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October/November Conkers 2021***

Thankfully it's not too painful just a bit stingy. I'm just taking ibruphen. I caught it early as I know what to look out for so hopefully it should clear up quickly.
I'm so sorry. Thats the last thing you need. Well done for spotting it early. Hope the antibiotics kick in soon
Happy due date hon. Sorry about the start stop contractions. Really hope the sweep has done the trick. Hopefully not long now.
Looking forward to the next set of babies to be born then it will be the December groups turn. Crazy how hast there pregnancies have gibe. Can't believe they all only have a few weeks left.

My cousin had her baby on Friday morning. Her induction failed so she had to have a emergency c section and was put to sleep.
She was nearly 2 weeks over due and baby was a very healthy 8lb 15oz. She's called her Florence.

Having troubles getting Harley to sleep tonight. He's been feeding at 1:30am then sleeping through untill 6am which is amazing but fed him at 1:30am like normol then the clocks went back so not sure if it's down to that but finding it hard to settle him.

His colic is so much better now and he's feeding so much better.
He's officially 8 weeks old and it's flown.
Definitely finding things much better now.
I still have him in a moses basket and he still has a bit more room to grow.
I had to stop swaddling him because he kept getting his arms lose and getting cold. So I have him In a little grow bag thing which is lovely and warm. He's been so much better since putting him in that.
My milk come in, My boobs hurt so much, it’s been so long I actually don’t know what to do to help relieve some of the pain. Coincidentally the day my milk comes in he decides to do longer stretches of sleep
@sadeyedlady fingers crossed the sweep does something for you :)

@Suggerhoney Sorry Harley was trouble getting to sleep hopefully it was just a bad night with the clock change but glad the colic has eased

@daniyaaq Ouch, hope the boob pain settle soon

AFM- I’m 36 weeks today… YAY and I have my 36 week scan tomorrow so hopefully all goes well.
Got a few jobs done too ready for baby and had a great few days with DD and DH and I’m excited to take her trick or treating tonight :)
Off topic but only thing stressing me out is we got a leak in our airing cupboard for over a week now and still got another week before they will get a plumber out so keep getting paranoid the leak going to get really bad or ill come home to a flooded airing cupboard.. wish I was more relaxed like the DH who sees it as we reported it so landlord issue now.

Hope all ladies and babies doing well and for all November due date ladies our time is coming, so excited :D
@daniyaaq Thats great news your milk has come in. Im clueless as to what helps with the pain sorry. Did you have a look at the breastfeeding forum on bnb?

@Penguin20 Congrats on 36 weeks! Not long now, hopefully the next few weeks fly by for you.

Don't think the sweep was successful. I think i should be in labour already if it worked.
Happy due date month for November ladies. It’s almost time now.
@daniyaaq the boob pain is awful when the milk comes in. Mine were so so sore and throbbed. They gave me pain killers which helped a bit. But I did read putting cabbage leaves in ure bra helps and also cold compresses. I was still in hospital when mine came in on day 3 so I cudnt try those things unfortunately. Are u breast feeding? If not then the pain should ease in about 2 days.
@Suggerhoney yes I’m breastfeeding so do get a bit of relief when Bub feeds. I didn’t want to express at the risk of oversupply but last night I caved I couldn’t sleep so expressed a little.

just had my first Covid shot too, eeek
@daniyaaq Congrats on your vaccine! Baby will get some of those lovely antibodies through your milk.

Things are kicking off with me i think. Painful contractions coming every 10 mins for the last 2 hours. Hopefully they start to get closer together
@sadeyedlady are you still contracting??? I hope so! I hope this is it for you! If it is Goodluck lovely!

@daniyaaq milk coming in is tough! Big milky boobs! Not much to relieve it really apart from feeding baby, hopefully all settles in the next few days for you.

@topazicatzbet super cute pumpkin! Sorry you’ve got an infection. It’s a good job you know what your looking at! How was breakfast?

@Penguin20 it’s November! DD month! Let us know how your scan goes. Did DD enjoy trick or treating?

so it’s back to school today and my first morning school run (DH done them all when he was off I just done an odd pick up) wish me luck getting 6 ready, fed and dressed by 8.30! Haha!
@sadeyedlady are you still contracting??? I hope so! I hope this is it for you! If it is Goodluck lovely!

@daniyaaq milk coming in is tough! Big milky boobs! Not much to relieve it really apart from feeding baby, hopefully all settles in the next few days for you.

@topazicatzbet super cute pumpkin! Sorry you’ve got an infection. It’s a good job you know what your looking at! How was breakfast?

@Penguin20 it’s November! DD month! Let us know how your scan goes. Did DD enjoy trick or treating?

so it’s back to school today and my first morning school run (DH done them all when he was off I just done an odd pick up) wish me luck getting 6 ready, fed and dressed by 8.30! Haha!
@Mummy2Corban i dont know how you do it. I can barely get my 2 out the door on time.
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@sadeyedlady good luck. I hope everything goes smoothly.

@Mummy2Corban good luck getting them all ready. Only my eldest goes back today. Tom will be getting everyone ready but dh is around every morning to help (he usually doesn't do much though). It does mean I don't have to take zac on the morning school run though.

Breakfast was lovely but very busy think everyone was treating the kids like us.
Tom we have to venture into Leeds to register little man.

Antibiotics already seem to have sorted the infection and my wound looks to be drying up. It's not pulling as much anymore so glad I caught it early and they were really good at the hospital.

Happy due date month to our Nov ladies.
Contractions have stalled and are now every 20 mins. Had some bloody mucus earlier but everything seems to be slowing down now. So disappointed.
I've crawled into bed feeling sorry for myself. Should I get up and move about to see if things pick back up or stay in bed?

When they do come they're horrendously sore
I did it! I got everyone to school on time!!! Feel like I’m winning! Hahaha! Feeding Hudson and I’m hoping he will nod off so I can do a spot of cleaning then I can chill with my 2 little guys!

@sadeyedlady oh hun! I’m so sorry! This could still be it though… your now over so it’s possible your just warming up. I guess it depends on how tired you are? With Hudson I went and laid in bed for a bit then just sat on the sofa and it all still happened. I’d say if your tired go back to bed for a bit as you’ll be exhausted of you do go into labour.

@topazicatzbet glad to hear the scar looks as though it’s already on the mend. Our registry office changed locations and it turned out it’s now only down the road so DH went the other day. Exciting stuff getting them registered! All official!
I've crawled into bed feeling sorry for myself. Should I get up and move about to see if things pick back up or stay in bed?

When they do come they're horrendously sore
Keep active. When I had baby, I was having very mild tightening every 30 minutes. I decided to stay active, just walking around my yard that started labour I think.

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