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October/November Conkers 2021***

Speaking of registering them I haven’t even looked at the paperwork but I know if I don’t get to it soon there’s a good chance I’ll forget. Might try get to it soon.

My grandmother has officially declared her job done and is leaving us Friday. I’m rushing mentally to think of things I might find easier to do this week while she’s here, and I can quickly leave baby home with her.
Hi everyone! Hope you don't mind me coming for a moan. I'm just exhausted and needed to vent somewhere.

I'll be 37 weeks pregnant on Wednesday, and this past week has just been horrible. A few days ago DS2 came down with cough, stuffy nose, etc. He's been out of sorts for 4-5 days and now that he's finally feeling better, DS1 has come down with it but worse. Halloween night he starts coughing and stuffy nose. He then starts shaking and says he feels like he might throw up. He bawls and is devastated to miss trick or treating because of not feeling well but he couldn't go out. Now I have him home with a 102 degree fever and nonstop coughing.

I'm absolutely terrified of catching whatever this bug is and then either going into labor sick or bringing home a newborn to this. My first and second born were born at 37 and 38 weeks so I feel like labor could be any time really and I just am so afraid to get sick right now.

On top of that, DH's grandfather went into the hospital last week and it looks like he is having some major heart issues. He's going into heart surgery today and they aren't sure how good things are looking because they are having a hard time stabilizing his blood pressure before going in etc - he is not young (past 90) but is close to everyone, including the kids, and the family is having a really hard time with this.

As if it couldn't get any worse, DH's mom had mammogram results come back poorly and she just had a surgery 5 days ago to remove some breast tissue to analyze for cancer. Everyone is so shaken up and scared and she is sore and not feeling well.

I just feel so overwhelmed and afraid of everything right now. At this point I am hoping this baby just stays in and cooks for another 3 weeks because I'm not feeling ready to bring her into the world right now ontop of everything else going on.
@sil rant away. Sorry everyone is ill. Have they been tested for covid?

I hope baby stays put a bit longer I know how you feel as I just wanted zac to stay put until we all recovered. Now ds3 is full of cold and I feel snotty and poor zac has started to sound snotty too. Bad time of the year to have a baby.
@sil sending you lots and lots of hugs. I hope everyone recovers in time. I caught a cold the day before I had my DD1 so her first 2 weeks of life she was battling a cold too. So I’m sure your little girl would do great too.
Little update from me - had scan today to check baby was growing ok. Glad to report she is. Rough weight is 7lb 7oz she was 5lb 8oz 2 weeks ago. All her body measurements she’s hitting at 40week so she ahead now. Very low. Back on midwife led care for now unless something of concern happens or I want epidural haha.
Awwww massive congratulations @sadeyedlady he is so cute. What a great weight and supper fast dilating u go girl.
When u said Ure contractions had settled to 20 mins apart and u had some mukasy blood I was gonna write that's what happend with my 3re and mine and DHs 1st baby together.
Had contractions then they settled. Then I had the blood then a few hours later contractions were back and closer together.
So happy baby is here.

It's November ladies so Ure next.

Oh hon I'm so sorry everyone is so poorly.
I had a horrible cold on the morning I was induced with dd. Terrible sore throat and everything but she didn't catch it.
But after I had Harley and came home my 18 year old had a terrible cold and it went around the whole house including Harley. He mainly had a really stuffy nose and had a bit of a Caugh but thankfully was OK after a few days.
It's horrible worrying about illnesses.

I hope baby stays put for a few more weeks so ure all cold free.
Thinking of you.

Cud be any day hon.

Totally on baby watch now.
Remember @Skye75 is having her baby in about 3 weeks too.
So still a few of you to go.
Hope everyone keeps coming back here even after all babies are born.
Be nice to stay in touch and see how how all the babies are doing.

Ooow I spoke with catmum and she says she misses all u ladies loads.
@Mummy2Corban he is adorable hon.

Harley turns 2 months old on Friday I can't believe how fast that has gone.
His colic is so much better now and he's sleeping a bit longer at night now too.
Be was feeding at 8pm 12am 3am then 6am but he now has his last night feed feed at 1:30am and sleeps till 6am then has another feed and goes back to sleep again.
Feeding has become enjoyable again now the colic has settled. He still gets it a tiny but but not bad at all.
We tried everything even doctor brown bottles which he hated.
In the end we tried tommee tippee colic bottles with the tube and be loves them and they have helped so much.
He just didn't get on with the teat with Dr brown. Think he likes the tommee tippee ones because there boob shaped..
Wish I cud give him my own milk but cudnt becuase of my anti rejection medication. So he has to have formula.
Do wish I cud of BF him tho.

Think the mini pill is causing me to have headaches and also I keep spotting on and off. I haven't had a propper bleed at all since giving birth only a very light bleed at 6 weeks post partrum.
When I was on the mini pill after Tommy I was having 2 periods a month. Not sure when that started tho.
I've been on the pill for just over a month now.
Hoping I have some sort of bleeding becuase I'm gonna panic I'm going through peri menopause if I don't get anything..
And as u all know I wud really love to have one more baby.
I'm gonna give it a bit more time.
Even tho bleeding twice a month is no fun I wud rather that than not bleeding at all.
@ciz glad all is looking ok! Hopefully smooth sailing until baby arrives! Not long!

@sil big hugs lovely! I was worried about having an awful cough/cold during labour as DH and all my boys were really poorly with one leading up to delivery. I had a slight cold but pretty much got away with it. Since Hudson arrived the boys cough/cold has kept looping round, we’ve had a sickness bug and 2 of my boys have had conjunctivitis. Hudson has been a little snotty but has been ok. My health visitor was insistent that a mother’s immune system and babies immune system is pretty good after delivery so she said not to stress to much! Hopefully all works out ok lovely. How is DH grandfather? Sorry about DH mum too. What a worry for you all. Big hugs lovely x
@Skye75 how is the countdown when you have a date already? I can’t tell if it would make me more anxious or what?

My boobs have settled. Baby had another midwife visit, we have gained and gone above birth weight. He’s 6.21lb now. We have been discharged but will get 1 visit from maternal child health nurse.
@sadeyedlady Congratulations :)

@sil Hope your doing ok and sorry you have a lot going on right now, hope things start looking up for you

@Suggerhoney Can’t believe 2 months nearly already

@Mummy2Corban He’s such a cutie

AFM - had 36 weeks scan yesterday all went as well as it could, baby weighing in at 6lb 3oz the moment and she said her guess would be 7lb 7oz to 8lb at full term, we shall see :)
Had new midwife today she was lovely and nice but she didn’t make me feel reassured if that makes sense, normally my appointments are 30/40 minutes long but this time it was only 15 minutes so felt quick but she said everything looked ok but now I don’t see her till I’m 41 weeks, only appointment I have left before full term is a doctor appointment at 38 weeks
@Penguin20 on the home run now. How are you doing with it all. I feel like soon as I hit 36 I became so impatient.

as for us well I’m sad, it’s becoming very clear Amasha does not enjoy co sleeping. He has good quality long stretches of sleep during the day on his own but he’s unsettled when lm in bed with him. Kinda really bummed.
@daniyaaq I'm pretty cool with it (for now, I'm sure closer I'm going to get a bit nervous!)
Huge congratulations on your lo!!
@Penguin20 how big was your DD? Sounds like a nice size baby but who knows! You think I was measuring my weeks but inside my tummy lerked a beast! Hahaha! Sorry you felt rushed at your appointment. I felt all my appointments were rushed and with a different midwife.

@daniyaaq i mean it’s great that he sleeps so well but I think I would feel the same if mine didn’t seem to settle co sleeping.

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