October Pumpkins 2017

Sorry to hear of all the bleeding. Please take care of yourselves. Including you ladies who are doing pretty ok so far. Try your best not to stress and worry.

AFM. I had a horrible morning. I didn't make it to work :sick: I puked twice and was feeling so cold. Mind you I live in the Caribbean. I slept all morning and woke up so hungry after lunch. I seem to be fine now. Can't wait for this stage to pass. Hope it passes sooner rather than later.
Fit_Mama - sorry to hear that, but it sounds like you've got a great attitude to help you forward with the journey. Best of luck with the weight loss x

Calcifer welcome aboard! Fingers crossed that those tests get darker over the coming days.

Jumik hope your sickness gets better quickly.
Hello ya'all

trying - keep us posted once you visit the ER ., Crossing fingers for you

Mrs B - thanks for the update on my signature, i changed it & it displays fine now :)

Stillpraying - I will go for my bloodwork today & let you all know how much count is my HCG showing. Praying all is going well with the little bean inside.

Fit & stevensmummy - sorry for your loss, good luck for another BFP very soon !

ilex - good luck with news sharing, i have shared with my mom & sis. waiting for scan to tell friends & inlaws :)

Jumic - feel better soon, have you tried ginger biscuits in the mrng,. Helped me in my previous pregn

Have any of u feeling bloated ? My trousers r starting to get tight & i dont think its the weight gain as we are not even 1 month far. I am guessing its the bloating. So far no nausea or sickness !
Jumic - feel better soon, have you tried ginger biscuits in the mrng,. Helped me in my previous pregn

Have any of u feeling bloated ? My trousers r starting to get tight & i dont think its the weight gain as we are not even 1 month far. I am guessing its the bloating. So far no nausea or sickness !

I'll have to search for those biscuits but I typically drink ginger tea on a morning which has worked. But this morning I drank some coconut water then went to brush my teeth. That's when the puking started. It may be a combination of those two things.

As for bloat, some days I feel and and other days I don't.
Happy valentines day ladies :) Hope everyone is doing okay, we're ordering pizza for dinner:wohoo:
Anyone here suspect twins?
I missed it, but Happy Valentine's Day for yesterday! LOL! We had a sick toddler on our hands, thank goodness NOT the flu, so we stayed in and ordered mexican take out. It was delicious! My daughter's fever is finally staying down so I think she is on the mend from this nasty virus she has picked up.

Sorry for those feeling nauseous. I always heard watermelon was good for nausea but I haven't had to try it out. *Knock on wood*

Yes to the bloating. Pants feel a bit snug so I'm just wearing stretchy pants lol. I'm not a leggings kind of girl but I do have some dressier jeggings that I can wear to work so I'm sticking with those.

My appointment is coming up on Monday! This week seems to be flying by. I can't wait to see my little bean in there. As far as twins, my daughter tells me there are two babies in my belly but I think she just wants a brother and a sister so she is hoping for two. I was on fertility meds so we shall see!

I was nervous going into this week because this is when my bleeding started with my IC loss. I'm happy to report that so far everything is smooth sailing. They will check my cervical length when they do my ultrasound on Monday so I'm excited to see what it is. I'm feeling more and more confident with each passing day that this will be my rainbow baby. Fingers crossed for a nice strong hearth beat Monday!
Went to ER today and got a scan, docs saying I have fluid in my uterus and have a nice size cycst on my right ovary. But baby was fine, betas good and and hb of 120. Do anyone have experience with cyst or fluid in uterus? This is all new to me.
Went to ER today and got a scan, docs saying I have fluid in my uterus and have a nice size cycst on my right ovary. But baby was fine, betas good and and hb of 120. Do anyone have experience with cyst or fluid in uterus? This is all new to me.

I'm so happy to hear this update! I'm sorry, I have no experience with the cyst or fluid but what a relief to see the baby and heartbeat! :happydance:
Just had a call from the midwife, my first appointment is 6th of March :)
Gotta try and find time to fill out my maternity notes before hand, but my sons got tonsillitis so he's being really needy at the mo!
I am so bloated as well, I literally look about 6 months pregnant lol
Went to ER today and got a scan, docs saying I have fluid in my uterus and have a nice size cycst on my right ovary. But baby was fine, betas good and and hb of 120. Do anyone have experience with cyst or fluid in uterus? This is all new to me.

Glad baby is fine and I'm sure will continue to be fine. A friend of mine had a cyst while pregnant and as the baby grew there was a struggle for space. She bled quite a bit during the first 20 weeks until the cyst came out in a large clump. You could imagine the panic she had thinking she had lost her baby. But her daughter was just perfectly fine. The cyst lossed the battle for space.
Yes I was happy to see that little flicker on the screen 😍 But the mass looked kind of scary😱 I was put on Pelvic Rest and was told to schedule a appointment with my OB to keep a eye on the fluid and cyst.
Yes I was happy to see that little flicker on the screen 😍 But the mass looked kind of scary😱 I was put on Pelvic Rest and was told to schedule a appointment with my OB to keep a eye on the fluid and cyst.

Thatss sooo awesome ,, to see the little flicker on the screen ! hope all goes well with your cyst and fluid. Glad baby is doing fine :)
Went to ER today and got a scan, docs saying I have fluid in my uterus and have a nice size cycst on my right ovary. But baby was fine, betas good and and hb of 120. Do anyone have experience with cyst or fluid in uterus? This is all new to me.

