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October/November 2012 Babies

What pretty little girls Ashley!!

Morgan is the same Viking. No rolling and just starting to like tummy time, but only for about 5 minutes :haha: I'm honestly in no hurry. She will do it when she's ready and then the fun of keeping a close eye on them begins :winkwink: I did get her an exersaucer and she loves it. Although the picture im about to attach she looks like a grump standing in it. But you can see how chubby she is getting (love chubby babies!)


Hope all is well with everyone!
I just have to say we have the cutesy babies ever <3

I'm always bragging and showing off miss Ela but yesterday I took big sister out for a little photoshoot with her new guitar so today it's her turn ;) Hope you enjoy...

Wow, she is beautiful MommyH!!!

We do all have great looking kiddos I think!

Vanessa is rolling back to front, but not front to back. Definitely not a one time fluke though, she's done it a handful of times in the last couple days. Way to go girlie!!
Lanay goes for her 4 month checkup tomorrow! I'm finally feeling better about her being my last baby. I bagged up two huge bags of clothes and am feeling good about it. I told my husband I am ready to move on to the next stage...I've had 3 babies since 2008 so I am ready to not be pregnant and get myself healthy and just focus on making a happy family. :)
Glad you are happy with where you are in life right now Ashley. Right now I'm feeling really happy with the 2 I have. I would sell/give away the clothes I've boxed up, but I just can't let go of things that easily. I know that I don't want another one right now, but don't think I can 100% say that I won't want another one ever... going to be mulling it over for a year or two before I decide what to do with them.

4 month check is a week from today, but she'll be 4 months tomorrow. Can't believe she's 17 weeks today! Technically would be okay to start weaning, but def not ready for that just yet. I am cutting back on my pumping though... decreasing supply and thinking by the end of 5 months or maybe 6 I will be ready to cut it out all together and just give what's left from my stash and slowly switch to formula. Also want to start weaning somewhere between 5 and 6 months I think.
Bentlie had her shots today.. Poor baby screamed.. She weighs 12lbs 13 oz and 23 in Long
Bookity-Yeah, it wasn't easy...cause my husband had started getting the idea in my head about having one more. Plus, 2 of my good friends are going to start trying this summer so yeah...but no! haha...I just am content and a busy mom as it is. I'm giving the clothes to my husbands cousin who needs all the help she can get since her husband works construction and doesn't have a steady income. They're having a girl and she's due in summertime so the clothes will work perfectly for her since my first was born in august most our stuff newborn stuff is summer stuff..anyway...
Lanay had 1 shot today and took it like a champ! She didn't even cry :) She is a chunker though weighing 15lbs 14oz and is 26inches...she is officially my biggest girl at 4 months! She is so big its crazy. I will be starting her first foods tomorrow. We'll see how that goes. Its not fun or easy the first few weeks til they get used to it...it usually just makes a mess! lol
Hope you are all doing well. Physically I need to lose a good 15lbs from this baby. I weigh more now that I have EVER weighed and its annoying but I am not supposed to be exercising yet because of my back which is another story...I had an appt at a specialist scheduled for the 12th and they canceled on me the day before and so now I can't go til April 30th...its really messing up my losing weight plan. But, it is out of my control so I am just doing what I can for now.
OKay...I'm done...sorry for the long post!
Aw, try not to let the exercising thing get you down ashley, just do what is best for you right now and try not to think about it too much.

Will find out for sure at Vanessa's 4 month check next week, but thinking she is around 16.5 lb and maybe about 25 inches... def bigger than my first at this age, though not by a whole lot, her growth has slowed a bit now.
Wow y'all's babies are huge compared to Bentlie...
That's all right! Different babies grow at different rates!

I just realized I never posted about Josalyn's 4 month appointment. She was 25.5 inches long and 15 lbs.

