October bumpkins 2019

My big scan is on Saturday :| :|
ill be 19W1D

And as expected, i am very very nervous, lol
It’s so nice you guys have your scans so early, they didn’t book mine until 21+2 :( So I have almost a month to wait still! I’m trying not to think about it too much. I had a ton of anxiety with my son, but this time I haven’t thought about it that much. As it’s getting closer I am starting to worry though :/
Mines is at 21 weeks so I know how you feel! 2 weeks on Friday I'm excited to see baby again but nervous.
Welcome :) hopefully all goes well this time! Sorry for your loss/losses, my sister in law had a baby still born at 32 weeks it was awful.
How has your pregnancy been so far?
hey, thanks for the welcome! so far this pregnancy has been pretty uneventful, lots of morning sickness that has only just got better, and I *think* I'm feeling movements...but then every couple of days I have a freak out, thinking it's all in my head!
I am booked in for scans every 10 days or so around this period - mostly for my sanity I think - but he is showing as a little small at the moment so they need to keep an eye on that too.
Using my doppler every day is helping too.
sending my love to your sister in law, it was most definitely the most difficult thing I have ever experienced.x
hey, thanks for the welcome! so far this pregnancy has been pretty uneventful, lots of morning sickness that has only just got better, and I *think* I'm feeling movements...but then every couple of days I have a freak out, thinking it's all in my head!
I am booked in for scans every 10 days or so around this period - mostly for my sanity I think - but he is showing as a little small at the moment so they need to keep an eye on that too.
Using my doppler every day is helping too.
sending my love to your sister in law, it was most definitely the most difficult thing I have ever experienced.x
Yeah I suffered with ‘morning’ sickness too until 16 weeks, I’m now nearly 19 and it’s amazing not being sick anymore. Still nauseous all the time though.
I think I’m feeling movements too but not too sure as it’s my first and I have an anterior placenta.
Yeah I suffered with ‘morning’ sickness too until 16 weeks, I’m now nearly 19 and it’s amazing not being sick anymore. Still nauseous all the time though.
I think I’m feeling movements too but not too sure as it’s my first and I have an anterior placenta.
You just described me. <3<3
My sickness returned last night. All night I felt sick and this morning was dry heaving to the point of almost throwing up but managed to just about control it. It went away in the afternoon. Just hope it's not gonna be back for good because with DS I was sick the whole 40 weeks on and off.
I know i wont be going anywhere near 40 weeks this time so at least I wont have to put up with the sickness for to long this time.
Sorry some of u have to wait so long for ure big scan. I thought mine was late being as I'll be 20+6 but 22 weeks gosh.
I had to wait an extra week for my 12 week scan i had to wait till 13 weeks which sucked but I think it was because I chose to have the genetic screening and they prefer u to be 13 to 14 weeks for that.

Will any of u ladies be having scans after the 20 week one?
I've already been told I will have growth scans every 3 to 4 weeks from 26 weeks but I think I will have to have even more scans now because they want to monitor the baby closely. That's always a good thing tho so I'm not complaining. I will find out more on 4th June. I may even get an induction or c section date but I know even If I do it can be brought forward so I expect I will be getting a couple of new due dates.
It's my nannas 83rd birthday on September 11th and I will be just over 35 weeks pregnant. Wudnt it be awesome if I had my baby that day.
My nana is like a mother to me so it wud be so awesome. Just hope I make it to September. Dont want him coming b4 then.

It's great feeling movements at last. They are everyday all throughout the day he is so active. Still not feeling proper kicks yet but I'm sure I will soon.
Cant believe I'll be 19 weeks on Friday it doesn't seem to long ago we were all posting in this group posting our pregnancy tests. It's crazy Haha. And theres now a Jan 2020 thread can u believe it
Being the last to be due on this thread sometimes stinks because I'm so far behind a lot of you. Hahaha I love hearing about how things are moving along and forward in healthy manors for you all, even with some of the health scares. I know you're all in terrific hands of obs and midwives and I strongly feel all will be well with this group of women and babies.

For us were just about to hit 17 weeks. We listen to our babes heart often and our next scan will be on June 12th. We plan on having a gender reveal shortly after, so we've switch from team yellow but we won't know to which side for another 3 weeks. We are beyond excited though!

bump 16.2.jpg
20 weeks today! I can’t believe I made it to the halfway point already!

