@daniyaaq team pink hey! Why is it you always dream about someone else! It’s like hey! Give me the clue!
@Suggerhoney yeah it’s a bit pants having to miss appointments because of covid. Certainly a pregnancy to remember. I had my booking in over the phone the finished it in clinic. We are meant to have a 16 eek phone call (which I’m still waiting for) and then .... I could be wrong but we won’t see a midwife until late 20 weeks maybe 28???? I think they offer you the whooping cough jab at the 20 week scan so you don’t have to go to the drs.
has anyone had the covid jab? Or anyone having it while pregnant?
definitely not having the Covid jab. My parents who are doctors have ‘reservations’ about the vaccines for people under 50 so I’m just going to steer away.