We spent the day sorting out our youngest sons bedroom.
He and the baby will share later on, and we will get bunk beds.
The room was a complete dump and was full of stuff.
We had been using it as a bit of a dumping ground.
So today we had a huge clear out. Its literally took us all day and I'm worn out lol. I wish I took a b4 photo because it was such a mess and a dump b4.
Now I absolutely love it and can't stop going in there. Tommy is still in with us at the moment but we will be moving him into his room in the next few weeks.
So where the chair is is where his cot or bed will go.
Later we will get bunk beds to go there.
Ignore the blue box and bag, that has all of Tommy's new born and other baby clothes In which I need to sort out and put away ready for this baby, but i refuse to do it until I hit 24 weeks.
I also brought my hospital case which I've put away in the back of a storage cupboard for now.
I won't pack my hospital bag untill I'm 34 weeks just by choice. I just need to buy a weekend bag to go with it as I will be staying in hospital for about 5 6 days.
Anyway loving my suitcase, DH is gonna look so funny pushing this down the hospital corridor hahahaha.