October bumpkins 2019

Hi ladies
Congrats on all of you that have had scans. Still to early for me to have a scan and I haven't even see a Dr yet as I wanted to make sure I wasn't having a chemical b4 I ring doctors to book appointment.
I found out I was pregnant at just over 3 weeks and said I wud wait untill I was 5 weeks and week late for AF before calling the doctors surgery.

Well that day is tommorow. So will be calling them tommorow to get an appointment. Then after I've seen a Dr I'm hoping he will get hold of the hospital and the high risk preganacy consultant and that she will arrange a scan. Prob won't be till when I'm about 6 to 7 weeks but hoping it's b4 7 weeks because that still seems like ages away even tho it's only 2 weeks.
Funny how when ure in very early pregnancy a week or two seems like forever.
I'm so anxious and really want to know if they baby is ok. I hope when I have a scan I see the baby and heartbeat. I'm so scared it's gonna be bad news.
The only thing giving me hope is my line progression on tests. I am a POASA and yes I know it's crazzzzzzy but I'm still testing now at 20DPO:shy:

So my symtoms returned yesterday boobs were very tender when I woke up yesterday morning and felt a little queezy on and off all day.
I am also still temping and had a rise today but when I went to the bathroom I noticed my mucas when I wiped was slightly tanned. Was only when I wiped. Was really panicking.
Did a test and the line came up strait away and was darker than control line.
Here's a pic what do you ladies think? Do you think this preganacy will be ok. I hate all this worry so much.
Been getting mild period like pains low down very very mild. The tanned mukas has also stopped now.
Shud I be worried??View attachment 1055420

Welcome to all the new ladies :hugs:

5w2d, 2 days ago I wiped and found pinkish/brown, my heart rate immediately went from good to I literally can hear it in my both my ears. it was just that and it went away I was having alot of period like cramp during 4w5d and 6d. I contact my Infertility NP and she reassured me everything is fine unless I start developing awhole bunch of other symptoms. Im counting my blessing everyday and I tell myself everyday, everything will be ok. STAY positive, Hun. Its easier said than done, I know... Im right there with you. We can do it, I know we can. xoxo
So exciting Brit.. everything looks fab :) :)
Mine is on 23rd soo loooong wait
So ladies I rang my doctors surgery and the doctor rang me back strait away.
Sadly she only made me feel more worried and not reassured. She kept saying over and over about me being 39 and that I'm at extremely high risk of a MC.
My symptoms the last 2 days have been pretty non existent.
Woke up yesterday breast tenderness gone again and no queezyness. Thought oh it's ok everything will come back tommorow (today) but it hasnt. Only thing I been getting today is very very very slight queezyness hardly anything and boobs still not as tender as 2 days ago. Dr didn't really reasure me about this and just said if you get any cramping or any blood to call back.
I asked her about the tests and told her how dark They are and I asked if it's a good sign and she said it can be.

She is going to write to the high risk preganacy consultant but told me not to get my hopes up for an early scan and that I will probably have to wait till 12 weeks which is still 7 weeks away.
I feel so upsett I've been crying all day. They don't even want to see me at the doctors because I'm to early.
I have to ring them back when I'm 7 weeks to book in with the midwife at 8 weeks.
This wait is gonna be hurendous.
I can't afford a privet scan and they won't do bloods.
Thought the 2ww was stressful well this is worse.
The tanned mukas has completly stopped and is now back to clear. I have lower dull back ache. And slight cramping around the right overy area but have had this on and off for a week and half now so maybe it's just normol. I really hope so
All I want is for everything to be ok and this is just so scary.
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5w2d, 2 days ago I wiped and found pinkish/brown, my heart rate immediately went from good to I literally can hear it in my both my ears. it was just that and it went away I was having alot of period like cramp during 4w5d and 6d. I contact my Infertility NP and she reassured me everything is fine unless I start developing awhole bunch of other symptoms. Im counting my blessing everyday and I tell myself everyday, everything will be ok. STAY positive, Hun. Its easier said than done, I know... Im right there with you. We can do it, I know we can. xoxo

Thank you huni.
My mukas is normol again now but still feel so afraid esp what my Dr said to me today. I may not even get a scan till 12 weeks and I'm only 5 weeks. They won't do any blood work and won't even see me because I'm still to early.
Have achey lower back today but temp is still up and tests still so so strong. These tests are all I have to cling on to because they don't do betta hcg here sadly.
I also am so thankful for this blessing but pray daily for God to keep it safe.
I hate being so early. My Dr told me because I'm 39 I have a really high risk of MC from now until 12 weeks then it decreases a bit.
If anything she's just made me more anxious.
F9A6D7EE-BF68-417B-ADE1-F682E49E12E6.jpeg 8D965A02-3851-48F7-9B8D-B457EE57419D.jpeg Congrats to those who had scans and yay for heartbeats!!

