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October/November 2012 Babies

Lanay rolled over!!! Crazy!!! Time is going by too quickly, she's going to be 4 months in 4 days. :( Does anyone else know this is their last baby? Cause man I'm having a hard time knowing that. We are supposed to give the clothes she outgrows to my husbands cousin cause she's having a girl and I cannot bring myself to put the clothes in bags. :( Probably sounds dumb but I'm really having a hard time. Ugh... Sorry to be a downer...
I have not decided what to do about food other than waiting until 6 months. I was leaning toward the baby led weaning myself, but I honestly don't know what to do just yet. I haven't gotten that far in researching.
This may be our one and only baby. I am torn. My hubby isn't very good with her and the house is basically in shambles because he sits around on his ass when he has any free time. As for me, what is free time??? :haha: I am eating my lunch and being completely distracted by BnB when the baby will be awake shortly. I can't believe she is napping in her crib!
Ashley this isn't our last *God willing* but j think I would be the exact same as you are if it was :( :hugs: I can't even imagine!!
Thanks. It seems so silly but it is so hard. We'd have another if it weren't for my pregnancies being so rough...I just can't cope with another bed rest pregnancy...each one has gotten harder. Plus, I'd have to get a bigger car for a family of 6 as mind barely works for us now plus our house is not that big...ugh :/ I really didn't think it would bother me this much. Anyway, how's everyone?? Lanay is 4 months old today! :) We started putting her in 9 month PJs n pants so she is growing a lot!! Hope you are all doing well.
Ashley, you've had 3 bedrest pregnancies? That sounds so hard, I can't even imagine!

Josalyn is 4 months tomorrow! She's growing fast also! She's outgrown some 6 month onesies, and will outgrow her 6 month sleepers soon. She's got long feet! She's rolling back to front and has just started rolling front to back. :) They grow so fast!!
hi ladies,

sorry i've been so awful about catching up with you guys! mommyhood is busy but oh so wonderful!

eli is just over 3 months now and aside with a recent bout of gas/constipation, he's been an absolute doll!

here's my lil man:

Aimee-My 1st I had to take it easy for the last 3 months cause I was so swollen, and I ended up being induced because of toxemia and it was pretty bad delivery bc of it. Then the 2nd I was on bed rest 2 months prior to my due date and my water ended up breaking a month early. Then, this last time bed rest started around 20 weeks. So yeah not fun, so worth it but it gets harder every time when you have little ones to take care of.
So cute bexxc!!! No worries I understand its a lot of work being a mommy.
Should I be concerned Ela isn't rolling over yet? She tries but can't quite get it...she is 4.5 months...I guess I just expect her to be like her sister who was always doing everything g early and has always been so advanced...hard to remember they are different babies...Ashley maybe you have thoughts since you have three girls? I just don't know when to be worried that there is an issue...she doesn't even laugh often if hardly at all...should I talk to her ped?
MommyH-If I were you I wouldn't worry. My 2nd baby took longer to do things than my 1st. I'm not sure if it was just cause she was born a month early so she took longer to do things or if she was just lazy. Lol....We always said she was a lazy baby she took FOREVER to sit up on her own. Lanay doesn't really laugh that much either and she doesn't roll over great yet and she only rolls from back to tummy not from tummy to back yet. So, I wouldn't really be worried. Does your pediatrician ask you questions about 'what she's doing' at each appt? If he/she does then I'm sure they'd let you know if they were concerned about something...all my babies have done things at different times... :)
Here's my baby :)
Lanay 4 months.jpg
Oh Ashley she is so stinking cute!! Thanks for your input I always forget to remember Ela was born 3 weeks early and I suppose that has something to do with this possibly...I'm not super concerned and her dr isn't concerned at all in fact e said she acts like a ) month old...it's been 8 years since I had a baby so forgive my silly worries and questions ;) Are they supposed to roll from front to bak or back to front first? I don't even remember! Idk bee to brag about myself for a second lol I lost 32lbs while pregnant and during the craziness that went on after Ela was born...well I quickly gained it all back from being depressed and in a funk from everything that happened...I have been working SO HARD to get that weight off again and this morning on the scale I am officially down 25lbs in 6 weeks from changing my eating habits!! So excited and proud <3
Hey.. How r y'all?

I got bentlies ears pierced today poor baby screamed !! Broke my heart...
She will be 4 months Thursday wow!

Should I b worried. Bentlie just started bating at toys n when I out her in her walker she only grabs toys with her right hand she won't bat at toys with her left hand.. It isn't closed fist she sucks on both hands and she will hold stuff if I put it in her hand.. I just think she should be playing n reaching for both hands....
Congratulations Mommy H! Awesome job! :happydance:

Annie! Long time no hear from! I don't think you should be worried that she just started batting at things. Josalyn just started batting at things a couple weeks ago!

Idk if you should be worried about her only using her right hand. Maybe mention it at her 4 month appointment?
I know I been super busy...

It dont make since.. She brings her hands together puts both hands in mouth holds stuff both hands but when in her bouncer thing she only plays with the toys with left hand.. Her shots r next week so If its not better I'm gonna mention it I'm just praying it evens out.
Aimee she uses her left more than right lol...
Sorry I wrote it wrong on first post..

Oh btw tonight is the third night on cereal with a spoon
Hi, sorry been MIA again! Just got caught up and it sounds like everyone is doing great. Cadence and MaKenna are doing great, they are 14 and 16lbs at just over 4m,Kenna is wearing 3-6M clothes and Cece is in 6M, they seem to be right on track, we havent started food yet, they are eating 6oz of formula each feeding and they eat 5 times a day, We are planning to start solids once they get to 8oz per feeding, since babies dont actually need food until they reach 1 or are off bm or formula :) Here are some recent pictures that I have taken at home, I need to get a new camera when tax money get heres tho :)
The first one is Cadence, the second one is MaKenna, and the third one is MaKenna and Cadence.
Cadence is kinda quiet, chews on her hands alot only crys when shes poopy or hungry. MaKenna talks and babbles all the time, and she is trying to roll over, we are moving them to their own room and crib within the month, and I am STILL potty training my son who knows what he is supposed to do but wont!


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Awww.they are so precious....potty training is still happening in our house too...its so fun (totally sarcastic) lol
Hi there,
I'm having a hard time keeping up too. Being back at work is the only time I seem to find to write. I can read while nursing but writing is difficult with one thumb.
Carolyn isn't rolling over yet in any fashion. It isn't surprising since she refused to be out down the first 3 months of her life. I'm just now able to get a little bit of tummy time out of we without major protesting. And it's on my chest. She's also accepting being wrapped or being worn in a carrier now, where as before she would scream. She's doing better in the car but still not liking the stroller much. I wear her for all walks. Our house is a disaster area. We just got the jumperoo out and got a concrete block for her to reach the ground. She has great head and trunk control. She may end up sitting up before rolling. :dohh:
Gorgeous Viking! :) I understand that its hard to keep up on here...I get a few days where I can then I have a chance to get stuff done around the house and all I do is clean do laundry and dishes! It's CRAZY! I got sick yesterday and am feeling a little better today so trying to get things going since I did NOTHING yesterday.
Here is a picture of me and my girls. Addie isn't a fan of pictures so I couldn't get her to smile and Kelsie has her fake smile going on LOL I try to get pictures of all of us every now and then but it is not easy!

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