What are you needing?
I’ve washed and sorted all my newborn and 0-3 month clothes and given some to the thrift store/my sister because I can’t believe how much I had. Absolutely silly. Got paci’s and a baby bouncer, so just need swaddles and burp cloths still. I can’t decide whether to get a few nice ones or ask my friends to borrow theirs since it’s last baby!
has anyone seen those zip up swaddles that have the baby arms up? I’m interested in one of those. I never swaddle my babies for long though, only a few weeks.
Wasn’t going to get a car seat but I decided to as the one I have wouldn’t last me till baby can use a booster. Also need blankets and clothes. Literally have no boy clothes, only kept 2 special blankets after DD2 so need a few more. Still going back and forth about a change table/bath - I would want one that’s a combo otherwise get a chance basket only.
think that’s the main important things plus baby care things.