October Mummies - our month is finally here!


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2008
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I can't believe that the month my baby is due is finally here! My baby is due this month!!! Congrats to all October Mummies to be! Hope you are all cooking mighty fine babies!
Aww,my not-meant-to-be month! :lol:

Yeah cause you pinched my due date and i will stick to my word that ill have yours :rofl:

Always the way with Amy.....takes what she wants :sulk:


Love ya really :kiss: XxxX
:hi: october mummies im due 24th october but im having my planned c section on 17th october 2 weeks & 2 days to go can,t wait :happydance:. violet xx
Yay, its great 12 days to my C-section!
:happydance: :cake: :dance:

Yaaaay!! How exiting..though i dont think i will be meeting my LO this month but heyho!! :)
Yay, our month is finally here!
good luck girls !!!
can't wait to meet all your babies:)
i will have my bump this month instead of last - hoping bump will decide to make a move on its own if not here comes inducement on 10th
:happydance:I'm hoping I'm an October mummy, but probably go into November.
:happydance:I'm hoping I'm an October mummy, but probably go into November.

I'm a bit worried about that too. I'm due 26th October - my Gran thinks it'll happen on 20th October, she worked it out from the date I first felt movements. Some old wives tale I think but we'll see!
:happydance:I'm hoping I'm an October mummy, but probably go into November.

I'm a bit worried about that too. I'm due 26th October - my Gran thinks it'll happen on 20th October, she worked it out from the date I first felt movements. Some old wives tale I think but we'll see!

For some reason I've had a feeling all the way thru this pregnancy I'll go early-probably just wishful thinking! At my baby shower everyone had to guess date, weight etc and the 22nd October was very popular :shrug:
I feel like stamping my feet and waving my arms, i want my baby nowwwwww *roars* lol i can't believe its october, less than 4 weeks :D every leak/tightening or pain gets me all excited lol

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