Suggerhoney I will most likely be getting another scan as my placenta is located less than 2cm away from my cervix. I’ll be seeing my ob tomorrow and they will most likely advise as to when that will be done. I really hope my placenta shifts upwards as I don’t want to have a csection because of it.

Lovely bump nolimitxox!
I'll likely have an extra scan or 2 later on. My blood work flagged a marker at 12 weeks that may indicate a small baby so were just keeping a eye on it. Baby is measuring on track so far so I'm not actually concerned and uterus was actually measuring ahead a bit.

@Nolimitxox I agree about being one of the last due. Just 16+5 now and I feel some in this group are pretty far ahead but I do like seeing what to expect in a few weeks. Also cute bump :)
Can anyone describe to me what a kick feels like? I keep getting random little twiges throughout the day just below my belly button. It's mostly my left side but sometimes is my right also. Could this be baby? It's like at the start when you got cramps but they lasted ages and this is literally 1 twinge for like a second or 2 and then it's gone as fast as it came.

I'm not planned for anymore scans after my 20 (21) week scan but i have a strange feeling that due to my bump being big that my midwife might request a growth scan at my next midwife appointment in July. I'm actually so big for a first time mummy though I was very slim before I got pregnant.
My big scan isn't until 10th June so still a little while. I already have 3 growth scans booked for after then too as our daughters birth weight only plotted on the 1st centile and they said the placenta was tiny so may not have been sufficient (luckily I went into labour at 38 weeks otherwise I dread to think) so they are monitoring this one and may end up inducing me which is a bit scary as I went completely natural with my daughter with no intervention at all but as long as baby is healthy that's all that matters.
I'll b having monthly scans as well, since DS had low birth weight with suspected IUGR. I have high resistance flow in my uterine arteries so doctor wants to monitor everything closely.

Not complaining though it becomes v stressful.

Almost half-way through. 19weeks tmrw and baby will mostly likely come out btween 37-38weeks mark :)
I'm down for growth scans at 24,28,32,36 and 40 though with my last pregnancy I was getting scanned every 2 weeks from 32 weeks due to slow growth/pre eclampsia. I'm hoping this one we will avoid it though ive had it the past 3 pregnancies.
Will be interesting how little/big this one will be, my others
dd1 8lb14
dd2 7lb14
ds1 9lb 13
ds2 6lb 15
I have the proper 20 week scan at 20+5 on 7th June, and I've got another scan coming up on Wednesday just to check size as he was measuring about a week behind this week, and want to check he has caught up again.
depending on what they see on those scans, I am then in for scan every 4 weeks or so again to check growth.
@Nolimitxox lovely bump pic! I'm a little jealous, I still look like I just ate a big meal, I want a lovely defined bump like you!
@Jessie7003 for me kicks this early can easily be confused for gas! They dont hurt, and kind of feel like bubbles of air moving in your belly if that helps at all?
My big scan is on 28th May and I am counting down the days! I just want to see my little one on the screen again, make sure everything looks healthy and find out whether we're expecting a little boy or girl.

My bump must have popped overnight as EVERYBODY at work today has noticed it and commented haha. I am getting a lot of people telling me I look like I'm carrying a boy. I always imagined myself with a girl but sounds less and less likely! I'm happy as long as baby is healthy though.

Welcome @doddy! It is a lovely group of women here and has kept me sane at times lol. Really sorry to hear about your loss. I had a loss at 12 weeks last year and suffered some anxiety after so I really cannot fathom how you got through it. You are a strong lady :)

I know it is slightly off topic but it anybody following the proposed 'Heartbeat Bill' in Georgia? I'm usually not really affected by stuff in the news but this has really angered me!
oh my God, dont get me started on the heartbeat bill thing!!
I 100% believe in choice - although it isn't something I think I would ever do, I would want the CHOICE to do so if I want/need to.
I also dont think that it has been well thought through. From my obstetric history, it would show several occasions of medically managed abortion, as that is what they had to do to allow me to miscarry/deliver properly. To think that potentially I, or my doctor would be investigated to make sure I haven't terminated all these times on purpose...and who is paying for all these unwanted children that they will force to be born?
oh my God, dont get me started on the heartbeat bill thing!!
I 100% believe in choice - although it isn't something I think I would ever do, I would want the CHOICE to do so if I want/need to.
I also dont think that it has been well thought through. From my obstetric history, it would show several occasions of medically managed abortion, as that is what they had to do to allow me to miscarry/deliver properly. To think that potentially I, or my doctor would be investigated to make sure I haven't terminated all these times on purpose...and who is paying for all these unwanted children that they will force to be born?

