Hi ladies
I've booked my gender scan and it will be a 2D and 4D scan I've never had a 4D scan b4 so I'm really excited.
It's on Monday 29th April I will be 16 weeks. They wont do it b4 16 weeks. And I booked a morning appointment at 10:30am. They also check to see if baby is healthy so then at least that way I'll be able to relax and not worry so much about the 20 week anomaly scan.
Its been 5 working days Since the chromosomal adnormiltys blood test
. I know the lady said to give it 7 working days but I'm sure if I was high risk I wud of heard something by now?
Do you think I'm low risk ladies or shud I just hold out till Thursday evening which will be 7 working days and pray I dont get bad news???
My bump has grown alot I'm not feeling movements still but sometimes I think I feel the occasional kick but I cant be sure.
Hope she or he is ok in there
Sorry to hear some of you are still throwing up. I still feel sick but it goes away when I eat.
My boobs are still very tender and I'm still peeing loads. Officially in the 2nd trimester now yay. I thought it was 13 weeks but according to most things its 14 and I'm 14+1 today.
Hoping to feel baby move soon. I'm thinking my placenta may be at the front again. I will ask at my gender scan