I was reading the front and all the names and noticed that so many ladies dont comment and got real concerned for them. I really hope that there just readers and not commenters.
Loving the dress and ure bump. Gawjus
Congrats to those who have had their big scans and got good news. Praying the rest of us also get good news when we have ours.
Mine is 11 days away still seems so far sigh
Yay to those now feeling movements.
I'm still feeling daily movements but not very strong due to anterior placenta.
Cant wait to start feeling big kicks.
I went and had my bloods done yesterday and they took so much I thought I was going to pass out. Anyway I shud get the results tommorow or Tuesday.
They want to see me every month now. Which is a bit of a nightmare because it's an hour and a half to 2 hours car journey to that hospital but they want to monitor me closely.
My bile acid number is 16 but I've now been on the medication for 2 weeks so I'm praying that that number has come down to a 10 or even lower.
My poop is still brown and not yellow
And pee still very pale and the itching is gone. I get the tiny odd itch here and there but nothing bad so I'm praying that's a really good sign.
Hoping also my liver function is much better.
I've started a YouTube channel about my pregnancy. And my condition to warn ladies of the symptoms. I just hope that it helps raise awareness.
Was told again i will have baby early.
My midwife and all the liver doctors have me down as my last scan measurements from the gender scan so that means I'm 20 weeks on Friday. My bump has got even bigger and my boobs are massive.
Will let u all know what the blood results are. Keep it all crossed ladies.