Other stuff:
She's been in size 3 diapers for about 2 weeks. She's gotten very good at rolling back to front, but has only rolled front to back a few times. She's getting very interested in toys now and puts everything in her mouth. She is fascinated by plastic water bottles and loves to try chewing them. I always give her the bottom side of it so she doesn't get herself with the cap. Today she discovered she likes chewing on people's elbows! :haha:
Sounds like things are getting exciting with Josalyn getting interested in everything. Vanessa has rolled back to front a few times, but not lately, she will turn to her side pretty often though. She has not gone tummy to back, but doesn't get a lot of tummy time because I always think of it either right when she needs to eat or right after she has eaten and is going to spew everywhere if I put her on her tummy. haha.

This one definitely spits up a lot less than my first. How much do your babies spit up?
Mine spits up very rarely. Maybe 10 times ever?

Bookity- how is your older daughter with the baby? Is she jealous much? I'm trying to figure out what age gap I'd like between mine...
At first she ignored her mostly, then she would come up to her and poke her in the eye and say "eye!" (this is her most well known body part). The only time I saw jealousy was when I would feed Vanessa a bottle and she would cry because she wanted one too, sometimes would try and snatch the bottle away from me. She doesn't do that anymore though, a couple of times she has actually tried to put the bottle in V's mouth after she was finished.

They are a little over 15 months age gap.
My girls are basically 2 years apart each and I love it. Both girls love her and didn't really get very jealous either. I started trying when the baby was 9 months old each time...the ages they are is really going to work out well for us. Kelsie starts kindergarten in august but at least lanay will be closer to one so it'll be easier to get her in the car to go take kelsie to school. Anyway, Lanay has been sleeping really good still, she loves toys and puts them in her mouth of course. She spits up mostly in the evening time and she is drooling so much!! We keep bibs on her cause otherwise she would have her clothes soaked with drool. Hope everyone is well...
Bentlie spit up tons but last month only spit up once...

She is starting to make a popping noise with her mouth and she started like growling type thing lmso.. Everything goes in her mouth...
I started feeding her green beans at night along with her cereal and milk she likes it...
She hasn't rolled from back to belly yet..
Oo I forgot to mention she started using both hands regular now... Yay..
She isn't laughing yet is y'all's.
Hi ladies,
Chiming in while I can. I got Carolyn to laugh for the first time last week. It is so cute! It isn't easy to get her to laugh though. She seems like she may be a pretty serious child like her dad. She rolled back to belly earlier this week. I think it was a mistake, but I'll take it. She did it 4 times so it's not a complete fluke. She was playing with her feet and I think they must have gotten heavy because they fell to her left side and then she completed the roll, but her left arm would always get in the way. She still hasn't rolled belly to back. She still dislikes tummy time so she doesn't stay down there very long.
I'm really struggling with pumping at work. Lefty just doesn't respond to pumping very well and it's stressing me out. That works against me too. Having people trying to rip the bathroom door off it's hinges and knocking isn't helping either. So, I am doing my very best, but we may end up supplementing with formula soon. My family stuffs her with breastmilk when I'm gone so my freezer stash is plummeting. I am going to try and pump my brains out next week while I'm on vacation for the last time, but what will be will be. I've done my best and that's all I can do.
She goes for her 4 month check up next week :cry: Not looking forward to the shots. But then she will be ok to travel. I think we are going to take her to Peru to see the other side of the family some time mid April. It depends on my schedule. There are 3 great grandparents there, and one is in quite poor health so I'd like to get pictures while we still can. Only one of them is lucid enough to be able to understand who she is. So sad, but that's the way it is.
How are the other breast feeding moms handling back to work? Any formula recommendations? Carolyn can't handle when I eat dairy products, so I will need to buy a soy based product I guess. I'm so sad about it, but I need to let that go and know I've done my best.
Ok, gotta go!
How's everyone??
My whole family was sick all of last week; it was horrible. Flu...and now we are all suffering with bad allergies. Our Easter was pretty good considering we weren't feeling great!
Here's my girls:
We're good here! Easter was nice! Josalyn will be 5 months old on Friday! Where has the time gone?!

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