October Pumpkins 2017

Welcome dojo! Congrats!

Kitteykat I'm the same way. I just Stare at my pantry willing it to give me the answer to what I want to eat lol
Took a few day off from Here seems like I've missed alot still have this awful cold .sorry shanlee that's very tragic much worse then my situation I couldn't even imAgine. May I ask what happen? I will be praying for you . I'm doing okay my self I tell my self it's happened for a reason . If you need to talk I will talk to you as well as many other ladies here. Even though I haven't experienced what you are going through.
How are you doing Akin? :hugs: it takes time to heal emotionally, but honestly the only thing that got me through my losses was trying again. Rainbow babies have a way of healing those holes in our hearts.
He had a heart attack. He was only 37. His birthday is this upcoming weekend. Does anyone know what your hugs should be before you can see a fetal pole, sac, he, etc?
Shanlee - so sorry to hear about your husband :( I can't even imagine all that you're going through right now. But you are incredibly strong for focusing on your little bean.

As far as what I've read, I believe with anything more than 2000 something will be visible on the ultrasound.

Hope you get to see a strong lil bean in your ultrasound. Take care. :hugs:
Thanks! At 5w3d they were 13,517 so I'm wondering if I could see a hb. I am planning on going to urgent care sometime this week to make sure everything is alright. With his passing I'm just so worried and need that reassurance but I don't want to go too early and it see one yet and get worried, but the wait is killing me.
Shanlee, here (U.K.) they wanted to scan me no earlier than 6 weeks because they said they wouldn't see anything useful before then. Whilst some do see baby earlier, I'd hold out to 6 weeks if you can. You don't want any unnecessary anxiety :hugs:
Shanlee so sorry to hear that happened to him at such a young age. It seems we can never be prepared for something like that, totally unfair. Your levels are so great! Surely everything is ok with baby but I understand wanting reassurance. I agree with Mrs B. though, before 6 weeks I feel like the inconclusiveness of it would just cause more stress :hugs:

Akins I hope you're doing ok? You are so sweet to offer help to anyone here :hugs:

KitteyKat2010 that seems to be happening to me a lot too lately, at first it wasn't so bad but now I feel like I need to eat every 3-4 hours!

Today I experienced my first bout of nausea. I was standing in line at Subway and it hit me so randomly, felt light headed and nauseous to the point I had to go to the restroom in case. Sitting down for a few seemed to have eased it though. I still feel slightly nauseated now but nothing major. I hope this doesn't escalate into full blown MS though! I really want to get my blood drawn before my appointment in March, should I? I assume a general practitioner can do it.
Shanlee, I cannot fathom.. Hugs

I went and looked up the home birth stats, and across the country it's somewhere between 3%-5% of all births are home births. But in different areas it can be higher, like it's over 12% on the west coast. I'm not sure what my local rates are, but I know of probably a dozen home birthers personally in my town. I had an unplanned home birth last time.

But I have a high chance of GD this time, and if I cannot control it by diet then I'll be likely having to head to the hospital 1.5 hours drive away... Ugh!

As for symptoms, definite waves of nausea now. Enough to have me collapse on the couch and curl in a ball till it passes. No vomiting yet. Touch wood.

I booked in to go see my midwife on 28th. :)
Hey ladies haven't been on in a while. Had some mentrallike sleeping in the wee hours of Saturday morning with a quarter sized clot. The bleeding slowed down by the next day to spotting them nothing. I assumed I was having a early miscarriage and didn't see a doctor or anything. What do you guys think? I had mild cramping that day.
Hey guys. Can I interject myself here from the Caribbean? I'm unexpectedly but welcomingly pregnant with my second. My EDD according to LMP is Oct 10th which is my mother's birthday (my father is also October). We haven't told parents yet. MY mother usually collects my daughter from school on a Friday and she spends the evening there. So we're getting a jersey printed with "keep calm I'm going to be a big sister" to the front, and the back would have a picture of a stork and "October 2017". When she gives her a bath and changes her clothes she'll be surprised.

As for symptoms...I definitely have nausea. I'm just hoping it doesn't get as bad as with my first. I had to go on drips then as not even water would stay down. Nothing sounds, smells or looks appealing and i take forever to eat the slightest thing as I my gag reflexes seem to kick into overdrive at eat attempt to swallow. My breasts are also really sore. And as of this morning I've been feeling muscle spasms in my lower abdomen. Sought of like an eye twitch. It's so weird.
Trying, it sounds a bit light to be a MC. I've heard of others bleeding in a healthy pregnancy. Can you book in for an early scan? :hugs:
Hi Jumik, your reveal plan sounds super cute :)

Trying the only way you will know is to go in to a DR. HPTs can stay positive for a while after a MC as well, so that's not going to tell you anything. I would definitely call your DR or go to an ER. FX for you hon.

Flying I hope you don't have GD, complications always suck.

Angel what are you wanting the blood drawn for? Hopefully you wont get full blown morning sickness!

Shanlee when I went at 5weeks2 days with DD2 they couldn't see anything other than a little bubble, so I'd definitely wait it out a bit.

AFM only slight nausea here and there but I am STARVING all of the time. I eat and then I'm starving again! I keep teasing DH that its twins :haha:
Hi ya'all : How have u grlz been ,, i wasnt online on weekend so catching up all lot new posts.

akinsmom - sorry for your loss, so sweet you are willing to talk to other ladies & provide them hope ! May your dream be fulfilled soon.

shanlee - very sad to hear your DH loss. We cannot imagine your pain at the moment but are proud that you are holding it tight for ur little one. your hcg levels look great.

kitteykat & sara - good luck with your dopplers, let us know how soon were you able to hear ur baby's heartbeats

I have started seeing same symptoms, no vomitting ,bit of nausea esp after each meal. First time today mrng i looked at a banana and ran to bathroom getting a sensation of vomit.

I had urine confirmation test on friday & doc did my blood test too.. my HCG levels at 5w7d was 13,200. I have to go for another one tomorrow i.e. on 6w4d. Have you grlz seen similar HcG , how much increase should i expect in tomorrow's test.
Thank you ladies. I am 6w1d today so I have definitely been impatiently waiting and now I'm just wondering what you ladies think it would be an good day?? I'm going before Friday and my schedule is pretty easy to work around.
Shanlee, I'd hold out until the latest you can... so Thurs it sounds like. You'll be 6w4d. Good chance of seeing more on the u/s then. I'm booked in for a scan on Fri but I'd rather it be a week later (even though I'm an anxious wreck ATM). They think I'll be 6w, but I'm pretty sure I'll be 5w4d. I'm preparing myself for them to see very little. Hoping if that's the case they'll get me back a couple of weeks later. I didn't like to argue over the dates seeing as early scans are rare and difficult to get over here (uk).
Aancha, you want the code that has IMG at the start for your sig :)
Shanlee I agree with MrsB, the longer you hold out the better your us will be. Your EDD is based off of your last period so your dates may change when you see the us meaning you're further or less along.

Aancha they say it should double within 24-48 hours, it just depends how fast your body is doubling the hcg. There are really broad ranges of what's "normal". But my guess is that it would probably be in the 20,000 range.

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