October Pumpkins 2017

I had my 37 week appointment yesterday, I've been slowly losing my plug over the last few weeks, but last night I had my "show" so he could literally be here at anytime. I am about 3 CM dilated and very very favorable, so that's a wonderful thing. Seems like these babies are going to be September babies instead of October babies! I would be very surprised if I went another week pregnant. The midwife guesses he is around 6 lbs or so.

The good news I got, was since I am one that has very fast labors (7 and 5 hour labors) that some of the "signs/symptoms/what to do" are different than others. Once I start having back pains and contracting, she doesn't want me to wait too long..so I can only be having "real" contractions for about 30 minutes, than they want me to come on and I will be the first one they see, no matter what. Luckily, I'm really close to all the midwives, so therefore, if I end up having to take the kids in with me, they will accommodate me and help out with the kids, I have a bag of toys packed for the kids just in case :)
Yay, Kittey, how exciting! Good luck and keep us updated!
Some exciting things happening here! Soon our babies will be here :happydance:

Kittey sounds like your LO will be here very soon! Definitely keep us posted :)

MrsReed any sign of baby coming yet?

Any one else feel like their LO is close to arriving? At my 36 week appointment I was 3 cm dilated already and at my 37 week appointment I had moved up to a 4! He also said I'm thinned out already so it could be any day here as well :happydance: I haven't been feeling any contractions or anything, not even BH so no idea how I dilated without feeling it.
I’m still here.. pregnant!

Nothing much has happened since! Hubby and I DTD twice over weekend and I’m getting horrid ‘period’ type cramps. But I don’t feel like baby will come yet.

I have another MW appointment on Wed, so will request another sweep. If no baby by next week (DD) I will be induced medically.. so baby needs to come! I’m ready Baby Reed.. times up!:haha:
Hope the baby comes soon mrsreed

I was hoping my midwife would do a stretch and sweep when I saw her on Friday 37+5 but she said the consultant will do it at my growth scan appointment when I'm 39+5. I hope it works, if not they will induce me a week later by breaking my waters but the midwife has now told me that they can give me a drip if syntocin if the breaking my waters doesn't work. I'm not sure if I want the drip so might just ask for a section if the breaking waters doesn't a work. Really don't know what to do ☹️
I've been getting lovely prodromal (/latent/false) labour episodes and been feeling nauseous at random times since Wednesday. Hoping this means baby will come soon! I'm 37+3 today, actually made it long enough to have my prenatal class & tour at the hospital, and I'm SO ready to be done now :haha: Pelvic pain & discomfort doesn't stop at all anymore - just more and less comfortable positions. I'm also constantly ready to go back to bed for the night. We were out at the local nascar track's last event of the season yesterday and I kept zoning out and missing 5 laps or so of the race I was watching.
Been having period pains throughout the whole night....with my daughter I didn't have any back pains throughout labor at all, so we will see if this is it :) Having contractions but they are definitely not strong yet.

In other news (in my life)...my friend from high school had her baby today after 2 weeks overdue...the baby weighed 7 lbs, 10 oz. Also, our puppy's Mommy had another liter today, 10 puppies :)
i have a midwife appointment on Monday will be 38wks and 1 day i have asked her already if she will do a sweep but she has said no they only do them when you reach 41weeks :(

i am so ready to have this baby now - what are you ladies doing at home to help bring things on? i was induced with my daughter and i really dnt want that to be the case this time i am praying for a water birth at a closer hospital but if i need to be induced i wont get in the water and have to go to a hospital further away
Hey Ladies, some of you are SO close to having your babies now!!! Eek!

I lost some of my plug yesterday I believe? I didn't happen with my son. It was clear jelly like. I've read it could be hours, days or up to 2 weeks after that with the average being 3-5 days. Still doesn't tell me much. My hubby did a belly cast on me last night just in case lol.

Can't Wait to hear which little ones are born first!
i have a midwife appointment on Monday will be 38wks and 1 day i have asked her already if she will do a sweep but she has said no they only do them when you reach 41weeks :(

i am so ready to have this baby now - what are you ladies doing at home to help bring things on? i was induced with my daughter and i really dnt want that to be the case this time i am praying for a water birth at a closer hospital but if i need to be induced i wont get in the water and have to go to a hospital further away

I guess each trust is different? My MW offered me the sweep at 38 weeks as I’m not a first time mum? Same as you. I’m drinking raspberry leaf tea, and rubbing Clary Sage oil onto bump.. although nothing will work if baby isn’t ready.. which mine isn’t :dohh:
Well after having swollen hands and feet all weekend I called my MW this morning.i had pre-e in my last pregnancy so I have to be cautious.. whilst seeing my MW she did another sweep but I’m still only 1cm!! Frustrating! She managed to do it again though so that’s ok. Then I spent 4 hours in hospital having BP checked only to be sent home again.

