October bumpkins 2019

Omg @Suggerhoney !!!!!! Big congrats.. strong lines.. hope you are keeping well..

I lost my log in details but managed to log back in. Hope everyone is well?

Hello hon
Thank you so much. We had a scare last week, I had a bleed at I had to have a emergency scan. Was so very scared but thankfully I saw baby and HB and the lady said she cudnt see any reason for the bleeding.

I have another scan on the 19th Feb so praying everything is all good then as well.

I'm still so anxious, I want to enjoy every second but it's so hard after losses.

I'm almost 7 weeks now and symptoms have ramped up.
I'll be 8+1 at my next scan.
My booking appointment with the midwife is next week as well on 17th Feb.

Just praying this one will be our take home healthy rainbow baby[-o<

Hope ure OK hon apart from losing ure log in details lol.
Well this is a little random but you ladies popped in my head after what must be well over a year and I logged in to see some of you are still active and have even moved on to new babies/pregnancies after our October 2019 babes!!

Have just been catching up on your journey @Suggerhoney - keeping everything crossed for a healthy pregnancy for you!

Elsie will be 16 months on the 19th and is such a character. Stringing words together, running around and being a little terror in general haha. She knows her own mind and doesn't like being told no hahaha.

We have always discussed trying for number 2 when Elsie turns 2 in October but we may have accidentally entered the 'baby lottery' this month so I'm actually in the 2 week wait and not really sure how I feel about it either way if that makes sense. We definitely want another but Elsie is such a bad sleeper that it terrifies me doing the newborn stage again with an existing bad sleeping child lol.

Anyway - I'll let you know what happens!!

Photo a few months old :)

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Hi Sugger! Sorry I just checked this page and saw your messages. Huge congrats on your pregnancy!! I’m super happy for you!

We are doing good, I’m trying to manage the laundry and dishes and cleaning that comes with 3 under 3 lol. It’s crazy but it’s fun :) We come out of lockdown in 5 more days so I’m super excited to be able to take the kids out. We’ve been in lockdown since the day Thomas was born, so no one has been able to see him yet!
Well this is a little random but you ladies popped in my head after what must be well over a year and I logged in to see some of you are still active and have even moved on to new babies/pregnancies after our October 2019 babes!!

Have just been catching up on your journey @Suggerhoney - keeping everything crossed for a healthy pregnancy for you!

Elsie will be 16 months on the 19th and is such a character. Stringing words together, running around and being a little terror in general haha. She knows her own mind and doesn't like being told no hahaha.

We have always discussed trying for number 2 when Elsie turns 2 in October but we may have accidentally entered the 'baby lottery' this month so I'm actually in the 2 week wait and not really sure how I feel about it either way if that makes sense. We definitely want another but Elsie is such a bad sleeper that it terrifies me doing the newborn stage again with an existing bad sleeping child lol.

Anyway - I'll let you know what happens!!

Photo a few months old :)

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Hello hon
Ahhhh she is so cute hon.
Tommy is just coming up to 17 months and is so funny.

He is saying lots of different things and jabbers on like a jibber jabber.
He is running and climbing which is fun.

He is very cheeky and he just makes me LOL.
I think he has strated the terrible Twos already and throws tantrums.
There quite funny but I know we shouldn't laugh but he's just such a little character.

Yay for being in the 2ww how exciting hon. I really hope to see ure BFP soon.

I'm 7+1 now and starting to have a little bump/bloat hehe,
I don't seem to be as bloated as I was with Tommy but it's definitely there.

I had a scan at 6+1 because of a bleed and see baby and HB everything looked great.

No bleeding since just the odd very pale pink spotting here and there but I'm baby aspirin so it may be down to that.

I have my booking in appointment with the midwife on Wednesday and another scan in a week then I wud like to book a privet scan for 10+1.

Cravings hit me last night for the first time.
I just want pickled eggs lol.

I did the baking soda gendef test like I did with Tommy and it did bugger all haha. So a girl result.

I did have a feeling this baby is a girl but I'm not sure now.

Not bothered either way I just want a healthy baby after everything I have been through.

Was gonna stay team :yellow: but now thinking of have a gender scan at 16 weeks because if it is a girl we will have to start from scratch.

Tommy is still in with us but we have decorated his bedroom and it's a big room and we have done it a olive green with wallpaper on one wall its so cute and suitable for both :blue: and :pink:, they will be sharing.
It's a bit of a dumping ground at the moment because it's a spare room but we will give it a Good clear out when I feel ready for Tommy to go in the room.
I like him being in with me at the moment.

