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October/November 2012 Babies

I'll bet potty training is tough! Especially with 3 month olds to juggle also! Cadence and MaKenna look so cute! I love their little cheeks!!

Do they interact with each other much?
Aww! Adorable AMM!!!

Anyone else, how close is your babe to rolling back to front? Vanessa got maybe 3/4 the way there, just couldn't figure out how to get her arm out of the way, LOL. She hasn't done front to back yet, but I've been awful about doing tummy time so that's probably why.


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AMM, they are precious!!!

I have done tummy time as much as I remember and as much as C will tolerate it. She doesn't seem to be even close to rolling over. She kinda got halfway once a couple of weeks ago back to front, but I think it was partially her cloth diaper making it easier due to round fluff over her tush. She probably gets 5 minutes of TT a day total. She still hates it. I carry her a lot of the day though and her trunk is pretty strong. She sits up pretty well while being helped and can do that for a while, but I'm sure that's nothing extraordinary. :haha: I guess she's going to do things when she's ready.
Bookity, that's about how far Josalyn gets! Then that pesky other arm gets in the way! Lol

When she's on her tummy she moves her feet like she's crawling crazy fast, but she goes no where! Lol. If she has something to kick off of she'll scoot herself with her butt in the air and everything else down flat, arms trailing behind, lol.
Good morning all! Glad to see more cute baby pictures appearing! I don't have any new that look any different. We take so many pictures of her. It's crazy!

Amara sits up well in her bumbo and on our laps, but won't roll over. We hold her a lot, so she hasn't had to put in the effort. She has lots of tummy time at daycare though, so I imagine it won't be long. She does get almost rolled over and stops on her side to giggle at us. At least she's having a good time!

She's started to give us full belly laughs as of a couple days ago. Might just be the best thing ever. DH is the one who is usually goofy with her, but for some reason she laughs more when I play with her. I suppose she probably recognizes my emotions a bit more since she has witnessed pretty much all of them. I can't believe she's been here for 3.5 months; was there life before kids? I cannot even imagine.
Viking - Mother's milk tea helped boost my supply big time! You might give that a try... not sure about the other herb you mentioned though.

AMM - the girls are PRECIOUS! :)

So jealous for the belly laughs. Davis is giggling, but not too much. I love his big smiles though - he looks like he really wants to laugh ;) No rolling yet... he's not a big fan of tummy time. He starts grunting the minute I roll him over and will only tolerate it for a little bit. If he's on a boppy he's fine, but that doesn't really help him with rolling. He'll get there... I'm in no rush for him to be super mobile yet!
Hey ladies how r y'all? The twins r precious..

Bentlie finally is intrestdd in toys.. she chews on her hands all the time n her blankets too... she is rolling over from belly to back n she also puts her weight on her legs n kinda bounces.. bentlie rolled over about 3-4 weeks ago

Vicking may I ask what our job is? Pilot?
I'm in NO hurry either Mrs.

Blows my mind that in 6 days my baby will be 4 months old :shock:

Slooooooow down little baby, slow down!!!
Haha, MommaB, I know better but I keep thinking Morgan's birthday is the 27th because of your mom's prediction!!

Still no more rolling going on over here. I think we might be over the hump of wonder week 12 though *fingers crossed*
Momma I agree it's crazy how time flies and the sleepless nights are getting better...
Viking on that must be a some job..you get to flyeverywhere for free... So cool

My poor Baby she got over the cold now has a sore throat is this ever going.to end
Well miss Ela bug had her 4 month check up today <3 Dr said she is a 6 month old not a 4 month old lol he was quite impressed! She is 14.1lbs and 25" long which puts her in the 90th percentile so she's a chubby love bug <3 Shots werent bad at all this time but she has a bit of a fever tonight :( We started solid foods this week (she still loves to nurse as much as possible :)) and her acid reflux has dropped to 5-10% from the 95% she was at THANK YOU JESUS!! She has rolled half way over but not quite got the hang of getting her arm out of the way (which I am totally fine with lol not ready for a roller or mover!), she loves to talk and giggle with anyone who will pay attention to her, she goes to work with mommy one or two days a week and loves hanging out and talking to everyone in the salon, she's much chubbier than her big sister and is already moving into lots of her 6 month old clothes...we are crazy about her and she is crazy about her big sister (she gets the best and biggest smiles &#9829;), she has one tooth just barely breaking through, bath time and eating are her two favorite hobbies lol, and she loves to chew on her fingers and play with her toes &#9829; She is growing way to fast and I can't believe she is 1/3 of a year old :( Here are her four month photos I did today :)

Mommy H, those pictures are adorable! I love the one where she's in her chair wearing beads! She looks like she's sitting on her throne!! :)

My LO loves nursing too! What food did you have her try first?
Aimee I was thinking the same thing lol she is ruler of the house lol I wish I had a crown to put on her with that pic! It still cute none the less ;)

Her dr said to start with rice cereal and add a fruit in it in the morning, the rice cereal helps them learn to eat but doesn't do much nutritionally...then in the evening do just one veggie...They reccommend doing just one food a week to watch for allergies but we have no food allergies so chances are she doesn't either so we give her about 4 different foods per week :) Talk with your ped and I'm sure they can give you their recommendations since I'm sure all drs have different opinions ;)
MommyH, you have such a gorgeous girl! Sounds like she is thriving! :)
Josalyn rolled for the first time the day before yesterday! Back to front, for her daddy, not for me! And she hasn't done it since then! Silly girl. :)
Mommy she is just precious!!!!!!!! Wow she sounds like a ball of fire!!!!
So happy for y'all!!!!

How do u know when it's time to start solids???

Should I be worried Bentlie isn't laughing outloud yet?
She smiles n smiles but no laugh
Beautiful pics MommyH! We have our 4 month appt coming up and our doc mentioned that we will talk about solid foods. I'm not ready:( Amara really wants to roll over, but that extra arm is still in the way! She also has a wonderful daycare she goes to and yesterday, she wanted to stay an play. Broke my heart! I'm glad that she likes her "teacher", but I want her to be more excited to see me. Ughs.

I'm torn on what brand of food to use. The little gerber jars don't seem to have preservatives or anything in them, but of course I want my girl to have the best. Anybody researchng?
Stephers we are making most of our food, I have heard good reviews on glassfood jars over plastic containers that are not bpa (heating and cooling in transport to stores etc) but I'm not sure what is or isn't true...I assume their are risks of something with everything these days (who's to say a piece of glass doesn't break off and end up in the food in the jar ya know) and they also make baby organic food in containers/jars now for parents who prefer organic...good luck lol there are so many choices!! We also will be doing baby led weaning starting at 6 months :) I did this with my other daughter as well and loved it!! https://www.babyledweaning.com/
I plan on making purées and doing baby led weaning at 6 months! Everyone says its fun!

Josalyn has started watching me eat and drink. It's cute!

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