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October/November 2012 Babies

Gorgeous pic of all your babies! Very cute

Aimee I good to hear you had agood night out, I also discovered yesterday that S cries with OH but only when I'm around!! Totally cheeky but also suich a relief as it's actually a good reason for me to disappear every now and agin so they can have some quality time together and I get some time out :)
Congrats Aimee!

I was home for twelve weeks and this was my first week back at work. Amara really likes her "school" and settles right down for them; doesn't cry all day. At home, she goes from smiling to screaming in 30 seconds. I think she knows that she already has us wrapped around her little tiny fingers!

I wish I could stay home with her all the time!
We had her photo shoot yesterday morning :) here are my 2 favorites.


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And the other.


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Oh my gosh those are so adorable! Isn't it great that when they look at us now, they are really looking at us!
Oh it's so adorable! I absolutely love making her smile!

During the shoot I was doing all kinds of crazy things to try and get smiles. She had her serious face on a lot of the shoot, with only occasional smiles.

As soon as it was over and I was getting her dressed she was all grins! Lol. She did it on purpose I'm sure! :)
Omg ami!!! Them r so damn precious!!!!!! She looks like a little baby doll!! Shy baby!!!!

I hve two questions.. Bentlie went 12 hrs again last night with our eating.. From 6:20pm to 5 am.. I was going to wake her up at midnight but I fell asleep :?

Is it a bad thing since she is almost 3 months to be going that long without eating.. When she did wake up she ate 6oz and then 5 hrs later he usual time between feeding she ate 3 n half which she usually eats 4??

Can I paint her toe nails?
So glad it worked out well for you Aimee. She is so precious.
Lanay laughed out loud for the first time last night. It was so cute.
annie-My response to your question is she is your baby so you do what you want. I don't paint my baby's nails only because she moves around so much they probably wouldn't dry quick enough for them to dry and I don't want polish all over. And its okay for her to go long period without eating. Mine goes 10-12 every night. So did our 2nd daughter...
Hope you all have a great weekend. Are there any football fans here? I will be watching the game Sunday with my dad and brother since they are 49er fans. My parents are having a party so I may get a babysitter and enjoy myself :)
Ty Ashly!! That makes me feel alot better about her goin that long without eating!!!!
So before her 6-7 pm feeding I will feed her and then put her down for the night... Thanks so much!!!
So I took y'all's advice after her 6:45 feedin I bathed her and played n she feel asleep about 8ish n slept till 4:20am n then ate 4 n half ounces..
So yea maybe this is her routine??

The only thing is.. She was eating 5 times a day now since I'm not waking her at 11 r midnight she is only eating 4..

It doesn't matter to me as long as she is growing! Lol

How r y'all? R y'all going watch uper bowel?
I'm not watching it, we're not football fans. No sports really!
Lol I'm not watching it either we r boiling crawfish instead! Lol Yummie!!!
Lol. I've become a fan so I'll be watching. Plus my brother is home for my parents party so excited to watch the game with him. Annie, sounds like my baby. She gets a bath at 630 and isn't up til 3-5am. Its pretty awesome!!
Yea Ashly it's not mad.. But I would rather her get up at 10pm have a bathe eat n back go sleep till 5-6 that's what she did last night :)
Hi everyone. So, my baby is 3 months old today! Crazy how fast time is passing us by. I really can't believe it...So, I saw a picture of myself yesterday and omg I have never hated the way I look more than now. I need to exercise!!! I have a hard time finding time to go cause I can't take all 3 in a stroller...and my husbands schedule is crazy BUT I told my husband last night I HAVE to start today!! No more excuses I just have to go! So, I told him to push me and I made goals. Basically 5lbs every 3 months til she's 1 and I should be where I will be comfortable...ugh! Have any of you started an exercise routine? If so, how's it going? With my first 2 the weight came off on its own a year later, but we aren't having more so I want it off now!!! Okay, sorry for the long rant ugh!
Congrats on 3 months! Mine is 3 months on the 5th! Time does fly!

I am trying to get back into shape now too. I'm only 13 lbs over my pre-preg weight. I haven't done much til this past week, I think it was dropping off because I'm BFing.

Last week OH and I started walking about 3 miles to a park/nature preserve that is near us. We take our German Shepherd and the stroller and go! It's great alone time, plus it's interesting and fun. :)

We started P90x again about 3 weeks ago, but only got through 2 days. Oh my gosh, it's way harder now than it was pre-baby! I need to work my way back up to it... I'll probably restart it in a month or so. I'm looking forward to getting back in shape.
Hi.. Bentlie is 3 months on the 7th boy does time fly!!!

So day I had bentlie I weighed 230 when I went in for my 6 week appt I weighed 200 now I weigh 180 n when I got preggo I weighed 150 so I got 20 more lbs to go..

I'm not really doin any working out but I do watch what I eat I try to eat like a 100 calorie pack for lunch n then I eat supper...

I have a ?
Usually bentlie stays up during the day n sleeps maybe 15-20 mins at a time .. N we play most of the day but the last 3-4 days she has been sleeping more and we really haven't had a chance to play bc she sleeping so much more..
Is this normal? Growth sprut?

She threw her guts up again today!! I can't wait to go to dr Thursday to get her some relief!!!
I learned a valuable lesson today. Don't put Josalyn in the jumperoo anywhere near bed time.

She loves the jumperoo, and is even starting to jump and wiggle it around. I enjoy watching her in it so much!

Tonight though, it was not a good idea. I put her in it about 30 minutes before I normally start the bed time routine. She was in it about 15 minutes, then I took her out, changed her, nursed her, then started trying to get her to sleep.

OMG. 2 and a half hours later after almost constant screaming and crying, she's FINALLY asleep.

Lesson learned.

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