I’m seeing my MW on Wed ( I’ll be 39 weeks) where she will do another sweep. She has also contacted my consultant to book me in for an induction! Hoping that will be this week or early next week. My due date is actually next week!! Omg!
I only got to 34 weeks ( and that was pushing it!) with my son so I’m super proud of my body for cooking this baby.
Same here, Amanda, they won't get involved via sweep or induction until I'm overdue. I'm 37w2d today and having a better day today but getting fed up now. Had on and off period pain from Fri through Sun, and my on/off achey rib pain is now a lovely stabbing pain. It's mostly when baby's butt (I assume) is putting pressure on my right ribs, but the pain's intense and keeping me up at night. At least it's not too bad during the day. As if peeing every hour at night wasn't enough! But my anxiety about labour is getting worse too... so I'm torn between wanting it to hurry up and wanting it to stay away :dohh:
Hi ladies!

Good to see everyone in various stages and so close to the finish line now!

I've had a great pregnancy overall, this is my last week at work (kinda sad to stop working actually!) Work kept my mind off the aches and pains, so it served me well.

Had my 38w3days doc appointment today. Doc checked my cervix - I'm at 1.5 cms and 50% effaced �� She also did a membrane sweep, but said with first time mom's one sweep doesn't lead to labor anyway. But she did say I will be earlier than my EDD of 10/7.

So we wait! Can't wait to see and hear your progress ladies! Exciting times!!!! ������
So I'll definitely be having my daughter by the end of next week as oppose to waiting on my edd of 10/10. I have to go in the hospital Sunday 1st to do a vaginal exam and if I'm dilated they'll rupture my water bag. If not, then they'll schedule a c section later in the week. I've been having some scar tenderness as baby descends so they're watching it.
Good luck with your section Jumik!

Had my 3rd sweep today ( MW said they only do it this early for mums who have had babies before?) I’m still only 1-2cm and not effaced. I am seeing my consultant on Friday to discuss induction. Hoping he will do it before 40 weeks which is a week today as I am suffering so badly with my SPD..
Good luck, Jumik!

Hope that 3rd sweep gets you progressing, MrsR!

Hope everyone else is doing well :) I've got my 38 week midwife appointment today (although I'm only 37w5d). Not expecting anything much to have changed, although considering the rib pain I had last night and the pressure this morning, I am a little concerned the baby has changed position. Guess I'll find out later!
I have my 38 week appointment today...I'm 38 weeks, 5 days. I had diarrhea really bad for about 4 hours last night, I was going almost every 15 minutes...and I was contracting along with it. What a horrible night.

Anyways, I woke up this morning, and lost more of my mucus plug and it was "bloody" I have been trying to get caught up with homework and not really thinking much of things, but I am now noticing more and more cramping and horrible back pain.

I am excited, but not thinking too much of anything quite yet. My appointment is in a half hour so I'm getting through the pain and will see what happens at my appointment...perfect scenario would be, I would be 4 CM and she would send me to the hospital to get things moving along but chances of that happening are slim. We will see :)
I have my 38 week appointment today...I'm 38 weeks, 5 days. I had diarrhea really bad for about 4 hours last night, I was going almost every 15 minutes...and I was contracting along with it. What a horrible night.

Anyways, I woke up this morning, and lost more of my mucus plug and it was "bloody" I have been trying to get caught up with homework and not really thinking much of things, but I am now noticing more and more cramping and horrible back pain.

I am excited, but not thinking too much of anything quite yet. My appointment is in a half hour so I'm getting through the pain and will see what happens at my appointment...perfect scenario would be, I would be 4 CM and she would send me to the hospital to get things moving along but chances of that happening are slim. We will see :)

How exciting!! I'm routing for your best case scenario!!! Hope you are able to cope with the pain. Take care!!! :)
I'm 38w5d too. I lost my mucous plug yesterday morning (brown and some pink streaks). Lost some more this morning. No pain/contractions yet.

Waiting for something to happen!
Well my appointment went good, but I'm home! I am so close to being able to go in and get things going. I am 3.5 CM dilated, completely thinned out and completely effaced. So it's just a matter of that little .5 CM dilation, she was able to give me a really good stretch for a good 15 minutes (since my pain tolerance is quite high) and we will see what happens over the weekend! <3

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