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October/November 2012 Babies

janna-Adorable girls you have! :)
bexxc-Cute baby!

How's everyone hanging in?

I figured since this is the biggest thing happening (or not happening) let's talk about our LO's sleep patterns...

Lanay eats every 3 hours but at night she skips one feeding so I do get a good stretch of sleep.

Our biggest obstacle is we put our 2 year old in her big girl bed (toddler bed) a couple nights ago because we kept catching her try to climb in or out and we were afraid she was going to succeed and then get hurt. So, she now can get up whenever she wants and last night was a little rough. And, our 4 year old is a light sleeper so at least once a night she hears the baby cry and has to get up to check on her.

Hope everyone is getting a little rest at least :)
Hey girls we are doing pretty good over here...sleep hasn't been much of an issue, like you, Ela skips one feeding at night so I get a solid 6-7 hours. She is going through a growth spurt right now and eating tons and sleeping quite a bit too. The only issue we are having is Ela has horrible acid reflux :( She projectile vomits after almost every feeding and its such a pain because she is hungry again shortly after and it makes such a huge mess (usually right after I get her changed and into a cute outfit of course lol) so we took her to her pediatrician and they started her on Zantac...it hasn't helped yet but I hope it kicks in soon :(
Vomiting sounds awful :sad: I hope the Zantac helps quickly. I can't believe you are getting so much sleep though. Wow. Only a couple of hours at a time here.
I made a huge mistake yesterday. We were taking a walk around the neighborhood with my best friend and while walking we decided to head to Starbucks. It ended up just bein too long for baby C. And on the walk home from Starbucks she melted down in her carrier. It was a combination of many things and by the time we got home she was so worked up it took me 3 hours to calm her down and then my mom finally got her to sleep. Poor baby. I'm so grateful my mom was there to help as I was at my wits end. Poor baby. It was a bad day and I feel like a bad mommy. Live and learn. We all survived it but a lesson was learned. I hope today is a better day.
Does it seem like just when you have them figured out they change the rules on you? For example, C was eating like crazy a few days ago and I got used to it and then all of a sudden all she wanted to do was sleep. I'm sure it's the 3 week growth spurt, but I wasn't expecting all the sleeping, just crazy amounts of nursing and fussiness. It was a bit difficult on my breasts as she built up the supply and then stopped drinking it all. My boobs got engorged. One feeding she skipped a side altogether. Thank goodness for the manual pump someone gave me. I can't wait to get a real one.
So, speaking of the real pump. I had called my insurance back in October to see if they covered the pump and they said yes. So I didn't purchase one. So, I got the prescription I needed so I could order it and placed the order with the appropriate medical equipment company and now my insurance says they don't cover pumps. :gun::ninja::grr: I had a meltdown. Why does everything have to be so hard? My dad is filing an appeal because I just said screw it I don't have time for this. I'll just buy it myself. My mom got all upset because it's about the money. I have the money. It's just the principle to me. It infuriates me.
We are also struggling with the cloth diapers. I thought I figured out the problem only to find another tiny raw spot on her bum last night. So back to heavy duty cream and disposables. I'm about to give up. I am lacking in persistence right now since I'm dealing with so many issues. I'm ready to just use disposables if the cloth is going to hurt her bum. It was supposed to help! I couldn't wear disposables as they gave me horrific rash. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but I hate to see her in pain.
Well time to change her again. Gotta go! I hope everyone is doing well.
MommyH-Glad you are getting rest! :) But, I am sorry about the acid-reflux :( My cousins baby has that and did the same thing but they put her on meds and it helped her so much! My oldest used to do the projectile vomit really bad and we found out it was just gas. :shrug: Hope the meds kick in really quick for her!

Viking-Sorry about your bad day. Hope today is better! And yes, I feel like just as I think she has a schedule down she changes it up. Some days she eats every 3hours on the dot and then some days she eats every 2 or 4. Some days she sleeps a lot and others not at all. So, I'm going through the same as you there...I wish I knew more about cloth diapering. I have never done it but kudos to you for trying!

Since I was on moderate bedrest for so long I have been wanting to get out of the house!! So, Friday I went and got my hair done thanks to my husband and it was so nice to chat with my stylist/friend and get out of the house. Then, Saturday I went shopping practically all day with my parents again thanks to my husband for watching the kids so I could go. I didn't buy a thing but had so much fun walking around and being out of the house! :)
I hear ya Ashley. I get excited to just go to the grocery store alone :haha: Ahh the little things!

Little Miss Morgan has been a very big fussy butt the last 4 days. Poor dear can't figure out how to push and is only having 1 BM a day. It's so sad to see her in pain :cry: I'm hoping she gets it's sorted out soon and we can go back to playing happy family again.
Aw, hope she figures it out soon too! Poor thing and poor mama too!

Lanay is 1 month old today. :)
Lanay one month.jpg
Vanessa's eye goop came back. DH wants her looked at to see if she needs drops. I think it's probably just a tear duct issue, but better safe than sorry. So I'll be taking her to the ped today (less than 2 hrs from now).