We moved our room into our old living room (we live in a 3 story house and it was on the middle floor with my old bedroom which is now Tommys and babies room, we moved our lounge down on the ground floor where our dinning room was.
We have a kitchen dinner so didn't really need 2 dinning rooms.
It's so much better now and it's all decorated.
So it's lovely.
We just kept busy because of all the heart ache and ttc it was just so stressful so we wanted to get the house all done.

It must be nuts bless you.
I don't think I cud Cope with 3 under 3 so i take my hat off to you.
How is ure other 2 with the baby?

Tommy will be 2 years old when I give birth to this one and I do worry how he will react but hopefully it will be ok.

I have 2 years between my ds and dd who are now 10 and 8 and that was really manageable.
They argue a bit now but we're fine when they were little.

Gosh sorry I've wrote so much.

Just so much going on.

I think there will be a few ladies that were pregnant with us posting BFPS soon.

It's so strange being in the October due date group again.
I'm due sep 30th so I am In both groups which is nice.
But I feel closer to the October ladies because the ladies in the September group are 4 5 weeks ahead of me.

Where as some of the October ladies are just a few days behind. The lady that runs the October group is also due the same day as me September 30th,
But both groups are lovely.

I feel so blessed and so happy and excited but I am still nervous.
Just praying this baby will be our take home Rainbow [-o<

@Sander we are still in lockdown in the UK no idea how long for but I hate it.
I have to go to scans alone.

But if I get a privet scan in a few weeks DH can come to that its just hospital scans I have to go alone.
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Hi ladies
I had my 2nd ultrasound today and it went so well.
I was measuring 8+3 so 2 days ahead but won't get my official due date until the hospital dating scan.

I have a privet scan booked for 5th March so just 2 weeks time.

Feeling very happy and very blessed.

Hope everyone is OK and Todlers are well.
4 days and my Tommy poo will be 17 months old.
Hi ladies
I had my 2nd ultrasound today and it went so well.
I was measuring 8+3 so 2 days ahead but won't get my official due date until the hospital dating scan.

I have a privet scan booked for 5th March so just 2 weeks time.

Feeling very happy and very blessed.

Hope everyone is OK and Todlers are well.
4 days and my Tommy poo will be 17 months old.

That is great news.. im so happy for you x
Pregnancy test in your profile pic are so strong :bfp:

Are you going to find out what are you having or stay team yellow?
So happy your scan went well Sugger! My other boys are good with Thomas. Elias likes to hold him, Emmett likes to steal his soother. You win some you lose some, lol :haha:

Can’t believe how big our babies are getting! Here’s a recent picture of Emmett


I have a bit of a dilemma there lol. I want to know what we're having but DH wants it to be a surprise and Stay team yellow:yellow:

The privet scanning place are only doing dating and resurance scans and not gender scans at the moment because of covid and lockdown.
But what I've said is if by the time I'm 16 weeks and they are doing the gender scans then we will find out. And if not then we will stay team yellow:yellow:

Will be very hard at the 20 weeks scan though because I know I'm going to be itching to find out lol.

I'm really not bothered either way as long as baby is healthy.
I've done a few gender tests and I've had :pink: results but right after my ultrasound on Friday I saw 4 magpies all together lol and I do feel very similar to what I did with Tommy so now I'm 60% think Girl and 40% boy.
My DH and my nanna think it's a Girl so I guess only time will tell.
Hopefully will get some good shots at my hospital dating scan and I can usually tell by the skull theory but will need a decent profile pic lol.

So happy your scan went well Sugger! My other boys are good with Thomas. Elias likes to hold him, Emmett likes to steal his soother. You win some you lose some, lol :haha:

Can’t believe how big our babies are getting! Here’s a recent picture of Emmett

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Hahahahaha I'm over here laugher so much at Emmet stealing babies soother how funny:rofl:

So glad they are good with him tho and I can't believe he is already 2 months old.
I still remember u posting ure tests on here.

Emmet is so cute bless him.
Tommy is still bald on top. Well he has hair but it's very fine and then at the back it's all curly he just makes me melt so much.

I do worry how he will react to a newborn but he will be coming up to 2 when baby is born so I'm hoping he will be ok.

My DD really wants a baby sister but has said she won't mind if it's another brother. She's 8 bless.

My boys want another brother haha.

I'm still a little nervous because I've lost a baby at 10+4 b4 but I do feel very good about this pregnancy.

Looking forward to my next scan really hope I goes well and I will get my first photo of baby to post.

All the womon in the September due date group have photos from so early and I have none yet as we don't get them in the Emergency early pregnancy unit.

I'm also in the October due date group because I feel so behind the womon in the September group. Some of them are 12 weeks and have had there dating scan so I feel like I'm closer in gestation to the October ladies.

