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October/November 2012 Babies

Thats wonderful!!!!!

Bentlie will hold her toys if I put them in her hand!
Is that normal?
Welcome back Mrs! Congrats on EBF! We do half BF and half formula. In order to get 4-5 ounces of breast milk, I would have to pump every hour all day long. Just doesn't work well enough. With work and Amara at daycare, it's just too hard. She also had a growth spurt that lasted about three weeks and she was eating constantly.

Miss Amara has her first cold this week. Coughing, runny nose; I feel so bad for her! The first day of her cough was tough-she would get so scared and start gasping because she had never coughed before. Doc said we need to just wait it out. My poor girl. She has been sitting up in her bumbo chair and playing with her toys. She really likes to chew on her keys, so I'm expecting to see some teeth at any point. It's going so fast.

Being that all of our babies are about three months, how much weight have they all gained? Just curious...

Amara was 7lb 1oz at birth and is now 13 lbs even.
Thank you!

Davis was 12 weeks yesterday and is about 14.5lbs. He's a healthy boy :)
I'm not sure what Josalyn weighs... We don't have a scale.

She was 7 lbs 7.4 oz at birth. At her 2 month check up she was almost 12 lbs (11 lbs 12 oz)

I know she's grown quite a bit since then because of her clothes.

She's now in 3-6 month size. She won't be weighed again til her 4 month checkup!
Bentlie was 6lb 2 oz at birth and now she weighs 11lb 3 oz
So bentlie gained 5 lbs...

Happy valentines day!!
Stephers bentlie has another cold.. Coughing runny nose n sneezing..
I didn't bring her in bc her last cold they just said use salin drops n the suction thing whenever.. So that's what I'm doing now since they can't give her any Meds untill she is 4months...

If it gets worse r she starts running fever ill bring her in..
We too are EBF but its getting harder to take Ela to work with me so hubby has been keeping her once a week...problem is we are almost out of the 20 bags of milk I had stored up...now when I try to pump I can't hardly get an ounce :( HELP!! Any suggestions? I want to keep bf but how do I pump and store that as well as bf?? My first daughter never had a bottle. So this is new to me and I had plent of milk with my first now I feel like I hardly have any and even Ela seems to get irritated often because she's not getting enough from both boobs at each feeding...I'm not sure how to increase my supply and I feel like I really screwed up making bf last the full year I'm hoping for because I didn't store more when I had a bigger supply :(
Here is Ela's 3 month pictures :)



oh wow mommyh she is seriously gorgeous!!

think if you up your liquid intake and eat lots of oats it should help, and feed often!
MommyH-she is beautiful! I would add another picture of Amara, but she's not so cute right now with her snot nose! Also, her hair is so out of control. Poor kid looks like we don't bath her! The hair clips almost stay in, but not quite!

I tried pumping when I was home with her every hour that I wasn't bf'ing her and I just don't have the supply. I am disappointed as I wanted to give her as much as I could, but my body is just not cooperating. I have heard that fast let-down is related to low production and that definitely happens, but who knows.

Good to know that Amara's weight is in line with everyone else! She was growing so fast and now it seems like it might be slowing down just a little bit. Probably time for another growth spurt! I miss my tiny pumpkin, but the chatter sure is a gift!
MommyH, she's beautiful!!

I agree with Bookity - drink more water, eat oats, and feed her as often as you can when you're with her. That should help. I just returned to work and have to pump here and my supply has been okay so far - I eat oatmeal every morning, have tons of water, and I started drinking Mother's Milk tea. I'm able to pump during the day and then I nurse Davis at night when I'm home and in the morning before I go to work.
Mrs & MommyH-Good to see you back! :)
Glad all is going well here. Lanay had her 3 months checkup the other day and was 14lbs 8 oz and 25 in. She's growing too too fast!!! I can hardly stand it...it's soooo different knowing she's my last baby. Every little new thing she does makes me want to cry. She laughs, she is ticklish, she has ALMOST rolled over several times but can't get her arm out of the way, she sleeps from 8-6 most nights.
So, I have an MRI for my back scheduled on Monday and if nothing shows up then I believe I will be having a breast reduction earlier than expected. I will keep you all updated on that.
Here is a pic of my girls yesterday on Valentines Day.
Valentines 2013.jpg
Did y'all no 3 month older n up can hve 1/8 of a teaspoon of childerns brnadryl e
Not 1/8 it's one fourth sorry typed it wrong..
Awe, Ashley!! Your girls are gorgeous!! :) Hope all goes well with your MRI. I'd LOVE to have my breasts done... but I'll have to wait a while :)
I'd love to take the girls down a size or 2, but if it's not medically necessary, I don't see it happening for me.

Good luck Ashley!
Hi ladies! Good to see some of you coming back. It's harder to post now! My little one is 14 lbs 12 oz, so not so little anymore! She is starting to get a tiny bit easier. I'm able to put her down more now and she's accepting being wrapped up more readily these days. So I'm able to do a little bit more than just hold her all day. I started back to work and that's really stressful, but it's also nice to get a break. My husband isn't very good with her, so it's nice to get away from being responsible for her 24/7. My parents come over and help watch her while I'm gone. That is a huge relief.
As for the breastfeeding, it is stressful keeping up your supply. I am still managing, but it's harder being back up in the sky. Pumping in an airplane bathroom isn't very relaxing. I talked with an LC about it on Tuesday and she said to make sure I nurse lots at home. She also recommends doing days when all you do is nurse and pump. I did one day like that last week. I pumped on one side while she nursed on the other. She ate much more often but that was ok. I guess that's the point. I didn't get much saved, but it was more the point of stimulating. I felt like my supply plummeted after I had the Mirena IUD placed. I panicked and pulled it out myself. After it came out I felt like it came back. Supposedly by now your supply should be "established" whatever that means. I know that the pump couldn't possibly be getting all my milk. Lefty only produces one oz almost every time. Frustrating. I've also been pumping in the middle of the night still. I'm afraid to lose the opportunity to collect more. I usually dream feed C around 1 or 2 depending on when I wake. She usually only takes one side and then I pump the other. I've managed to save 115 oz, but she goes through a lot when I'm gone on a trip. I usually have to catch up again once I'm home. I bring home what I pump while gone, but she's a healthy eater and drinks up lots! I started taking fenugreek and I try to drink lots of water. I eat oatmeal for breakfast everyday. There is another herb out there that is supposed to really help but I haven't been able to find it. Torbangun I think is how it's spelled. If anyone knows how to get it let me know. It's supposed to be way better than fenugreek.
Sorry, I don't have any supply-boosting advice... Viking, when you're away for work is it multiple days? Or just like one really long day? I'm just curious how that works!
It depends, but normally I'm gone 2-3 days. It's not easy at all. But I normally only work 2-3 days a week. Not a bad gig. But definitely not normal.
Hi girls, sorry I have been MIA, things have been really crazy around here! We are getting into a great routine and trying to potty train my 3 year old. Being with three kids 24/7 is exhausting at times but I love being a SAHM here is a recent pic of the girls
This is from Valentines Day...not sure what they weight now as we havent been to the drs yet(we arent doing shots and I am changing peds office)


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