And I know a couple have been having a stressful time, big hugs.

Sorry I haven’t been able to respond individually - still trying to juggle having one baby while being pregnant with another. Took a fun photo today - the first (white background) was when I was pregnant with my son, and the second is from today. Same DPO and everything! Booked an intake with the midwives today, I won’t have an appointment until 10-12 weeks, but once I see my family doctor I can book a dating scan - probably around 7/8 weeks so quite a ways to go.
View attachment 1055486 View attachment 1055487 Congrats to those who had scans and yay for heartbeats!!

And I know a couple have been having a stressful time, big hugs.

Sorry I haven’t been able to respond individually - still trying to juggle having one baby while being pregnant with another. Took a fun photo today - the first (white background) was when I was pregnant with my son, and the second is from today. Same DPO and everything! Booked an intake with the midwives today, I won’t have an appointment until 10-12 weeks, but once I see my family doctor I can book a dating scan - probably around 7/8 weeks so quite a ways to go.

Looks good hon nice line.
Congrats again :hugs:
Glad to hear the good news on the scans for some of you; and for those going through the tough wait hugs your way! I know it's not easy. I started my Lovenox injections last night (I have 1 mutation of Factor V) and boy all I keep thinking is that it will all be worth it in the end. These first weeks of waiting sure are tough but glad to have a group of ladies who know what its like! Only 4W4D right now and already seems like it is passing so slow; I just want to get to that 12 week mark and make sure all is ok.
Hi ladies! Due on the 17th October! Nerves are away until my 12 week scan lol! Is anyone else getting crazy cramps? I’m so tired so I’ll read the thread properly tomorrow and catch up x

View attachment 1055437
Congrats! We are about the same due date (my app has me the 18th) I was having crazy cramps but they seem to have stopped now; lasted like 3 days but my hcg numbers were good so the doc said it was the normal cramping; the exhaustion is real! I can nap all day lol
Sorry I haven’t been able to respond individually - still trying to juggle having one baby while being pregnant with another.

This!! I totally feel you. I’m constantly lurking but it’s hard to put in a reply. Btw great line!!

So exciting that everyone is starting to get their first picture of baby! I’m really hoping I see something this Monday.

7 weeks today for me, woohoo!! Halfway through first tri... can’t wait to be at the end of first tri, there’s just so much worrying during these first few weeks. I’m sure before we know it we’ll all be in 2nd tri and booking in anomaly scans and revealing genders...eeek!! Two days ago I got hit really hard with nausea and it’s stuck around, I feel awful between the nausea and fatigue. Hopefully these are all good signs.
Congrats! We are about the same due date (my app has me the 18th) I was having crazy cramps but they seem to have stopped now; lasted like 3 days but my hcg numbers were good so the doc said it was the normal cramping; the exhaustion is real! I can nap all day lol
Ahhh brill I’m so excited lol! Yesss I am exhausted and my bbs are aching lol. I just wish the cramping would stop it’s scary! I even took another digital to confirm I’m still pregnant lol. Waiting on my scan appointment letter so fx it comes soon. There isn’t booking appointments anymore where I live so you don’t see anyone until the scan.
Congratulations to all the new bfps :hi:

Midwife has just called me, booking in appointment is 3rd of March and my scan is the 20th of March, she did say if I'm feeling anxious/nervous I can have a scan at the epu, I just need to call her and she will sort it x
Wow loads to catch up on \\:D/

Congrats to all the new bfps :happydance:

I have updated the front page.. if I have missed anyone please let me know..

Happy Valentine's day everyone :kiss:

AFM I am so sick today can't hold anything down.. sickness in full swing now.. anyone else suffering? Has anyone Got any advise or tips to help? so far I can only suck on ice cubes every hour.. hoping it is a good sign and baby is growing nicely..

I can't wait for my scan although I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.. always a worry in the back of my head...