So strange being in another October group lol.
Hello ladies.

Gosh i haven't been on here for ages.
Anyway I know some of u are pregnant again @xxmyheartxx and @playgirl666.

But was just wondering how the rest of you are doing and how are the toddlers?

How are u hon and how is little man?

Unfortunately we had a high risk result for down syndrome.
1 in 33.
Thankfully I got low risk for Edwards and Pataus syndrome, they came back as 1 in 74 thousand and something.
But for downs I got a high risk result 1 in 33.

I did go for the Harmony test and all my scans so far including that one was perfect.
NT measurement 2.0mm so well within the normol range.
Unfortunately after 4 weeks in total if waiting and 2 lots of bloods taken my blood results for the Harmony test came back inconclusive twice.

They think it's because I've had a liver transplant.
So I have 3 lots of DNA right now.
We have had a refund but obviously I'm feeling disappointed that we don't have that definite reassurance.

We had a gender scan at 16 weeks and they said baby looks perfect.
We are having a baby :blue: and I'm so happy.
I did feel at the beginning it was a girl but I think deep inside I was hoping for a boy so Tommy has a baby brother he can grow up with.

I now am awaiting my anomaly scan which will at 20+4 weeks. It's 3 weeks away on May 12th which is a day b4 dh birthday.
Praying that scan will also go well just line the others and when they check his heart and everything that there won't be any markers for down syndrome.

He isn't showing any markers at the moment but the 20 week scan is more in depth and i know they check everything.

Dh is as ever as cool as a cucumber and not worried at all.
He is convinced our baby does not have downs and is healthy.

I hope he is right.
I know 1 in 33 isn't majorly high but it still worries me.
I've spent the past 4 weeks really anxious and scared and keep on praying that our little baby boy is and will be 100% healthy.

My bump is huge. I wasn't as big as this with Tommy at this stage it's all out the front and I'm in maternity clothing now. Hoping that's all a great sign that he is healthy.

Tommy is 19 months old now and is such a little character. He is into everything lol.
He hardly has much hair on top but lots of curly blonde hair at the back.
He says a few little things but not sentences or anything like that.
He runs everywhere and climbs up and down the sofas.
He is a very happy and cheeky little boy.

This baby on scan looks exactly like Tommy.

Anyway I hope ure all OK

Here is some scan pics from my 16 weeks gender scan.

After my anomaly scan I will be having growth scans at 24 28 32 and 36 weeks, induction at 37 weeks.

I do not have ICP yet so that's good.
I already had it at this stage with Tommy.
The itching started at 11 weeks abs was diagnosed at 17 weeks but so far so good.

Any way such a long post so sorry received_1171439977011072.jpeg received_301496701353487.jpeg

And thus was Tommy at 16 weeks

Will let u all know how my anomaly scan goes.
We are also going to book a 4D bonding scan for 30 weeks.

Trying to stay positive and faithful and believe he is healthy.
Hopefully after my anomaly scan I will feel alot better and not so anxious.
Aw congrats on your little boy Sugger. I don’t know if this helps, but with my first my midwife explained the DS results as not 1 in 33 babies born, but if you specifically had 33 babies - 1 would have Down syndrome. So obviously you won’t have 33 babies, but if you did only 1 might have DS. Odds are in your favour that your little one is completely healthy!

Emmett is doing good, he’s in a total clingy phase right now which is driving me crazy lol. He says lots of things - car, dinosaur, up, messy, no, outside, milk, more, please, thank you, ok, Thomas, Elias, mama, dada etc. His vocabulary is HUGE compared to Elias’ at this age. He’s my sweet snuggly guy though, he always wants to be held.

Thomas is also doing well - he’s sleeping about 9 hours a night before needing a feed, so not bad! He goes to bed at 7 with the other boys so I get the evening to myself. We’re into a 3rd lockdown where we are so just trying to stay busy and maintain our sanity lol

Hope everyone is doing well!

Hi ladies. Amazing to hear about all the new pregnancies. Hope all comes back okay sugger.

My little girl Ariya is doing amazing. She is 18 months old and soooooo cheeky lol.

Unfortunately me and her father broke up a month ago (if yous all remember he kept bringing my past up when me and him were broke up years ago in 2018). We had been back 2 years straight just in March fgs. So he left because he couldn't deal with my past. He hardly sees our daughter (his choice). He has seen her 6 times in 5 weeks unfortunately.

