Yeah I thought that to. Maybe it's just the 12 to 14 weeks scan u can do skull theory I'm not sure to be honest. Hes definitely a boy tho lol u cud see his ding a ling

strait away. She checked a few times to be sure. But no mistaking it Haha. It made me laugh.
I will get them to have another look at my next scan on 30th may. I do have a scan tommorow but it's a scan of my liver and kidneys.
My liver is being a bit naughty so they want to scan it and repeat some bloodtests. They have upped my anti rejection medication.
Just hoping with all this my liver function will return to normol again.
Omg I LOL so much when I read ure post hahaha. I love that song so much it takes me rite back to my childhood. I love anything 80s.
I'm still not feeling much. Maybe the odd flutter here and there but not all the time. My placenta is at the front so its cushioning all his movements. Hoping i start feeling proper movements soon.
I've heard good things about the window to the womb as well. We dont have one of those near us but luckily baby bond is in the town I live in so we didnt have to go to far.
I am so looking forward to you all awaiting gender scans it's so exciting.
Isn't it funny how when we all first started out in here we had only just found out we were pregnant and now here we are not to far from the half way mark and knowing or about to know the gender of our babies.
I expect there will be a January 2020 post up soon.