Hi ladies! :hello: I’d love to join you guys! I just got a and am super excited to make my two year a big sister! I’m due October 13th
Welcome happy and healthy 9 months x
Hi ladies! :hello: I’d love to join you guys! I just got a and am super excited to make my two year a big sister! I’m due October 13th
Girls I am cramping this morning on and off. It’s not too bad but enough to freak me out!!! X
I have been cramping on and off since the start. Trying to relax and remember everything is stretching down there. Try not to freak out.
I am feeling awful this morning. I have this horrible cough and cold that my DH has given me (thanks!) and the morning sickness has hit full force. So. Much. Saliva.
That’s what I have to try and remind myself too but it’s so hard oh no hope you feel better soon! I wish I had some sorta sickness to reassure me, but I didn’t have sickness with my son either. Xx
I do totally understand. My last pregnancy was a loss (in 2016) and I am so paranoid and worried all the time. I am hoping that the sickness is due to the pregnancy and not the cough and cold.
I wish I could afford an early scan to reassure me. But it really is money that we can’t spend right now. So I just have to sit tight until the end of March.
I am seeing the midwife for my booking appointment next Sunday and I think I am going to ask for an earlier scan if possible due to my anxiety, previous loss and the cramping I am getting. I don’t hold out hope though.
How far along are you?
I’m sorry for your loss I have also had 8 losses, 7 before my son who was born in 2016, and 1 last cycle.
I would definitely ask your doctor for a referral to the epu if your anxious I am getting a referral from my midwife to have a scan at 6 weeks, and then at 8 weeks. I haven’t told her I’m pregnant yet, because I don’t want to jinx it...
I’m 4w4d, you? Xx
By LMP I am 5w5d but due to my cycle length I think I might actually be just over 6weeks. Not entirely sure though!
Ah I see. I downloaded a pregnancy app and I put the first day of when I had my mc on the 24th Dec and it’s put me at 5w6d but I didn’t ovulate until really late. Xx
Girls I am cramping this morning on and off. It’s not too bad but enough to freak me out!!! X
Ah ok. See my last period was 24th Dec. I don’t test for ovulation. But I definitely know when I am ovulating IYSWIM so I am pretty sure I am 6w1d. That would put me in a September due date though, so don’t kick me outta the group!
Really sorry for your losses. It is heartbreaking.
I'm having cramping, my left hip hurts and I feel mega hungover lol, I could keep eating anything but I don't know what I want to eat.
Is anyone else still testing? I think I'm done x
I’m hating the cramps I just dipped a frer haha xx
It's darker already and it's not dry!!! Will you be doing another clear blue?
I've stopped testing because the ic won't go no darker and I will scare myself with the hock effect soon, can't wait for the 12th either! xx
I do have another clear blue, I’m too scared to take it tho lol. Shall I wait until I’m 5 weeks? Yeah I’ve got 2 more frer and the digi and then I’m gunna stop too! Xx