Exactly!! The baby I 'lost' did have a heartbeat but due to severe case of Edwards, it's condition was incompatible with life. It would have been dangerous for me to carry on the pregnancy. In any case, a woman should ALWAYS have a choice. Feels like such a step back for human rights. It's awful.
Exciting everyone’s scans are coming up again! This will probably be my last scan. I did have one at 29 weeks with DS, but it was for spotting. I haven’t spotted with this baby whereas I spotted all the time with DS, so I don’t expect to have any extra scans.

Still not feeling any movement - but I’m not very good at just sitting there to feel for it.

I read about the heartbeat bill too. I probably have an unpopular opinion but I think there should at least be stricter rules towards abortions. I understand why some women want/need them - and after my son I fully understood how pregnancy and delivery can permanently alter and damage your body - but it’s very hard for me to understand those women who are in a good position to have a child but simply don’t want to. My babies were babies both inside of me and out, and I just feel like it’s not fair that they don’t get any say in the value of their lives just because they’re growing inside of their mother.

Ideally we could ease up on adoption rules as that’s so ridiculously expensive and complicated. So many women deal with infertility, and I’m sure they would adopt many of these unwanted babies in a heartbeat if it wasn’t going to cost them tens of thousands of dollars.

Anyhow I don’t want to start a debate or anything and I understand it’s a really heated topic for a lot of people, but I figured I’d share my view too. Hopefully it didn’t sound awful. I know a lot of abortions performed are medically necessary, or performed because the woman was raped etc. To me that’s a different scenario than those who use it as a convenience.

I’ll go hide in the corner now... :wacko:
Exciting everyone’s scans are coming up again! This will probably be my last scan. I did have one at 29 weeks with DS, but it was for spotting. I haven’t spotted with this baby whereas I spotted all the time with DS, so I don’t expect to have any extra scans.

Still not feeling any movement - but I’m not very good at just sitting there to feel for it.

I read about the heartbeat bill too. I probably have an unpopular opinion but I think there should at least be stricter rules towards abortions. I understand why some women want/need them - and after my son I fully understood how pregnancy and delivery can permanently alter and damage your body - but it’s very hard for me to understand those women who are in a good position to have a child but simply don’t want to. My babies were babies both inside of me and out, and I just feel like it’s not fair that they don’t get any say in the value of their lives just because they’re growing inside of their mother.

Ideally we could ease up on adoption rules as that’s so ridiculously expensive and complicated. So many women deal with infertility, and I’m sure they would adopt many of these unwanted babies in a heartbeat if it wasn’t going to cost them tens of thousands of dollars.

Anyhow I don’t want to start a debate or anything and I understand it’s a really heated topic for a lot of people, but I figured I’d share my view too. Hopefully it didn’t sound awful. I know a lot of abortions performed are medically necessary, or performed because the woman was raped etc. To me that’s a different scenario than those who use it as a convenience.

I’ll go hide in the corner now... :wacko:
LOL no need to hide!! Everyone is entitled to their opinion!
It's a very emotive subject, and I have found it is difficult to get facts and figures to form an opinion as a lot of the information out there is skewed to reflect the opinion of the writer. I honestly believe that there are very few people who would actually CHOOSE to terminate after 1st tri, unless it was for medical reasons, and I think the UK's laws (not including N.Ireland) are sufficient with the cut off being 23weeks6days. the heartbeat bill means that there is such a tiny window of time available to do anything about it, bareing in mind most women don't know they are pregnant until after 4 weeks, and heartbeats can be detected as soon as 5 weeks and a couple of days. In that week period, they would have to get their head around the situation, very quickly decide what they want to do, find a doctor who is willing to do it, and get booked in to complete the procedure. Rushing it like that is surely going to lead to people regretting their decision because they didn't have time to think it through properly.
Sorry about the ramble, been thinking about this a lot today!x

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