My mam is taking my girls on sat night as I have a meal booked with the hubby (first time in 12 years going for a meal around Valentine's day lol) looking forward to the alone time but I have a feeling I will be in the toielt more than I will be seeing the hubby.. He thinks it's great cause he can have my food to :haha:

Anyone have any plans?
Hey ladies; Happy Valentines Day :)
Hope everyone is doing well...

Other than sore boobs no other crazy symptoms yet besides I have no desire to eat... not nauseous or anything just don't want to eat food...I've of course been forcing it down but anyone else feel that way or have felt that way?

Trying to wait patiently until Tuesday for my scan but I would be lying if I didn't say I was nervous; its just when you want something so bad you don't want to give your hopes up and I was late for AF 4 days last month; and technically right now that's what I am so it's like I'm just waiting for the hammer to drop...
Wow loads to catch up on \\:D/

Congrats to all the new bfps :happydance:

I have updated the front page.. if I have missed anyone please let me know..

Happy Valentine's day everyone :kiss:

AFM I am so sick today can't hold anything down.. sickness in full swing now.. anyone else suffering? Has anyone Got any advise or tips to help? so far I can only suck on ice cubes every hour.. hoping it is a good sign and baby is growing nicely..

I can't wait for my scan although I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.. always a worry in the back of my head...

My mam is taking my girls on sat night as I have a meal booked with the hubby (first time in 12 years going for a meal around Valentine's day lol) looking forward to the alone time but I have a feeling I will be in the toielt more than I will be seeing the hubby.. He thinks it's great cause he can have my food to :haha:

Anyone have any plans?

I hope you start feeling better soon! I'm sure its a good sign; but i'm with you I can't help but be nervous.
We are also going to do dinner (which we rarely do) but we are going tomorrow
Hi ladies happy valanintine day to you all.
So last night the boob tenderness returned but today there not very tender. Also the queesyness I was getting so strong has settled down. It worries me so so much because I wud rather be having the symptoms everyday and feeling queezy all day like I was just so I know all is ok.
Losing symptoms is so so worrying.
I hate the first trimester can't wait to get to 13 weeks and then 24 weeks. Can start to relax a bit then.

I'm only 5 weeks and 1 day and the time Is dragging so much. The last week and a half have gone so so slow.
Really hoping I hear from my consultant soon and she books me a scan like last time at 7 weeks. I really can't wait till 12 that's forever away and I'm so so anxious.

Just want a scan and to know everything is ok.
Done another FRER today as I haven't done one in over a week and the test line came up way b4 the control and the test line is so so dark and the control is light.
I've never seen this happen with FRER b4 anyone know why this happens and is it anything to worry about or is it a good thing that all is normol.

Anyone know why this happens with FRER?
Welcome to all the new ladies
Congrats on ure BFPs.


So sorry to hear ure so unwell. But they say the sicker u are the healthier the baby.
My sickness really sets in bad when I'm around 13 weeks. That's what happened with my DS and DD.
Wud rather have it now so I know everything is ok. My symptoms have died down and it's making me worry so much.
They keep going and coming back I wish they wud just stay then I wud feel so much more positive.
I've heard sucking on mints help and sniffing olbas oil app helps. Also ginger like ginger biscuits or ginger cookies will help.
5w2d, 2 days ago I wiped and found pinkish/brown, my heart rate immediately went from good to I literally can hear it in my both my ears. it was just that and it went away I was having alot of period like cramp during 4w5d and 6d. I contact my Infertility NP and she reassured me everything is fine unless I start developing awhole bunch of other symptoms. Im counting my blessing everyday and I tell myself everyday, everything will be ok. STAY positive, Hun. Its easier said than done, I know... Im right there with you. We can do it, I know we can. xoxo

Awww I know I felt my heart start beating so fast I panicked so much but thank God by the afternoon my mukas was back to clear and have had no tanned mukas since.
Hate being so early just want to fast forward to the 2nd tri but even then I'll be worried. Don't think as mum's we ever stop worrying haha
Hey ladies. Happy Valentine’s Day! Today my sickness really kicked in and I vomited in work but I’ve not been sick since and that was around 11am. Though the nausea and horrible taste in my mouth is driving me mad lol but as long as all is healthy with baby! I hope I get an early enough scan I don’t know how I’ll cope waiting another 6 odd weeks.

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