October bumpkins 2019

Sorry to hear you can’t TTC this cycle Sugger, I hope your blood tests can give you some answers! Feel free to take a break. We TTC for 6 months for my first and I remember the feelings of frustration and it helped my mental health to step away from it all. Hugs :hugs:
my gestational diabetes is back :( I thought 6 weeks was to early! Already getting readings over 10! X
Sorry to hear you can’t TTC this cycle Sugger, I hope your blood tests can give you some answers! Feel free to take a break. We TTC for 6 months for my first and I remember the feelings of frustration and it helped my mental health to step away from it all. Hugs :hugs:

Thanks hon.
my gestational diabetes is back :( I thought 6 weeks was to early! Already getting readings over 10

So sorry u are already showing signs of GD so early into ure pregnancy.
May be it wud be best for you to speak to a doctor.
Thats one of things that worries me about being pregnant again is developing ICP again and getting it even earlier than I did with Tommy but I want another baby so bad im willing to take that risk.
Sorry to hear you can’t TTC this cycle Sugger, I hope your blood tests can give you some answers! Feel free to take a break. We TTC for 6 months for my first and I remember the feelings of frustration and it helped my mental health to step away from it all. Hugs :hugs:

Thanks for being so kind and so supportive.
I mite start trying again next cycle instead of leaving it until December.
Didn't really want a summer due date but I think at my age beggers can't be choosers.
I feel sad that we can't try this cycle so I think I may start trying again next cycle.
Will see how I feel how I feel once I've gotten this cycle out the way.
The nurse said it will be fine to try next cycle I was putting it off because I didn't want to be due in june or July but I wanna be pregnant so bad so really shudnt matter when I'm due.
I just dont like the heat.
How r u doing sugger? Been thinking of u and I hope and pray ur blood results all come back good xx
Hi hon awww bless u for asking after me.
Im doing ok.
Im booked in to have my second blood panel done on Friday morning and then it takes 2 weeks to get results.
We haven't been able to try this cycle which was a bit of a bummer but im kind of glad because its given my body a rest.
I ovulated on cd13 again this cycle, the same as last cycle so I think my cycles are back to normol.
AF due on the 26th September and then we get back to trying next cycle.
Was going to leave it until December but really dont want to wait that long.
Im not getting any younger so don't want to risk leaving it.
Hope ure ok
Good luck for ur 2nd blood test and for ur results, im praying all comes back OK for u, im doing ok thank u, already on 4 metformin and 2 different insulins, got a blood test tomorrow to see if i had the diabetes before the pregnancy x
Good luck with blood work! I ttc for almost 3 years before dd! I remember it all too well. After our miscarriage (first baby after dd) it took I think 3 cycles before we got pregnant again and I remember all of those feelings were starting to rush in before that bfp! Good luck!

As for me... I guess we’re putting this vasectomy to the test this cycle! We’ve dtd without any additional protection or pulling out several times and I’m currently ovulating! I can fee the O cramps. I shall keep everyone posted on how well his procedure works! Also fun fact that was not Planned at all.. I found out about Sutton (baby 3) the same week as baby 2 first birthday! Y’all if this procedure didn’t work and I end up pregnant and finding out the same week baby 3 turns one!!! I might faint! My AF is due his first birthday 10/1!
Good luck with blood work! I ttc for almost 3 years before dd! I remember it all too well. After our miscarriage (first baby after dd) it took I think 3 cycles before we got pregnant again and I remember all of those feelings were starting to rush in before that bfp! Good luck!

As for me... I guess we’re putting this vasectomy to the test this cycle! We’ve dtd without any additional protection or pulling out several times and I’m currently ovulating! I can fee the O cramps. I shall keep everyone posted on how well his procedure works! Also fun fact that was not Planned at all.. I found out about Sutton (baby 3) the same week as baby 2 first birthday! Y’all if this procedure didn’t work and I end up pregnant and finding out the same week baby 3 turns one!!! I might faint! My AF is due his first birthday 10/1!

i cant help but smile and be excited for you if that super little one makes it to your egg. for my selfish reason, (because I love kids period) i'm rooting him/her on :D fx cross either way for you, hun.

Hi hon awww bless u for asking after me.
Im doing ok.
Im booked in to have my second blood panel done on Friday morning and then it takes 2 weeks to get results.
We haven't been able to try this cycle which was a bit of a bummer but im kind of glad because its given my body a rest.
I ovulated on cd13 again this cycle, the same as last cycle so I think my cycles are back to normol.
AF due on the 26th September and then we get back to trying next cycle.
Was going to leave it until December but really dont want to wait that long.
Im not getting any younger so don't want to risk leaving it.
Hope ure ok

Good luck, Sugger. I hope this is the month for you.

Congrats to all the preggers. *Sending virtual HUGS*

Wow, A year has really flow by. I can't believe we are all about to have a first birhtday for the LO.

My Konnor is argumentative, yes, ALREADY! He took his first 5 steps by himself on the day he turned 11months. He's climbing in and out of everything, he goes flying down the hallway in his walker, he loves the t.v remote, he has 4 teeth on top and 2 on the bottom, he loves food, he loves music and dancing.
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Thanks ladies.
10dpo today and just waiting for AF. This cycle has dragged so much.
AF due Saturday and can't wait for this cycle to be over so we can get back to trying.
So I got my first bloodtest results I asked the nurse on Friday while I was having the second blood draw and she said that next to the 1st test results it said no further action. So im not really sure what that means but I guess it means that it was normol.

Now just have to wait for the 2nd bloodtest results. It takes 2 weeks. Urghhhh so long.
I have my flu vaccine booked in for Saturday 3rd October so will prob get the results then.
I did ask what wud they do if all results are normol, wud I need a scan or anything and the nurse said it will be up to the doctor.
Im hoping all my chemicals were just a run of bad luck.

Anyway my Nanna had a premonition and she said i will find out I'm pregnant around Christmas. So im gonna watch this space haha.

Tommy will be a year old on Wednesday. I cant believe it.
He has 4 teath that all popped up at the same time.
He is crawling supper fast and cruising.
He is standing with one hand resting on furniture.
He's definitely a mummies boy.
I love it.

I know we have been ttc for a long time now but in a way im kind of glad im not pregnant yet because they will be a bigger and much more manageable age gap between them.

Omg hon im on tender hooks here please keep us posted.

Awwwww so cute photos
I really can't believe we're all about to celebrate our Bumkins first birthdays.
Its all gone by way to fast.
I had some red bleeding, its stopped now, went for a private scan i should have been 8 weeks, i was only measuring 5+5 :( im so heartbroken x
Oh no hon im so so sorry.
So what have they said? Are they going to do anything.

I am so sorry u are going through this.
We are all here for you.
My latest Misscarige was at almost 11 weeks and the other 5 were all chemicals.
It really is the worst and so heartbreaking.
I was hoping maybe u got ure dates wrong but I guess if u was supposed to be 8 weeks u cudnt of got it wrong. :cry:

Just give ureself time hon to grieve.
Sending u massive hugs.
Just know that ure not alone hon. Here for you <3

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