I really have NO idea if this baby will be boy or girl! I have a 9 year old boy and a 1 year old girl, my 9 year old is from a previous relationship and so my partner would quite like a boy so he has one of each but I kind of want my 9 year old to be my only boy as it was just us for so long, and I think it would be nice to have two girls close in age

but I would be equally happy with either so can't wait to find out! I think I have more of a boy feeling tbh, but we will see in a few weeks! Maybe I will bump up the girl numbers lol

Hoping my official due date will be bumped forward a couple of days, I had a private scan at 9 weeks and they put me a few days ahead but the NHS scan will be the official so hoping to bring that DD forward even just a tiny bit haha! X