didn’t have the vasectomy he would be fine with another... it would just be tough for him to ever have all the kids if we had 4 because his truck wouldn’t be able to carry them all.. anyway it’s me just rambling because I have baby fever lol!
hope everyone is doing well!
So good to hear from you hon and thank u for ure kind words.
Hopfully I will get pregnant with my rainbow soon, I dont mind if it takes another few months just as long as it happens.
I think we're going to try again in September if the nurse says we can. I cant see it causing any problems because all the bloods do is check hormones b4 ovulation and then the second lot of bloods check hormones after O so I cant see us trying making a difference with that but I will clear it with the nurse first.
I know what u mean hon. Tommy will be 1 on sep 23rd I cant believe our babies are all soon turning 1. It all feels like just last week we first started posting our BFPS in the group. Now there a whole new October thread who will soon be having there babies. It really does go by so fast.
Congrats playgirl! You are going to be super busy!!
Sorry Sugger, I hope your blood tests give you some answers and you can still TTC in the meantime.
Brittany I know what you mean! We’re still a few months from meeting #3 and I’m already working out if we could go for a fourth

I’d like to give it one more shot to see if we can’t get a girl out of DH, but we’ll see how it goes with this baby.
Emmett started walking today (!!!) I was shocked. Elias didn’t start until he was 11.5 months, Emmett is just over 10 months. I guess he learned by watching his big brother, lol. Some things are trickier when they can walk, but honestly I preferred it when Elias learned, and I’m hoping the boys can play together more evenly matched now that they’re both on 2 feet
Thanks hon. My temp plumeted today but still not due AF for 2 to 3 days. I guess I just have to wait now for it to start.
I think we will try again in September. Im sure it shud be OK and shudnt interfere with the bloodtests.
Maybe if I get pregnant they will see what the progesterone levels are in pregnancy and no more why I have had back to back losses.
If September is not our month either then I will give my body a little rest for 2 cycles and go back to trying around December time.
I always find Sep Oct and Nov go by so fast with Xmas and all the other things so I dont mind taking a break during that time.
December will be good to start again because I will be so busy I won't be to focused on ttc if u know what I mean.
Providing there's nothing preventing me having another baby i will keep trying i will not give up.
Hi everyone!
Congrats playgirl!
Aww girls I know I cannot believe how fast this year has gone!! They are all growing up far too fast!
Suggar, I really hope you are ok xx
I never updated our group, as I was in a very confused phase at the time. But after deciding to keep the baby, we unfortunately lost the baby a few days later. I’ve been dealing with some guilt as I kept thinking maybe if I had never considered ending the pregnancy at the start it wouldn’t of happened. It was my karma.
Here’s a picture from yesterday of me and Miles. I haven’t put one on here since he was basically a newborn.
And I find it’s hard to take a picture of him still nowadays so this is as good as it gets haha. X
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Im am so very sorry for ure loss
Please dont blame ure self and think this is karma. Its not.
Im a Christian and God really wudnt do that.
So what u freaked because the pregnancy wasn't planned. Its a natural response.
At the end of the day u changed, u cudnt go through with it so please dont blame yourself.
Sadly Misscariges are just v v v common.
I hate them so much they are horrible.
I've had 6 possibly 7 in total with 3 or 4 of them being this year alone.
And I know how heartbreaking it is. But its nothing to do with anything we have done.
I lost my first baby at almost 11 weeks and I blamed myself so much.
I actually made myself ill.
But ive learnt over the years that it wudnt of been down to anything I wud of done.
Its just sadly so common esp in the first trimester.
Sending u the biggest hugs right now.