Hi ladies.
Just wanted to say a huge congratulations to all the newbies. Wishing you all a very happy and healthy 9 months, and looking forward to getting to know you all.
My sickness kicked in again yesterday. Not actually being sick (Thank God) but feeling really queezy. It's a bit like a hangover sickness or a motion sickness.
Very hormonal crying at everything. I even cried because I accidently broke my eldest sons mug.
I'm like an emotional mess. Was getting some serious stretching pains last night and my belly is even bigger today. Boobs also vainy heavy and swollen and tender again.
Still no clue if I will get a scan any time soon. Called the hospital today and they said they cudnt see anything on there system to say I had been referred.
So rang doctors surgery who confirmed they referred me on the 13th Feb.
Rang hospital back and told them that my GP has definitely referred me and was told to leave it with them and they will get back to me. So now more waiting
On a brighter note my first midwife appointment is booked for the 6th March when I'll be 8 weeks.
Praying I will get a scan b4 that appointment. I don't wanna be given all my preganacy notes to be then told at a scan that there's something wrong.
I'm so scared ladies I'm just praying that everything will be ok and that baby is healthy with a strong beating heart.
The wait is killing me.