Well this is a little random but you ladies popped in my head after what must be well over a year and I logged in to see some of you are still active and have even moved on to new babies/pregnancies after our October 2019 babes!!
Have just been catching up on your journey
@Suggerhoney - keeping everything crossed for a healthy pregnancy for you!
Elsie will be 16 months on the 19th and is such a character. Stringing words together, running around and being a little terror in general haha. She knows her own mind and doesn't like being told no hahaha.
We have always discussed trying for number 2 when Elsie turns 2 in October but we may have accidentally entered the 'baby lottery' this month so I'm actually in the 2 week wait and not really sure how I feel about it either way if that makes sense. We definitely want another but Elsie is such a bad sleeper that it terrifies me doing the newborn stage again with an existing bad sleeping child lol.
Anyway - I'll let you know what happens!!
Photo a few months old
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Hello hon
Ahhhh she is so cute hon.
Tommy is just coming up to 17 months and is so funny.
He is saying lots of different things and jabbers on like a jibber jabber.
He is running and climbing which is fun.
He is very cheeky and he just makes me LOL.
I think he has strated the terrible Twos already and throws tantrums.
There quite funny but I know we shouldn't laugh but he's just such a little character.
Yay for being in the 2ww how exciting hon. I really hope to see ure BFP soon.
I'm 7+1 now and starting to have a little bump/bloat hehe,
I don't seem to be as bloated as I was with Tommy but it's definitely there.
I had a scan at 6+1 because of a bleed and see baby and HB everything looked great.
No bleeding since just the odd very pale pink spotting here and there but I'm baby aspirin so it may be down to that.
I have my booking in appointment with the midwife on Wednesday and another scan in a week then I wud like to book a privet scan for 10+1.
Cravings hit me last night for the first time.
I just want pickled eggs lol.
I did the baking soda gendef test like I did with Tommy and it did bugger all haha. So a girl result.
I did have a feeling this baby is a girl but I'm not sure now.
Not bothered either way I just want a healthy baby after everything I have been through.
Was gonna stay team

but now thinking of have a gender scan at 16 weeks because if it is a girl we will have to start from scratch.
Tommy is still in with us but we have decorated his bedroom and it's a big room and we have done it a olive green with wallpaper on one wall its so cute and suitable for both


, they will be sharing.
It's a bit of a dumping ground at the moment because it's a spare room but we will give it a Good clear out when I feel ready for Tommy to go in the room.
I like him being in with me at the moment.
We moved our room into our old living room (we live in a 3 story house and it was on the middle floor with my old bedroom which is now Tommys and babies room, we moved our lounge down on the ground floor where our dinning room was.
We have a kitchen dinner so didn't really need 2 dinning rooms.
It's so much better now and it's all decorated.
So it's lovely.
We just kept busy because of all the heart ache and ttc it was just so stressful so we wanted to get the house all done.
It must be nuts bless you.
I don't think I cud Cope with 3 under 3 so i take my hat off to you.
How is ure other 2 with the baby?
Tommy will be 2 years old when I give birth to this one and I do worry how he will react but hopefully it will be ok.
I have 2 years between my ds and dd who are now 10 and 8 and that was really manageable.
They argue a bit now but we're fine when they were little.
Gosh sorry I've wrote so much.
Just so much going on.
I think there will be a few ladies that were pregnant with us posting BFPS soon.
It's so strange being in the October due date group again.
I'm due sep 30th so I am In both groups which is nice.
But I feel closer to the October ladies because the ladies in the September group are 4 5 weeks ahead of me.
Where as some of the October ladies are just a few days behind. The lady that runs the October group is also due the same day as me September 30th,
But both groups are lovely.
I feel so blessed and so happy and excited but I am still nervous.
Just praying this baby will be our take home Rainbow
@Sander we are still in lockdown in the UK no idea how long for but I hate it.
I have to go to scans alone.
But if I get a privet scan in a few weeks DH can come to that its just hospital scans I have to go alone.