Got a call yesterday from the LC I saw at the hospital. She doesn't seem to think it's too late for me to try and get Vanessa back on the boob. Thinks I might could use some nipple shields to get her back on breast. Said it's a shame they don't do home visits because she and another LC live right around the corner from my house! Bummer! I would much prefer getting some help in the comfort of my home than going somewhere else.
Vanessa's eye goop came back. DH wants her looked at to see if she needs drops. I think it's probably just a tear duct issue, but better safe than sorry. So I'll be taking her to the ped today (less than 2 hrs from now).

eli has had eye goop in his left eye. our ped told us to wipe it out at every feeding and massage a drop of two of breast milk into the corner of his eye. it's been about a week and it seems to be markedly improved.
Bexxc I have heard that is the best cure for that!! I'm glad it's working <3 Hope yu get it figured outt soon bookity, poor baby :(

Ashley, Lanay is so beautiful!! I love her rolls <3 Happy 1 month!

Am I the only one who can't seem to leave her baby?? I hate being apart from her, lol, I can't imagine having 'me' time without her....I think I'm the one with attachment issues :rofl: Not that I don't trust hubby with her but no one could possibly care for or love my babies the way I do, in my head that's what I see anyhow lol.
mommy h, think i have attachment issues too! :)
Wow y'all have such cute babies!!!!

How is everyone?

Bentlie has projectiled vomited in about 4 days!!! So I'm praying it has stopped although she is spitting up when burping prolly a teaspoon but hell ill take that over the whole 3 oz everyday!!!! She is going 5 hours between feedings...

I have a question?

Do y'all's little one like to bathe?
She screams and fusses the whole time?
I would think she has to feel better after ward?? I dunno though she hates it!!!!
After 2 baths in the baby tub and her acting miserable I decided to try taking a bath with her. DH does the undressing, helps wash, takes her and towels her off and redresses her. I get in the tub, hold her in the v created by my torso and thighs, and wash her. It's much less traumatic. Of course, this had to wait until her umbilical cord fell off. But it's working well. If she poops or pees it doesn't freak me out. I just jump in the shower afterward.
I can't really offer any advice re bathing as Sophia loves her baths, both her baby bath and with me or dad in the big bath. I'm sure you are doing this so don't want to suggest the obvious, but splashing her with water and maybe dunking a foot in first so she gets use to the feel of the water first??
We got family pics today. The one is all of us and the other one is just of my 3 kiddos.
About the bathing...my girls cry at diaper changes, and they cry at bath time so I have found they like the shower...so when I take one( and hubbys home) I give them a shower instead....and yes I am VERY careful with them...


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aw! amm- i love the pics and you look fabulous!

i am having the worst time bfing. i'm just not making enough milk. it's been 12 days since eli was born and i can barely pump enough milk from both sides to cover the bottom of one bottle. :nope: i'm doing everything i can to increase my supply, but it's just not working. i'm already supplementing at every feeding, so i feel like i should just give up and ff.
aw! amm- i love the pics and you look fabulous!

i am having the worst time bfing. i'm just not making enough milk. it's been 12 days since eli was born and i can barely pump enough milk from both sides to cover the bottom of one bottle. :nope: i'm doing everything i can to increase my supply, but it's just not working. i'm already supplementing at every feeding, so i feel like i should just give up and ff.

Are you getting some pro help? At 12 days the baby doesn't have a very big tummy. Are you exclusively pumping? The baby is much better at extracting the milk than a pump so it's not a very good indicator of supply. Pumping takes practice just like the baby has to practice. The size of her tummy at this stage is the size of a medium marble. The best way to build your supply is just let her suck away. Your body should respond. And drink plenty of water. That's all I've got. I am sure an LC could give you the help you need. :hugs: you can do it!!!
Great family pic AMM! The girls look so big in that chair! Wow!

As far as baths go, mine is stillnot a big fan. Sometimes she cries, sometimes she doesn't. I try to do it in between her nighttime bottle; so she has 2 oz, bath, 2 more oz and that has seemed to help make her more content during her bath.

So since its been on my mind: What size clothes are your LO's in? Miss Lanay is already wearing 3 months and it fits her well. :(

Here's a couple pics of her at one month old:
One month2.jpg
One month4.jpg

All my girls at one month(tried to do same pose everytime)lol:
Girls at one month.jpg
Beautiful pics AMM and Ashley

Morgs loves bath time so I feel pretty lucky in that aspect.

As for clothes, Morgan is so in between sizes. Her newborn stuff is pretty snug, but her 0-3 month is still to long. Poor girl is going to be like her mother...a shortie and nothing will ever fit right lol.

Today my baby is 6 weeks old! Man time is flying already. I figured every two weeks im going to update on what she is doing here so I can keep track for myself.

She is up to 9lbs 14oz from 7lbs 3oz and is 20.5 in long.

She started sleeping through the night at 5 weeks from 11-7. (Im one happy momma!!)

We are still dealing with the clogged tear duct that seems to be ickier than normal.

She has discoverd she has a toungue and shows us often lol

In the evening she would rather you lay her in her co-sleeper and put her pacifier back in if it falls out until she falls asleep vs being rocked

She is eating 6oz at every feed (hungry little girl)

Her BM have been an issue and we are only having 1 a day now. Seems like right before lunch is her "time" lol

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