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October/November 2012 Babies

Here's Josalyn with my husband! She loves touching people's faces!


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Super cute!! Lanay does that as well. She loves to touch or grab anything in sight, especially my hair! Ouch! She has a grip. Hope everyone and their babies are well...
Hi girls.. Happy late easter...

I can't believe in 4?days she will b 5 months wow...

Viking nutriganmen is what I feed Bentlie it's soy... It's really expensive though..

So the bunny brought her a sippy cup and I was wondering when to introduce it and how. What liquids do I put in there
Annie, I don't really know what you should start with. I'm going to start with water or breast milk. :)

Josalyn made her first consonant sound! Da! :happydance:

She only did it once, but that's ok. I'm sure there is lots more to come soon! :)
Omg how stinking cute... I can't wait for Bentlie to do that.. She is just giggled once but she is always happy n smiling
No consonants here yet. And very limited rolling. She did finally roll back to front almost 2 weeks ago one night 4 times and hasn't done it since. And still no front to back. She still dislikes tummy time, but that is starting to get better.
I've been pumping my brains out while on vacation to try and stimulate a better supply, but I don't think it has helped at all. I started taking Mother's Milk supplement tincture. It's awful, and I don't see it helping, but I am going to take it until it's gone to see if it helps over time. I go to see the LC at her monthly BFing meeting tomorrow and will talk to her, but I have done all of her suggestions and they just don't seem to make a difference.
She's been so much better about letting me put her down so I can get stuff done. And she's letting me wrap her and wear her too. I am starting to learn to wrap her on my back and she screams until I am done, but once it's done she's fine. I am not sure why she screams, but she's got a set of lungs on her. It makes me so nervous and makes me take longer. She also likes to pull my hair. I need to find a hair wrap so she can't get to it. It hurts!!!
She seems to hate changing clothes now. She screams during that too, but before she would lay there and chit chat with me. :cry: Now I hate dressing her.
Can't wait for more babbling! Daddy is going to die when she says Dada.
Hang in there!! Having a newborn/infant is not easy. I usually put my hair in a bun so there are no pieces she can pull on. I promise it gets easier as they get older. There will always be challenges but they change constantly. Lanay has begun saying "mumumumum" when she's hungry lol. Its cute I'll try to record it. She has been doing it for just a few days. She's 5 months old today! I cannot believe how fast she's growing. Officially in size 9 months and size 3 diapers. Just crazy!
Omg Ashly she is big...

Bentlie is five months today and size two diapers and 3-6 months...

She has ate pees green beans squash and carrots she seems to love everything
Yes annie, she is a big girl. We take her for her 5 month checkup on Wednesday and Im sure she's over 16lbs now. I'm looking forward to this week, I'm getting my nails done Wednesday, my birthday is Thursday and my whole family plus brother &his girlfiend and kid r going and my parents to dinner...then Friday-Sunday birthday weekend with my hubby! First time leaving Lanay where I actually won't see her at all Saturday...but I'm excited. My husband suprised me! We need the alone time :)
That's is awsome.. Happy early bday mine is next month.. We are actually going to New Orleans to see George strait and we rented a hotel room and got a sitter for Bentlie for Saturday night too.. We was gonna go fri-sun but hubby gotta work...

Bent went to dr today coughing sneezing watery eyes.. Gave her cough meds.. She weigh 14 lb 2oz n 24 inches long
Hi everyone! How is everyone? How are those babies doing?

Quick update: Lanay is 16lbs 12oz and we think 26 1/2in. My husband took her and didn't ask her length and so we tried to measure her at home on our own...not sure if we got it right. Lol. She is sleeping from 8-5 regularly and sometimes going til 6. Daytime she doesn't nap much. She'll have 3 short naps (20-30 minutes).

Hope all is well. :)
:wave: Hi!
The only time I have to catch up is when I'm sitting around at work. Carolyn is 16 lbs 2 ounces as well. This past week she turned into a better sleeper again. Thank God! She isn't waking during the night as much as she was. I'm guessing the 4 month wakeful period is over? May it long continue! She still doesn't really enjoy tummy time, but is tolerating it better.
I'm learning to wrap her on my back. It's difficult! I usually need some help since she is small it's hard to make sure the wrap goes around her feet correctly. Damn t-Rex arms! Sorry the pic is sideways. I don't know how to fix that on my phone.
Hey ladies...

Sounds like all the babies are growing right on track...

Bentlie sleeps from 10-5

But last night she was up at 4 am.. Ugh.. Lol it okay I figured she is just growing.....

If I lean her forward while sitting up she can stay like tht for a min are two... Isn't it funny it feels like just yesterday she was born.. It's almost time to start planning her birthday ..
Yup time is flying!

This week Josalyn cut her first 2 teeth-her bottom incisors. I didn't even know she was teething! She wasn't cranky, drooling a lot, etc. In fact, in the last few weeks she has been drooling a lot less!

Anyways, she was chewing my knuckle on Tuesday and I noticed something sharp! Lol. Her second one came through two days later. It seems like I've got a relaxed teether so far! Lets hope she stays that way for all her teeth!

She's not quite sitting unaided. She can tripod sit for a while but I don't think she likes it and she gets fussy if she stays like that. She can sit without using her hands for balance for about 5 seconds before toppling over! She'll get there soon!
Omg two teeth already?

I checked bentlies last night and nothing :( lol
Yesterday Josalyn learned how to turn the knob on her favorite lamp to get it to turn off and on! This morning she did it about 30 times before she finally got bored!
Happy 6 months to Ela! I cannot believe that we are at the 6 month age already!!! Wow! I hope you are all doing well and enjoying your babies while they're still small.

This week my husband and I have really realized how fast time goes. We took our oldest to kindergarten roundup Monday...PROUD MOM MOMENT: We weren't sure how she was going to do since she did not go to preschool but she got a perfect score and they put her at a 6.4 level when she's 4.8 so we are very proud of her! I cannot believe that my girls are growing up so fast! It's really sad and exciting at the same time...
Yay Kelsie! Smart girl!

Yeah, time is flying! It's hard to believe how fast it's gone already!
Thank you for thinking of us!! I definitely had a mini mommy meltdown this morning, I can't believe she is SIX months already!! Here are her 6 month pictures <3




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