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October/November 2012 Babies

ah lovely pics ashley and and AMM, plan to get Sophia to a prof photographer but may wait another month or so.

S is in between sizes of newborn and 0-3 months, she has long legs and huge feet so they need the 0-3 month but her arms and bod are just fine in newborn but snug.

Bexxc hang in there, i was going to say the same as viking, let eli suck even if he's not feeding to stimulate milk production. and like Viking says babies get more out of you than a pump, better to keep an eye on wet and pooy nappies...7+ a day and he's fine with your boobs. the 1st month is tough, but it really does get better, even now at 4 weeks it's easier than the first 2 weeks. i was ready to quit too as my milk came in late probably because of difficult birth but because i have a little sucky monster she's sorted the problem out!! we gave some formula too for the 1st 2 weeks which i think she needed but we haven't needed to since so don't worry i think what you're going through is normal and you'll get there!
Loooove the pics AMM and Ashley <3 Your families are beautiful!!!

MommaBarry Ela's isn't 6 weeks till tomorrow so Morgan should only be 5weeks 5 days ;) almost 6 weeks though!!!

I agree with what has already been suggested about bfing, hang in there it does get easier :hugs:

Also about the bath time, try extra extra warm water, sometimes you don't realize how warm a baby's body is and if the water is too cool they will cry, Ela loves hot water vs warm, I don't burn her obviously but she likes it much warmer than I ever thought a baby would like, I put her feet in first and slowly add her body just incase its too hot but she loves it pretty hot :)

Ela is still battling reflux so she is on zantac and it seems to be helping but I must have it timed exactly the same every day or its up chuck mania around here lol...she is in size 0/3-3month...depends on the brand it seems, but definitely out of newborn...she is 11.6lbs from her 6.13lb birthweight and she is 5 weeks 6days!!! She loves to nurse and look at lights, she sleeps from 7-midnight and from 1-7 so I feel very blessed! She loves either bath alone or shower time with me, she loves big sister singing or reading to her and enjoys music all together, music and our diesel truck both calm her although she never cries and hardly fusses at all! I have been back at my salon last week and this week for 2 days each week and only 2-3 hours each time, she goes to work with me and sleeps through me doing my clients and has been so great and adapts easy to a changing schedule day to day :)
Here is one of the photos of Greta at 7 days old...


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Here is one more... :)
Greta is doing great... 7lbs 4oz at birth, and was 9lbs 8oz at 4 weeks! Breastfeeding is going well too... (Obviously, based on the weight gain!)
Having a 21 month old and almost 1 month old is keeping me busy, but it's definitely worth it!
Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their babies!


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How are all you mommas doing?

So the first AF has arrived since baby......OUCHIE!!!!! TMI, I think this is heavier than after baby bleeding (lochia)

I have my 6 week PP appointment wednesday, I really hope AF is gone by then otherwise doing a internal is going to be really embarassing. :blush:

Has anyone else started since baby?
Funny you mention this...I didn't have at for a whole year after my first daughter and I exclusively bf her...with Ela I SWEAR I ovulated last week and I'm Moody's ever the last couple of days so I'm wondering if at will be here this week or next :/ Not looking forward to it showing up even though I have never been regular thanks to my pcos...I thought I would luck out as I did with Mia since I am exclusively bfing again this time but we shall see...

Sorry yours is tough momma, hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Jana those are BEAUTIFUL pictures <3
Damn you auto correct...hope all that made sense :haha:
Doing well here. Lanay has been sleeping A LOT the last couple days. It is funny that you both mention AF and ovulating. I am pretty sure I ovulated already last week too. So, I'm expecting AF next week sometime which will be my 6 week checkup as well. This happened after my 1st and I told my DR that I started that day, so he just asked questions and "cleared" me and just told me to go back if I felt anything was 'not right'. Lol.

So, emotionally how are you ladies? Some days I and just so emotional still...ugh! My skin is horrible too, I am breaking out so bad :(
Are you ladies expecting AF BFing? I can't remember. I basically can't remember anything these days because I'm so tired. I'm hoping to avoid AF for a while due to BFing. Please? Some benefit for me from all this work would be nice.
We've been struggling with some major gas. The pediatrician said it's probably lactose intolerance. Ugh. I'm lactose intolerant so I know how poor baby feels. Too bad breastmilk contains lactose regardless of what you eat. It was so bad on Saturday I was bawling along with her. I called my mom in a panic and begged her to come stay with me overnight. My DH works very late hours and I was at the end of my tether. Poor little baby. She was too. The simethicone drops help some. I have been feeding her on an incline, and that may be helping too? I prop up my Brest friend pillow she's feeding with an incline. :shrug: trying everything.
She insists on being held upright as well. I'm wondering if there is some acid reflux as well. She won't sleep during the day unless she's got some body contact with someone. She sleeps well in her RnP at night. I tried 2xs to put her in her swing today after getting her to sleep and she woke up within 5 minutes. I've tried the RnP too. No go. I'm ok with it but it annoys my DH. I'm not having much luck with Baby wearing either. :shrug: only if we are out on a walk. Just puttering around the house is no good.
Anyone else have a Velcro baby?
Mommabarry I am so sorry I'm such a moron I do t even know what I was thinking...Ela's weekly birthday is Wednesdays not Fridays you were totally right I'm sorry I am so out of it lol I can't believe it took me 4 days to get the date right too!!
I was going off my ticker so I'm not sure why it's incorrect...
Quick update from me: Mastitis. Ouch.

Feeling mostly better now thanks to meds, but can't seem to get this knot gone for the life of me!
oooh...sorry bookity. hope you feel better soon.

how much crying is normal? eli is having a really rough 24 hours and i'm not sure if i should feel worried. it seems like the only time he isn't crying is when he's eating or we've coaxed him to sleep.
I'm hoping that AF will hold off for a while while breastfeeding... I got it back when DD1 was just over 9 months old (a few weeks after she started sleeping through the night).
But I think I'd rather have this one sleeping though the night sooner, and deal with AF! (If that's how it works)...
I have a couple of friends who always get AF back at 6-8 weeks, even with exclusive BF... So, I guess only time will tell!
I was going off my ticker so I'm not sure why it's incorrect...

Lol it's ok and I understand. The tickers do throw it off. Just like when she turned 4 weeks old (on a friday) she was not a month old until the following Monday (the actual day of the 26th) and that is what the tickers go by. My weeks change on Fridays but my months don't change until the 26th. So confusing :dohh:

And if you check out my ticker and yours, it says are babies are a day apart when in fact they are two. I hate these tickers lol
I formula feed so I am expecting AF soon.
bexxc-It could be colic? My first 2 babies had a time period (6PM-midnight) that they cried basically non stop. We'd get them to sleep for like 5 minutes and they'd wake back up crying and nothing I did would help. I remember putting them in their carseats and going for a ride to get them to relax. So far, we haven't experienced colic with Lanay yet. FXed. Hope you get it figured out soon :)
thanks, ashley. i think he might have just been having a bad day. he didn't sleep well the night before and i think it all just snowballed. he slept a lot better last night and he seems to be back to his calm, sleepy self. he's utterly passed out in the baby bjorn right now while i do some Christmas decorating.
I may have gotten my AF... Not sure. I EBF, and my pp bleeding stopped at 3 weeks, then I just started bleeding yesterday :( so I don't know orbit is a continuation or if it is a period . :(
Oh my gosh! I just got 4 HOURS of uninterrupted sleep! amazing!!!!
Congrats! I've gotten that much uninterrupted sleep a couple of times. It is still a nice surprise when it happens though! :)

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