October Pumpkins 2017

It fine it doesn't make a difference to me . I'll enjoy all your guys updates I'll be back in a few cycles to try again I think that's our plan
Shanlee I also saw your post. I'm so sorry for your loss, but very excited that you're hear with your little bean :flower:

MEpride Yeah I'd like to skip to 15 weeks. I just need to get past that point.
Akinsmom2 I'm so sorry for your loss... I can't imagine what you are going through right now :hugs:

Stanlee16 I'm so sorry to hear of your loss :hugs:. Glad you are making sure everything is ok with baby, can never be too safe. Keep us posted!

Also congrats to all the newcomers, I just joined myself! :happydance:

I feel so anxious lately, seems time just crawls. My first appointment isn't until March 15th. Seems to be ages away right now. I just want to make sure everything is ok. I don't think we have anyone that really does private scans in our area but I'm gonna have a look around in case.
So forgot to mention that I had my blood drawn for HCG this morning...I had bleeding with both of my pregnancies and unfortunately am bleeding this pregnancy, thankfully, with all the bleeding and cramping it has resulted into healthy babies, so they just want to be safe with this baby as well. I got a call back and the first test is at 7859, so they mentioned that is a really high test and it's a great one, so I have another one scheduled for Monday.
Kitteykat that's fantastic you got good numbers! Has the spotting eased up at all?
Shanlee, I cannot fathom the depth of worry and grief you hold, big hugs.
Hi ladies,
Can I join please? I got my BFP on Tuesday. Estimated due date is 17th October. I'm feeling quite anxious and just desperately want it all to go ok. I have a 2 1/2 year old little girl. Before falling pregnant with her, I had a complicated miscarriage where my hcg levels were rising despite no sign of a fetus. The doctors feared ectopic pregnancy so I had emergency keyhole surgery. It turned out not to be ectopic but has understandably affected me quite a lot and made me paranoid something like that may happen again. I'm trying to protect my feelings by not getting excited until I've had a scan! Wishing we all have healthy and happy pregnancies!
Thank you everyone for your condolences. I am trying to stay as positive abs possible thru this horrible bandbox tragic time. I guess this would be a great place to ask if anyone knows of any sites similar to this one but for loss of spouses and family members? It would be great if they also had a section for losses during pregnancy but anything at all would be great!

On a side note I'm from the US and you guys have no idea how envious I am of you ladies who can go and get your betas drawn and know the results by the end of the day! When I asked my nurse what time I should expect a call yesterday she just near laughed in my face and said they wouldn't be in until at least Friday. The anticipation is killing me!!

Akinsmom my thoughts are with you right now. I just lost my fiancé (although we weren't married by law we were married at heart hence why I call him my DH) and I know that it gets old hearing peoole say "I'm so sorry" and "Sorry...this and that" so I won't even say it.
Try to find some sort of reassurance thru this hard time like the fact that at least your concerns were answered and you know what is going on. You don't have to live in that state of limbo anymore. I'm really glad you guys will continue to try again in a couple of cycles.
Hello, please can i join you guys? Date shows as 8/10 online, but anxiously waiting for scan...

I have two children age 4 and 5 already xx
Shanlee - Oh my goodness, I must have missed your post about your husband. I can't even imagine how you are feeling. I don't know of any groups specifically dealing with grief but I know facebook has groups for everything so it would definitely be worth looking on there if your a facebooker. I hope you are able to hear news soon about your betas.

Akinsmom - Best of luck as you try again in the next few months. I hope you keep us updated and I'll be praying for a nice sticky bean for you.

All the new ladies...welcome! I am so glad to see that we are getting a pretty good size group now and I can't wait to start seeing all those beautiful ultrasound pictures in the next few weeks.

Symptoms...still not a whole lot on my end, knock on wood. I've felt a bit nauseous a few times but it has passed quickly. I don't usually have many cravings during pregnancy but recently I have been craving speedy freezes (like a slushy type drink) from Speedway but I think it's more of the coldness I'm wanting than the flavor because it isn't a specific flavor I craze. That's new for me.

I cross over into 7 weeks on Monday so I'm creeping closer and closer to my first appointment. My nerves are over the top right now was because 7 weeks exactly is when my bleeding started with my last pregnancy and I bled until 12w1d when I lost the baby. I won't go into details on how it happened because none of us want/need to hear it, but please send positive vibes my way as I get through this time period.
I just want tuna mayonnaise and cucumber rolls, I'm gutted you can only have 3 tins a week! :haha:
My little boy isn't very well today and got up at 3am this morning, so I've just finished work to go pick him up from my mums. Could finally be the chicken pox coming out!
May I join, please? Just had a dating scan and I'm due October 9th.

I'm sorry for everyone's losses. I am also wishing all of you a very H&H 9months.
I couldn't tell you the last time I ate tuna lol but it doesn't sound the least bit appealing to me right now! I usually love chicken but unfortunately the two times I made chicken for dinner, even though they were recipes I usually love, I haven't been able to eat much. I'm not a big fish or red meat eater so I'm not sure what the heck I'm going to do if I can't eat chicken this pregnancy!

Of course Conundrum, welcome! How exciting that you've had a dating scan and have an official due date. :) Based off my last period, I am due October 2nd but that may change by a day or two after my ultrasound in 10 days. Eek!
Thank you Lindsay. This one was quite the surprise, and since I could not go off of my LMP my OB was nice enough to offer the early scan. I hope your scan goes well and your LO has an amazing HB, not too much longer for you! Hopefully your appetite returns to normal soon and this pregnancy is smooth sailing.
Hi everyone, can I join too? Just got my BFP yesterday at 10dpo.

My due date is October 23 based on when I o'd. :)
Hello everyone :)
Got a dark BFP on 15DPO! Faint on 12 DPO.
Expected due date is October 12th!
This is my first pregnancy!
It seems like lots of you are having scans and early appointments. Whereabouts is everyone from? I'm in the UK. You don't see a doctor when you find out you're pregnant. Just fill out an online referral form then a midwife will get in contact from 8 weeks. You don't have a scan until 12 weeks either! I'm paranoid and want reassurance so will pay out for a private scan, although that'll cost about £100!
MrsD I think it must depend on the hospital/clinic you go to. I'm in the US but am seen in a military hospital. They do your booking in/paperwork appointment usually around 6-8 weeks, and they don't do an u/s until around 12 weeks. It can be different for women who have had losses though, that they may do ultrasounds earlier.

Welcome to the new ladies!

sara anything with mayo just puts me off lol but I do like it in tuna, and that actually sounds amazing now....like a tuna sandwich with pickles.

Lindsay I know how that feels. That will be me when I get around the 13-15week mark. :hugs:

Shanlee I think that must be based on the dr you are seeing, here if I get blood drawn I get my results the next day.
With my son all I wanted my steak... I had it like 2 or 3 times a week lol! Probably why he's so strong and well built :haha:
I can't face pizza at the mo, I've got fajitas to do tomorrow just hope I fancy them when the time comes lol x
Mrs D, I'm uk too. If you've had multiple miscarriages they will sometimes let you have an early scan. I'm booked in for a 6 week scan (although I'll probably be 5 weeks 4 days), but I did get lucky with a nice, understanding doc. Otherwise, yeah, 12 weeks is the earliest (or thereabouts). A few people have said the private scans are really worth it. :hugs:

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