Really glad to hear that! I can understand it must be a worry to find out about the fluid and cyst, but you've found out early and it can be kept an eye on to make sure your baby stays healthy.
Saraa yay for first appointment!! that's so exciting.

Trying glad to hear baby is okay! I don't know about the fluid but I had a sub chorionic hemorrhage and hemorrhagic cysts with DD2 and she turned out just fine :hugs: Hope theyre keeping an eye on it!

Lindsay sorry your little one was sick, never fun. we ordered pizza! That's too cute about your dd saying there are 2 babies haha! Oh I haven't heard of watermelon for nausea, I'm going to have to try that.
Yay for a scan soon!

AFM fell asleep during my lunch break and wound up late going back to work :sleep: luckily my coworker knows and didn't mind. lol
Wow, lots to catch up on!!!

I'm sorry to hear about the chemicals to the couple ladies that had them. I hope we see you back in the first tri board soon!!!

I'm so excited we will all be seeing ultrasound images soon! Mine is on Monday. I had to reschedule since my flight home from Hawaii was canceled. I guess a blizzard with 2 feet of snow is a good enough reason to cancel a flight....

AFM, feeling terribly bloated atm. Part of it was all the unhealthy food I had last week. My pants were noticeably more snug today at work 😆. Otherwise, almost fell asleep this afternoon at work. Thankfully I wasn't seeing any patients and none of my coworkers were either.

My co-workers have had this ongoing bet for the last almost 2 years as to when I'll announce my pregnancy. I went back to work today and one coworker announced they all made an official bet now that's I've been on my honeymoon. I am actually upset about this. I realize they don't my medical history but I find it very insensitive of them to do this. My DH and I have been trying for 13 months and I have PCOS. Just having the diagnosis of PCOS makes me kind of angry that they would make a bet. Infertility is a sensitive issue and to constantly make remarks like 'oh you'll be pregnant by summer!' Or, 'now that you've been on your honeymoon it's only a matter of time!'. These comments have been ongoing for almost 2 years and I'm sick of them. At the same time I haven't said anything to my coworkers because it's none of their damn business if I suffer from infertility and have been trying unsuccessfully for over a year and then needed clomid to help me get pregnant. And now I don't WANT to say anything because I am actually pregnant and will be announcing in a month anyway.

Okay- end rant. I guess I'm a bit moody and irritable today in addition to tired and bloated. BAH!
ME sorry your coworkers upset you but honestly I wouldn't take it so hard hon. Infertility and miscarriage are almost taboo topics, and people don't realize how many of us suffer with these issues. They mean well I'm sure, and it sounds like they'll be very happy for you when you choose to announce :hugs: if it makes you feel better, people don't even tell me congratulations, they say things like "well take care of yourself, hopefully it works out this time". So I understand how you feel.
Thanks ladies! I've been extremely tired and bloated also, looks like I'm 25 weeks 😂
MEPride like pp said I really wouldn't be upset by what they said. It sounds like if anything they're excited for you. I have realized that so many people don't even think of infertility or problems people experience while ttc becaus a lot of people don't struggle with it so it doesn't even cross their minds. If it makes you feel better I can relate in a way with how you're feeling. After my DH passed away his mother went and told everyone that I was pregnant. I am only 6w4d and I am extremely anxious about miscarriage. I felt she was so insensitive about telling others and that she stole that experience from me. And it only that but now if something happens I'll have to answer questions from EVERYONE about something extremely private. I've come to realize that people are just insensitive assholes sometimes and it usually stems from ignorance and I can't let it upset me.

AFM Valentines Day was extremely difficult without my husband. I did a lot of crying and thinking and missing him dearly. I feel so empty and numb from this situation. Sometimes I truly don't even believe any of it is happening. Life can be so cruel and unfair.

Besides that I've lost about 9lbs due to my loss of appetite and a pinch of MS. It's funny too because I can tell I've lost weight but I am slightly bloated in my lower belly. I'm excited to see how my baby bump turns out! I am going to take a picture and post it in the belly pics thread soon. Even tho I feel silly not even being in my 7th week yet. And speaking of I can't believe I'm almost done with my 6th week. It's crazy to think and I can't believe time is flying by so fast!

I've decided to go to the ER after work tomorrow as i can't wait any longer. My hcgs were 13,517 a week ago exactly so I'm pretty confident there will be enough to see on a scan to know if everything is alright. Now I'm just praying that when I go everything actually turns out to be okay! Gosh early pregnancy can be so scary and the thought that if something is wrong and I lose the baby and knowing I won't be able to try again cripples me with fear. I feel like no one can really relate to that because you see women on here have a miscarriage and as tragic as it is after the condolences the first word out of everyone's mouths are "you can try again soon" and that's not my situation. It makes me so angry and I'm mad at my husband for leaving me! Idk I'm sorry ladies I just needed to vent and have a pity party for myself.
Trying- usually a fluid-filled cyst will resolve itself during pregnancy. If it's a dermoid cyst than it could cause you more discomfort, but not always more complications.

Afm, I just got results from my 2nd beta...145! Up from 63 two days prior. So far so good. I can schedule an ultrasound around 7 or 8 weeks.

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