I'll be okay though I've my little girl to keep me busy. Just upset ill never have another little baby!
Sorry to hear Jessie :( I’m sure it’s not easy being a single mom
Aw congrats on your little boy Sugger. I don’t know if this helps, but with my first my midwife explained the DS results as not 1 in 33 babies born, but if you specifically had 33 babies - 1 would have Down syndrome. So obviously you won’t have 33 babies, but if you did only 1 might have DS. Odds are in your favour that your little one is completely healthy!

Emmett is doing good, he’s in a total clingy phase right now which is driving me crazy lol. He says lots of things - car, dinosaur, up, messy, no, outside, milk, more, please, thank you, ok, Thomas, Elias, mama, dada etc. His vocabulary is HUGE compared to Elias’ at this age. He’s my sweet snuggly guy though, he always wants to be held.

Thomas is also doing well - he’s sleeping about 9 hours a night before needing a feed, so not bad! He goes to bed at 7 with the other boys so I get the evening to myself. We’re into a 3rd lockdown where we are so just trying to stay busy and maintain our sanity lol

Hope everyone is doing well!

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Thank u so much hon. Looking at like that it really don't seem so bad.
I'm crappy with math so I wudnt of thought that one up.
So thank you hon.

Awwww Emmet is adorable bless him. So cute that he loves his snuggles.
Tommy just likes running around everywhere.
Haha. He's always up too mischief. Loads of toys but wud rather play with picture frames or anything he is not supposed to be playing with lol.

Glad little man is doing well and sleeping good.

I'm not due until 25th September. It was originally the 30th but I was put 5 days forward at my dating scan. Love it when that happens.

They want to induce me around 37 weeks so I've worked that out to be around 4th September.
Just when the kids go back to school after the summer school holidays haha.

Good to hear from you hon.

Will let u all know how my 20 week scan goes.
It's not untill 12th May. I think its gonna drag.
That scan is always so scary.
Hopefully all will be perfect and I can hopefully relax a little then and not feel as anxious.

Here's maze, she had been loving the lovely weather we have been getting :) I find out in 2 weeks what we are having, I have no clues atm! X

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Awwww she is so cute hon. The weather has been so lovely hasn't it.
Tomorrow is supposed to be lovely and warn.
I got myself some maternity shorts in the sale in H&M so looking forward to wearing them.
Got a load of summery stretchy tops as well from primark and also 2 summer maternity tops that were also in the sale in H&M.

Wanna go back into primark again soon and get some stretchy dresses to wear.
They still had alot of winter stuff in but I guess they need to get rid of the stock. Can't wait for them to have more summer stuff.

Hi ladies. Amazing to hear about all the new pregnancies. Hope all comes back okay sugger.

My little girl Ariya is doing amazing. She is 18 months old and soooooo cheeky lol.

Unfortunately me and her father broke up a month ago (if yous all remember he kept bringing my past up when me and him were broke up years ago in 2018). We had been back 2 years straight just in March fgs. So he left because he couldn't deal with my past. He hardly sees our daughter (his choice). He has seen her 6 times in 5 weeks unfortunately.

I'll be okay though I've my little girl to keep me busy. Just upset ill never have another little baby!
Oh Jessie I'm so sorry.
Yes I Remember when we was all pregnant and he was given u a hard time then.

U know what I'm gonna say its his loss.
I bet u meat someone new and some one alot nicer.
Ure Mr right is out there hon. U deserve someone really nice that will treat u like a princess.
Ure still young so plenty of time to have more babies in the future.

I'm 41 now and there's womon that have babies even older than me.
Definitely still time for you hon.

I'm so glad ure little girl has such a lovely mummy like you.

Men can be such a pain in the arse sometimes.

Here is Tommy
Hi everyone,

It's good to see everyone's doing so well. Jocelynn in 18 months on Thursday and is always dancing to everything and starting to talk, we've got about 20 words and small phrases now. We just moved to a toddler bed on the weekend and I'm impressed it went over great and she hasn't tried to escape it yet at all.

@Jessie7003 I've been a single momma since day 1 and it is so rewarding. I'm starting to get baby fever again and plan to have another with a donor in a couple years regardless of if I'm with anyone. If you want a baby you still have plenty of time.

Hi everyone,

It's good to see everyone's doing so well. Jocelynn in 18 months on Thursday and is always dancing to everything and starting to talk, we've got about 20 words and small phrases now. We just moved to a toddler bed on the weekend and I'm impressed it went over great and she hasn't tried to escape it yet at all.

@Jessie7003 I've been a single momma since day 1 and it is so rewarding. I'm starting to get baby fever again and plan to have another with a donor in a couple years regardless of if I'm with anyone. If you want a baby you still have plenty of time.

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She is beautiful hon. So Good she stays put in a toddler bed. There is no way Tommy wud stay in one if we moved him now. He wud be out of it and running around. Little sod haha

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